Liberty Insider

Cake Maker, Cake Maker, Bake Me A Cake

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI180410B

00:05 Welcome back to Liberty Insider.
00:08 We were so eager to get going that
00:10 we're almost jumping the gun because this is a hot topic.
00:12 It is.
00:13 And with my guest Alan Reinach,
00:16 we started by just legally talking about
00:19 a Supreme Court action
00:20 which most people probably didn't hear about
00:22 or if they did, it didn't mean much.
00:24 But there's a lot riding on
00:25 how the courts and our legal system
00:28 adjudicates between what has become the competing rights,
00:32 religious rights, and gay rights.
00:35 And there is saying, Lincoln,
00:37 that the court did not reach the core issue in the case.
00:42 The court paid lip service, both to,
00:45 you know, gay rights and their rights to be served
00:48 and not discriminated against when they go to restaurants
00:52 and go to businesses as they should.
00:55 They also paid lip service
00:57 to the rights of religious conscience,
00:59 but they never resolved the conflict between them.
01:03 And, you know, it remains for future cases to figure out.
01:08 And it will be future cases because...
01:10 Of course there will.
01:11 I think both parties are pushing stuff up through the...
01:14 creating cases, designed to be said to the Supreme Court.
01:18 You know, the culture war
01:20 has become a bit of a zero sum game.
01:22 Zero sum game means,
01:24 you know, both sides are playing for keeps,
01:27 know, you know, only, you know...
01:29 Take no prisoners. Take no prisoners.
01:30 Winners and losers.
01:32 But you know who the real loser in the culture war,
01:36 in my perception,
01:38 the real loser is the gospel itself
01:40 because when Christians fight so hard against gay rights,
01:46 what happens?
01:49 Secular people, well meaning people, not just activists,
01:52 but, you know, they think badly,
01:54 they see the church, and the Jesus of the church
01:58 as bigoted, as racist, as homophobic,
02:01 as anti-gay, as full of hate.
02:04 Now the Jesus that you and I know and love
02:06 is not a Jesus of hate, He said...
02:09 you know, He died to save the entire world,
02:14 not just a few.
02:15 He didn't just die for the straight people,
02:17 He died for everybody.
02:19 Now, we've, on this program, spoken about this issue,
02:22 not this decision per se that I can remember.
02:25 Sure. A lot, and that's been my view.
02:27 I think Christians are at great risk of being portrayed
02:31 as hard-edged bigots,
02:33 you know, don't even want to even deal with such people,
02:35 unclean, you know?
02:38 It seems to me from what I know,
02:40 and, of course, everyone has to act
02:41 according to their conscience,
02:43 I can't tell anyone at least of all another Christian
02:46 how they should react in this situation,
02:48 but what if they'd come into this guy's cake shop.
02:52 And as he came in, he welcome,
02:53 you know, glad you chose my business,
02:56 and then they ask him to do it.
02:57 And he says, "Well, you know,
02:59 thank you for choosing my store,
03:01 but I have to tell you
03:03 I'm a Bible believing Christian.
03:06 And my book, you know, warns against you
03:10 or something against your lifestyle,
03:11 and I certainly can't endorse that lifestyle,
03:15 but I want to tell you
03:16 if you still want to go with me, great.
03:20 But I may not be the best person
03:22 to do this for you.
03:24 I don't know if you're going to see this
03:25 as a sufficient parallel...
03:26 I mean, how is that denying his faith or refusing service?
03:29 So, but let me tell you about an experience I had years ago
03:33 when I was first practicing law in New York.
03:36 And I went to an education day event
03:39 at one of the churches there in the Bronx.
03:42 And these folks were, you know, so an education day,
03:45 you know, you're telling the high school kids
03:47 and the younger kids about, you know,
03:50 what it means to be a lawyer
03:51 and what you do as a lawyer, that sort of a thing.
03:53 And there was a doctor, and a dentist,
03:54 and, you know, a teacher,
03:56 you know, some other people there.
03:58 The grown-ups were giving me such a hard time.
04:01 How can you be a lawyer and a Christian?
04:03 How can you represent the guilty?
04:05 And I'm like, well, you know, people who have gone wrong,
04:09 you know, they need some grace, they need some...
04:11 They need to have a Christian witness, you know.
04:14 If you're not...
04:15 If there's no Christians in the system anywhere,
04:18 how are they ever going to find Jesus?
04:22 And, you know, it strikes me if Christians now maybe,
04:27 you know, should I...
04:28 If I'm not a criminal defense attorney,
04:30 but should Christians say,
04:31 "Well, we're not going to do criminal defense
04:33 because these are sinners,
04:34 so we're not going to help these sinners
04:36 who have committed these crimes."
04:38 Well, to me, that's a little bit like saying,
04:41 "Well, I'm a baker, but I'm not going to bake for..."
04:44 But you don't necessarily, when you get a client,
04:47 you don't claim to know more than the judge will know
04:50 after a whole trial and all the evidence
04:52 that he's guilty.
04:53 Well.
04:54 He might have a personal inference.
04:56 We've had to struggle with this, Lincoln,
04:58 because it turns out that,
05:00 you know, not all the cases we take and the clients
05:03 we take are as upstanding as we thought to begin with.
05:06 And sometimes we come away thinking that
05:09 the employer was right to fire them.
05:12 But I remember Antonin Scalia
05:16 telling a story about the horse thief
05:19 that was brought to trial before a friendly court.
05:23 And they said he's not guilty. But he...
05:26 And he doesn't have to give back the horses.
05:30 So I guess it's possible to be complicit,
05:34 but I don't think lawyers, as a philosophical matter,
05:39 buy into the guilt of someone that's accused of a crime.
05:43 You are wanting them to get a fair hearing,
05:47 and it may turn out that you help someone this guilty.
05:51 But that's not really your job, you ought to be an advocate.
05:53 And Christ is our advocate.
05:55 We're guilty to start with. So...
05:57 And He's redeeming us, He's redeeming us.
05:59 But coming back to Jack Phillips, I mean, you...
06:01 Look, you raise a good question as a theological matter
06:04 is that the best of the only position
06:06 for Christians to take
06:08 to refuse to serve the gay couple.
06:10 And that's a valid discussion to have,
06:13 and I have my questions as well.
06:14 I mean, I'm not a theologian, I'm a lawyer.
06:16 But, you know, from a legal standpoint, of course,
06:21 he has every legal right to have his religious convictions
06:25 and to have them respected.
06:27 And I do think that the Supreme Court's decision showed respect
06:31 for his beliefs, it remains to be seen.
06:35 You know, going back to the decision in Obergefell
06:39 where Kennedy wrote the majority opinion
06:43 approving of same sex marriage.
06:45 And of course Kennedy's gone.
06:46 But the, you know, the decision paid lip service
06:51 to the right to believe
06:53 what you want about human sexuality,
06:56 but it did nothing to express support
07:00 for the right to act according to your belief.
07:02 So do you think this is a continuation of
07:04 what under the Obama administration
07:06 we took them to task a bit, and the president himself,
07:09 he early on was inclined to talk about freedom of worship,
07:14 not freedom of religion.
07:17 And even the communist system allowed freedom of worship
07:20 to hold a view and within narrow confines
07:23 to sing hymns and so on,
07:25 but not to go out and put it into action,
07:27 that's really what's at stake, isn't it?
07:29 Well...
07:30 Or free exercise as the Constitution says.
07:33 You know, I think the culture warriors are
07:37 misreading the trend of history, frankly
07:41 because I think the trend of history is to secularize,
07:45 and instead of being so combative,
07:49 we need to be more gospel-focused, and ultimately,
07:53 that's going to be where the power is.
07:56 Christ says, "If I be lifted up from the world,
07:58 from the earth, I will draw all men."
08:01 And if the church is failing,
08:04 it's because we're not lifting up Christ
08:07 and showing Jesus properly.
08:10 And when we're fighting these culture war, you know, battles,
08:13 we're alienating people
08:15 rather than drawing them to Christ.
08:17 Right, you're right.
08:18 And so the thing is to represent Christ,
08:21 not protect ourselves,
08:23 and the story that even as you're talking comes to mind,
08:26 people wouldn't normally use it this way,
08:28 but the man on the Jericho road,
08:31 lying there in the blood and this gore,
08:33 and the priest pulls his skirts up, walk by.
08:36 You know, I think there's certain charity involved too.
08:40 Not endorsing someone else's life style,
08:43 but a Christian needs to reach out
08:45 and help in whatever way they can.
08:48 I don't think that means
08:49 that you put all of flourishes on the cake
08:52 because you can't be enthusiastic about it,
08:54 but you definitely will help them in the last condition,
08:59 and by charity, and then I would, spoken in season,
09:03 you know, people think witnessing is,
09:05 you know, push it there on this road.
09:07 But when you're on side with someone
09:09 and helping them in this wedding,
09:12 you know, they can call it what they want,
09:14 not the biblical wedding,
09:15 but you're helping them in this.
09:17 Maybe then you could insert biblical view of
09:20 why you had this reticence to start
09:21 with that you spoke about.
09:23 Well, you know, the real question to me is,
09:26 you know, the,
09:28 you know, Jack Phillips missed an opportunity
09:31 to show the grace of Christ to this couple
09:35 that somehow in showing them a Christian witness...
09:40 a lot of secular people,
09:42 a lot of gay people expect hostility from Christians.
09:45 And so they're reinforced
09:48 in their opposition to Christianity
09:50 when they get rejection.
09:52 And like it or not, I just...
09:54 From the material in their own community
09:56 there's a lot of self-hatred,
09:58 they're not self-confident as they make out,
10:00 they don't need further condemnation.
10:03 If anything, that will give them a false sense that,
10:05 you know, they justified in opposing you.
10:08 But to be charitable and humane toward someone
10:11 and then maybe drop the word that
10:13 this is out of harmony with God's Word, who knows.
10:15 Right, you know...
10:17 That might gain their conscience.
10:18 On a basic gospel orientation,
10:21 I think the mistake that the church has just made
10:24 is that we make people's sexuality
10:28 a barrier between themselves and Christ.
10:31 And that's not the way it should be.
10:34 We really should send the message that
10:36 there is no barrier.
10:38 Jesus died for you, you can encounter Christ,
10:41 you can have a relationship with Christ,
10:43 and Christ alone is the one
10:45 who is going to deal with sinners,
10:47 and clean us up, reform us, change us.
10:53 We worship Christ.
10:57 King Solomon was asked once to adjudicate
11:00 between two women claiming the same child.
11:04 And one never knows how he was going to be execute,
11:06 but his proposal was slice the child in two,
11:09 give half each,
11:10 obviously, they'd each have half a dead child.
11:13 I pity the Supreme Court of late
11:15 because in a recent case,
11:18 the cake maker case, for one of a formal title.
11:22 In essence, they were asked to divide,
11:25 liberties, rights in half
11:28 between the rights of Christians to witness
11:31 and to stand on their faith,
11:33 and the new found civil right of gays, and transgenders,
11:37 and their pressure group.
11:40 I'm not sure that this right can be equally divided.
11:44 And it's unfortunate that
11:45 it becomes a conflict between rights.
11:48 But what is certain is that Christians in their witness
11:51 cannot afford to offend people.
11:55 We need to be as inclusive in the right way
11:57 as Christ was condemning the sin,
12:00 but even patting with the public and if you like,
12:04 we need to avoid the crying leper,
12:07 and say as Christ did,
12:09 a soul to be saved in every situation.
12:12 The legal battle will continue,
12:14 but more important is the moral one
12:16 in the witness of Christians.
12:18 For Liberty Insider, This is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2018-11-19