Liberty Insider

Ancient Waters

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000378A

00:25 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:27 This is a program bringing you discussion,
00:29 news, updates, and insights
00:31 into religious liberty in the US
00:32 and around the world.
00:34 My name is Lincoln Steed, editor of Liberty Magazine.
00:37 And my special guest on this program
00:39 is someone near and dear to me,
00:41 my own teenage son Christopher Steed,
00:44 an up and coming young man with opinions.
00:46 And I want to hear some of them.
00:48 But let me just launch off and set the scene, son.
00:51 Couple of years ago, I took you and your sister and my wife,
00:56 and your mother, on the 3ABN tour to Israel.
01:00 Remember that? I was baptized.
01:02 Absolutely.
01:03 You baptized me in the Jordan River.
01:05 I baptized you on that trip, yeah.
01:08 But I think it gave you sort of an insight
01:10 into the whole background of Christianity
01:12 and the religious reality today to this conflict,
01:17 much of it centers in the Middle East.
01:19 And of course, not long before this program,
01:22 President Trump basically threw a grenade
01:25 into the world religious situation
01:27 by declaring that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.
01:32 Now religious liberty is a big and complicated topic,
01:35 but tell me, is there any way that that visit and that trip
01:40 sort of gave you a new view
01:43 of what it is to stand up for your faith.
01:45 Remember, we stood on the mountain
01:47 and looked over into Syria, right?
01:48 I do remember.
01:50 It was not a clear enough day, but they say, on a clear day,
01:53 you can actually see Damascus
01:54 from the Golan Heights which are Israel now.
01:57 And then we looked across the Sea of Galilee,
02:00 and that was Jordan,
02:01 remember the cars going back and forth?
02:03 And those nations are not friendly
02:05 toward Israel now.
02:08 Well, when we were there,
02:10 I forgot where we were when we were up.
02:11 And I think it was when we went to the Golan Heights,
02:14 I remember looking out, seeing the Sea of Galilee,
02:17 being in the Red Sea, you know,
02:19 being almost everywhere Jesus went
02:22 and seeing how close everything was
02:25 and realizing, "Well," I mean, "Jesus was here,
02:28 I'm here now, what does this mean to me?"
02:32 Made you think more carefully
02:33 then what it is to be a Christian, didn't it?
02:35 Especially when we walked to the River Jordan
02:38 and I was baptized, I was like, you know,
02:40 Jesus may have been baptized
02:41 at the exact same spot as I have been.
02:44 And it touched me deeply.
02:46 It made me think on the bus
02:49 on the ride home after I got baptized,
02:52 I was thinking, you know,
02:53 "Wow, Jesus was baptized in that river,
02:57 in that same river."
02:59 I don't think anybody knows exactly where he was baptized.
03:01 But we know it was in the River Jordan, isn't it?
03:03 Yeah, we know it was in the River Jordan.
03:04 And it very likely was...
03:05 The Jordan flows out of the Sea of Galilee
03:08 and down towards Jerusalem.
03:10 So there's only a few miles. Yeah.
03:12 And it likely was where it was a bit deeper,
03:13 so it couldn't have been more than a mile
03:15 or two from where we were.
03:16 I mean, it might have been exactly the same spot.
03:18 That's the tradition that it was that spot.
03:19 Yeah, and I just...
03:21 But you were following in the pattern that he's set.
03:23 And I just remember thinking, you know,
03:26 "A few miles away from here up on a hill
03:29 is where as well he was murdered for standing...
03:32 For saying what he believed."
03:35 And I was thinking, you know,
03:36 even nowadays in certain countries
03:39 how people are being murdered in the Middle East.
03:42 I mean, I've heard stories from people
03:44 or missionaries out there how...
03:47 I remember a friend of mine,
03:48 his father and mother are missionaries in China.
03:52 And then I remember another friend of mine,
03:54 his parents are out in Vietnam right now.
03:57 A lot of my friends' parents are out being missionaries
04:00 and I hear the stories of them,
04:02 you know, having to hide their Bibles,
04:05 having to walk around
04:08 and be the people where they are.
04:12 And even if they're asked if they're a Christian,
04:15 they have to say no
04:17 because they're scared for their lives.
04:20 Well, that's a personal decision
04:22 someone has to make, sometimes you keep quiet.
04:24 Yes.
04:26 It's another thing to deny your faith, you know?
04:29 Remember this story in the New Testament of Peter,
04:34 the Catholic Church makes an awful lot of Peter,
04:36 you know, he's the first Pope they say.
04:38 Yes.
04:39 There's no real textual evidence
04:41 that he was given the full authority,
04:43 but there's no question from the Bible account,
04:45 Peter was the leader in Jerusalem,
04:47 and in many ways, he was sort of...
04:50 I don't know of the favorite...
04:51 John was the favorite of Jesus. Absolutely.
04:53 The disciple who Jesus loved. Yeah.
04:55 But Peter was sort of the go-to man.
04:57 You know, the leader among the...
04:59 Rough and tough, ready to set his foot out
05:02 and say, "I believe this and this is why!"
05:05 Yeah.
05:06 You know, but it's also interesting,
05:07 Peter, Jesus told him off
05:09 once for saying the wrong thing.
05:10 Yes. He did.
05:12 You know, Peter says, "This won't happen to You.
05:14 You're not going to die."
05:15 Then Jesus says, "Get behind me, Satan."
05:17 Satan, yes.
05:19 He didn't mean Peter was satanic
05:21 but Satan was speaking through him.
05:22 Yeah. These were Satan's ideas.
05:24 But on another occasion, this is what I'm building to,
05:26 Peter says, "I would never betray You, Lord.
05:28 Never! I'd die for You."
05:30 And the rooster crows three times.
05:32 But we say ourselves, you know, "I want to be a strong witness.
05:34 I'll suffer persecution if need be."
05:37 And I hope that we mean it,
05:39 but we're all pretty weak and there are times
05:41 and even missionaries perhaps in India or China
05:44 or somewhere, there's been times,
05:46 to save their own life, they'll say,
05:47 "Oh, no, I'm not a Christian." That's sad.
05:50 And I think they need to repent from that.
05:52 But in theory, a good Christian,
05:54 a good person of any faith
05:56 will own up to their faith and witness for it
05:59 no matter what the cost.
06:00 And remember, Peter denied Jesus
06:03 three times in one night after he said never, you know.
06:06 But Jesus forgave him for it. He did.
06:09 And in my personal view, I think He'll forgive
06:12 those of us who...
06:13 I mean, even under pressure...
06:15 I mean, sometimes I'll give in
06:16 and say whatever, but it's not...
06:19 Like, "I would never deny my faith."
06:22 I mean, I've heard people say that
06:23 and then as soon as they get under pressure,
06:25 they're like, "No, no. I'm not really a Christian."
06:28 But I believe in my own heart, you know,
06:31 I believe someone can have a gun pointed at my head
06:33 and say, "Are you a Christian?"
06:35 And I would look at them straight in the eyes
06:36 and say, "Yes, I am a Christian."
06:38 I mean, even if, then, a bullet
06:40 does go through my head, I will...
06:41 Well, that's a good determination.
06:43 I will die saying that I'm a Christian
06:44 and that I believe that God is the one.
06:46 You know, the Bible says,
06:48 "The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak."
06:51 And it's been proven over the years
06:53 how weak the flesh is.
06:54 And I've got an example, not just from Christianity,
06:58 in World War...
07:00 Well, all the World Wars and all wars
07:03 where prisoners are taken
07:04 and some of those tortures applied.
07:06 And we've done it in Guantanamo.
07:08 It's sad, the US hasn't yet repudiated that,
07:11 but it's pure and simple torture.
07:14 Like one of the...
07:16 Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, a bad guy I'm quite sure,
07:19 we waterboarded him like 80 times.
07:21 That's 80 near-death experiences
07:24 apart from various other things,
07:25 with doctors standing by like the Mengeles of...
07:28 You ever heard of Mengele?
07:30 The Mengeles of our time to make sure he doesn't die.
07:32 Yeah. They're not doctors to help.
07:34 They're to keep him alive for more torture.
07:38 You know, those sort of tortures
07:39 are part of our modern world.
07:41 And the US of course has entered into it,
07:43 but it's hardly only with the US.
07:46 And most times,
07:47 it's been shown that human beings
07:49 can be broken down by excessive physical force
07:53 and psychological manipulation.
07:55 And I don't really think that, in the simplest sense,
08:01 to cave under that is to deny your faith,
08:04 that's to weaken.
08:06 And going back to the reformation.
08:08 You remember we were in Oxford?
08:10 I do remember going to Oxford, yes.
08:12 And do you remember there was a statue there
08:13 for where a couple of the heroes
08:16 had been burned at the stake?
08:17 I pointed it out to you.
08:19 I don't remember exactly where it was,
08:20 but I do remember you pointing out that statue.
08:22 Yeah, Latimer and Ridley,
08:23 I think, were the ones, they were burned.
08:26 And one of them had denied his faith
08:28 under torture a few weeks earlier.
08:32 And then of course
08:35 when he was over the pain was sorry for it
08:38 and reasserted his determination to die.
08:41 And he wanted to die.
08:44 I mean, he was so committed at that point,
08:46 he pretty much wanted to die to atone for his betrayal.
08:49 And I always thought that's very sad
08:51 because he was feeling culpable for his weakness...
08:54 Yeah. A weakness we all have.
08:58 But to be willing to be faithful to the end,
09:02 that's what God wants.
09:04 And then we have to pray for the strength,
09:06 and He'll give a lot of strength,
09:07 but all flesh, at the end of the day,
09:11 is able to be intimidated
09:14 and manipulated by pain by trial.
09:17 Even Job, and I love the Book of Job.
09:20 God said he's a righteous man and upright.
09:22 But Job cursed the day he was born He did.
09:25 When he was under pain.
09:26 And he accused God of harassing him.
09:29 But God didn't do it.
09:30 But it says he kept his integrity.
09:33 And we can do that.
09:35 We can, absolutely. Yeah.
09:37 You know, I was a young man.
09:39 You know, I was young once too, a lot of temptations
09:42 and ups and downs in your faith.
09:44 And you can't let these personal defeats
09:49 play into the devil's idea that you're not good enough,
09:50 you're not gonna make it.
09:52 Of course you're gonna make it,
09:53 of course you can rise above them.
09:55 You can be a strong witness for faith,
09:57 there's no question.
09:58 I heard a story from a friend of mine
10:01 who lived in Nepal for a few years.
10:05 And he lived as a very meager, poor person there,
10:09 working like a laborer.
10:12 And he told me stories
10:14 of how just getting up in the morning
10:18 and not being able to feel his legs
10:20 from how cold it was.
10:22 I mean, he told me,
10:23 "At times, I didn't even believe that
10:27 that there was anything that I could do
10:29 because the people there were stubborn,
10:31 wouldn't bend," but finally, after a while,
10:36 he literally would just wake up,
10:37 and the first thing in the morning,
10:38 the first thing he would do, he didn't care
10:40 if there was snow next to his bed,
10:42 he would kneel down and pray every morning.
10:45 And at the end of...
10:46 I think he was there for two months or something.
10:48 I don't remember exactly all the details.
10:50 But he told me at the end of his mission there,
10:55 there was...
10:56 I believe he said 15 or 20 of the men
10:58 in the village came to him
11:00 and thanked him for being there,
11:02 and thanked him for witnessing to them,
11:04 thanked him for giving them his point of view.
11:08 And they asked him would he stay longer
11:11 and baptize them.
11:12 And so he stayed on,
11:14 I think I believe it was another month
11:15 or month and a half or half a month,
11:16 I can't remember exactly.
11:18 And I remember, he tells me he and his family baptized,
11:21 I believe it was 34 people total,
11:24 men and women. That's wonderful.
11:26 It's very hard to influence people
11:28 in that part of the world.
11:29 And now he gets a letter every month from...
11:33 They call him the village chief,
11:35 the leader of the village.
11:37 And now they've built a full church.
11:41 And now over half the village goes to church every Sabbath.
11:46 Wonderful. Wonderful.
11:50 I don't think I've told you about Sabbath in Nepal.
11:53 And I don't think, on this television program,
11:55 I've even shared, but in 1988,
11:59 with your mother, I went to Nepal to interview
12:02 an Adventist doctor and to get his life story
12:05 which I read up in book called The Last Mountain.
12:07 Which I have in my room on my book shelf.
12:09 Yeah. And I've read it.
12:11 And that really impressed me to go to Nepal.
12:14 Even to this day,
12:15 Nepal is sort of a closed country in many ways.
12:19 It was a combination Hindu and Buddhist culture,
12:24 on the upper north of India near Tibet.
12:28 You know, you can see from where we stayed,
12:31 just on the outskirts of Kathmandu,
12:32 you can see the Mount Everest.
12:34 In fact, flying into Nepal, we saw Mount Everest
12:37 way before we arrived there.
12:39 We're at a cruising altitude
12:41 and suddenly here's this mountain sticking up
12:43 through the cloud, higher than we fly.
12:44 Yeah. Amazing place.
12:47 And most people don't realize that
12:50 Nepal has always been a difficult culture
12:53 to reach with Christianity certainly.
12:57 But they've had horrible political events recently.
13:01 I think it's called the Shining Way,
13:02 Buddhist Marxist
13:07 revolution reached a peak.
13:10 There was a crazy murder where the royal family...
13:13 One of the royal family killed...
13:15 I think it was 60 members of the royal family.
13:17 It was just a massacre of the ruling class.
13:20 And then the guerillas finally took over.
13:22 It's basically a Marxist regime at the moment.
13:26 And yet among it all,
13:28 people between all those cultural
13:30 and political events,
13:32 there are missionaries that are working there.
13:35 And I will never forget,
13:38 never forget coming in from Kathmandu
13:41 on a little bus
13:42 where there were chickens on the floor.
13:44 You've told me... Chickens on the floor...
13:46 And people squatting there naked...
13:48 Not naked but barely clothed, looking at us.
13:51 I was like, "Where are we going?"
13:52 And we drove up into the hills to this little village.
13:55 They dumped us in the middle of town.
13:59 And I didn't know where we were going.
14:00 I was looking for this hospital,
14:01 Scheer Memorial Hospital and trying to ask around
14:06 'cause most of them don't speak English.
14:07 And I can remember walking up this little hill
14:10 toward this dispensary.
14:12 It was like something out of a dream.
14:14 But to see that hospital, this doctor I interviewed,
14:17 other Christian doctors caring for their needs
14:20 and there's misshapen legs and arms and limbs and diseases
14:25 that will curl your hair and yet they're showing
14:28 Christ to those people.
14:29 That's really what takes the guts.
14:31 It does, yes.
14:33 In many ways more than, you know, gritting your teeth
14:36 while they pull your fingernails out.
14:38 That sort of momentary pain can overwhelm anyone.
14:41 But to consistently stick with the witness
14:44 against opposition, cultural and legal...
14:46 And in Nepal, still, they don't want missionaries.
14:50 They often get ejected
14:51 or if they go home for a holiday,
14:53 not allowed back in.
14:54 So it's very hard to stay there.
14:56 We'll be back after a short break,
14:58 stay with us.
14:59 Good discussions, interesting analogies
15:01 and illustrations of religious freedom and practice.


Revised 2018-03-07