Liberty Insider

The Othering

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI180414A

00:26 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:27 This is your program,
00:29 bringing you everything
00:31 that matters on religious liberty.
00:32 Everything. Everything.
00:34 I guess he's already into the game here.
00:36 But we're bringing you news, you need that information,
00:39 you need that and perhaps an interpretation and analysis.
00:43 And my name is Lincoln Steed, editor of Liberty magazine.
00:47 And my guest on the program, Attorney Alan Reinach.
00:51 A man that speaks up without any inhibition.
00:53 Not a big wall fire, no.
00:56 Not a bit of it.
00:57 From the Church State Council in California,
00:59 Executive Director.
01:02 So we'll talk about something that I could be tempted to do
01:05 when someone speaks up like othering,
01:09 addresses of othering.
01:10 Take the word other and make it into a verb.
01:14 Now you're preaching on this at the moment.
01:17 You told me preparing a sermon.
01:18 Liberty magazines had an article on this.
01:21 It isn't just a whimsical topic
01:23 that we want to share right now.
01:25 I think this is a very real
01:27 dynamic that's happened in the past before,
01:29 but we're definitely living through a process
01:33 where other human beings,
01:34 either from another race, another ethnicity,
01:40 or nationality, or of another religion,
01:43 just of another group of humans
01:45 or other made into ultimately non humans.
01:49 And then very bad things often happen
01:51 when that dynamic kicks in, right?
01:53 You know, Lincoln, what I want to do is contrast
01:57 two passages of scripture, Revelation 13 and Matthew 25.
02:03 Revelation 13, we have persecution against those
02:07 who do not accept the mark of the beast.
02:10 And I don't know...
02:11 Which is pretty severe because you can't buy or sell
02:13 unless you go along with this.
02:14 You can't buy or sell.
02:16 And ultimately it's a capital offense
02:17 not to participate in the majority form
02:20 of worship.
02:22 I mean, people get hung up on whether,
02:23 you know, it's in the fold,
02:25 I mean where it's branded on you or whatever.
02:27 But it's clearly a distinguishing characteristic
02:29 that you buy into.
02:31 But what we miss, if we read this to, you know, shallowly,
02:36 what we miss is persecution is the end of a long sequence
02:42 where first you have to identify the other,
02:47 the other becomes the scapegoat.
02:49 Well, can I quote Ellen White,
02:51 an early writer of our church and I can't memorize it...
02:53 I haven't memorized it exactly.
02:54 But she says, talking about persecution, she says,
02:56 other than, you know,
02:58 people give in other than expose themselves to derision,
03:03 insult, threaten persecution.
03:05 And this is a progression and it usually starts with,
03:08 you know, you're not part of the in crowd.
03:11 And then very cutting insults,
03:14 then maybe legal action and all, but it's a process.
03:16 Othering is not just instantly you're someone else.
03:19 It's a dynamic, so it has to be worked through.
03:22 In American life, we other in many different ways.
03:26 You know, I grew up in New York City.
03:29 I was a big fan of the New York Mets.
03:32 We had a big rivalry.
03:33 I was a Knicks fan,
03:35 rivalry between the Knicks and the Lakers,
03:37 and the Knicks and the Celtics.
03:39 You know, we other based on our allegiance
03:42 to our sports teams.
03:43 Now this may seem trivial, but of course we also other,
03:47 we identify ourselves.
03:49 Oh, I'm a southerner.
03:51 I'm a Yankee.
03:52 I'm a Texan.
03:53 You know, geographically
03:56 and by ethnicity and, of course,
03:59 by nationality, I'm an American.
04:01 So we tend to define our own identity in a way
04:06 that excludes others.
04:08 Well, I mean, as we get into this
04:10 and I agree with you.
04:11 We need to say this,
04:13 if not a good then a natural element to it.
04:16 I think in modern society what we're really searching
04:19 for is a sort of a tribal identity
04:22 which like the tribal identification provided,
04:25 we get it through other means.
04:27 You could be all united by your club identity
04:30 in football so.
04:33 The mark of the beast is the extreme example
04:35 of what happens when we scapegoat
04:38 a group of people, they're the other,
04:40 they're the problem,
04:42 they're the ones who are causing
04:43 all the trouble in the world, and they have to be eliminated.
04:47 Extreme form of othering.
04:49 Now let's contrast that with Matthew 25.
04:52 Matthew 25, Jesus says,
04:54 "And as much as you've done it to the least of these,
04:56 you've done it to Me."
04:58 Now in the parable, the sheep and the goats,
05:02 they didn't realize that they were doing it to Jesus.
05:04 But, of course, Jesus has pulled the curtain aside.
05:07 So now we have no excuse.
05:09 We've read the parable.
05:10 We know that how we treat the other,
05:14 the least of these is the other.
05:16 It's the people that are not one of us.
05:19 Whoever that is, if you see somebody is beneath you,
05:24 they are the other, and how we treat the other.
05:28 Brings them into the world.
05:30 Where is how we're treating Jesus.
05:34 Yeah, but by treating them that way,
05:37 it shows that they are included in God's care.
05:41 They're not on the outside, they're actually in.
05:44 Of course. We brought them in.
05:45 Well, and if you, you know, understand what this,
05:49 Jesus taught this parable,
05:51 this is the standard in the judgment.
05:54 Okay.
05:55 Now Christians, you know, we kind of blindly think, "Oh,
06:00 well, if I've accepted Jesus into my heart,
06:03 you know, and I confess my allegiance
06:06 and my love for Jesus, then I'm saved."
06:10 And that's the end of it.
06:12 I'm saved, I'm a Christian, right?
06:14 Well, Jesus tells us parable,
06:17 the standard in the judgment
06:20 is not whether you accepted Jesus in your heart,
06:23 and I believe in all of that.
06:24 Well, it's a prerequisite.
06:26 But it's how you treat the least of these.
06:30 Do you treat people
06:32 with the kind of respect and courtesy,
06:35 kindness and compassion as if they were Jesus.
06:41 It's a judgment parable.
06:43 That's what it is.
06:45 And it's the opposite of othering,
06:47 because we look,
06:49 we all have various kinds of biases.
06:53 It comes with our cultural baggage, with our heritage.
06:57 It is unavoidable.
06:59 It's not a sin to have the biases.
07:01 The question is, are we going to become conscious of them
07:05 and are we going to consciously seek
07:09 to overcome them.
07:10 Our natural tendency...
07:12 Yes, I'm glad you said that because I think we need
07:13 to overcome or transcend them, maybe is a better word.
07:17 Because you know Paul says that there is in Christ now,
07:19 neither Jew nor Gentile,
07:21 male nor female, slave nor free.
07:22 We're all in the common brotherhood of man,
07:26 and we need to hang on to that thought.
07:27 We also need to reject the politics of othering
07:31 because politics is all about creating enemies,
07:37 creating danger, selling fear.
07:39 You know, the liberals are going to get us,
07:42 the conservatives are going to get us,
07:44 those wacko fundamentalists are going to get us,
07:46 or the immigrants are the problem,
07:48 or the Muslims are the problem,
07:50 you know, somebody else is the problem.
07:54 And you need to vote for me
07:56 because I'm going to deal with the problem.
07:58 We're selling fear and we're selling othering.
08:02 Well, at the moment the situation in the US
08:03 troubles me and I'm not sure anybody has thought it through.
08:06 You know, we're all, but war with the Iranians.
08:10 We're even threatening
08:11 for the first time Saudi Arabia.
08:13 We're talking up China
08:15 as an existential enemy, Russia.
08:18 I mean... North Korea.
08:20 Even Australia got into trouble.
08:21 So, well, but Canada's threat the national security.
08:26 Canadian steel anyway.
08:27 My life's not been very successful,
08:29 but I've even thought several times,
08:31 it's not good on a personal level
08:32 to have a war on too many fronts,
08:35 you can't fight everybody.
08:37 So we're in the process of...
08:39 I've said for years,
08:40 you have to choose your battles.
08:42 Yeah, so we're in the process in the US as a nation,
08:46 like it or not because we don't control it
08:48 individually very much.
08:49 But we're in the process of othering everybody else.
08:52 And the suspicion
08:54 and the antagonisms that come as a result of that
08:56 are very bad and they're not going to play out well,
08:59 both in a secular and religious sense
09:01 because it based on how we see fellow human beings.
09:07 You know, we've spoken in another program
09:09 about the originally Protestant,
09:12 but now generally Christian mindset of the populace.
09:16 But how can that be sustained when enemies here,
09:18 enemies there, others there.
09:20 And I don't think it's by accident
09:22 that within the year
09:24 I've heard open talk from people with authority
09:27 that we might need to do something analogous
09:29 to detaining all the Japanese
09:31 which was a great blot on the US historical record.
09:35 Why would we do it again?
09:37 In what situation will we detain a whole people?
09:40 Look, I'm quite sure that most of our listeners
09:45 who are Christian conservatives
09:48 would reject the notion that they're racist, okay?
09:52 I don't know, you know,
09:54 any of the folks I go to church with,
09:56 nobody's going to say, "Yeah, I'm, you know, I'm racist."
09:59 No, that's the same with religious liberty.
10:01 I never met anyone that says
10:02 they're against religious freedom.
10:03 But how they execute it is very telling off.
10:06 And yet, you know, you and I have both been in circles
10:10 where in, you know,
10:13 the name of national self interest
10:15 and all kinds of political ideas
10:21 we hear very blunt,
10:25 racially insensitive positions taken,
10:30 you know, whether it's about immigrants,
10:32 whether it's about demographics
10:34 and, you know, which population groups are reproducing faster,
10:39 and what we need to do to maintain the,
10:42 you know, white supremacy or...
10:44 That's not usually said that openly,
10:47 but that says something.
10:48 I've heard, I have heard it said quite openly in events
10:51 that you and I have both attended.
10:53 Yeah. Yeah.
10:55 I won't name, you know...
10:56 The climate is changing in really dangerous ways.
11:00 And I don't think even some of the people
11:02 making these statements quite know
11:03 what they're saying, like you say,
11:04 how be anybody will openly acknowledge they're racist.
11:07 But under certain circumstances they'll subtle let slip
11:11 a comment that reveals all.
11:13 Well, look...
11:14 And permission is being given in subtle ways for people
11:17 to say and act on those sentiments.
11:21 But, you know, we've said before racism
11:24 is America's original sin.
11:27 And it strikes many commentators,
11:32 certainly strikes myself that the phenomenon
11:36 of the Trump election
11:38 was a backlash in particular against two aspects
11:43 of the Obama era.
11:45 One certainly was kind of the overreach
11:49 of LGBT rights,
11:50 and then morphing into the emphasis
11:53 on transgender, and the bathroom issue.
11:56 And I think many Americans looked at these trends
12:01 and were horrified.
12:02 And so naturally, despite the fact
12:07 that there was a pretty strong conservative,
12:10 you know, what do they call it, a know Trump movement.
12:17 The fact is, you know,
12:19 between the choices that were presented,
12:22 many Americans chose to go with Trump
12:25 because they couldn't stomach
12:26 more of the liberal social trends
12:30 that were started under Obama.
12:32 But the other aspect of this,
12:34 you know, pendulum swing or backlash was eight years
12:38 of an African-American president.
12:40 And the backlash...
12:41 It was offensive to a certain group.
12:43 It was very offensive.
12:45 And we've seen a considerable degree of racism
12:48 in the backlash.
12:50 And one of the things that, you know, look,
12:52 I explained to liberals
12:55 who don't understand how we got Trump,
12:57 I explain to them why I think we got Trump.
13:00 But I also like to explain to conservatives, guess what?
13:03 There's life after Trump.
13:05 You know, whether he gets four years, or eight years,
13:08 or whatever happens, you know,
13:09 the pendulum is going to swing back the other way.
13:12 And the sharper the swing in one direction,
13:16 you know, there's an equal and opposite reaction...
13:18 To some degree, yes.
13:20 There's no question,
13:21 but it's not as simple as just emphasis at the time.
13:25 There's underlying and you've alluded too.
13:27 There is underlying attitudes that have been along.
13:29 And, yes, I think the apparent victory over historic bias
13:36 with Obama's election actually made things
13:39 worse in a strange way.
13:41 But you know, when it comes to othering,
13:44 and you know, like as I said,
13:46 I like to tie this in with the mark of the beast.
13:49 The problem that most Christians
13:52 overlook is Jesus'
13:54 comments in Matthew 24 about the end times.
14:00 And He suggests that the very ones
14:02 who are going to be othered
14:04 are the Bible believing Christians.
14:06 That's true.
14:07 And unfortunately, they left behind another books
14:09 that sort of spun that in the wrong direction
14:11 because they throw in the secret rapture.
14:14 Well, they say, "We'll all be gone,
14:15 so it won't matter."
14:17 But unfortunately for them
14:19 and unfortunately for God's plan
14:22 to make a strong witness at the end of time,
14:25 we're going to see it through and the othering is a dynamic
14:28 we will have to face.
14:30 We'll take a break now.
14:31 We'll be back and pursue this a little further.
14:34 A biblical prediction perhaps of where we're heading.
14:37 Stay with us.


Revised 2018-12-17