Liberty Insider

Forcing Religious Culture

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI190423B

00:04 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider
00:06 after a short break,
00:07 now we get down to the nitty-gritty again.
00:09 And, you know, it all comes back to,
00:12 I think how does the individual
00:14 relates to this and really as I said earlier
00:16 to the Reformation.
00:18 The Reformation was like
00:20 a bad opening for Christians
00:23 who were seeking truth,
00:24 the Word of God, it's like the truth
00:27 now is available to anyone,
00:28 not what someone else tells you.
00:30 You know, it's interesting because Luther,
00:32 when he was pushing into the reform
00:35 was very keen on getting rid of anything
00:38 that he could not demonstrate from scripture.
00:41 But he started backpedaling after the peasants' revolution,
00:47 and the slaughter of all these peasants,
00:48 and he started backpedaling and saying,
00:52 "Well, maybe we should only get rid of those things
00:55 that are directly against Scripture
00:56 rather than getting rid of everything
00:58 if it's not found in Scripture.
01:01 And in most groups hit that, I mean,
01:04 in the Adventist setting James White hit that as well.
01:07 At first, get rid of everything
01:08 except for what we can prove from Scripture,
01:10 and then it's like,
01:11 "Well, maybe we can't get rid of everything
01:12 because of the fact that those things
01:16 that are demonstrable in Scripture
01:20 don't cover all the categories
01:21 that we need to be addressing today."
01:24 Well, I think from what the way you're describing,
01:26 he had the problem
01:28 that some of our own members have now.
01:31 They're sort of on a quest to reinvent everything
01:34 and to define the whole thing as Christian,
01:37 where it seems to me the baseline thing
01:40 of being a Christian should be there,
01:42 and Adventist have a particular viewpoint for our times,
01:45 and a particular interpretation of one element.
01:49 But in the main, all of the assumptions
01:52 and advantages of people studying through the ages
01:55 should be appropriated by us.
01:57 We're not reinventing the whole thing.
01:59 And it's interesting that you put it
02:02 in terms of studying through history.
02:04 We're talking about Bible study through history,
02:07 we're talking about people picking up the Bible
02:08 and reading it through history,
02:10 which is very different than sitting and listening
02:11 to somebody tell you what to believe
02:14 because a lot of that happened through history too.
02:17 The church fathers, the church directors,
02:20 that the priests, and the bishops,
02:22 and even in the Reformation it becomes, the new clergy
02:26 starts telling everybody what to believe.
02:28 And that's not so unusual when you think about it
02:31 while they had this illumination
02:35 on the need for average person to study the Bible,
02:38 their whole structure, their mindset, their habits
02:41 were exactly as it had been with the Roman Catholic Church
02:43 for all that time,
02:45 so it's no mystery to me why Calvin and others
02:49 tended to behave rather similarly
02:51 when they had the chance.
02:53 That's all they knew. Yeah.
02:56 But the reality is they had broken officially
03:00 from accepting what the church taught as true
03:03 to needing to find out truth from Scripture,
03:06 and that's a big shift.
03:08 Now, how do we get to that spot of
03:12 the church is the one who teaches this,
03:16 and that is what is right and nothing else can happen.
03:18 And what does that mean for individual rights?
03:20 Now I'll go back to the original statement I made.
03:22 I know that it's the crown jewels for Rome,
03:28 particularly, this statement of Jesus to Peter
03:31 that, you know, whatever you seal here
03:33 or whatever you damn here, that'll be done also in heaven.
03:37 And I'm not sure anyone,
03:40 I've never heard anyone
03:43 totally transparently explain that.
03:45 But I'm quite certain that it was over applied.
03:49 I mean, it would be foolish on its face,
03:52 except that it's being done by the Jesuits and others
03:54 to say that, that something antithetical
03:57 to God's principles could be enunciated
03:59 by a church leader here
04:00 and God would honor such a thing?
04:02 Can't be.
04:03 Now, interestingly enough
04:04 in the understanding of what is truth
04:08 and the church is the ones who are the arbiter of it.
04:12 During Cyprian's time,
04:13 in the middle of the third century,
04:17 he comes up with three statements
04:19 that are attempting to try to help to unify the church
04:22 and clarify things.
04:24 And he does not honor it by himself,
04:27 he does it in conversation with other bishops and such,
04:30 but he asserts rather strongly,
04:33 there is no salvation outside the church.
04:36 He says...
04:38 The way he puts it is,
04:39 "You cannot have God as your Father
04:41 unless you have the church as your mother."
04:44 And this only flows if the actions of the church
04:50 are actually bringing salvation.
04:52 Doesn't that ignore of Jesus' statement,
04:53 "Other sheep have I not of this," pastor.
04:55 It does, it completely flies in the face of many things,
04:59 Jesus says, "Come to Me,"
05:02 Jesus says, "Not come to the church."
05:04 And in reality, you have it that
05:08 the church ends up saying,
05:10 "What we do causes salvation."
05:13 Now interestingly enough, the other two things
05:14 that are said by Cyprian there is that the next one
05:17 is the church equals the bishops,
05:19 "Where you find the bishop, there you find the church."
05:22 It makes it, so that it's not all the people
05:25 that are the church per se,
05:26 so much as it is the bishop that defines the church.
05:29 And then the third thing,
05:31 therefore only the bishop can forgive sins
05:33 or only the bishop is the one who knows adequately enough
05:37 to declare when someone is forgiven or not.
05:39 And so this is the idea behind coming to your bishop
05:44 and demonstrating that you know of your sins,
05:48 and then getting absolution.
05:49 I often ask questions
05:51 where I think I know the answer,
05:52 but no one put this, but it just hit me, you know,
05:56 more and more in the Middle Ages.
05:59 Bishoprics and other church appointments
06:01 were as much political, as religious,
06:06 and so many secular people were put in these positions.
06:10 So how would they think
06:11 that the secular person would have any judgment
06:14 or an ability to specify spiritual things?
06:18 Well, the official argument kind of goes,
06:21 they don't need to
06:23 because if they defy the church,
06:26 then they need to be reprimanded by the church.
06:29 The church is the authority,
06:30 the church is the one that is hold in line,
06:32 and if one individual is jumping out of line
06:35 that they will be brought back.
06:39 But, according to Augustine's argument,
06:43 it is not the right action or the right thinking
06:46 of the individual that causes the efficacy
06:49 of the actions of salvation,
06:51 it is the Ordo,
06:53 it is the fact that they have the Holy Spirit
06:56 through the ordination of the church,
06:58 therefore what they do is right,
07:01 even if they themselves are not good people.
07:04 And I can actually think of one example that...
07:07 Before I ask my question, I didn't think of this,
07:09 but Thomas Becket seems to me, feels that absolutely wasn't.
07:12 He wasn't a priest, he had no religious background.
07:15 Well, he had been...
07:17 I thought he trained briefly, but the deacon, yeah.
07:19 He trained as an archdeacon,
07:20 and had gone as far as an archdeacon.
07:22 But he certainly wasn't in the church stream of things,
07:25 he was a very secular type.
07:27 And he go straight to the top,
07:29 and he's the only saint of both the Church of England
07:32 and the Catholic Church.
07:36 And I think what he did was admirable, I mean,
07:38 in fighting back against the king
07:40 trying to control the church.
07:44 But it brings the pendulum too far,
07:46 if he gets what he actually says,
07:48 'cause Becket was arguing the church line
07:51 against the king.
07:52 And what we view him as today
07:55 as balancing an out of control king.
08:00 Well, that's true if he'd be left
08:01 to his own debacle.
08:03 Because according to him, the church says no wrong,
08:05 and therefore it has to be,
08:07 everything has to be judged for by the old priest,
08:11 no matter if they're doing right or wrong,
08:12 need to be judged only by the church.
08:13 Yeah, and you're right,
08:15 I was about to bring up that point.
08:16 A big part of the English reformation
08:18 of Henry VIII
08:20 wasn't just justifying his marriage
08:22 or even bringing himself into line
08:24 with some of the theological developments
08:28 that were part of the Reformation.
08:30 There was this antipathy
08:31 to the independence of the church
08:33 that had its own church courts in opposition to civil courts,
08:36 and in particular with the priest,
08:38 although anybody could go to a church court,
08:40 but the priests, you know...
08:42 Could only go to church courts. Right.
08:44 And they would do egregious things
08:46 and the church would rap them on the knuckles,
08:48 you know, if you Hail Marys,
08:49 and you're okay and here, you know.
08:51 And then, of course, the other thing
08:53 that is big part of it in England,
08:55 the state wanted the properties the church had
08:59 because they would become a competing entity.
09:01 Well, not just competing, by the time
09:03 you get to Henry's reign,
09:05 approximately 60% of the land mass
09:07 belonged to the church
09:09 because every generation would donate
09:11 more to the church, and the church
09:12 would just keep it and keep.
09:14 So that was the first act
09:15 to appropriate all of that property
09:16 for the state.
09:18 And you know,
09:19 that's not in itself a good thing
09:21 but it was setting things straight
09:24 from an overbalance of the church
09:25 taking all of this property prerogatives,
09:30 and even on civil law.
09:32 But there you have two competing ideas
09:35 of who's in charge.
09:36 And neither one of those is in balance.
09:37 You're right, good point.
09:39 And if you get one of them too strong,
09:40 they imbalance it their direction,
09:41 if the other one gets too strong,
09:43 they imbalance it their direction
09:44 But going back to Cyprian for a minute,
09:45 Cyprian actually had a caveat that he gave.
09:49 "Only the bishops can forgive sins," he said,
09:52 "and there's no salvation outside the church."
09:54 But he said in a caveat,
09:56 "If the church makes a mistake, God will overrule."
10:01 And the caveat is not quoted very often
10:03 by those who are applying Cyprian's laws.
10:05 But we say that today, you know,
10:07 God will set them straight.
10:08 I don't think He does
10:10 against human nature and human error you know,
10:13 if we want to sell the church to the devil himself,
10:17 unfortunately that will happen.
10:19 Right, but we're talking about the salvation.
10:20 God moves upon hearts,
10:22 not upon actions against the heart.
10:24 Right, but in the context to Cyprian's
10:26 talking about salvation itself.
10:28 And in the area of salvation,
10:31 Cyprian argues that the church has the right
10:35 to forgive or not to forgive,
10:37 to withhold forgiveness or to give forgiveness.
10:40 But if the church makes a mistake,
10:42 God will intervene.
10:44 That part was forgotten for most of the Middle Ages.
10:51 A few years ago,
10:52 the Roman Catholic Church came out
10:53 with a very interesting document
10:55 called Memory and Reconciliation.
10:58 And I give them credit
10:59 for wanting to divest themselves
11:02 of some of the more embarrassing
11:05 past episodes of church history,
11:07 things like the persecution of the Jews,
11:09 the crusades, and so on.
11:13 But in reality, it's not that easily done,
11:15 especially as that document was a bit disingenuous
11:18 and reserve the magisterium to be sort of beyond fault.
11:25 But when we come to the end of our days,
11:27 and when human beings come to the end of days,
11:31 and face the judgment power of God,
11:34 we can't escape our actions.
11:37 We can only ask for forgiveness for them.
11:39 And the Reformation,
11:41 I think, brought us quite a way toward that realization
11:44 that we stand as individual beings
11:47 before God,
11:48 and we are responsible for our actions,
11:50 but ultimately, God forgives
11:52 and that's the hope that I think stands before us.
11:55 That's the goal that we're striving to
11:57 for emphasizing individual conscience,
12:00 religious liberty and freedom for all.
12:04 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2019-03-14