Liberty Insider

Modern Day Daniel

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI180419A

00:26 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:28 This is your program that brings news,
00:30 views, discussion, insight into religious liberty events
00:34 in the US and around the world.
00:36 My name is Lincoln Steed,
00:37 and I'm editor of Liberty Magazine,
00:40 a magazine of 100 years success
00:43 in presenting religious freedom
00:44 from separation of church and state viewpoint.
00:48 My guest on this program, John Ashmeade,
00:50 Attorney and Associate Director of the General...
00:54 Not the General Conference,
00:56 I mean, church hierarchy, but you've worked
00:57 for the Seventh-day Adventist Church
01:00 in the Atlantic Union area
01:02 of North-Eastern US for the public affairs
01:05 and religious liberty department.
01:06 Right.
01:09 I'd love to get back to Bible stories,
01:11 and I really want to spend this time
01:13 going back a few centuries,
01:15 but I'll pick up with something right now.
01:16 There's a public official Seventh-day Adventist,
01:19 I don't really want to name him
01:21 just out of consideration to him,
01:23 but he's well-placed in the US government,
01:26 an appointed position for life.
01:29 And right at the center of things,
01:31 I often see him on television, major events,
01:34 and talking to him in private, he said a number of times
01:37 that he believes that he's like Daniel
01:40 placed in the king's palace for momentous time.
01:43 And I'm quite sure that he's right on the money.
01:48 You know, when I was a kid, we used to sing,
01:49 "Dare to be Daniel.
01:51 Dare to stand, you know, to a purpose true."
01:55 And going back to Daniel at a point
01:57 when his nation was basically destroyed,
01:59 he was in a foreign land and yet privileged,
02:03 not so much by anyone's gift to him,
02:05 but by his stance for his Lord and the diet
02:09 and went with him and so on.
02:11 He was there on the inner circle.
02:13 There's some lessons to learn
02:14 from how he behaved in that context
02:16 and how we might today.
02:18 Sure, you know,
02:20 can I share a quick story about my son?
02:21 Absolutely, that's what we're here for,
02:23 even a long story.
02:24 I know, about my son, you know,
02:26 when he was in the second grade,
02:28 a debate developed in his class
02:32 regarding creation and evolution.
02:34 And, you know, fortunately, it made me happy.
02:38 Is this a secular public school?
02:39 It's a private school, it's a secular school,
02:41 but it's not a public school.
02:42 And, you know, this debate developed,
02:45 it was intense, he took the side of creation,
02:47 his classmates took the side of evolution.
02:50 And they went back and forth for a few weeks,
02:54 and it became really intense to the point
02:57 where, you know, his classmates sort of excluded him.
03:01 He was sort of on an island by himself,
03:04 you know, advocating for what he thought to be true.
03:07 And the discussion was so intense
03:08 that the teacher ultimately had to tell them
03:11 no more discussion on this issue.
03:13 But he wouldn't give it. He would not give in.
03:15 He's stuck to his guns,
03:17 and I was very proud of him that he took a stand
03:20 for something that he believed in.
03:21 And that's, you know, when I think of Daniel,
03:25 that's what comes to mind as well.
03:27 Yeah, I mean, it's easy to read Daniel,
03:28 and, you know, amazing providential successes.
03:31 It's not just with him, with his friends
03:33 delivered from the fiery furnace,
03:34 Daniel from the lions.
03:37 And I'm sure those lions were hungry
03:39 that the whole point of keeping lions in the den.
03:42 They weren't fed much except for an occasional trader.
03:47 But it's easy to think, you know,
03:49 God was going to protect them and so on.
03:51 But going into that situation, it was a pretty dark,
03:56 non-promising, you know,
03:57 Daniel had faith.
03:58 But faith is without evidence.
04:00 It's just an internal, deeply seated hope
04:04 that God's going to help you see this thing through.
04:08 And, you know, we're the same now,
04:10 we don't really know.
04:11 And well, in your son's case,
04:13 he probably didn't even anticipate
04:15 the level of opposition.
04:16 Right. Right.
04:17 He just acted innocently on what he believed in.
04:20 I imagine it was a shock.
04:22 And many people,
04:24 unfortunately, many Christians, when they get some opposition,
04:27 fight back, either emotionally
04:29 or they don't even seem to have,
04:32 which is their own fault, enough text or enough belief,
04:35 facts of belief to sort of counter them.
04:38 I remember...
04:39 Let me tell a story now,
04:41 which is a bit of a tale on Adventism,
04:43 but I think it proves the point.
04:45 When I was in my teens, I remember we were all excited
04:49 because one of the major leaders of our church
04:51 was to appear on the Joe Pyne show.
04:54 Nobody except people a lot older than me
04:56 will remember Joe Pyne.
04:58 But he was a talk show host. Okay.
05:03 Very sharp, with a sharp tongue,
05:05 then he would get people on...
05:06 I don't know why anyone ever went to the show
05:08 except that he was national
05:09 and he would rip them to shreds.
05:11 And so this theologian
05:14 and administrator of the church,
05:15 very well published, and well-traveled, and admired,
05:21 he had to appear on the show.
05:22 He was actually an Australian, but based at the headquarters.
05:26 And I remember sitting back with everyone else,
05:28 and this is going to be great.
05:30 Within maybe less than a minute,
05:32 Joe Pyne had started mocking him and nailed him.
05:35 And the guest goes...
05:37 He didn't have any answer.
05:38 And, you know, who am I to question his spiritually?
05:40 I hope and presume he'll be, you know,
05:43 playing the harps with everybody else in heaven.
05:45 But I know he was not prepared.
05:47 He clearly had no experience or even anticipation
05:51 what a non-believer would say.
05:53 He was just slashing away in his faith.
05:55 And I think that's something that...
05:58 Anyone of any belief,
05:59 but particularly a Christian owes it to themselves.
06:01 You know, know what you believe,
06:02 why you believe it.
06:04 Be prepared to answer someone who's cynical,
06:08 and mocking, and all the rest.
06:09 Right, I think the key thing,
06:11 you know, for a Christian believer
06:13 is to be consistent in your practice of your faith.
06:18 You know, if you say that you're a Sabbath observer,
06:22 then you should always be seen observing Sabbath.
06:24 You know this very well from interceding legally
06:27 for people in the workplace.
06:29 If they're inconsistent,
06:30 the game's almost lost before it begins.
06:32 It makes it very difficult to defend.
06:33 I mean, you need to be,
06:36 you know, consistent with what you believe,
06:39 that's very important.
06:40 You know, one of the things when I think about Daniel,
06:44 it's the story in chapter 6 of Daniel
06:47 when he's dealing with the lions den.
06:50 But, you know,
06:51 those in government with him colluded against him.
06:55 And, you know,
06:56 they got the king to pass a law.
06:59 Now the thing... Tricked the king.
07:00 They tricked the king to pass a law.
07:02 But the thing about that law
07:04 that the Bible talks about that I find intriguing
07:06 and somewhat relevant to our times
07:09 is that once he signed that law,
07:12 it was irreversible.
07:14 The law could not be changed.
07:17 And you know,
07:18 and we see the injustice that such a law worked.
07:21 And I wonder in our society, you know,
07:24 if we interpret the constitution in that way,
07:27 you know, as a document that's not living,
07:30 that doesn't take into account the human condition.
07:32 Uh-oh, uh-oh, you've used the wrong,
07:34 you know, proponents of the living constitution.
07:36 But I wonder, you know,
07:40 if we take that sort of mindset,
07:42 we see the outcome for Daniel,
07:44 he ended up in the lion's den.
07:45 Well, there's a quote to that,
07:47 I put on the back of Liberty recently,
07:48 and it's hardly anyone seems to be aware of it.
07:52 Thomas Jefferson, writing about the constitution,
07:55 says many slightly...
07:58 I'm trying to remember the exact words,
08:00 but he says "You know, many look at the constitution
08:02 as holy written that you can't change it."
08:05 And he says, you know, what nonsense, he says,
08:07 "You might as well ask a man to wear the clothes
08:09 that he wore when he was a child
08:11 as to wear when he's an adult."
08:12 He says we did well, he says,
08:14 we deserve well of our country.
08:16 But the idea that we knew everything is nonsense.
08:18 He says, "I'm not for the quick and light
08:22 constitutional adjustment."
08:24 But he said, "Of course it's not locked in stern."
08:26 What we certainly need to be mindful of precedent.
08:28 We certainly need to know
08:30 what those who drafted the constitution believed
08:32 and try to be faithful to their intentions.
08:36 But to take a wouldn't sort of, you know,
08:39 we have to view this exactly the same way
08:43 when we now live in a modern world
08:45 that they could never have anticipated
08:46 makes no sense to it.
08:48 And anyone that...
08:49 Most people haven't read
08:50 the constitution outside of laws,
08:52 maybe religious liberty activists,
08:53 but, you know, the constitution
08:55 embraced denial of vote for women,
08:57 denial of vote and also to African Americans,
09:01 and, of course, the perpetuation of slavery.
09:04 It includes wacky things like it actually sets dollar limit
09:08 to lawsuits as I remember.
09:10 What is it, $10 or something?
09:12 That part of it, I don't remember.
09:13 But yes, yeah. Yes, it's there.
09:15 And, you know, it goes on and on,
09:19 it's clearly a product of its time.
09:20 And it's shown that we know that you have to move on
09:24 because the amendments did away with some of those things.
09:27 At some point, you know,
09:28 we've had to amend the constitution
09:30 because, you know, clearly our founders
09:32 didn't quite get it right in some areas,
09:34 and so amendment was necessary, and we know
09:36 that it's very difficult to amend the constitution,
09:40 but there are times where that needs to be done.
09:42 That's fine, they purposely made it difficult,
09:43 which is a break on just flipping stuff,
09:46 you know, the trend of the time and the clamor of the people,
09:49 they were very troubled by the clamor of the people.
09:52 They wanted to represent the people
09:54 but not respond to the people's whims and whimsies.
09:57 Right.
09:58 And I think that's the genius of the system.
10:00 Absolutely, in that regard, I think it's extraordinary.
10:04 But it arose from the suspicion of the people.
10:08 And we don't really know how to...
10:10 Getting back to Daniel, there's not great evidence
10:13 that he was aware of the duplicity
10:14 of his fellow rulers who went to the kings,
10:18 but he didn't seem
10:20 to trouble himself much with that.
10:22 But I think his action, ultimately by, you know,
10:25 praying in his window facing Jerusalem,
10:29 I think that suggested
10:30 that he understood what was going on.
10:31 Well, he wasn't going to be coward.
10:33 He understood what was going on,
10:34 and he was going to take a stand, you know,
10:36 this was not his first time at the rodeo.
10:39 I mean, he dealt with this when he was,
10:41 you know, a young man in Babylon.
10:43 Let me throw in a real world application,
10:45 let's see what you'd say.
10:47 The Seventh-day Adventist Church used to,
10:51 in a major way, once you go around
10:53 and raise money in gathering appeals,
10:58 go door-to-door asking for help.
11:00 And what we were doing
11:01 to help other people's remission endeavors,
11:03 but more than just that,
11:05 just charity toward poor people and so on.
11:08 And we offered them to help.
11:10 We raised over the years many millions on that.
11:12 The lowest added to change in different towns,
11:15 it became illegal to even go door-to-door
11:18 and much less talk about religion
11:20 and ask for money.
11:22 And I was on the committee,
11:24 I used to write some of the material for this.
11:26 And I saw that in many areas, we stopped doing it
11:30 because the law said we should stop doing something
11:32 that was admirably good, no threat to anyone.
11:36 And it remained to the Jehovah's Witnesses
11:38 to take that course to the Supreme Court
11:41 and uphold their right to do that.
11:44 But we were pulling back.
11:46 Now it's a phenomenon that troubles me.
11:49 In different countries, even in this country,
11:52 US at different times, there's been laws
11:54 that would inhibit your reaching out, witnessing,
11:56 speaking to other people about your faith.
11:58 Do you just respond to those laws
12:00 and shrink back 'cause the natural end of that
12:02 is you'll be within four walls, essentially a prison,
12:06 not free to reach out and do anything.
12:08 Where do you resist not to be a law-breaker
12:11 but in the sense of do what you're called do
12:14 in this higher calling regardless of the consequence.
12:16 And that's what Daniel had to face,
12:18 and you're right, I'll still pray.
12:20 You know, this is what I'd do.
12:22 Why should I be afraid of any consequence
12:24 'cause I'm only doing what God's asked me to do?
12:27 You know, I think far too often,
12:30 our church members don't realize that.
12:31 And so when they're facing Sabbath accommodation issues,
12:35 you know, instead of standing up,
12:36 instead of pressing forward,
12:39 instead of filing an action with,
12:41 you know, the employment agencies
12:44 to defend their rights,
12:46 they shrink away and they move on,
12:48 and that impacts all of us.
12:50 You know, if they refuse to take a stand,
12:52 that emboldens employers to continue
12:55 to act in the same way and to keep pushing
12:57 so that, you know, we're pushed out of that area,
13:00 that marketplace, and so it's very important
13:02 for us to be willing to stand
13:04 and to take a firm stand to say,
13:05 "No, this is the right way.
13:07 The law protects me, and it's not a bad thing for me
13:10 to initiate a lawsuit under the circumstances
13:12 to just stand for the rights of all."
13:15 You know, I'm not advocating
13:17 law breaking at all structurally.
13:20 But it's not just working within laws,
13:23 I think it's doing the right thing
13:25 regardless of the consequence,
13:27 which sometimes might entangle you
13:29 with either inadvertently compromising laws
13:34 or another occasions laws like this one with Daniel,
13:36 designed to thwarters.
13:39 And you well know, as a lawyer, there's some laws
13:42 that don't appear necessarily to be on religion
13:45 or restricting religious practice,
13:47 but they may be designed by some clever legislator
13:51 to do exactly that.
13:54 In fact, well,
13:57 there's elements of that even in the Johnson Amendment
14:00 I think, which is much debated...
14:04 Not debated, it's much discussed of late,
14:07 and intended to be revoked by this administration.
14:11 I think this is a good time to take a break.
14:13 So stay with us, and we'll be back very shortly
14:16 to continue this discussion of Daniel
14:19 then and Daniel's now.
14:20 Okay.


Revised 2019-01-21