Liberty Insider

Gobble Gobble

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI180420A

00:27 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:29 This is your program bringing you news,
00:31 views, updates, analysis,
00:33 and I hope interesting discussion
00:36 on religious liberty events in the US and around the world.
00:39 My name is Lincoln Steed,
00:40 and I'm editor of Liberty Magazine.
00:43 And by way of advertising,
00:44 I have to remind you that this is a magazine
00:46 that's been around for 100 years
00:48 dedicated to religious freedom for all
00:50 under the model of separation of church and state.
00:52 Please read it when you get a chance,
00:54 go online.
00:55 My guest on this program is John Ashmeade,
01:00 Attorney John Ashmeade,
01:03 Associate Director of the Public Affairs
01:05 of Religious Liberty Department for the Atlantic Union
01:08 of the Seventh-day Adventist church,
01:09 which is on the northeastern seaboard,
01:12 mostly of the US.
01:14 Let's talk about some current affairs
01:17 and what that might have a bearing on religious liberty.
01:22 I'm very interested in history, generally,
01:24 but particularly after going to Turkey a few years ago,
01:27 staying in Istanbul,
01:30 I used to more and more see that as a huge center
01:33 of some serious developments
01:35 that are affecting world geopolitics
01:38 and religious liberty.
01:40 And I know you're aware of a very important case
01:43 that our Religious Liberty Department
01:45 will be watching with a Christian missionary.
01:47 What's his name, Andrew... Andrew Bronson.
01:49 Andrew Brunson. What's his situation in Turkey?
01:52 So it seems like he went to Turkey as a missionary,
01:57 and he was working with the Kurds,
02:01 and seems to have run afoul of the government in Turkey,
02:05 and he's now...
02:07 He was arrested, imprisoned.
02:09 I think he's now home on house arrest,
02:11 but, you know certainly facing some serious time in prison.
02:14 And he's been charged with terrorism.
02:16 Yes.
02:17 It's not a minor charge with 37 years penalty.
02:19 Actually I'm surprised that it's not the firing squad.
02:21 They deal pretty rough with terrorists
02:23 in that part of the world.
02:25 Right, you know, it tells us, you know,
02:27 it can be a dangerous thing to be a missionary.
02:30 And, you know, the freedoms that we enjoy here
02:34 are not necessarily there
02:35 in many countries around the world.
02:37 Now my gut feeling,
02:38 and now there's not a lot of information
02:40 on what's going on with him.
02:42 It seems positive that he's gone to house arrest
02:46 rather than under strict detention,
02:48 but he still has to face the courts
02:50 and a sentencing.
02:52 But my gut feeling
02:54 is that he perhaps stumbled naively
02:58 as a Christian missionary to all people and being open.
03:00 He stumbled into the huge conflict
03:03 going on in Turkey between the Kurds
03:04 and their separatist ambitions,
03:07 and are more and more repressive, and Islamist.
03:12 I'm hesitating on Islamist
03:14 because it's not true to say that Erdogan, the president,
03:19 is, you know, he is no Osama Bin Laden,
03:22 but he wants to redefine Turkey from its Muslim societal based
03:28 rather than as Kimmel Ataturk,
03:31 the founder of Modern Turkey did.
03:32 He want to pull it away from that toward
03:34 a westernized state.
03:37 And so, I think Andrew Brunson sort of stumbled into it.
03:40 But Turkey takes this very seriously,
03:44 and it remains to be seen.
03:46 Has he just defended them
03:47 because of their internal struggle
03:49 or is he a proxy
03:50 for developing conflict with the West,
03:54 with NATO, which Turkey is a member,
03:56 and with the US led by Trump now
03:59 that seems intent on humbling Turkey.
04:02 And I don't really know what the end point is.
04:04 Yeah, it'll be interesting to see how this unfolds.
04:08 Certainly, the administration has taken an interest,
04:11 and they have imposed some sanctions
04:13 on a member of NATO.
04:16 And so we don't know
04:17 how this will ultimately play out,
04:20 but, you know, our primary concern
04:22 is for Pastor Brunson,
04:23 and wanting to see a resolution,
04:26 yeah, from a religious liberty point of view,
04:28 wanting to see a resolution that affirms religious liberty,
04:32 and, you know, missionary work
04:34 and, you know, people's ability to make choices on their own.
04:38 And what's swirling around Turkey is,
04:40 remember, next door in Syria
04:44 There's been really a civil war.
04:46 But a civil war with multiple parties,
04:48 not just two parties.
04:50 And the most pernicious group had been ISIS
04:54 or Daesh as they call them there.
04:58 But they're trying to establish an Islamic State in the Levant.
05:04 You've heard that term before, but most people haven't.
05:06 And what's Levant,
05:08 it's the coastal area in the Holy Land.
05:11 Isn't there a prophecy somewhere that talks about
05:14 the king of the north planting his pavilions
05:18 between the holy city and the sea?
05:20 I think there's a prophecy in the Book of Daniel.
05:22 And, you know,
05:24 it remains open to interpretation.
05:27 There are many views on that, you know, some view that
05:30 as a Christian entity planting,
05:34 you know, it's embassy of some sort in that area,
05:36 but, we, you know, time will tell.
05:39 And I'm not suggesting this is the fulfillment,
05:41 but I'm bringing up for people to think about,
05:43 the Levant is historically a very significant place
05:48 and prophetically, it's where it happens.
05:52 And so we've had a radical Islamic terrorist
05:56 insurgency operation operating there.
05:58 And ironically,
06:00 Turkey has supported them in some ways,
06:03 rather than support the Kurds who the US have depended on
06:07 to fight their battle as a proxy against...
06:11 And I'm bringing this all up because I think it just shows
06:14 the great religious conflicts of work.
06:17 The ISIS have persecuted the Yazidis,
06:21 as well as the Christians scattering to the four winds,
06:25 and as I remember few years ago
06:27 reading that there were 500,000 Christian refugees
06:30 in Jordan from Syria.
06:35 You know, first from a religious
06:37 liberty perspective, persecution of anyone
06:39 for their faith is reprehensible,
06:40 from our Christian perspective we need to understand
06:44 that an inordinate amount of Christians
06:46 in the Middle East
06:47 are being persecuted and driven out of that area.
06:50 And I think people refer to this
06:53 as historic Christianity.
06:55 And they have been displaced, they have been persecuted,
06:59 many Christian buildings and churches have been bombed
07:02 or, you know, destroyed.
07:04 And this is a very serious issue,
07:06 and, you know, I think it requires the world
07:09 to intervene in some way.
07:12 And that's not happened sufficiently.
07:15 Now it's one of the amazements to me of recent years
07:18 that with what other magazines have characterized
07:22 as the final expulsion of Christians
07:25 from the Middle East taking place.
07:27 Yes, the right aid groups have noticed this,
07:30 but internationally that doesn't seem
07:32 to be a hue and a cry
07:34 that we need to do something about this.
07:36 It's partly a mystery to me to be honest.
07:39 And, you know, that area was once,
07:41 you know, a center for Christianity
07:43 as was Africa, and...
07:44 And again, I mean,
07:46 Turkey is home to the churches of Revelation.
07:50 And, of course, that's right next door
07:52 to Syria, and then modern day Israel,
07:56 where, you know,
07:57 the Sea of Galilee, and Capernaum,
07:59 and all the haunts of Jesus,
08:02 and the events of the New Testament,
08:03 and then the Old Testament, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Damascus.
08:06 And Damascus is only about 30, 40 miles
08:10 from the border with Israel.
08:13 I've been there twice,
08:14 and it's still an amazement to me.
08:15 You can stand on the Golan Heights
08:18 looking down only a few miles, and it seems further down
08:23 than it is away to Capernaum.
08:25 You can see it there
08:26 at the northern edge of the Sea of Galilee,
08:29 and then you can look north.
08:32 And if the day is clear,
08:33 you can just see the outskirts of Damascus.
08:37 With all of the stuff on the TV news,
08:39 and that I think that escapes most people
08:41 how close this encounter is.
08:44 And, you know, thankfully at this point,
08:48 when the Russian planes zip over Syria,
08:52 and the Israeli playing zip
08:54 across the border to attack Syria,
08:55 and the US planes come on their bombing mission,
08:58 and as Putin even kindly acknowledged
09:00 wants the Australian planes there,
09:02 you know, where I'm from, they have air traffic control.
09:06 It's such a tight thing.
09:07 When I was in Israel, I remember seeing
09:09 an Israeli jet come zooming overhead.
09:11 And almost as soon as we...
09:12 We could see the flames out the back
09:14 from the afterburner.
09:15 As soon as he sped up, he had to go into a sharp turn
09:16 'cause he was on the border with Jordan.
09:20 Well, you know, it shows you that you have
09:22 a real small piece of land,
09:24 and, you know, a number of people
09:26 from different faiths and traditions
09:28 all clustered into that area.
09:29 And it certainly makes it difficult,
09:33 you know, if there is...
09:34 For them all to get along.
09:36 And to, you know,
09:38 live in harmony with one another.
09:40 That is a challenge.
09:41 And that's something that, you know,
09:44 we've got to take a real good look at.
09:46 Now, you know, the West has tried.
09:49 Well, the West just played the double role.
09:51 There's no question that on the medium term
09:55 they've probably caused a lot of the troubles,
09:57 not the US particularly.
09:59 I remember years and years ago, shortly after 9/11,
10:03 I sat next to, let's just call him
10:05 a highly committed Muslim activist on a plane.
10:10 And, you know, he was telling me, you know,
10:13 I question why they would even fly planes into buildings.
10:15 And he says, "Why not?
10:17 It's the only way we can get America."
10:19 And I said, "Well, it seems to me
10:21 that England has done more
10:23 to frustrate the Arab nationalist cause."
10:25 "Oh, he preluded that," he says.
10:27 He says, "We don't care about England,
10:29 it's America we want.
10:31 But in reality, you know, England laid the groundwork,
10:34 I think, with somewhat mixed, if not good intentions.
10:37 They had the Balfour Declaration
10:39 that established homeland for the leftover Jews
10:42 after the Holocaust
10:44 that offended the population in the area.
10:48 It didn't narrowly speaking
10:49 as start as a religious conflict.
10:51 But like many conflicts, once it started
10:54 religious loyalties and biases and all the rest
10:56 have kicked in big time in America.
11:00 So you're a good student of prophecy
11:02 Where is it setting?
11:04 Wow, that's really difficult to determine,
11:10 you know, when you look at prophecy,
11:13 and what our churches has taught,
11:17 we've tended to kind of shy away from,
11:20 you know, highlighting literal wars,
11:23 physical wars, and, you know,
11:25 sort of focused on more spiritual dimensions
11:29 of end-time conflicts.
11:31 And so it's difficult, you know,
11:33 some people think that, you know,
11:35 the issues at the end of time will be over
11:38 in the Middle East and in that area.
11:39 Others kind of disagree with that, so...
11:42 Well, you know, we're right on one thing,
11:44 and I think it needs to be emphasized,
11:45 always has been the case that you're not saved
11:49 by someone else or belonging to a group,
11:51 you're saved by your relationship to God
11:53 and your loyalty to Him.
11:54 And that cannot change.
11:57 But I'm quite convinced on my reading of prophecy
12:00 that there's a role.
12:01 Let's put it there.
12:02 There's a role for literal events
12:04 in that part of the world till the very end
12:06 because God's original people of the promise still exist.
12:11 An Ancestral for want of a better word,
12:13 hatreds or at least elemental hatreds
12:16 from forces inspired by Satan still to cause them grief.
12:20 So what we're seeing is a continuation
12:24 of what you read in the Old Testament
12:25 and the major amount of prophets
12:28 have backed one time,
12:29 it's Babylon and Syria coming up
12:31 and causing grief because people...
12:32 So we have to see more of the same
12:34 and how that cannot impact the religious dynamic,
12:38 even far afield even in the United States.
12:41 I mean, I think what prophecy teaches us
12:43 is that there will be conflicts.
12:45 There will be war. Wars and rumors of wars.
12:46 Rumors of war, right.
12:48 You know, as we get closer to the end of time,
12:51 there will be coalitions that develop.
12:55 And the focus however will shift to God's people.
12:59 And, you know,
13:00 the threat that they play or they hold to this end-time
13:05 coalition that's developing.
13:08 And yes, it's a good summary of what we've held.
13:11 Yes, so I guess we've got to be,
13:13 we've got to be careful I think of focusing
13:15 on individual, nations or locations.
13:19 I think we're dealing with more of a global struggle
13:22 rather than a location.
13:24 So you got in mind, you would probably agree with me
13:26 that it was not a positive move for the US
13:30 to finally acknowledge
13:34 the Jerusalem is the capital of newly reformulated Israel.
13:37 Well, it certainly wasn't positive for,
13:42 you know, the Palestinians,
13:45 you know, the evangelical community,
13:47 I'm sure it's happy with that
13:48 because they come from it from a different perspective
13:50 and they see part of that acknowledgement
13:53 is fulfilling end-time prophecy.
13:55 And so there you see the intersection
13:57 between religion and politics.
14:00 They're sort of strange bedfellows.
14:02 And that's what I really wanted to bring out.
14:03 Maybe we can discuss it a bit more after a short break.
14:07 So stay with us.
14:08 We're talking about current events,
14:10 not just prophecy and not just religion,
14:12 things that are happening now.


Revised 2019-01-21