Liberty Insider

First Things

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000377B

00:04 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:07 Before the break with guest Christopher Steed,
00:10 and son, and heir,
00:12 and as I joke with him, not just heir, hair.
00:16 We were talking about...
00:20 I envy your hair, son.
00:22 I used to have it.
00:23 We were talking about religious liberty,
00:25 of course, and you'd given
00:27 even your personal testimony on that.
00:28 But I want to go back to something
00:30 that we should have covered.
00:32 We just alluded to the religious liberty,
00:36 of course, it doesn't matter what the government says,
00:39 what laws provided,
00:40 its basis is from God, isn't it?
00:44 And there's something
00:45 that you've heard me talk about,
00:46 but I just want to drop in that discussion,
00:49 the fact that the very first time,
00:52 maybe you think about it,
00:54 what was the first time Jesus spoke to a group
00:57 as He began His ministry?
01:00 What was one of the first?
01:02 One of first as I can remember from back
01:05 when I was reading it or from when first...
01:07 This is a test.
01:09 From one of the first ones that I remember Him
01:12 actually speaking to a crowd, in my opinion,
01:16 was at the wedding feast
01:18 when He turned the water to wine,
01:20 afterwards I believe, if I remember correctly...
01:22 Well, that is.
01:23 He didn't really speak so much, He provided the wine.
01:26 Then the other occasion,
01:27 but it's more important for His ministry
01:30 is when He was...
01:32 He came as a young man
01:33 at the beginning of His ministry
01:34 with the few followers to the synagogue
01:37 and the priest gave Him the Bible to read,
01:39 you remember that?
01:40 I do remember that.
01:42 What book did he give Him, do you remember that?
01:43 I don't remember that.
01:44 He gave Him the scroll,
01:46 they didn't have printed books bound like now,
01:48 they were a long roll.
01:50 And since we couldn't have a huge roll
01:52 for the whole Bible that have roll for each book.
01:55 Sometimes several rolls if it was a long book.
01:58 He was given the scroll of Isaiah,
02:00 Old Testament book.
02:02 And it says He chose chapter 61.
02:06 And it says,
02:08 "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,"
02:10 and He took it for Himself.
02:11 He says, "This is fulfilled."
02:12 He says, "The Spirit of the Lord
02:14 is upon me
02:15 because He has anointed me
02:17 to preach good news to the captives,"
02:19 and then at the end it says,
02:20 "To set up liberty, those who are oppressed."
02:25 Now, that's the gospel,
02:26 but it's also a pretty good description
02:29 of what it means to have religious liberty.
02:31 It is.
02:32 Freedom, freedom from sin and all of the negatives
02:36 that come from it,
02:37 and religious liberty is using
02:39 that freedom and proclaiming that freedom.
02:43 You do that wherever you are.
02:46 You could do it just as well in a communist country
02:49 or in a free country, couldn't you?
02:50 You could.
02:52 I mean, maybe not practice as well,
02:54 but it wouldn't determine whether you do it,
02:58 but it's a nice plus in the United States
03:01 where the constitution sort of affirms
03:03 your right to do that.
03:05 I heard people walk up to me in Walmart or when I worked
03:10 at Lowe's actually I had a lady...
03:12 And I was loading her car,
03:13 she bought, I believe she bought a push miller
03:15 for her husband one that was all wheel drive,
03:18 and I was helping her and she asked me,
03:21 "You remind me a friend of mine who is a Seventh-day Adventist.
03:24 Are you a Seventh-day Adventist by the way?"
03:27 "Actually, yes, ma'am I am."
03:28 And she is like, "Well, I mean, my friend and I talk,
03:32 but she really doesn't tell me much,
03:34 is there anything that you can tell me
03:36 about like your church, your religion?"
03:39 I was like,
03:40 "Well, for me the Sabbath is the day of the rest,
03:42 you know, it's the day
03:43 where I don't have to worry about school,
03:45 where I don't have to worry about work,
03:46 where I don't have to really worry about anything.
03:48 I mean, I get up in the morning,
03:49 I go to church, I listen to the pastor."
03:53 We have a great pastor.
03:55 And she was like, "Well..."
03:57 He's not paying you to make it, didn't he?
03:59 He is not paying me to say that...
04:00 And don't they?
04:02 But, you know, our pastor is a very good pastor.
04:04 And I was like,
04:05 "You should come to our church one day."
04:06 And she said, "I'll think about that,
04:08 what church do you attend?"
04:09 I said, "Well, I go to, there's a few that I go to,
04:10 but the main one I go to is Willowbrook Church."
04:12 And she's like,
04:14 "Isn't that out near the Pittsburg High School?"
04:17 I was like, "Yeah, it's close by, yeah."
04:19 And she is like,
04:21 "I'll see you next time over there."
04:22 I said, "All right, see you then."
04:24 I think it was the either the week
04:26 after that or the, a few weeks after that,
04:28 I see her at the church and after church she came to me
04:31 and, she's like,
04:33 "I don't know what to say,
04:34 I've never been to a church like this before, it's amazing.
04:38 I'm going to come again."
04:39 And last time I was there, I saw her again,
04:44 and she thanked me.
04:45 Well, that's good.
04:46 That was a nice chance to witness
04:48 using your religious freedom.
04:51 And you didn't think...
04:53 I'm responding this way because the state says I can.
04:56 You are responding that way because...
04:58 'Cause I can.
05:00 And you love Jesus Christ. I do.
05:02 And what's in the Bible, right?
05:04 So that's the compulsion you're under.
05:06 And this is what I try to get through to people.
05:09 It's nice as well as that, that you have a state
05:12 that isn't going to fight you as you do that.
05:13 That's right.
05:15 But a true Christian,
05:16 even if they're in a difficult circumstance,
05:18 you would like to think...
05:19 In fact, I think
05:21 that truest Christian will still share their faith,
05:23 obviously in a more careful way.
05:25 Of course.
05:28 I remember reading a story,
05:31 once in North Korea,
05:35 there was a case of few Christians were meeting
05:37 in a home, reading their Bibles,
05:39 and there was a knock at the door.
05:41 And they immediately hid the Bibles
05:43 and made that like they were just socializing,
05:45 and some of the officials came in and they said,
05:48 "We've gotten reports
05:50 that there are Christians here."
05:51 Now, it could mean your life in North Korea.
05:55 You know, they just acted innocent,
05:57 and so the officials went through
05:58 and searched the house
06:00 and one of the worshippers soar with horror,
06:03 they had forgotten to put one of their Bibles away.
06:06 And they saw this official go-by,
06:08 and he looked straight at it, and just kept going.
06:11 And I thought, man,
06:12 you know, has God made him born.
06:14 And then they left, they said,
06:15 "Well, you know, we've got this report
06:17 but don't you do anything like that."
06:19 And a few minutes after they left
06:20 there was another knock at the door,
06:22 that was that same official, and he said, "I saw the Bible."
06:25 He says, "I'm a fellow Christian."
06:27 He says,
06:28 "I'm glad you're worshiping God."
06:30 And then they shared a bit.
06:31 You know, that's not secretive
06:34 to the point of denying your faith,
06:36 that's the protection that has to happen.
06:38 But in any circumstance,
06:40 I believe this freedom that Christ gave us
06:43 the wonderful hope of the future life,
06:46 but a hope for the better life in your mind now.
06:49 You might suffer persecution,
06:50 but you have mental fulfillment.
06:53 You know, that drives us on, doesn't it to worship?
06:56 It does.
06:57 And you felt good telling that person, I'm sure...
07:00 Yeah, when I saw her at church
07:01 and when she thanked me for inviting her,
07:04 I felt this warm bubbly feeling right here, like,
07:06 "Well, I did something good."
07:10 But I've also had neighbors in the neighborhood,
07:13 I remember one in particular,
07:15 it was this elderly lady that lives.
07:17 I believe it's like four to five houses down
07:19 around the corner from us,
07:21 I noticed she got this massive package
07:24 that was just sitting in front of a door.
07:27 And so I was visiting
07:28 'cause her grandson is one of my best friends,
07:30 and he was there and I knock on the door,
07:34 and I see this generous package and I was like,
07:36 "Do you want me to bring this inside for you?"
07:38 And she looks down and she's like,
07:39 "Oh, it's here finally."
07:42 And when I took it inside,
07:44 she opened it up, and she was like,
07:46 "Could you organize these for me?"
07:47 And it was the entire,
07:49 there was the Great Controversy books in there...
07:51 The Conflicts of the Ages series it's called.
07:53 Yes, the Conflicts of the Ages series,
07:55 plus some other.
07:56 There was a few Bibles in there,
07:57 few other things, and she is like,
07:59 "I'm going to start a home ministry,
08:01 from right here in my home for the..."
08:02 She has a book club
08:04 that gets together at her house every,
08:05 I believe she told me every week or two.
08:07 And one week she introduced the Great Controversy to them,
08:10 just the one book.
08:12 And they read through it, and a few other ladies decided
08:15 to get back together every Friday evening
08:18 and have their own Bible study.
08:20 And that's a very practical way to share your faith
08:23 and to exercise your religious freedom.
08:25 And at the beginning of the program I believe,
08:27 I made an allusion to the reformation.
08:30 You did.
08:31 Phenomenon of the reformation especially as it first began,
08:35 there were official burnings of Martin Luther's writings.
08:39 Those that oppose the truth and the...
08:41 By definition the religious liberty of those
08:43 that differ from them,
08:45 often try to restrict it by destroying the Word.
08:47 Yep.
08:50 We don't see that much anymore, but we're in a new era,
08:53 we're on the internet and all there is.
08:55 But I think we're going to see
08:58 with particularly religious views
09:01 that some people don't like,
09:03 attempts to block different channels
09:05 that amounts to the same.
09:06 Not only block different channels,
09:08 but change the wording of certain things
09:12 to make it sound like, like a different thing,
09:14 like, I was on Facebook a few nights ago
09:17 and I was just going through, you know, looking at pictures,
09:21 and I see this one article and it said,
09:24 "God is dead, Satan is the only one."
09:27 And so I clicked on it, like, interested, like,
09:29 why would someone put this out there?
09:31 And it said...
09:33 They were quoting the Bible, and it said,
09:35 "He laid in the tomb.
09:37 And that was it."
09:38 And I'm like, I know there is more to this verse,
09:41 like from reading it and from hearing about it,
09:43 there is more to this verse.
09:45 Well, you might have been seeing symptoms of people
09:47 trying to restrict your faith,
09:49 they're against your religion and by definition
09:52 they're probably against religious liberty,
09:54 but back to this view of religious liberty
09:56 being sort of an open go for everyone,
09:59 negative and positive views.
10:02 It's like free speech.
10:04 Free speech doesn't exist
10:05 unless you allow uncomfortable speech
10:09 that you don't want.
10:10 Hate speech. Right.
10:12 Well, not hate speech.
10:13 No, a speech that incites to criminality,
10:15 that's another question.
10:17 So on religious liberty we have to allow
10:19 even people opposing our religion.
10:22 We have to allow not just our correct view,
10:25 but somebody else's view, what they think is correct.
10:28 And that's an exciting dynamic.
10:30 And, yes, as a young person online,
10:32 you're seeing this worked out as I say,
10:34 was book burning in another era,
10:36 but now it's online.
10:38 Now it's online stuff that people post.
10:41 I mean, even in my own experiences
10:44 with dealing with people, I've had people tell me,
10:48 "Well, you know, your opinion is not correct,
10:52 I mean, I believe this,
10:55 and I don't believe your opinion is right."
10:57 I mean, I had a conversation with a young man around my age.
11:01 He was...
11:02 I believe he told me he was an atheist.
11:03 And he tells me,
11:05 "I don't believe that there is God of yours exists."
11:07 And I was like,
11:08 "Well, you want me to help you believe?"
11:11 And he said, "I don't want your help,
11:13 I just want to believe what I want to believe."
11:15 And I was like, "Well, that's your right."
11:19 It's very interesting that at this point of history
11:24 when human survival itself is at risk, at least,
11:29 I think that Pope of Rome has come to that conclusion
11:31 in his document Laudato si.
11:34 He says, "The only salvation of survival of mankind
11:38 is to protect the earth before it destroys all of us."
11:41 Our lack of custody
11:43 and our depletion of natural resources meant
11:45 that our survival is at stake.
11:48 So we're going back to first things
11:51 because in that document, he decides to create a God,
11:54 the creation of the seventh day Sabbath,
11:57 and the need to return to that first thing.
12:01 Similarly, the first thing of God's message to man
12:05 through Jesus Christ was religious freedom,
12:08 the liberation from the destroying
12:12 stultifying power of sin
12:14 that is indeed the message of religious liberty,
12:18 a first thing message.
12:21 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2018-03-07