Liberty Insider

My Time In India

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI190430A

00:27 Welcome to Liberty Insider.
00:30 This is a program designed to bring you up-to-date
00:33 on religious liberty developments around the world,
00:36 not just in the United States,
00:38 and to discuss them in a way that can tell you
00:41 the underlying dynamic behind some of these developments.
00:45 My name is Lincoln Steed, Editor of Liberty Magazine.
00:48 And my guest on the program is...
00:52 I was going to call you professor,
00:53 but let's just call you Elder, pastor.
00:54 Pastor will help, yeah.
00:56 Kingsley Palmer,
00:57 a religious liberty leader
00:59 for the Seventh-day Adventist Church
01:02 and a good raconteur, to throw in a little French.
01:07 But let's not go to France, let's go to India.
01:11 Right.
01:13 You've had an interesting history
01:14 in England,
01:15 and living for many, many years in the US,
01:17 but for some time, you were based in India,
01:21 you taught in India.
01:22 Yeah, we taught in the '90s in India
01:26 at what is now known as Spicer University.
01:29 It was Spicer College at the time.
01:32 And that came about
01:33 because we were doing graduate studies in England,
01:36 and we had a three-month project,
01:37 my wife and I,
01:39 and we wanted to do it overseas in a place
01:42 where we could get an experience,
01:45 another perception.
01:46 And I'm sure you got an experience.
01:48 Oh, yes.
01:49 It changed my life when I visited India first
01:52 as a young person.
01:54 There's really no country like it.
01:55 I mean, every country is unique in its own way,
01:57 but India is just overwhelming to every sense.
01:59 It is.
02:01 And the sense that I'll start with
02:03 is India is the country of many gods,
02:07 the different Hindu deities, a myriad,
02:12 and the whole theology
02:15 and history that lies behind that.
02:17 And, of course, there's many Muslims in India.
02:21 There's just subtext of all religious activity,
02:24 and you can make a pretty good argument
02:27 that India was a focus of human development
02:30 in the world, not just,
02:31 what's it, Olduvai Gorge or whatever in Kenya,
02:36 it was with Louis Leakey,
02:39 but the history of India goes way, way back.
02:42 In fact,
02:43 some people that I think are pursuing
02:46 a rather dead end philosophical religious endeavor
02:50 try to say that Jesus was trained in India
02:53 in the hidden years and brought Indian philosophy.
02:55 That's an interesting one.
02:58 But I'm sure it was overwhelming to you
03:02 when you went to India from every level,
03:04 but on the religious level,
03:06 how did you relate to that
03:07 as someone from a Christian background
03:10 going to India?
03:11 Well, again,
03:13 we had an Indian community in England before I left,
03:16 so we had some kind of connection
03:18 to that community.
03:20 And when we went there,
03:21 I mean, what we saw was just absolutely eye-opening
03:28 in terms of being there and seeing the diversity
03:32 of belief systems that were in place,
03:35 and how they governed how people lived separately.
03:39 And each group was passionately connected
03:45 in defense of their particular religious persuasion,
03:49 so many...
03:50 Thousands and hundreds of gods
03:56 in the pantheon of Hinduism,
03:58 and then you had other religions,
04:01 and, of course, Islam, the Muslim community,
04:05 it was eye-opening, it was, I would say,
04:08 transformative and very, very educational,
04:11 although I was teaching
04:12 at a Christian, an Adventist University.
04:16 Over the years,
04:17 I've mentioned it on this program,
04:19 but are you aware of the writings
04:21 of Stanley Jones?
04:22 No, I'm not.
04:23 He was a missionary, nearly 100 years ago,
04:27 Protestant missionary to India.
04:29 I think he was from the US,
04:31 but I always read it
04:32 as though he had an English background,
04:34 but I believe he came from the US.
04:37 A book of his pretty much changed my thinking
04:40 if not my life.
04:41 He has a book called The Christ of the Indian Road.
04:45 And he went to India in several periods.
04:51 And the first time he went,
04:52 I think it was eight, nine years or whatever,
04:56 no success, didn't baptize anybody,
04:59 pretty much broke himself on the system
05:01 that you're talking about,
05:02 the many gods
05:04 and the totally non-Western way of thinking
05:06 on religious matters.
05:08 And he had a sort of mental breakdown even.
05:11 And it was the second time around
05:13 when he was conducting a discussion
05:16 with some Brahmins.
05:19 And one of them said to him, he says,
05:21 "I don't want the God of your Western culture.
05:26 I don't want your Western God."
05:29 And so Jones thought quickly,
05:31 and he described the Jesus like a holy Man in India
05:35 living among the common people,
05:37 walking down the street, connecting with them.
05:40 And he says the Brahman thought,
05:43 and he says,
05:44 "I could learn to love the Christ of the Indian road."
05:48 And I'm sure...
05:49 Yes, and it is true.
05:51 You know, one of the things...
05:53 of the many things that I learned
05:54 from my time there,
05:56 you have to go to places
05:58 wherever you go with an open mind.
06:00 You have to...
06:02 In your engagement, in your discussion,
06:03 and we have a lot of students,
06:05 some were former Hindus,
06:06 Muslims, they were transitioning.
06:09 Of course, I taught in the theology department,
06:12 and it was interesting to sit and listen
06:14 to how they understood the concept of deity,
06:18 why they served who they served
06:20 or what they served
06:22 and try to introduce the God of the Jesus,
06:27 the God of the Indian road.
06:30 And that in itself was transformative for me
06:34 and informative.
06:37 The sad thing about it is, and I see elements of it here,
06:40 looking back,
06:42 is that we've almost gone down the same road,
06:45 where you have the caste system,
06:47 the separations of people,
06:49 depending on the social strata,
06:53 and it being used to separate them,
06:57 okay, and subjugate them.
07:02 Yeah, 'cause the cast system is more than separation,
07:05 it's to box you in that you can't move outside that.
07:06 And to suppress.
07:07 Yes.
07:09 In many ways, in the West, we have a type of caste system,
07:12 we call it class.
07:14 They call it caste.
07:15 And while I was there, they taught...
07:19 I discovered that they taught Christianity
07:22 as a philosophy
07:24 and not necessarily as a religion.
07:26 I had a problem with that, coming from the West,
07:28 but I had to adjust my understanding
07:31 and my teaching methods to encompass
07:36 the different viewpoints.
07:37 And there was always something to be learned from them
07:39 even if I didn't totally agree.
07:42 I argued that it was not a philosophy.
07:45 This is a way of life.
07:47 This is equality, this is fair treatment,
07:49 this is anti-discrimination, and that's what you get.
07:53 So I taught that,
07:54 and I would ask some of my students,
07:56 "why did you become a Christian?"
07:58 And the stories were very, very informative.
08:02 But I'm sure you came up against it in India
08:06 as in many other countries
08:08 that there was a recurring tendency
08:11 of Christian missions
08:12 to offer sort of a better life here and now,
08:18 and they were tangible positives
08:20 to becoming a Christian.
08:21 And often people became a Christian
08:23 for here and now reasons,
08:25 and, you know, it was called you're a rice Christian
08:27 'cause you get more rice.
08:30 Where it seems to me, in India, they were correct.
08:34 Not so much that Christianity is a philosophy,
08:36 but it's a different philosophical view
08:38 of the universe.
08:39 Right.
08:41 I don't think the cosmology
08:44 of the Old Testament
08:46 and Jesus represented that in the New Testament,
08:49 but that cosmology is not the same
08:51 or easily integrated with the Indian view of,
08:54 you know, the religious Hindu view
08:57 of everything,
08:59 you know, reincarnation,
09:00 and multiple gods, and the battles.
09:03 Well, it's true, we have war in heaven.
09:04 But still, it's just another reality.
09:08 And some of them, as you move from state to state,
09:11 was so completely different from what the others did.
09:14 And so you had all these independent states,
09:18 which were almost like separate kingdoms
09:20 or separate governments pushed together,
09:23 forced together.
09:25 As you well know, India is a continent,
09:26 but it's not a...
09:28 It's subcontinent, yes.
09:29 Yes, it's true, it's not a continent,
09:31 but I mean, it's a continental reality,
09:35 the huge landmass there,
09:37 but it's not one people's, it became one because,
09:41 you know, England ruled that large area.
09:43 Several hundred years.
09:45 But it's a false distinction, in some ways,
09:48 but in India and Pakistan and even Afghanistan,
09:51 and at least,
09:52 that is a common sort of culture,
09:54 but huge travel differences, even religions.
09:58 But what we did discover while we were there
10:02 with these different divergent belief systems in place,
10:06 and here we are, a Christian university,
10:09 Protestant, actually trying
10:12 to bridge the gap and the divide.
10:13 And not only that,
10:15 you had students from other countries
10:17 that were there,
10:18 who were more in line with what we teach
10:20 in the West in terms of religion.
10:22 But in the state of Kerala,
10:25 and it's reported and it's understood
10:27 that one of the disciples namely Thomas
10:29 went to Kerala and introduced Christianity.
10:33 And Kerala, beautiful place, had high literacy rate,
10:39 upwards of 85%, and that was several years ago,
10:43 the standard of living was better,
10:44 and all those other things.
10:46 And it was a demonstration,
10:48 I think, a really powerful demonstration,
10:50 economically, socially or what have you
10:53 of what happens when Christianity,
10:55 rightly applied, can be transformational.
11:00 Moving around and having an open mind as a teacher,
11:05 because you go to teach, but you also have to be taught.
11:08 The sad thing about it was when we got there,
11:13 that we were not distinctively
11:15 the stereotypical Anglo missionaries.
11:21 It was a bit of a shock.
11:23 That might have helpful.
11:24 It was very beneficial.
11:25 It was more of a blank slate, find yourself.
11:27 Yes.
11:29 Yeah, and so we discovered that,
11:32 from the standpoint of our own experience,
11:34 you know, having to experience
11:36 the societal inequities that we suffered,
11:41 we were able to engage with the community.
11:45 We always had children at the house
11:48 every single weekend.
11:51 Muslims, we had Eritreans, and we had Somalians,
11:54 we had Christians, we had all kinds of...
11:57 And they came together for the time
11:59 that we were there,
12:01 and we still have, all these years later,
12:03 remarkable and memorable experiences.
12:06 And the kids are in touch with us, but yes.
12:08 You were talking about what happened in Kerala.
12:10 And it is worth remembering in the Christian context,
12:14 Seventh-day Adventist, correctly,
12:16 are committed to proclaiming the gospel,
12:18 and we see an endpoint,
12:20 you know, the gospel to all the world.
12:22 But it's worth remembering
12:23 that it went to all the world pretty much in one generation.
12:27 Thomas, and then we know in the British Isles and so on.
12:31 So the end of all things is not dependent
12:34 upon some checklist of countries
12:36 that we're taking Christianity to.
12:38 It was taken very quickly.
12:39 And it did make a difference in some countries.
12:42 But you're talking about spiritual change.
12:46 Again, with Stanley Jones,
12:47 I'm reminded of another one of his books.
12:51 He tells spending time with Gandhi at his ashram,
12:55 and they discussed spiritual matters
12:57 and Gandhi famously...
12:59 Many people know the quote he said that,
13:01 you know, Christianity was fine,
13:02 but he didn't like Christians.
13:04 You know, they weren't exemplifying the principle.
13:06 But when they spoke about finding god,
13:08 which is a spiritual quest everywhere,
13:11 whether you're Christian, Muslim, Hindu, whatever,
13:13 people try to find god.
13:16 And Gandhi says, "Yes, you can find god."
13:18 But he says, "No, it may take ages,
13:21 and no miracles are to be expected."
13:24 And Jones said
13:26 that he went back to his room that night,
13:27 got down, and prayed fervently, and he says,
13:30 I don't know about what he says,
13:31 but he says, "All I know is I need to find God,
13:34 and I need a miracle in my life."
13:36 It's interesting that you mentioned Gandhi
13:38 because Gandhi also said
13:41 when it comes to the way
13:43 that religion was taught through missionaries,
13:48 and intentionally, unintentionally,
13:50 one doesn't know.
13:51 But he said, "I like your Jesus,
13:54 it's the application of your religion
13:55 that I don't like."
13:56 It's the variation of the same quote, didn't...
13:58 Christians were not exemplifying Christ.
14:00 Exactly, and we did see some of that,
14:04 you know, in terms of how they perceived us
14:08 coming from the west,
14:10 you know, they considered their civilizations
14:14 being a lot longer developed
14:16 and been around a whole lot longer,
14:18 and so there was some suspicion even...
14:22 The charge is always easily given.
14:25 I don't think we should be as scared of it
14:29 as we sometimes are,
14:31 but there shouldn't be a total dislocation
14:33 between the God you present and the faith that you live.
14:38 But, of course, none of us can be Christ on Earth.
14:41 We'll take a short break,
14:43 and we'll come back to talk a little more of India
14:47 and other religious viewpoints
14:50 and how we can function in a global world
14:53 with religious diversity.


Revised 2019-04-19