Liberty Insider

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000374B

00:05 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:07 Before the break with Ed Wood we were in fine song.
00:13 Let me tell little bit about the Johnson,
00:15 you know, and my concern is...
00:16 I want to see if you want to pick up
00:18 on the Johnson Amendment.
00:19 Well, you're hearing when I call,
00:22 you know, with this, you know, I wanna say this respectfully.
00:28 You're hearing what I hearing now coded language
00:30 fire and fury.
00:32 You know, this type of language,
00:35 you know, kind of concern I had.
00:40 You know, when we're talking about,
00:42 you know, North Korea
00:43 and how we're using biblical language
00:46 in a modern society and what that means,
00:50 you know, to people because that,
00:51 you know, it puts a different, for me I don't see...
00:55 I believe God has wrath, but God is also merciful.
00:59 And He wants us all to come, He wants none of us to perish,
01:02 but all would come through to repentance.
01:05 Well, one of the friends of Joab, he says,
01:08 "You're all full of the wrath of God," remember?
01:10 Yeah.
01:11 And correctly he was telling him for that,
01:13 but when you heard the president use that language
01:17 and there's a political,
01:19 international political context,
01:20 I think it was ill advised but it's explainable.
01:23 But didn't you think of Revelation 13?
01:27 Of course.
01:28 I think it's relatively easy to identify
01:31 the lamb like beast
01:33 that becomes a little dominant toward the end of time
01:38 and it says, "He brings fire down
01:39 from heaven in the sight of men."
01:41 And I just thought that was very inappropriate
01:45 with regards to, you know, a dialogue with another leader,
01:50 you know, from another country.
01:51 And, you know, I know there's a group of pastors
01:56 that he has surrounded himself with that he listens to...
01:58 Yeah, that's a good point, I hadn't thought of it that way
02:00 he may have been sort of echoing
02:02 the type of language that they used.
02:04 And then how they're not,
02:05 you know, they were very quiet and late
02:08 when it came to Charlottesville for me.
02:10 You know, in terms of being the consciousness of the country,
02:13 in terms of who is aligned themselves with,
02:15 you saw more responsibility and more authority
02:18 from the business leaders resigning off of his council
02:22 than you heard from this group of pastors
02:25 that are supposed to be advising him
02:27 and you're like, well, you're supposed to be
02:29 the conscience of America, the conscience of,
02:32 you know, speaking out against hate and bigotry
02:35 in Charlottesville and you're not doing it.
02:38 You know what happened here,
02:40 you know what really is your true role.
02:42 Is your true role to get an agenda,
02:45 a political agenda across, or is your role to make sure
02:50 that America has a moral conscience?
02:53 And I'm really kind of concerned
02:56 when you have a political agenda
02:59 or a moral agenda pushed by religious leaders,
03:03 and they can't clearly and articulate
03:06 speaking truth to power and we're taking our cues
03:10 from a business community
03:11 as it relates to Charlottesville.
03:13 I read a lot but nobody has remarked
03:15 on this in this region, what you're saying is correct.
03:17 But nobody's remarked
03:19 on a historical antecedent into this.
03:21 The Reverend Billy Graham still alive I think,
03:23 but well advanced in years, but in his earlier iteration
03:27 was the spiritual advisor to several presidents.
03:30 Right.
03:32 And the types have come out of some of his discussions
03:34 with the Nixon administration
03:37 and they will curl you hair, right?
03:40 He invades against Jews big time
03:44 and he recommends bombing
03:45 and wholesale slaughter in Vietnam, right?
03:49 I believe that he set a bad model
03:52 and I've actually heard him say since that he's basically
03:56 maybe disavowed is the wrong word,
03:58 he's seen that was a bad dynamic.
04:01 But I believe that he did what I think is going on now.
04:05 He was in close to the center of power
04:08 and to maintain that power
04:09 he became part of the political problem.
04:13 He forgot that he was, his entree
04:16 was because he was a minister of the gospel,
04:18 and he became a political operative.
04:20 And I really believe the religious
04:21 right have struck a deal with this administration
04:24 which is reasonable, that's what administrations do.
04:26 He made statements of good faith
04:28 to uphold their religious sensibility
04:31 and even their agenda, fine.
04:33 But I think to maintain that they are along for a rocky road
04:37 that is taking them already places
04:39 that I'm not sure pastors should go.
04:42 Like one of them said, "He may not be perfect,
04:45 but he's ours."
04:47 And that was very, very telling.
04:49 I seem to remember someone said that at the Council of Nicea.
04:53 That was very, very, you know, telling,
04:56 you know, in terms of just saying that
04:58 in terms, you know, the character
05:00 and the things that they want to deal with.
05:01 I mean, we shouldn't criticize the president,
05:03 that isn't really the point,
05:05 but he's not a natural champion for the people of faith.
05:10 And they should think his willingness
05:12 to help their agenda, but shouldn't equate
05:14 his agenda with theirs
05:16 and that's what's about to happen.
05:17 Yeah, but not only that they should be able
05:20 to speak truth to power when it comes to morality
05:23 regardless of their protocol agenda.
05:26 And I think what is getting kind of scary
05:29 is when your motives are not right,
05:32 you can get exposed.
05:34 And I know they're looking
05:36 to get Supreme Court justices approved
05:38 and with regards to abortion and some of these other things,
05:41 but if we really look at what true religious liberty
05:46 is about is the ability to worship
05:48 to the dictates of your conscience
05:51 not the conscience of what you feel
05:54 I should be worshipping for.
05:56 And everybody is different,
05:58 and the thing is this is not a collective thing
06:00 it's an individual thing.
06:03 The right doesn't own it more than the left,
06:05 and the moderate doesn't own it more than anyone else.
06:08 It is an individual choice that we are trying to protect
06:13 as it relates to the liberty of conscience.
06:15 And I need to say something here,
06:16 I mean, I hope it's...
06:18 Well, it's not intended to be a personal criticism
06:20 as far as the human being.
06:22 But, you know, on religious liberty
06:23 we deal with different groups and there are many groups
06:26 that are defending religious liberty
06:28 or religious legal issues, right?
06:31 America said the flow and justice is one of them.
06:34 Okay. They're secular.
06:35 We haven't always agreed with what he's done,
06:37 but he's done some wonderful things.
06:39 He's certainly been
06:41 one of the top figures in this area, right?
06:45 I just can't believe he's joined
06:46 the White House as the legal counsel.
06:49 I hear him giving legal excuses
06:53 for the most inexcusable things.
06:56 It's just pitiful as you would expect, right?
06:58 But I think how have the mighty fallen.
07:00 Here he was on a grand cause
07:02 for religious liberty argued high causes
07:05 but he's reduced to passing, parsing,
07:10 passing out the most crazy little statements
07:13 on this whole rusher and all the rest.
07:15 I mean that has to be done. Let's not...
07:17 But, I mean, which is the higher calling,
07:20 but I think this followed from this alliance,
07:23 and I just feel sorry and sad.
07:25 It's not a damnable thing
07:28 or anything illegal not even slightly.
07:30 But I think, you know, they've gone from the sublime
07:33 to the ridiculous in all in pursuit
07:35 of this grand alliance.
07:38 I think people in essence are looking
07:40 for a coherent truth.
07:44 And that truth shouldn't matter what party is at office.
07:48 The concept of liberty of conscience
07:50 is irregardless of party, it is not a partisan issue,
07:54 it's a human rights issue.
07:56 And that's just something that we have to take,
07:59 you know, very seriously.
08:01 And you have some people that think
08:02 we need to repeal the judgment.
08:04 And I'm like, "Absolutely not." No.
08:08 Absolutely not.
08:09 And then like your African-American churches
08:13 have been socio-eco that might be true,
08:15 and we do speak for human rights,
08:17 needs and suffering,
08:19 but we're not political action centers,
08:21 that is not our role.
08:22 Well, I'll say it again, I've had a burden on this.
08:25 I agree with the sentiment of what you're saying.
08:26 But we need to define terms more closely,
08:29 I listen to a lot of political talk in Washington.
08:32 And I hear over and over again on any number of issues
08:35 senators and congressman making a high point of them,
08:39 and they'll say and I don't want
08:40 to be political on this.
08:42 Now they are political.
08:44 And a lot of what we say, I was gonna say nine tens
08:47 but it's not true, but a lot of what we say
08:48 here is political,
08:50 there's nothing wrong with that,
08:51 that is our right even our obligation in this show,
08:54 what we need to beware of is partisan.
08:57 That's really what we mean by partisan.
08:59 Partisan, but it also bespeaks the motives
09:02 which goes back whether it's partisan,
09:03 what is your true motive behind what you're saying.
09:06 But social justice is political.
09:08 Social justice might be considered political,
09:10 but it's also...
09:11 You're in the political sphere...
09:12 That's in the political sphere but...
09:14 You can't avoid it.
09:15 But civil rights, I guess what I'm saying is
09:16 I don't want to think,
09:18 I don't want us to neglect the fact
09:19 that these are human beings.
09:20 Now this is my point in standing for civil rights
09:24 no matter that point in history
09:26 whether Republicans or Democrats
09:28 are supporting or opposing at that time,
09:30 it's not a partisan issue.
09:32 It's a moral issue. And we agree.
09:34 You can make it partisan if you're partisanly inclined.
09:37 Or you can demonize it as partisan
09:38 and not get involved,
09:40 but then you have this divide that we have concern.
09:42 So we shouldn't make any apologies
09:43 for some things or even apologies for
09:45 it being a political nature.
09:47 The real danger
09:49 and that the constitution speaks about
09:50 and that we warned about in our own writings
09:52 in our church is being partisan,
09:55 political in the sense
09:56 so we've got a political agenda,
09:57 we're working with political animals and so on.
09:59 No, that's not our outlook.
10:01 And Ellen White spoke to that as regards to slavery.
10:03 We have a history of speaking truth to power.
10:06 Yes.
10:07 One of the things that's really important about
10:09 liberty of conscience as we've talked about it.
10:12 Today is the importance to worship
10:14 according to the dictates of your conscience,
10:17 your right to choose or not to choose.
10:19 And as Public Affairs and Religious Liberty leaders
10:23 we need to ensure that we are ensuring
10:25 that liberty of conscience
10:27 for those who might not even believe like us.
10:29 And I think that gives us a ministry of integrity,
10:33 a ministry that is open, and encompassing to everyone
10:37 that might want to be part
10:39 of our Public Affairs Religious Liberty ministry,
10:42 but once again it's a choice
10:44 that we have to make and respect,
10:46 whether we agree or disagree.
10:49 Almost 500 years ago Martin Luther stood
10:52 before the diet of worms
10:55 and defended himself and his works,
10:58 but if you read his speech
11:00 and figuratively listen to those words,
11:03 you'll see that what he was really defending
11:05 was not so much a theology as his conscience
11:09 and his rights before God to pursue truth.
11:13 There's no question that today we're in that same dynamic,
11:17 we need to be sensitive
11:19 to the convictions that others hold.
11:22 In religious liberty we're sensitive
11:23 to a wide array of beliefs.
11:25 All need to be defended because human beings
11:29 have an obligation before God
11:31 to follow their hearts, and their minds,
11:33 and their convictions, and their conscience.
11:36 It is our great privilege I believe to work
11:40 in this context and in a day and in an age
11:44 when Twitter and all these other social media
11:47 are diffusing knowledge
11:49 and true interaction that somewhere,
11:52 somehow we must come back to the point of conscience
11:57 and a deeply held human conviction.
12:01 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2017-11-02