Liberty Insider

The Christian Nation Agenda

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000395B

00:05 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:07 Before the break,
00:08 we were really heavy into debating,
00:10 discussing this Christian nation concept
00:12 that really drives so much
00:14 of the religious liberty discussion in the US of late.
00:18 Well, I think of Sandra Day O'Connor,
00:20 a former Supreme Court Justice, she wrote,
00:22 "The religious zealot and the theocrat frighten us
00:24 in part because we understand
00:26 only too well their basic impulse.
00:28 No less frightening is the totalitarian atheist
00:31 who aspires to a society
00:33 in which the exercise of religion has no place."
00:35 So there are the Christian nationists
00:37 on one hand and yet there is the secular humanists
00:42 that really are at war against freedom of religion.
00:48 I think of Ronald Reagan Jr.,
00:51 his commercial on TV that you see,
00:53 "The freedom from religion foundation."
00:55 Yes.
00:56 And a lot of people argue,
00:58 "Yeah, we must be free from religion."
00:59 But how far do you take that?
01:00 You know, you are not going to get very far.
01:03 I mean, you may get some followers to support that,
01:06 but to deny that we don't have Christian roots
01:09 and we don't have a Christian foundation
01:12 and a Christian society culturally
01:15 is really leading our nation down a bad road.
01:17 I used to listen a lot
01:19 to the late Christopher Hitchens debates
01:21 because he was a radical atheist,
01:24 and he had a lot of history on his side.
01:26 And of course, those that attacked him
01:28 would often bring up Stalin or,
01:30 you know, some other secular or Hitler even although.
01:33 I think what's wrong with Hitler is,
01:34 Hitler had allied himself very close to the state church
01:38 and even to Roman Catholicism.
01:41 But my take on history is that
01:43 atheism is a mortal enemy of faith.
01:47 But its weapons, mockery, ignoring,
01:52 and just marginalizing religion.
01:55 Right wing religionists, as Sandra Day O'Connor
01:58 was referring to,
01:59 they will cut off your head and string you up
02:02 and crucify you
02:04 in all in the name of justice and righteousness.
02:09 I think it's an easy point, especially in the US
02:13 where some of our worst excess is the Ku Klux Klan.
02:17 It was anti-Catholicism, what Christian America,
02:20 and we don't want to go back to those days.
02:22 Well, I had a professor of Portland State University
02:25 years ago in Oregon.
02:27 That was a former Mormon bishop who had turned atheist, okay,
02:31 and he was my philosophy professor.
02:33 I took three courses from him.
02:35 Brilliant guy, brilliant individual.
02:37 But he made an argument
02:39 that I fought against and I still don't believe
02:42 is accurate or true.
02:44 You see, they're motivated by something
02:46 that we don't realize.
02:47 They believe that a society free of religion
02:51 will be even moral, more moral than a society with religion.
02:56 So they believe in moralism, they believe in morality.
02:59 Of course.
03:01 They say they do, okay?
03:03 And that our society would be even more moral,
03:06 but you don't dare use the word righteous with them
03:08 because they don't like that.
03:09 Well, it's the morality of the preservation
03:12 of the species.
03:13 Yes, exactly.
03:15 So that's their argument,
03:16 and a lot of people don't understand
03:18 that side of the argument.
03:21 I went to the Elko Athletic Club
03:23 when I was a pastor in Elko, Nevada
03:25 way out in the middle of northeastern Nevada desert.
03:28 And there was a guy who was worth millions
03:32 and then he squandered it by gambling in United States.
03:34 He came from Ireland and ended up losing everything
03:39 and ended up being taken by this woman
03:40 who owned this business in Elko called the Elko Athletic Club.
03:44 And so you could order from the bar there
03:47 after working out.
03:49 You can order smoothies or whatever
03:52 and then some people, you know, got alcohol and everything.
03:54 I was going to have a smoothie.
03:55 But he and I used to have...
03:57 He was a big old tall guy
03:58 with handlebar mustache and everything,
04:00 bald and everything, and funny looking guy,
04:03 dark eyebrows, and a really funny smile.
04:07 Nicest guy though.
04:08 Anyway, we would argue...
04:10 Oh, I thought you were describing a...
04:11 For three and a half years, we would argue
04:14 almost daily at the gym about, you know,
04:17 what would a society look like free of religion,
04:20 absent of religion.
04:21 And I said, "You can't." I said, "It would die.
04:24 This would be the ugliest place on the earth."
04:26 I said, "Christianity is like the salt of the earth,
04:29 like the Bible says, like Christ said.
04:30 Without it, you would have no goodness in society."
04:33 And so see, the atheists argue
04:35 that you would have even more goodness
04:37 without religion.
04:39 That's their argument.
04:40 Well, I think...
04:42 I think the answer lies in the middle a bit.
04:43 There's a natural morality...
04:47 Naturally, those tribes and societies prohibit killing
04:52 and they regulate interactions on a certain level
04:56 that often are uncannily similar to Christianity,
04:59 or to Judaistic Christian
05:04 type religions or even Islam.
05:06 But that's not the real question.
05:08 We're talking about what dynamic is driving,
05:12 first, to be the Christian nation,
05:13 and what is the real threat?
05:15 And like I'll throw in a wildcard
05:16 that I've never heard anyone write about,
05:18 but I think it's true.
05:19 The most negative things
05:21 you can say about secularism, right?
05:23 You explained how they believe religion is their mortal enemy
05:28 because better off without it.
05:30 But we're faced with a hybrid now.
05:32 We have religious entities, like the Church of England
05:35 has said several Archbishops of Canterbury
05:38 that don't believe in the virgin birth,
05:39 don't believe in miracles,
05:41 don't believe in divine agencies.
05:42 Right. Right.
05:43 They are functioning as radical secularism
05:47 in their advancement of their religious organization.
05:50 So it isn't as simple
05:51 as radical secularists coming at you
05:54 or wild-eyed puritanical phonetics.
05:57 Well, and that's an interesting dynamic in Europe alone
05:59 because what you have is,
06:01 you have the Eastern European countries
06:02 that are pressing against the Western European countries.
06:05 Western European is pianism,
06:07 seems to be taking the increased secular road,
06:10 and Eastern European countries are more and more,
06:13 taking a more fundamentalist road including Poland
06:16 just passed recently in their parliament a,
06:20 you know, nationwide Sunday Law.
06:23 Family rest day. Yeah, family rest day.
06:25 And so I find that interesting
06:26 but it seems that they're converging.
06:29 Who wins?
06:30 I still think even in this country,
06:32 the United States of America,
06:34 that fundamentalism run amok wins.
06:36 Why? Yes.
06:37 Because I believe that secularism
06:40 is inherently apathetic.
06:42 Well, that's what I was saying earlier.
06:44 They're not likely to come at you
06:46 with all the fangs showing.
06:47 Right, right.
06:49 And so because of their apathy,
06:50 they just want peace, live and let live.
06:53 I mean, obviously, the counterexample to that,
06:56 the contradiction is the French Revolution
06:58 where you had secularists
06:59 that basically overthrew the religious and political...
07:02 Yeah, they had a particular reason for the hatred
07:04 of religion at that time.
07:06 But I think, the French Revolution
07:07 is an aberration.
07:09 I don't think it's a really...
07:11 Some people say, "Well, you know,
07:12 how do you defy what's said in The Great Controversy
07:14 by Ellen G. White?"
07:16 I don't think the French Revolution
07:17 is the model to look at
07:19 when we're looking to the future
07:20 because I really believe...
07:22 And who knows the future? I don't.
07:24 But what I am saying is, I think really,
07:26 I believe that we're looking at an increased move
07:30 towards fundamentalism.
07:31 And what I mean by that is simply this,
07:33 you see a president who basically garners,
07:38 basically 37% of the population's approval
07:42 and won the Electoral College vote but lost by, what,
07:46 nearly three million votes, okay?
07:48 Now you say, "Well, how could that be?"
07:51 But here, look at that dynamic.
07:52 It was all constitutional. It's all constitutional.
07:54 By the way we describe,
07:56 it's an aberrant sort of a situation.
07:57 But in the democratic system, you can have a vast majority
08:03 that's apathetic and allow
08:05 a very strong virulent aggressive minority to rule.
08:09 Absolutely.
08:10 That's always been a phenomenon.
08:12 And I think you're seeing that in Congress.
08:15 I think we're beginning to see
08:17 the effects of that in the Supreme Court.
08:20 Before long, we're going to have
08:24 right wing fundamentalists conservatives
08:26 in a religious bent that fill the seats in the court,
08:29 that take the place of far left wing secularist...
08:34 Which we have a problem within the judiciary right now.
08:36 ...liberal judges.
08:37 And so you have this ongoing fight
08:41 in our governmental system and it should be clear
08:44 to anybody watching it that that's what's happening.
08:47 Yeah.
08:48 No, there's a battle for the soul
08:50 of the United States.
08:51 Yes, yes.
08:52 I think, and you and I have agreed.
08:54 I think, in my lifetime, at least,
08:56 plus, what I've read in the US history,
08:57 I think this is one of the most troubling and dangerous
09:01 episodes in the story of the American republic.
09:06 And Ellen White that you referred to earlier,
09:08 her writing, I think prophetically
09:10 to Seventh-day Adventist
09:11 and to a larger audience, sometimes.
09:13 She said that the US one day will repudiate every principle
09:18 of the constitution.
09:19 Now she also said, leading to Revelation 13,
09:23 the two principles of Republicanism,
09:26 in other words, power of the people
09:28 and Protestantism, both and the threat.
09:32 I agree, and I think religious fundamentalism
09:34 will eventually take over this country
09:37 in very detrimental ways to our constitutional system
09:40 and specifically religious freedom.
09:42 And it's only a matter of time.
09:44 And again, I don't know the future and neither do you.
09:47 But we've been given some earmarks
09:49 both in Revelation and in the book,
09:51 "Great Controversy" and other sources
09:53 from current history and current events
09:56 to basically tell us that,
09:58 "Hey, we seem to be heading down this road."
10:00 Will it stay on that route? Who knows?
10:03 Some people have always thought that secularism and atheism
10:06 will take over this country to bring about last day events.
10:08 But I think it's the other way altogether.
10:13 It's one of the great mysteries of history, at least to me,
10:16 how in the establishing of the United States
10:19 in the adopting and development of a new constitution,
10:24 so many of the principles could be barely religious,
10:28 ideas is probably the best you can give to them.
10:31 How many irreligious or unreligious
10:34 or thoroughly secular people could come up
10:37 with a document that at its heart
10:40 defends freedom of religion,
10:42 not just as a line item but as a concept?
10:47 I think that's the divine element
10:49 in the history of the United States,
10:51 how God could guide people
10:53 hardly knowing what they were doing.
10:55 But out of it, came a protection
10:58 that exists to this day of the ultimate right
11:03 that we should all have to recognize God,
11:06 to worship Him, to follow Him,
11:09 to proclaim Him in the way that our conscience dictates.
11:13 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2018-08-02