Liberty Insider

Hardwired for Success

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000387B

00:05 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:07 Before the break, with guest Tina Ramirez.
00:10 We're talking about Iraq
00:12 and in particular what you are doing,
00:13 dealing with reeducating or educating the young people
00:16 to get past the past, right?
00:19 Yeah, it's really exciting to see what's happening.
00:22 I mean, you have these examples
00:23 as I mentioned where kids are identifying and reacting,
00:28 oh, reenacting things that they have heard
00:31 or witnessed on the playground.
00:33 And at the same time
00:35 you have teachers and government officials
00:37 that are terrified that they know
00:39 that these traumatized or affected youth
00:42 have to be reeducated
00:45 if they want to have a future
00:46 that involves peace and stability
00:48 and unity in their country.
00:50 So that's the space
00:51 that Hardwired is filling right now.
00:53 Yeah.
00:54 And, you know, I must say even editing Liberty magazine,
00:56 I love it.
00:58 I love talking and writing about religious liberty.
01:00 But sometimes I think,
01:02 you know, it's all great and theoretical.
01:04 But what...
01:05 just words and meetings and all the rest,
01:07 but you're really involved in making a difference
01:10 on the ground.
01:11 You know, it's great to be on the ground because...
01:13 For freedom in the future. Right.
01:15 Well, and I think that...
01:16 You know, as we kind of started with this
01:18 that the future of religious freedom in Iraq
01:20 hangs the balance right now.
01:21 We've seen...
01:23 We've seen one of the most
01:24 nihilistic forms of religious bigotry
01:27 in our history or in our time,
01:29 in ISIS, in the last decade.
01:31 Now, and in...
01:33 You know, the past three years
01:35 it's just ravaged the Middle East
01:36 and the Christian community in particular
01:39 is on the verge of extinction,
01:40 the Yazidi community is on the verge of extinction.
01:42 Mandaean community on the verge of extinction and you name it.
01:45 You've got Turkmen,
01:48 number of different communities
01:49 that have just been decimated by the violence.
01:52 And Iraq is now at a point where they realized,
01:55 we cannot go forward, we cannot even...
01:58 It's all or nothing.
02:00 If either we all fall together or we, you know,
02:05 we're gonna have to take a stand.
02:07 So just as an example,
02:08 we had a judge that went through one of our trainings
02:11 and he came back a couple months later,
02:13 they go through a rigorous process,
02:15 so several cycles of training
02:17 until they can really sustain leadership on their own.
02:19 Now whereabouts in Iraq have you been?
02:21 So, all over but this was prominently
02:23 in the north and inner field of the Kurdish areas.
02:26 So this judge was from an area that was
02:28 controlled by ISIS at the time.
02:30 And when he left he was so moved and he said,
02:33 "I'm gonna go and I'm gonna fight for the justice
02:36 for the Yazidis and the Christians
02:37 and all the different communities
02:38 that are persecutors, it's a Sunni Muslim judge.
02:40 So he comes back a couple of months later
02:42 and we asked him how things were going.
02:44 He served on a court that was very important.
02:48 And he showed us his phone
02:49 and on this phone was this image
02:51 of his youngest 17-year-old brother
02:54 being beheaded by ISIS.
02:56 And, I mean, of course, we were shocked
02:58 and we asked him,
03:01 "Are you gonna be able to continue
03:03 defending religious freedom
03:04 and helping these persecuted communities,
03:06 if, you know, if this is what's gonna happen to you?"
03:09 And he said, "Well, this is clearly a warning
03:11 to me from ISIS, and this is what they do,
03:13 they send you a photo to scare you."
03:15 But he said, "If I don't do this,
03:17 if I don't stand up for justice,
03:19 if I don't bring justice to the victims of terrorism,
03:21 then this is the reality in the faith
03:23 that awaits every person in Iraq."
03:25 And so Harwired definitely works
03:27 in some of those difficult parts of the world.
03:28 Scary stuff, isn't it?
03:29 But we work in places
03:31 where people have hit rock bottom.
03:32 And in Iraq they realized that there's only one way up.
03:35 And so we have this amazing opportunity
03:39 now in Iraq that the government in Kurdistan
03:41 has actually invited us
03:43 to reeducate the entire youth population,
03:47 you know, school children.
03:49 And it's about 1.8 million kids.
03:51 Because they realized that if they want to overcome
03:54 the ideologies of hate
03:56 and intolerance that are fueling
03:57 these recurrent cycles of violence
03:59 that are destabilizing their country,
04:01 that they have to ensure that there is a respect
04:04 for the freedom of each other embedded in their culture.
04:07 And so that's what Hardwired has the opportunity to do.
04:11 The Kurdish area has been in a bad story,
04:14 it's been a relatively positive development.
04:18 But do you have any understanding why this is so?
04:23 I mean, before Saddam Hussein was overthrown, you know,
04:27 he was at war against the Kurds.
04:29 And of course in the larger region there had been a war
04:32 with separatist Kurdish elements
04:34 or war with Turkey.
04:36 Yeah, the Kurds have a checkered past I guess...
04:39 Yes, but the Kurds... Yeah.
04:42 As I see it the Kurds are overwhelmingly Islamic, right?
04:46 Yeah, they're predominantly Sunni Muslim,
04:49 but I think it's hard to...
04:50 So what's going on? Why is it better?
04:52 Why they have a more positive feel?
04:54 I think it's hard to look at the Kurds as one monolith,
04:57 because if you remember pre World War I,
04:59 the Kurds encompassed different Kurdish tribes across Iran,
05:03 Syria, Turkey, and Iraq and they were separated.
05:06 So, and even within the Kurdish tribes that you have in Iraq,
05:10 there are different factions you've got.
05:11 You know, Talibani family and the Barzani family
05:14 and so it's different factions.
05:15 But what we've seen in Iraq in particular is,
05:19 because of Saddam's hatred of the Kurds
05:21 and fear of their power,
05:25 you know, ability to have a power base
05:29 in the country, he did attack them.
05:31 And so, then when the US came in,
05:32 in the Persian Gulf War we established a no fly zone.
05:35 The Kurds became kind of an isolated area
05:40 that was very pro western,
05:41 because the West is really the one
05:42 that came in to protect them.
05:44 And so they've been much more open to democracy,
05:46 to some of these ideas
05:48 their freedom of religion belief
05:49 that we're talking about, because of that.
05:51 And they're not...
05:53 There are Kurds that are very religious
05:55 but for the most part Kurds in general
05:57 are not super religious, they're more cultural so...
05:59 That's the impression I've got
06:01 and that's sort of what I was fishing for.
06:02 Yeah.
06:04 Perhaps more than some in that area
06:05 there nominally of a religious identity,
06:07 but not defined by religious identity.
06:09 Well, I think their...
06:11 I think they define themselves more ethnically.
06:12 Yeah, I think that their ethnicity
06:13 and their Kurdish identity
06:15 is far more important in many ways.
06:16 But that's definitely changed in the last decade.
06:19 You see a resurgence of Islam and Islamic identity
06:23 in certain parts of the country.
06:25 But we've even been invited by the government
06:27 to do trainings with the Imams
06:28 and the Imams are very responsive
06:29 to religious freedom.
06:31 So we have one Imam
06:33 that has his own religious school
06:36 and he is just the best example of religious freedom advocate
06:41 that you could have in any country.
06:45 He supports women's rights
06:47 and he's just the sweetest person
06:48 and he's really done a lot of great...
06:52 He's created lessons now on religious freedom
06:53 that he's using in his school.
06:55 So it's very exciting to see what, you know,
06:58 what can happen in that country or in that part of the country.
07:00 You mentioned women's rights,
07:02 you know, one of the visual images
07:03 I have of the Kurdish people's lately,
07:07 their military units, men and women.
07:09 Now you don't see that
07:12 in the whole Middle East normally,
07:14 women are not involved with the military.
07:16 Yeah. But the Kurds are fighters.
07:17 I mean, one of my best friends is a Kurdish woman who...
07:21 She even served with the US military
07:23 and was blown up twice in different,
07:26 you know, Humvee accidents and resilient, resilient,
07:30 but they're strong people, they're mountainous people,
07:33 so they're just naturally strong people.
07:34 That's the impression... I can beat them.
07:36 That's the impression that I've had that
07:38 they are generally in the mountainous areas.
07:40 Well, we have had a great working relationship
07:42 with the Kurdish government.
07:43 So in the past few years that we've been able to run
07:49 trainings in Kurdistan
07:51 because it's the safest part of Iraq.
07:53 We've been able to build a strong relationship
07:56 with the Ministry of Education
07:57 and the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
07:59 And the head of those ministries
08:02 or the director of those ministries
08:03 has been very supportive of the religious freedom rights
08:07 of all the different religious communities in Kurdistan.
08:10 So he's even established seven different positions
08:13 for religious leaders that includes a leader,
08:16 a position for the Bahais, for the Zoroastrians, for...
08:20 Christians? Yes. For Christians.
08:22 For all of the different religious communities
08:24 and even a Jewish leader.
08:26 So I think you may recall we brought
08:28 this Jewish leader to Washington D.C.
08:30 a couple of years ago, so that Congress
08:33 could see this progress that's being made
08:35 in Kurdistan that, that they're recognizing
08:38 the religious diversity.
08:39 They just transformed
08:41 their whole religious education curriculum,
08:42 so that they recognize that diverse religious history
08:45 that exists there.
08:46 This is something that we don't see happening
08:48 anywhere else in the Middle East.
08:49 No, it's unique, it was very positive.
08:50 That they have a Jewish leader,
08:52 that they've incorporated Jewish history
08:54 into their textbooks, in their curriculum.
08:55 I mean, this is very diverse.
08:57 So it's continue... You know, that was what,
08:59 at least a year or two ago, wasn't it?
09:01 Yeah, and we've even met... So it's worked well since then?
09:04 Well, it hasn't been implemented yet.
09:07 They have just...
09:08 They revised the whole curriculum
09:09 and so now they've actually invited Hardwired
09:11 to help them with the implementation.
09:12 So we're gonna be going
09:14 in the next couple of months to trainthe,
09:17 all of the teachers that...
09:18 that are responsible for this curriculum.
09:20 To teach in a way that teaches children
09:22 to value religious freedom.
09:23 So this is really very exciting
09:25 because it will get to the root cause of the problem
09:26 and help them overcome the challenges.
09:28 And I said at the beginning and I'll say it again,
09:30 that's what's so special about your organization.
09:31 Oh, thank you. Yeah.
09:33 You know, they are doing something
09:34 that will make a difference.
09:36 The part of the process, not observing.
09:37 No, we are all about getting results
09:40 and seeing things change in countries around the world.
09:42 I mean, there's...
09:43 For too long we've seen this trajectory
09:45 that you alluded to in the beginning.
09:47 You said 70%, but in 2007,
09:51 67% of the world's population lived in countries
09:53 with severe repression of religious freedom.
09:57 In 2017 that number was 79% of the world's population,
10:01 that's the Pew Research Center.
10:03 So just in a decade we've seen a 12% decline
10:06 and we can't afford for that
10:08 to be the trajectory for the future.
10:11 So this basically tells me again
10:13 that what you're doing
10:14 is what's needed to make the difference.
10:16 The statistics are heading in the wrong direction.
10:20 The centre is falling apart if you like,
10:22 but you have to start with that individual,
10:24 that impressionable young person
10:26 that can make a difference.
10:27 Oh, absolutely.
10:28 You have to start with the young person.
10:30 But I think one of the other things
10:31 that we have to do is, we have to start
10:33 with building local leadership in countries
10:35 where there is no religious freedom.
10:38 Right now we have far too many countries,
10:39 they have no sustainable local leadership
10:42 and unfortunately they can't be the ones,
10:45 we can't have them always depending on a west,
10:49 whether it's the United States or other countries
10:52 to be standing in their defense,
10:54 because we may not always have an administration
10:56 or a government that is willing to.
11:02 I mean, right now it's a very, you know, just...
11:07 People don't... It's a very different time.
11:10 We don't know what to expect out of government leaders
11:12 and what they will stand for or not stand for.
11:13 And so it's really critical that there is
11:15 that local leadership on the ground
11:17 and that's one of the things that Hardwired provides.
11:22 Only a few miles down the river from Baghdad
11:24 is the ancient site of Babylon.
11:27 And all the Biblical imagery that goes with it
11:31 is worth remembering and musing on the fact
11:34 that in these later days
11:36 after the US-led invasion of Iraq
11:40 and the replacing of a dictatorship
11:43 with a slightly dysfunctional but democratic regime,
11:47 that not only are we trying to fix the debris
11:51 and reassemble the debris of a collapsed kingdom.
11:55 But through efforts like Tina Ramirez
11:57 and her organizations,
11:59 we're trying to bring again to a benighted land,
12:02 principles of freedom and liberty.
12:05 And I respect for what God has planted in each of us,
12:09 the ability to seek the divine
12:12 and respect others in that same journey
12:14 and to realize that at the end of the day,
12:17 religious liberty is the ultimate liberty
12:20 that we are liberated toward.
12:23 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2018-03-22