Liberty Insider

Religous Liberty Is Great

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000390A

00:28 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:29 This is a program
00:30 that brings you news, updates, analysis,
00:33 and general information on religious liberty events
00:36 in the US and around the world.
00:38 My name is Lincoln Steed, editor of Liberty magazine.
00:41 And my guest on this program is Tina Ramirez,
00:45 founder and president of Hardwired.
00:48 And not the first time you've been on this program.
00:50 I'm sure we have regular viewers
00:52 that already heard you explain your organization
00:55 which is doing leading edge education
00:58 all around the world,
01:00 but what impresses me particularly
01:01 is in Iraq dealing with people who have been damaged
01:05 by that whole civil war situation,
01:07 ISIS and so on.
01:09 But you also have a background working
01:13 at quite high levels in the US government.
01:17 How about you? What are your positions?
01:19 I don't want to characterize them.
01:20 No, no, it's okay. Thank you for having me here.
01:21 I know you worked in congressional offices
01:23 in different advisory capacities.
01:27 So let's talk a little bit about the US.
01:29 In my view the US,
01:31 like every country is facing severe challenges
01:34 on all levels at the moment, and with the political,
01:39 maybe not instability
01:40 but political dynamism of the moment.
01:43 I think we're even having to sort of look again,
01:46 you know, what religious liberties,
01:47 civil liberties, how do they fit into this.
01:50 You know, what's the situation today,
01:52 it clearly is not business as usual, is it?
01:55 No, and thank you for having me again, Lincoln.
01:58 It's great to be with you. My pleasure.
01:59 Yeah, so Hardwired organization
02:02 that I founded provides education
02:04 and training in religious freedom
02:05 around the world,
02:07 and establishes leadership in countries
02:08 where there is none,
02:09 so that we can begin to turn the tide against persecution.
02:11 But obviously
02:13 this is still a hot issue in America
02:14 and in many western countries,
02:17 where the freedom is beginning to come under attack
02:20 or just is being threatened in different ways.
02:23 And, so it's been interesting
02:25 because at the organization we've been looking
02:27 at how do you raise up younger generations
02:30 to care about this human right in order to preserve it
02:33 for not only people around the world,
02:35 but for future generations here as well.
02:36 But now, preserve it for today. Yeah, right here, great.
02:38 Right here, it's great.
02:40 So this is something that we've been looking at
02:42 and in working in the US Congress,
02:44 we focused primarily
02:45 on international religious freedom issues
02:48 but also on some domestic issues as well.
02:50 So it's a very different landscape here
02:56 in the United States than it is in other countries,
02:59 it's not life and death realities,
03:01 but it's still,
03:03 there are many issues in America
03:04 where the freedom of conscience
03:06 is definitely coming under threat in diverse ways,
03:11 and on both sides of the aisle.
03:12 So it's a very interesting time.
03:14 Well, it's not, maybe not life or death,
03:17 you know, that your head's gonna be severed at the moment,
03:20 but people's livelihood is often on the line
03:24 and you can't survive long without reasonable income
03:27 and the place in society, so it's very important.
03:30 Right, and I think that one of the greatest challenges
03:32 is that the general public
03:34 just isn't aware of the implications
03:37 of limiting the freedom of conscience and belief
03:42 for people of faith,
03:44 you know, people across the country.
03:46 And so, when you come from a community,
03:47 religious community
03:49 that this is embedded in who you are,
03:52 you know, taking the Sabbath day
03:53 and keeping it holy, not working another community.
03:58 I mean there are a lot
03:59 of different religious communities
04:01 like Jehovah's Witnesses
04:02 that, you know, the blood transfusion issue,
04:04 or if you look are not pledging the allegiance, certain things,
04:08 I mean, there are a lot of communities
04:09 that have certain conscientious objections
04:12 or two different issues as a matter of faith.
04:15 And for them
04:17 it would be their ability to live out their faith
04:21 is being threatened right now by a society that wants to say,
04:24 no, you should have
04:26 to just fall in line with the culture.
04:28 Sort of the uniformity. Right.
04:30 And what you're getting at,
04:31 I don't know if you've ever expressed
04:33 or thought of it this way,
04:34 but to me this true religious liberty
04:36 that you understand very well and we talk about.
04:40 But a lot of what passes through religious liberty now
04:42 is religious entitlement, like my group wants this,
04:47 I'm restricted,
04:48 couldn't even be Seventh-day Adventist,
04:50 I mean, we're not necessarily doing that, but it could be,
04:52 I'm fighting for accommodation on my holy day,
04:55 but I'm not overly moved by someone else's.
04:57 Religious liberty has to be for all...
04:59 Oh, absolutely.
05:00 Or it doesn't work for anyone essentially.
05:02 Yeah, I've been working in Washington,
05:03 I think that's one of the great things
05:05 that you've seen is that,
05:06 you've seen a lot of diverse groups come together
05:07 and work together
05:09 on these different policy issues.
05:10 So there are a lot of networks even with secular humanists
05:13 that are working with religious communities
05:16 on different issues that they can come together on.
05:19 So the Workplace
05:20 Religious Freedom Act is one of those,
05:23 and there are a number of other issues,
05:24 I think healthcare was another one
05:25 where a number of communities were very concerned
05:27 about the implications for conscience.
05:29 And conscience has such
05:31 a long history tradition in America
05:33 that it's affected
05:35 so many different groups in different ways
05:36 that it's everything from conscience objection
05:38 to warfare to,
05:40 you know, the pledge of allegiance to just,
05:42 you know, the healthcare.
05:44 So runs the gamut of groups across the board
05:47 that want to be able to say
05:50 that it's my right to do, that's what you see.
05:52 And yet it's very distinct.
05:54 Conscience issues historically and even legally,
05:57 it doesn't have to be religion,
05:59 and yet you and I know that the conscience
06:02 is almost a spiritual concept, isn't it?
06:05 There's a divine spark that you're responding to the,
06:09 certainly, religious values inform you good conscience.
06:13 Well, yeah, and when we're applying
06:15 within the context of US law,
06:16 we're looking at the deeply held religious convictions
06:20 that somebody has,
06:21 not just a certain idea about right and wrong,
06:24 but it has to be,
06:25 it's connected and I think this is what means...
06:26 Doesn't even have
06:28 to be perceived legally as right or wrong
06:29 if they hold it deeply, it's to be respected.
06:32 And this is what makes religious freedom
06:33 so different than other political rights
06:35 like free speech or being part of a labor union
06:39 or political party is that, with religious freedom
06:42 you're aligning an individual's conscience
06:44 with some external reality.
06:46 And it's not just a political party,
06:47 it's something outside of this time and space
06:49 that we live and exist
06:51 and that orients the individual to an eternal future.
06:55 And so that's a very different concept
06:58 than just something that's here and now,
06:59 and it orients in shapes how we live our lives
07:03 because of what might happen in the afterlife.
07:05 Let me really throw a wild card at you,
07:07 just get your reaction.
07:09 A few years ago I heard Congress...
07:12 not Congress, Cardinal Dolan of the Roman Catholic Church
07:17 make a nod toward the past history of his church,
07:21 he said, "Catholics once held that error has no rights."
07:25 They don't hold that now, error has no rights,
07:28 and in the secular history,
07:30 you know, thought back to the German Nazi experiment.
07:35 In Germany, Communists had no rights.
07:37 Well, even I can easily see
07:39 the problem of that political viewpoint,
07:41 but to say that,
07:42 anyone that believes that view no matter
07:44 how sincerely or sincerely wrong,
07:47 as a human being they lose all their rights,
07:49 that's sort of dangerous.
07:50 Oh, absolutely, yeah.
07:52 And I think we flirted with the idea
07:53 and I'm really going to go out and allude here.
07:54 President Trump,
07:56 I think got caught in his words
07:58 on the thing in Charlottesville.
08:01 But he was close to a truth,
08:03 not that there's necessarily good or bad people,
08:06 but even when people are holding a bad cause,
08:09 you can't just wipe them off the scale of the human rights
08:14 and respecting them even in their wrongness.
08:17 And we're close to it, with the terrorists,
08:19 we've crossed the line I believe.
08:21 If someone is identified as a terrorist,
08:23 human rights don't apply, you can pull their thumbnails,
08:25 or their fingernails out, you could skin them alone,
08:27 you could...
08:28 They're worthy of death.
08:30 And I think they're all connected,
08:31 I think what's at stake
08:33 is a broad based view of respect
08:39 for human life just because it's human life.
08:41 And what goes with it, views that they held sincerely,
08:45 not that you have to follow them
08:47 or hold them up as something ideal,
08:49 but that person
08:51 has the same innate rights as your own.
08:53 That's why at Hardwired
08:54 we believe that every person is hardwired for freedom...
08:56 Yes, I like that concept.
08:58 For dignity, we believe that every human being
09:00 is made for freedom and dignity,
09:01 and that's the goal
09:03 that we're trying to accomplish in the world by...
09:04 That's very biblical
09:05 from the Christian perspective...
09:07 Of course, but it's universal and human rights are universal,
09:11 there are universal ideals and standards
09:14 that we should seek for every human being
09:16 because of the inherent human dignity
09:18 that they possess.
09:19 So this is something that we're striving towards.
09:22 And what we see in America today,
09:24 particularly amongst younger generations
09:26 is that there's a lack of awareness
09:28 of these human rights
09:30 and how they apply to a lot of the things happening
09:32 in their lives today so.
09:33 I mean just, you mentioned President Trump
09:35 in the issue of Charlottesville over race,
09:37 but if you look at a lot of the issues
09:42 that we've seen in the past year
09:43 from the anti-Semitism that was in Charlottesville
09:47 to the immigration through,
09:49 you know, the challenges to immigration.
09:51 And the fears that a lot of Muslim immigrants
09:54 had of the policies and how it portrayed them.
09:58 You have a lot of concerns
10:00 across the aisle in diverse communities
10:04 over what's happening in society
10:06 and how it's affecting their religious identity
10:10 or their religious freedom.
10:11 And so I think for the first time
10:13 we have a conversation in America...
10:15 And that could be good.
10:16 They can be had about how does religious freedom
10:19 as freedom of conscience, how does it apply to everybody,
10:22 and how does society navigate it in a way
10:24 where everybody is able to achieve greater dignity
10:29 and respect and not less.
10:31 Yeah, well put, yeah.
10:32 Now that's a big challenge and humans
10:37 throughout history haven't navigated
10:39 that very well.
10:41 Well, it seemed easier to different cultures
10:42 when their political and ethnic identity was tied up
10:47 with their common religious identity,
10:49 but now we're so bifurcated on many levels,
10:52 we are such a diverse group
10:54 that we have to figure it out, don't we?
10:56 Right, when I think it's important
10:58 when one challenge we've seen is that people don't understand
11:01 the fears that people have
11:03 from a different political perspective
11:05 about losing their religious freedom.
11:09 So, you know, conservatives within the healthcare climate
11:13 were very fearful that they would be forced
11:15 to violate their conscience
11:18 by paying for abortifacient drugs.
11:21 And, you know, if it was Jehovah's Witness
11:23 that had to allow their child
11:26 to be given a blood transfusion,
11:28 or if it was Adventist
11:29 that had to work on the Sabbath,
11:31 I mean, those are all,
11:32 those are all violations of conscience.
11:35 At this in the same way a lot of conservatives
11:38 don't understand
11:40 how certain young people are protesting
11:43 about the fear, the changes in immigration,
11:46 how it feels that certain communities,
11:49 religious communities are being targeted and so.
11:52 And then at the same time on top of all of that,
11:54 you know, there are legitimate reasons
11:58 that we need to prioritize certain persecuted religious
12:02 communities in our refugee policy,
12:04 because that's a long standing in American tradition.
12:06 But it seems to be something
12:07 that hasn't really been discussed
12:09 in the whole immigration debate either.
12:10 There is a lot of issues going on in both sides
12:12 and I think the important thing is that,
12:14 there needs to be a real conversation in America
12:17 about why religious freedom
12:18 is something that is for everyone,
12:20 not just for one group or the other.
12:21 And I don't think...
12:23 Back to something I said earlier,
12:24 I don't think that conversation is being directed very well
12:28 because in its present administration
12:32 admirably have...
12:34 The president personally has said very clearly
12:38 that he's going to support religious freedom, that's fine.
12:42 But when I see
12:43 what's happened more recently in the United States,
12:46 a lot of it is religious entitlement,
12:48 it's more power to a certain religious viewpoint.
12:51 I don't see an increased emphasis
12:53 generally on in inclusion.
12:56 You know, in the Seventh-day Adventist church
12:59 there's a great suspicion of ecumenism
13:01 which is sort of word we use don't use it anymore,
13:04 they take it a syncretism
13:06 where you sort of put all religions
13:07 in the pot and just stir them.
13:09 I don't think anyone that deeply cares about
13:10 a particular religious faith wants that,
13:13 what they hold they hold dearly and closely,
13:15 and it's very important.
13:18 So it should...
13:20 To me it's a little troubling
13:21 when I see a particular religious viewpoint,
13:24 particularly one that's more easily identified
13:26 with historical nature of the society in the country.
13:30 It's getting more and more empowered
13:32 but maybe the others are losing out.
13:34 So...
13:35 Well, I don't know,
13:37 I mean, ultimately in America as in much of the West,
13:39 more and more people are becoming non-religious.
13:42 Now, that's another threat, yes.
13:44 But, I mean, so I don't know
13:45 that focusing on religion so much
13:48 is as much to see is as important
13:50 as understanding that there are a lot of people
13:52 that reject religion, that are becoming secular
13:54 and there's a clash between the two.
13:56 And within those two contacts,
13:58 we need to understand that both groups require
14:02 and should have the freedom
14:05 to decide whether to follow a belief or not follow it.
14:08 And then within that you can't force people
14:10 to do things
14:13 that would violate their own conscience.
14:15 And you run to the key thing, like, it's not to be forced.
14:17 If there's force involved, it's not religious liberty.
14:19 We will be back after a short break, stay with us.


Revised 2018-03-29