Liberty Insider

Money Matters

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000385A

00:26 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:28 This is your program where you can share with us
00:32 some of the recent developments on religious liberty.
00:35 We'll analyze the issues and discuss the value of
00:39 religious liberty in the modern era.
00:42 My name is Lincoln Steed, editor of Liberty Magazine.
00:45 And my guest on the program is Ed Cook, Dr. Ed Cook,
00:50 with a doctorate in church-state studies,
00:52 and a few articles at Liberty under your belt,
00:55 and quite a few speaking appointments behind you.
00:58 So let's share something about religious liberty,
01:04 but take it from a funny angle; money.
01:06 ~ Alright.
01:07 Although, whether it's religion or crime or politics,
01:12 they often say, "Follow the money,"
01:14 and you'll come at it.
01:16 And in the last few months there's been a lot of discussion
01:19 in the U.S. about a new tax bill.
01:21 And I don't know why there's such eternal optimism on this,
01:25 because if you study any history in the U.S. or England
01:28 or western countries, whenever the tax issues came up
01:32 it means more tax dollars.
01:35 Or probably more accurately in the U.S., more debt.
01:39 So there's no free lunch.
01:41 But I noticed that buried in the tax bill
01:45 was the repudiation of what was once buried
01:49 in a tax bill back in the 50's, called the Johnson Amendment.
01:53 ~ Yes.
01:54 Got any thoughts on the Johnson Amendment?
01:56 Well, we do know that in the historical context
02:00 that had been part of the tax bill then
02:03 because the candidates running for office
02:06 felt that religious groups were having too much undue influence
02:10 in the political realm.
02:12 And so as a means of basically curtailing that,
02:16 the Johnson Amendment in essence establishes,
02:18 once it was passed, in essence prohibits
02:21 religious entities from endorsing any particular...
02:24 ~And non-profits, to be fair to it.
02:26 It isn't just taking a shot at religious groups,
02:29 but they clearly were a major target.
02:32 And it's because certain religious groups had opposed
02:35 the re-election of Johnson, Lyndon Johnson.
02:39 So it was a bit of payback.
02:41 And we're caught with a conundrum, a quandary,
02:44 because of this.
02:46 We do want a separation of church and state.
02:48 I do think, and I think you agree, it's not healthy
02:51 for churches to become directly involved in politics
02:54 and fundraising and all the scrabble of political rivalries.
03:00 But it's also not good for the churches to be prohibited
03:04 from having a public voice.
03:06 ~ Expression, yes.
03:08 So it's a problem.
03:09 And President Trump with his alliance,
03:12 rather historical alliance with the religious right,
03:16 by my alights the last time I remember such an alliance
03:18 was when Jimmy Carter was elected.
03:21 And of course, he was a legitimately
03:23 religious figure, of sorts,
03:27 where this is an alliance of expediency
03:30 on both counts, so I think.
03:31 But the president now has made it very plain that
03:35 he intends to overturn the Johnson Amendment.
03:41 But I've been watching it, and I noticed that it was added
03:43 quietly to the tax bill.
03:46 Which is not yet, as we sit here now, been passed.
03:49 Probably will in some form or another.
03:51 But in its present form it suddenly was taken off
03:55 just in the last couple of days.
03:58 Which is interesting, but I don't think
04:00 that's the end of the game.
04:01 I think one way or another it's going to be undone.
04:05 Maybe just by executive order.
04:07 ~ Let me ask you this, Lincoln.
04:09 You know on my end, I was not aware of the
04:11 most recent kind of development where originally it has been
04:15 introduced, and now it has been taken out
04:17 of the current tax bill.
04:19 ~ I just heard it on the news. So within 24 hours.
04:21 So let me kind of throw this out there.
04:23 What would you envision, kind of, the development...
04:26 Let's just say that hypothetically
04:28 if the Johnson Amendment were repealed,
04:32 what would you see developing?
04:34 - With religious groups. - The effect?
04:35 Yes, yes, the outcome of it.
04:39 I think a medieval model where the church is becoming
04:42 direct political players, like Cardinal Richelieu in France.
04:50 How does that strike you?
04:52 Well, I do know historically, your comment jogged my memory,
04:57 that in Mexico one of the...
05:01 I guess one can say, ever since the 1850's
05:03 there has been a church-state struggle
05:05 that has been going on in Mexico,
05:08 that for a period of time they ousted Catholicism
05:12 and did not allow the priests to have direct influence.
05:15 They weren't allowed to vote.
05:17 And then that led to the Cristiada back in the 1920's
05:21 where actually Catholic priests began to,
05:24 they would not allow Catholic members that had
05:27 loved ones who died, they weren't allowed to bury them,
05:30 they did not perform the mass, they did not perform marriages.
05:33 In Essence, they shut down any religious service
05:36 because they felt like they were being ostracized.
05:38 And priests who were from Spain were sent out.
05:41 ~ Correct. - Ejected out of the country.
05:43 And other priests were even physically harmed.
05:45 It was a serious push against clericalism.
05:50 And priests were not allowed during that time period...
05:52 ~ To wear their vestments outside the church.
05:54 Yes, and also not allowed to have any kind of
05:56 role in politics.
05:58 So as a response to that, the church basically
06:00 shut down its services to make a statement.
06:03 And eventually the priests organized the people
06:07 to protest against the government for that reason.
06:10 And then in the 1930's, afterwards for about
06:14 two decades there was kind of a resurgence of Catholicism,
06:18 and then a wane.
06:19 And during the time period of Vicente Fox
06:22 the church actually had more of a resurgence.
06:23 He gave them favors, in essence.
06:26 ~ And throughout Latin America that's where the
06:28 Roman Catholics ended up, the churches ended up.
06:30 They're not the sole religious political power,
06:35 but they're the first among equals.
06:37 They get preferential treatment.
06:38 But other religions are allowed to be players too.
06:42 But now what I think will happen if the Johnson Amendment
06:44 is repudiated.
06:47 It's not really quite along the lines of Mexico,
06:51 which of course morphed into that from a medieval model.
06:55 I mean, the Inquisition, after all, continued the longest
06:59 in Latin America than in Europe.
07:03 So it was heavy-handedness, and this was a reaction to the
07:06 heavy-handedness of a monolithic church.
07:08 But what I believe will happen is something
07:11 analogous to Italy.
07:15 You know, in Italy they have parties.
07:17 Christian democrat, say.
07:20 There are parties that their whole identity
07:24 and agenda is religious.
07:27 It's a few decades now since Pat Robertson ran for president.
07:32 But you know, with the Johnson Amendment gone
07:34 you can have a religious right faction made up of a
07:37 coalition of evangelical pastors raise their own fund,
07:41 have their own power base, their own constituents base,
07:44 and put forth a presidential candidate.
07:46 So it would be the religious party,
07:48 a particular religious party.
07:50 Now that, your comment there about a faction,
07:52 kind of jogs my memory.
07:54 James Madison...
07:56 They were against factionalism, exactly.
07:57 Number 51, what he wrote in the letters that he wrote
08:03 on those topics, where he talked about the idea of the...
08:07 ~ By the way, they were against political parties too.
08:10 They didn't like the Whigs and the Tories in England.
08:13 ~ Yeah, it wasn't just religious.
08:14 Right, and never expected the naughty party setup here.
08:19 When George Washington was made president
08:21 there was no party.
08:23 They were people that ran for office.
08:25 ~ Correct.
08:26 So what Madison was stating is that by not allowing
08:30 any one faction to gain that kind of influence
08:33 in a state or throughout the country, it would help
08:36 prevent any predominant group taking control over the country
08:41 or undoing the Constitution, etcetera.
08:43 So I think that there was wisdom in what he argued for.
08:47 How that plays out in practical terms, of course,
08:50 is something that it kind of depends on circumstances
08:53 and historical time period, you know.
08:55 And I have, not a different take, but a take on this whole
09:00 Johnson Amendment colored by an article
09:03 that we had in Liberty Magazine...
09:06 ...time goes by, but at least ten years ago...
09:10 D. James Kennedy, who use to be very well
09:13 known in the United States.
09:14 He was one of the major television evangelists.
09:17 He had a ministry out of Coral Gables.
09:20 I think he was... What's the Scottish church?
09:25 Not Presbyterianism.
09:27 Episcopalian? No?
09:29 It is Presbyterian.
09:30 Presbyterian pastor.
09:33 But he use to give his sermons, he was a very engaging speaker.
09:36 But not arms waving all over.
09:38 He was very dignified, always wore his robes.
09:41 And you know, he had a large following.
09:45 But he had come out very publicly in a political way
09:49 pushing for what was called then the Jones Bill.
09:53 And I had him write an article for Liberty,
09:56 of course in favor of the Jones Bill.
09:58 And then I wrote a long editorial note underneath it
10:03 saying why we were against it.
10:04 And I told him I would do it, you know.
10:05 I didn't do anything unfair.
10:07 I wanted to give him a forum to discuss it, but I wasn't
10:10 going to endorse it.
10:11 Because I think it's very dangerous.
10:13 But his view was that the churches need to have a voice.
10:16 They need to be unbound.
10:18 And with the Jones Amendment they would have been...
10:20 This was, remember, at the time when McCain-Feingold
10:25 campaign reform thing came along.
10:27 Which has been broken now by the CPAC things
10:30 that can short-circuit the whole thing.
10:33 But the desire was to limit monies involved in the
10:35 political process and factionalism.
10:39 And the Jones Bill would have allowed them to raise
10:41 unlimited monies for candidates and parties,
10:44 give them unlimited forum in front of the churches.
10:48 And basically, the church easily could become
10:51 an even more dominate political power
10:53 than the parties themselves.
10:55 I mean, I don't see how American democracy would
10:58 remain anything like it is today with that sort of a dynamic.
11:02 - You've got figure. ~ Let me ask you this...
11:04 So that's what lies behind the repudiation
11:07 of the Johnson Amendment.
11:08 Which in itself is fairly innocuous,
11:11 produces a good result, but it might be overreach
11:14 in putting it in place.
11:16 But we know what they really want.
11:17 It's not a lack of a heavy hand in the government,
11:21 it's control of the whole process.
11:24 ~ So let me ask you this.
11:26 Just on a kind of comparative basis, right.
11:29 The current context of, one would say, political expression
11:33 in the pulpit compared to the time period when
11:38 we were in the colonial era moving into nationhood;
11:44 where you had pulpits of where there was political expression
11:48 that was given to rally the citizens, the colonists,
11:51 in the overthrow of Britain.
11:54 So kind of, what would be your take on that historically?
11:57 I don't think that was good for the church.
12:00 I mean, if you're just looking narrowly at the success of
12:04 the American Revolution, it probably wouldn't have proceeded
12:08 as well without the...
12:10 What do they call them? The Black Robe Regiment.
12:15 The pro-separationist pastors.
12:19 But remember, the obverse is that most people
12:21 won't belong to the Church of England.
12:23 And by and large, the Church of England was supporting
12:26 the role of the crown.
12:28 And it's no accident that to this day you don't call it
12:30 the Church of England in the U.S.
12:33 It became unpopular and it was seen as the Old World,
12:37 and we didn't want loyalties to England.
12:38 So it called it, Episcopal.
12:42 So on that side it was bad.
12:44 They were so identified with England
12:46 that it went badly for them.
12:50 And I think, yes, the outcome of the War of Independence
12:54 might have been good, but that was a moment
12:56 when preachers were greatly politicized.
13:00 And it didn't help the spirituality that they
13:02 should have been performing, spiritual service.
13:04 ~ So looking at it historically then,
13:06 you might say that in a current context,
13:10 you know, there's no revolution, in essence,
13:12 that is occurring, as far as like throwing off the yoke
13:16 of a foreign power.
13:17 ~ No, this is purely a desire for more power
13:21 by the so-called religious right, which has been around
13:24 at the very least since the 70's.
13:27 And it's had ups and downs.
13:29 And they want a larger role.
13:31 And there's many things playing into it.
13:34 Increasing secularization, the abortion debate frustrated them.
13:37 And of course, they were co-opted by Roman Catholicism.
13:40 As you know.
13:41 The reason Roman Catholics are against abortion
13:43 is far deeper than the Protestant one.
13:45 It's original sin and all sorts of goodies.
13:49 But that and the homosexual movement, feminism.
13:54 All in offense to, and correctly so, to people of
13:57 a true religious of sensibility.
13:59 But when you want to change it and think that you can
14:02 change it back to the holy nation,
14:03 you want political power to do so.
14:05 And I think that...
14:07 Oh, and also what's frustrating them is
14:09 the rise of Islamic fundamentalism,
14:12 along with a rising fundamentalism,
14:14 not fundamentalism, but a rising Islamic presence,
14:18 which is another cultural religious identity.
14:21 Which, you know, it's slipping away.
14:23 So it's the lost cause.
14:24 Let's reclaim America.
14:27 Well, make America great again.
14:31 We'll be back after a short break,
14:33 so stay with us and we'll continue this discussion.


Revised 2018-03-27