Liberty Insider

The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI180417A

00:27 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:30 This is a program designed to bring you
00:32 up-to-date news, information, analysis, and insights
00:36 on religious liberty developments
00:38 in the US and around the world.
00:40 My name is Lincoln Steed, editor of Liberty Magazine.
00:44 A magazine of over 100 years focus on religious freedom
00:48 with an emphasis on separation of church and state.
00:51 My guest on the program is John Ashmeade,
00:55 Attorney John Ashmeade, and your position is...
00:59 Apart from a lawyer and in private employment,
01:02 you work with the Seventh-day Adventist Church
01:04 as Associate Director of Public Affairs
01:07 and Religious Liberty for the Eastern Seaboard,
01:09 basically of the United States,
01:11 the Atlantic Union, we call it within our system.
01:14 That's correct.
01:17 The world that we live in is increasingly complicated,
01:20 and nobody has all the answers on any topic.
01:23 But we all want to know,
01:25 as human beings, we're inquiring.
01:28 And I think it's worth you
01:29 and I discussing
01:31 what is commonly known as conspiracy theories.
01:34 But basically these are folk explanations
01:38 to complicated issues.
01:39 That's...
01:41 I've never heard that description,
01:42 but that's how I would describe it.
01:45 But thinking on the Christian model,
01:47 which, of course,
01:48 religious liberty, as Christians,
01:50 we hack back to Christ,
01:53 and then the creation of man as a free will agent,
01:56 right to choose right or wrong.
01:58 But in the Christian context,
02:00 it seems to me one of the first conspiracies
02:03 was a story told when Jesus was raised from the dead,
02:05 you remember?
02:06 Right, right.
02:08 The authorities spread a tale that
02:09 He had been stolen by His disciples, and so on,
02:13 and so the stories were bouncing around.
02:15 What had happened to Him? How had He risen?
02:19 And to this day,
02:20 a lot of the critics of Christianity
02:25 sort of go back to that basic conspiracy.
02:28 So, you know, what's your take on the things
02:30 that are free floating around us today,
02:32 conspiracies in the political world,
02:35 in the scientific world.
02:36 I've joked with you privately about the Flat Earth Theory.
02:39 There were a lot of proponents in that those days.
02:43 There are conspiracy theories that involve space aliens,
02:46 and certain newspapers on the stands
02:50 often had pictures of space aliens
02:52 with the current president, not our current,
02:53 but I mean every president that was current.
02:58 Do we just dismiss these as the ravings of ill informed,
03:03 slightly deranged people, you know, what's going on?
03:05 Sure, you know, my very first encounter
03:08 with conspiracy theories took place a few years ago.
03:11 I was actually at church
03:13 and there was an announcement that,
03:15 you know, the young people in our church
03:17 would be putting on a program on prophecy.
03:20 And, you know, I said to myself,
03:22 "Well, I can't miss this."
03:24 And, you know, when I,
03:27 you know, I went to the AY program,
03:30 and the title of the presentation was
03:32 Obama and the New World Order.
03:36 And, you know, that was shocking to me.
03:39 You know, like many African-Americans,
03:41 I was overjoyed
03:44 at the election of the first African-American president.
03:47 And so to see him depicted in such negative terms
03:51 so early in office was really troubling to me.
03:55 But basically what was done was they'd cobbled together
03:59 a number of videos from YouTube
04:02 and different places on the internet,
04:04 and painted a picture of the president
04:08 as part of a secret organization
04:10 that was seeking to create a one world government.
04:13 And so we were on the verge of a one world government
04:16 with our newly elected African-American president.
04:19 And that was deeply disturbing to me.
04:21 And as I, you know, looked at that program,
04:24 I decided to investigate the issue further.
04:27 And, you know,
04:28 found an overwhelming number of videos
04:31 on YouTube online
04:34 on conspiracies not only involving Obama,
04:36 but almost every president.
04:37 Yeah.
04:39 And, you know, and no real,
04:42 you know, we have no real ability to assess
04:45 what's true and what's not true,
04:47 what's not true because it's just online.
04:49 And this is what bothers me about conspiracies.
04:51 You know the greatest conspiracies are linked,
04:55 that is slightly linked to reality
04:57 are the ongoing discussions about
04:58 how, and who, and why,
05:00 and, in all the details about Kennedy's assassination.
05:04 And the irony is that I've thought many times,
05:07 "It's not impossible that one of these sites
05:09 or one of the investigators stumbled on the truth.
05:12 But by the nature of conspiracy theories,
05:13 you can't prove the stuff,
05:15 it's free floating information,
05:16 you wouldn't even know if you stumbled on the truth.
05:19 So it's a little pointless.
05:21 Yeah, the problem that I see is just the sources,
05:25 you know, where,
05:26 you know, where you're getting the information,
05:28 how reliable is the person
05:30 who's reporting the information?
05:31 A lot of times they cite to books,
05:34 but then who was the author of this book?
05:36 Does the author have any expertise?
05:39 You know, they cover a broad range of issues
05:41 from history to science,
05:43 the philosophy to political science,
05:45 and, you know, far off more,
05:46 you know, more often than not, these people just have,
05:49 don't have the educational credentials
05:51 to make the arguments that they're making.
05:54 But, you know, some conspiracy theories
05:55 in fact, a lot of them
05:57 are somewhat based in fact,
05:59 but then people launch out into the unknown.
06:01 And on this New World Order certain facts,
06:07 I'm sure you remember George Bush Senior
06:10 actually saying publicly
06:13 that we were heading into a new world order.
06:17 And most recently
06:20 Pope Benedict, not Pope Benedict,
06:22 Pope Francis quoted in newspapers in Europe,
06:27 didn't seem to come the side of the channel.
06:31 He was frustrated with
06:32 what the US was up to at the time,
06:34 and he said, "The sooner the US comes under global governance,
06:36 the better."
06:38 So global governance must be an idea
06:41 that's floating around with certain of these planners.
06:44 But that's not necessarily
06:45 the same as the New World Order,
06:47 which is a shadowy movement of people you don't know about,
06:51 but seem to be able to pull all the strings in history,
06:54 and, yes, you and I
06:56 being somewhat familiar with history,
06:58 you know, that even Napoleon
06:59 can't pull all the strings to their satisfaction,
07:02 much less this massive conspiracy.
07:05 And it's sort of...
07:06 It's almost a superstition often to ascribe
07:10 great power and influence to these invisible forces.
07:12 Right.
07:14 You know, there's always a secret cabal,
07:16 the secret group that's wielding
07:18 all the power behind the scenes
07:20 and making all the decisions,
07:22 determining who becomes president,
07:24 you know, all of those kinds of things.
07:27 And, you know, it seems almost incredible.
07:31 It really raises the question of,
07:33 "Well, why do we even vote in our elections?
07:36 Is this really a mirage?
07:38 And that's the real danger of these conspiracy theories
07:43 is that it can create a scenario
07:45 where people are no longer engaged in the process
07:49 because they believe it's fixed.
07:52 And, you know, so that's the real danger,
07:54 and we're seeing more of these theories proliferate around us,
07:58 and we need to begin to make some comments about them,
08:02 you know, even within the Adventist church.
08:05 You know, we have... Right.
08:07 We have our own unique perspective
08:10 on how things will unfold at the end of time.
08:13 Well, too that I think
08:14 you and I spoke about that privately.
08:17 There's an individual within our church
08:20 who spreads very good information
08:23 on many, many topics,
08:24 and two of them just offend me greatly.
08:27 The Islam supposedly, according to this man,
08:32 a purposely made organization
08:37 by the Roman Catholic Church
08:40 to sort of a stalking horse for their own interest.
08:43 That's, I mean,
08:45 the known facts of history go against such a thing.
08:48 And then another one
08:49 is that the Mason,
08:53 the whole Masonic order
08:55 again was cooked up out of nowhere
08:57 to suit Roman Catholic interest,
08:59 flies against the most simple acts of history there,
09:03 persecution of the Masonic orders,
09:06 complicated, of course,
09:07 by the fact that there have been masons
09:10 within the Roman structure, but...
09:12 Or even the masons in the early Adventism.
09:14 And our co-founder Ellen White had to deal very directly
09:19 with that sight of the pastors,
09:20 a Christian pastor shouldn't be a member of the secret society.
09:25 We know secret societies exist,
09:27 but, you know, by and large,
09:29 the guys that ride
09:30 little motorized scooters in public parades
09:33 and have nice drinking weekends.
09:35 Right, but, you know, I think you make a very good point.
09:39 The fact that you could say the Roman Catholic Church
09:42 is align with the Illuminati or Freemasons,
09:45 and then on top of that, you're going to say that,
09:49 you know, the like, you know, many,
09:52 like movie stars and singers
09:53 they're also part of this group,
09:55 and they've all aligned to create one global system
09:59 that's going to dominate us.
10:00 I think it's incredible, and it really ignores history,
10:04 it ignores how this country functions,
10:07 you know, and it just doesn't really make a lot of sense
10:10 when you pull back the curtain
10:12 and you begin to examine the details of
10:14 what's really being shared.
10:15 Yeah, I agree with you,
10:17 and you've touched on something that is worth mentioning here
10:19 because it is significant.
10:21 You can go online and you can see endless videos
10:24 of public figures, entertainers,
10:27 mostly and others in the US
10:29 with all sorts of capitalistic
10:31 and New Age, spiritualistic,
10:37 purposely about to give one, but I shouldn't.
10:40 Signs, that's real enough.
10:41 I think there's a certain trendiness of evil
10:45 where they want to be in the in group
10:47 to show that they know the secret symbols.
10:51 But I don't think they're
10:52 directly part of some grand conspiracy at all.
10:55 It's just evil writ large in the world
10:57 as it from a Christian base.
10:59 So a classic example of what you will see in the video
11:02 is you will have one president,
11:04 and they will put up a little hand signal.
11:06 And then another, they show another image
11:09 of another president doing it, and so forth.
11:12 And then all of a sudden,
11:13 the custom one has put up a hand sign,
11:15 and no context is given,
11:18 all, you have this grand conspiracy,
11:20 they're all aligned, they're all in the same group
11:23 with the same agenda,
11:25 and towards global government.
11:27 And as an Adventist,
11:29 I think that runs counter to
11:31 what we believe will happen at the end of time.
11:33 And I think that's important for our church
11:37 not to embrace these kinds of views.
11:39 We don't believe in global government,
11:41 we actually believe in separation, and tension,
11:44 and conflict towards the end of time,
11:46 and that really is the order rather than a coming together
11:50 under one global system.
11:52 Well, it may not be a single global government,
11:55 but there is a coalition with the kings of the earth
11:58 give over their power for a season to a grand system,
12:02 which might or might not be the US itself.
12:06 But like, and this is the thing with these conspiracies,
12:10 they're not totally just plucked out of thin air,
12:14 they're sort of funhouse mirror versions of truth,
12:19 and then made more complicated.
12:21 This is the irony.
12:22 The people that get into conspiracies,
12:24 I think, many of them want to uncover truth
12:26 and find the meaning behind stuff,
12:28 but they actually complicate life,
12:29 they've thrown in layer after layer
12:33 of conspiracy and complication to...
12:36 What if you look at it simply,
12:39 and I think I alluded to it earlier
12:42 President Eisenhower warned the country
12:44 about military industrial complex,
12:47 that's real enough.
12:49 But then if you sort of mix it with a globalist view,
12:53 and the Bilderberg Group,
12:56 and behind closed doors,
12:57 these great power brokers are manipulating.
13:00 I think the evidence is greater that the kings of the earth
13:03 and the business leaders are more and more perplexed
13:05 about how to control stuff.
13:07 They're losing control, not gaining it.
13:08 Right, right.
13:12 The question is always to me, you know,
13:16 the groups that they pull together to say
13:18 that they're all working together,
13:20 are they really working together?
13:23 You know, what does...
13:26 Is Jay Z aligned with the Catholic Church
13:29 or is Rihanna aligned with Muslims
13:32 or, you know, they're not working,
13:34 they don't have the same agenda,
13:36 and that's really the problem,
13:38 we just throw things together,
13:40 and we put music behind it in the video,
13:43 it's scary music in a video,
13:45 and all of a sudden we have this grand theory
13:47 that kind of governs the world,
13:49 and I think it is just not based on reality.
13:52 We need to warn against it.
13:53 And I think another enabling factor in conspiracy theories
13:57 is there are often people
13:59 who are not well informed generally.
14:01 They might be well informed on the conspiracy supposedly,
14:04 but if you have...
14:07 If you're observant with things that go on,
14:09 if you have studied the backdrop, history
14:11 or know the political background,
14:13 things are a lot more self evident.
14:15 It takes a lot of the mystery out of things,
14:17 you're not so inclined toward
14:19 what we correctly call it conspiracy.
14:22 I mean some people dismiss out,
14:25 you know, a real explanation events,
14:27 "Oh, he's just a conspiracist,"
14:28 but it may be very true.
14:30 So we need to be careful we don't just run away
14:33 from someone using the term lightly.
14:35 That I think is a good point to make.
14:38 Stay with us on this conspiratorial program.
14:42 But we're looking at it honestly as we can
14:45 because it's based on religious liberty.
14:46 Stay with us. We'll be back shortly.
14:48 Okay.


Revised 2019-01-14