Liberty Insider

The Cosmic Battle

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000401B

00:05 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider,
00:07 before the break with guest Elijah Mvundura.
00:10 We were really getting into the weeds of philosophy
00:15 and what philosophers have to say about reality even.
00:19 Because the game is for high stakes, isn't it?
00:22 Yes, it is.
00:23 I think we've agreed even in between the program,
00:26 this is a game that Satan plays pretty well
00:30 and he's manipulating people's ideas
00:33 through philosophy often.
00:34 Yes, I was trying to say
00:36 that Descartes is a modern philosopher...
00:39 When you speak about modern philosophy,
00:41 it starts with Descartes.
00:43 And I know people may think that this does not concern us
00:45 but the world that we live in,
00:47 the way we think about the modern world,
00:48 the way we look at reality,
00:50 the way we experience ourselves,
00:52 these are the guys who have shaped it.
00:54 The importance of mathematics in our life,
00:57 you know, mathematics,
00:58 people they think that, they speak of science,
01:00 they think of mathematics.
01:01 Everything has become mathematical.
01:03 Even the...
01:04 In our economics, economics about human relations.
01:07 Yeah.
01:08 But the whole field of mathematics and physics...
01:11 But then human beings are not objects,
01:14 they are subjects.
01:15 And so the whole mathematization,
01:17 what I can call mathematization of reality is problematic
01:22 because the more you mathematize reality,
01:25 you look at reality just as something that is object.
01:29 You are really...
01:31 You get to a point
01:32 where you become blind to spiritual realities.
01:35 And for me as an Adventist,
01:36 it's very, very important for people
01:38 to know that the devil is a real being,
01:41 and that God is real,
01:42 and these are spiritual realities.
01:44 And so math...
01:46 When we think that like Descartes,
01:48 Descartes thought
01:50 that mathematics is the key to everything.
01:51 Yeah.
01:53 It then opens you to demonic deception
01:54 because you're not aware of that reality.
01:57 And so I think we...
01:59 Well, certainly, you wouldn't be aware of someone
02:00 tweak the equation on you a little bit.
02:03 Yes, so it is very important for us to protest
02:05 that mathematics and science
02:08 does not exhaust the structure of reality.
02:11 There is something that is beyond science,
02:13 there is something that is beyond material things,
02:16 and the Bible tries to make us aware,
02:19 and I think this is actually
02:21 the importance of the Book of Revelation
02:23 is to make us aware
02:24 that our lives are shaped by spiritual forces
02:27 that are in conflict.
02:29 And...
02:30 That's what Paul said that we war not against...
02:32 Flesh and blood.
02:34 Flesh and blood but against wickedness in high places.
02:37 Yes.
02:38 And Revelation is not a micro story,
02:43 it's the whole universe is stirred with great events
02:46 that are taking place.
02:47 Yes, yes, yes, yes.
02:48 It's a great story,
02:50 shame that people don't read Revelation.
02:51 Yes. They think it's confusing.
02:53 The only level that I think there is a serious,
02:55 not confusion, but a difficulty in Revelation,
02:58 do you read it in a linear fashion
03:00 or a sort of little snapshots
03:02 that may be shuffled a bit time wise.
03:05 Yes.
03:06 But beyond that, I don't think
03:07 it's such an obscure book at all.
03:09 It's a great book.
03:10 It's not, it's not, it's actually...
03:12 It was at the beginning again,
03:13 we're talking about the English revolution,
03:14 it was at the beginning of the modern era.
03:16 This is what had helped the English philosophers
03:20 to envision the future, that the future can be better.
03:24 People they do actually not know the whole idea
03:26 of the idea of progress, that tomorrow can be better.
03:29 Yeah.
03:31 That we look at the future, it is the Book of Revelation
03:33 that turned the Western world from looking at the past...
03:37 to the future.
03:38 The Greeks and everyone else, the golden age is in the what?
03:42 Is in the past.
03:44 The Christian realism is that
03:47 the future is the one that is better
03:49 and that God can create a whole new thing,
03:51 "Behold, I create all things," what?
03:53 "New." Yeah.
03:54 So we cannot...
03:56 You cannot reverse history.
03:58 It's not about nostalgia about the past.
04:02 The Christian vision is forward-looking.
04:04 Yeah.
04:05 And we...
04:06 It's very important for us
04:08 to know that God controls history,
04:09 He's in control of history, and I think
04:11 this is the best message of the Book of Revelation.
04:13 And that's where our certainty is supposed to be built...
04:16 on the God who is in control of historically events.
04:20 Let me really throw a ranch into this,
04:22 not to disrupt your thought but to challenge it,
04:25 you know, the U.S.
04:26 has been stirred lately by a call
04:28 to make America great again.
04:30 Is that the future,
04:32 forward looking comment or is it retrograde?
04:35 I need to step very carefully.
04:38 That's why I think it's...
04:40 To make America great again,
04:44 maybe we should realize
04:46 that the people who made America great
04:49 were forward-looking.
04:50 They were optimistic.
04:51 But you recognize that statement itself
04:53 is contradictory in some ways if you really...
04:54 It does.
04:56 It is contradictory but America has been...
04:57 Like you could say, when did it cease being great
04:59 or are we looking back to recreate greatness
05:01 which is a backward look, not forward.
05:03 Yes, but for me...
05:05 Is it an optimistic statement or is that saying
05:06 that we're not going to make it
05:07 unless we change, the future is not good?
05:10 Yes.
05:11 It's a very... I've thought about it a few times, it's...
05:13 Maybe that's why it worked well because it was meant
05:16 different things to different people.
05:17 Admitted, yes, but for me, I think it's the loss.
05:21 People have always spoken about Reagan.
05:22 I...
05:25 Reagan was a forward, he had this optimism
05:27 but when you actually look at those optimism,
05:29 it's actually grounded in the biblical millennial vision
05:32 that the future can be better.
05:35 And you may criticize his politics
05:37 but his optimism out made when you trace it.
05:40 As a human being, as a public figure,
05:42 Reagan was very sunny, sunny disposition,
05:46 and he made you feel good about things.
05:48 But where did it come from?
05:49 But his policies were arguably not so great.
05:51 Yes, we may agree and disagree but it was grounded, for me,
05:54 I'm really concerned
05:56 with this biblical vision that was...
05:57 That underlie that optimism.
05:59 Yeah.
06:00 And that when we cease to be optimistic about the future
06:03 and we...
06:04 In other words, we're saying that God is not in control.
06:07 God, when God is in control,
06:08 we can always be optimistic about the future.
06:10 Even the Book of Revelation,
06:13 it speaks about the collapse of civilization
06:15 but still there is optimism because God is in control.
06:19 Yeah.
06:21 So no matter how deep the problem is,
06:23 it's God who can make things new.
06:24 So we can always be optimistic even in the deepest problems.
06:29 And if there is any message that I may want to put out
06:32 is that we must always be optimistic
06:34 because God is in control of history.
06:36 It reminded of an interesting conversation
06:37 I had quite a few years ago with, now deceased,
06:41 D. James Kennedy, television evangelist.
06:43 I met in his office and we spoke
06:45 about all these sort of things,
06:46 Adventism, end of the world and so on.
06:48 And I asked him about dispensationalism
06:52 and it's quirky, well, not quirky
06:55 but it's original way of looking
06:58 at the future and so on.
06:59 And he says, "I used to be a dispensationalist."
07:01 I said, "I have no time for anymore."
07:04 He says, "Because it strikes me that under dispensationalism,
07:07 God doesn't clearly win."
07:09 And in the Book of Revelation, God clearly wins,
07:12 it ends on that beautiful endnote.
07:14 He clearly wins, yes.
07:16 Again, coming back to the English Civil War,
07:19 it was because of their reading of the Book of Daniel and...
07:23 That's why they were optimistic.
07:25 The same thing, the great awakening,
07:26 they said great awakening,
07:28 you have put this millennial influence,
07:30 people are reading.
07:31 And I think that the problem today is that
07:33 Christians are no longer reading their Bibles at all.
07:36 No.
07:38 Most... List of all the Book of Revelation
07:40 and when they speak about the culture wars,
07:42 the reason why they have lost the culture wars
07:44 is that the Christians are no longer Christian.
07:47 That reminds me of Kierkegaard actually.
07:50 Soren Kierkegaard, he was a Danish philosopher
07:54 and I like his statement,
07:55 he says that the challenge in the Roman Empire
07:58 during the time of Christ, during the time of Paul
08:01 was to introduce Christ to the world.
08:05 But he says, "In the 19th century,
08:07 the challenge is now to introduce Christ
08:10 to the church."
08:11 Yeah.
08:12 So today, people...
08:14 Yes, we have got these mega churches
08:15 but the question is, is Christ there?
08:19 And I think that's why...
08:21 And he's mentioned a lot but it's probably not a Christ
08:24 that early Christians would much recognize.
08:28 He's a talisman rather than a reality.
08:30 Yes, because in fact
08:31 when you look at contemporary Christianity,
08:35 I think in one of my articles, I actually spoke
08:38 of how the gospel has been deformed to psychotherapy.
08:42 Everything isn't about the self, self-improvement...
08:44 Self-help.
08:46 Yes...
08:47 Counseling type approach.
08:48 Type of sermons,
08:50 how you can succeed in the like,
08:51 the cross has literally disappeared from the gospel.
08:55 And so much that you can actually speak
08:58 that there has been a convergence
08:59 between the church and the world,
09:01 and that's why Christians in order to recover
09:04 that Christian culture,
09:05 they've got to rely on government instruments,
09:07 and government legislation,
09:09 and appointing Supreme Court justices.
09:11 That will never... You can have Christians,
09:14 nine Christians on the Supreme Court,
09:17 I don't believe that it will make any change
09:19 on the morals of society.
09:20 I think that the pathologies
09:22 that are affecting not only America
09:24 but the world over, they are much deeper.
09:26 You're absolutely right,
09:28 and I think the way I would put it
09:30 is there is a great need for spirituality,
09:33 not just religious identity.
09:34 We're great on identity politics now
09:36 and the religious right in the United States
09:38 are filling their votes,
09:39 they've got some political power.
09:41 But it's not going to go anywhere
09:42 without true deeply felt spirituality.
09:45 Yes, it must be grounded in a deep reading of the Bible.
09:50 And I think that what maybe different
09:52 with some of this revivals that they're not grounded
09:55 in the books of Daniel and Revelation.
09:57 Right, present truth. Yes, present truth, yes.
10:01 The great awakening was grounded in prophecy.
10:04 Prophecy gives a whole angle to a revival,
10:10 the expectation of Jesus Christ coming, gives a whole motive,
10:14 the motor to the religious movement,
10:16 and I believe that this is what America needs,
10:20 a true Bible grounded revival.
10:23 As Zechariah says, "It's not by power,
10:26 not by might, but by My Spirit, thou says the Lord."
10:29 That's what we need, that's the only thing
10:32 that is going to revive America.
10:35 Not just America, the world, the Spirit of the Lord.
10:42 Writing to Seventh-day Adventist,
10:43 but I think with a message applied to all of us,
10:46 Ellen White once warned that the Sunday law,
10:49 which she and her fellows saw as a precursor
10:53 to a final religious conflict,
10:55 "The Sunday law," she said, is making its way in secret
11:00 and many of those involved in this
11:02 even don't see where it's tending."
11:05 I believe in this very real war
11:08 between forces of good and evil,
11:10 between liberal and illiberal,
11:11 if you want to put it that way, as we come to a final conflict,
11:16 we need to recognize much is hidden from us.
11:19 But the war is indeed real.
11:23 The philosophers have often enunciated
11:26 the principles behind it.
11:28 But for those of us
11:29 who are more inclined just to read God's Word
11:32 and to try to find the direct spiritual reality,
11:35 we need to know
11:36 that this is a cosmic battle between good and evil
11:39 worked out through every aspect of human endeavor.
11:44 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2018-09-17