Liberty Insider

Protest and Liberty: 21st Century

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Nick Miller


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000370B

00:05 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:06 Before the break we were discussing
00:08 Supreme Court functions and of course...
00:11 Five hundred years of...
00:13 To promote this book.
00:14 Protest and liberty and...
00:16 This is not this book, this is the book.
00:17 The book.
00:19 You know, this mean public figures
00:21 that waved the book around
00:22 and said, after the Bible this is the most popular...
00:24 Well, you know, I wouldn't say that but it's a good book.
00:26 But... it's pun on.
00:28 But I think anybody
00:30 that's concerned about religious liberty
00:32 and how we got it and what it means
00:34 really should read this.
00:35 This is a very comprehensive
00:37 and relatively easy to understand.
00:40 I mean, it's easy as you could write it
00:41 but I mean, this is a complex thing,
00:43 but I think you've woven the thread
00:45 from Martin Luther to the present day very well.
00:46 Thank you.
00:47 and you get a free subscription
00:51 to Liberty Magazine as well.
00:52 So we, before the break ad,
00:55 we're talking about the Hobby Lobby case...
00:57 Yeah.
00:59 And I was trying to explain
01:00 why I thought it was an acceptable outcome that the...
01:02 that we protect the religious consciences
01:04 of individuals of employees in the workplace,
01:08 Seventh-day Adventists have their Sabbaths accommodated.
01:10 Why don't employers or business owners
01:12 have their consciences protected?
01:14 And I think the critical question that you've raised
01:17 and I agree with you
01:18 that they shouldn't be protected
01:20 at the expense of the healthcare
01:22 of the employees.
01:23 But in the decision Justice Kennedy pointed out
01:27 that the government had an alternate place
01:30 where they could deliver the same healthcare.
01:33 So the conscience could be protected and the employees...
01:35 So the tax payer would pay but the employer wouldn't.
01:38 Well, whenever you have a religious protection,
01:41 there is some burden on the government somewhere.
01:43 You know, what if someone, what if I employee someone
01:46 and I say that I have a religious compunction
01:50 against you wearing steel toed shoes,
01:51 you know, versus, you know, God cares for the godly
01:54 and all the rest and here, depend on the Lord.
01:56 I'm not being theoretical,
01:58 used to be an argument like this on life insurance
02:00 and things like that.
02:01 Right.
02:03 Would that be fun?
02:05 Well... Would you...
02:06 'cause OSHA gets involved
02:07 and you know, people need safety,
02:09 you're exposing your employee to threat, to risk
02:14 and it seems to me taking away some health provisions.
02:17 It's the same thing, you're prepared to expose them
02:20 in one way or another to health deficiency.
02:23 Well, I'm a little confused
02:24 by the steel toed shoes comparison.
02:26 Is it the...
02:27 Well, there is a, there is a public safety issue there...
02:29 Right, but somebody has a religious conviction
02:31 against wearing it.
02:33 It might. They might.
02:34 And so the question would be, could that be accommodated
02:36 in a way that still protected the underlying interest?
02:39 And in this instance with the contraceptive care,
02:43 the court said there's another avenue
02:44 for these people to be treated.
02:45 'Cause they helped them.
02:47 So there really wasn't...
02:48 They basically gave the exception
02:50 and then the government will do
02:53 what the employer is to the employee.
02:54 So there was no harm to the employee.
02:56 There was going to be some burden or some cost
02:59 but there's always a cost to accommodating people.
03:01 I really come into from different angles,
03:02 doesn't this come to medicine
03:03 where the government is playing the religious deeds.
03:05 Oh, my...
03:07 Well, we do both of them.
03:08 The government shouldn't be funding religious activity
03:10 which this boils down to.
03:12 Well, the government is not funding the activity,
03:16 the government is removing one of its own burdens.
03:19 There wouldn't be a cost
03:20 if the government wasn't imposing it.
03:22 As our viewers can see, they really,
03:24 there's some little fine distinctions to be made.
03:27 This is why even when the Supreme Court
03:29 as they acted on this, they rarely now and then
03:32 but they rarely are unanimous
03:34 that there's dissenting opinions,
03:35 so good legal mind sometimes give an arguments...
03:38 Sometimes may differ.
03:39 And it may not be the central argument
03:41 but they may see some complicating factors.
03:44 Well where I do agree with you on the Hobby Lobby case
03:46 even though the outcome I believe was correct here,
03:49 it does also show another trend of the court
03:52 to protect more institutional corporate interest
03:55 at the expense of the individual.
03:57 I think a case which illustrated that more fully
04:00 or completely is a case called the Hosanna Tabor case.
04:03 And it involved an elementary school teacher
04:06 teaching at, I think it was a Lutheran elementary school
04:09 and she was considered by the church to be a minister
04:11 she had ministerial
04:13 credentials though she taught school children math
04:15 and reading and spelling,
04:16 but she also taught one Bible class a day.
04:18 Did she actually have credentials, I don't know.
04:20 She actually had missionary ministerial credentials
04:22 from her church.
04:24 And she came up with a disability claim
04:27 under the Federal Disability Act...
04:29 Narcolepsy, is that right?
04:30 And the church said, "Oh, she's a minister
04:33 and human resource civil rights employment laws
04:38 don't apply to her
04:39 as they don't to ministers of the gospel."
04:42 And the court after some analysis
04:44 upheld what's called the ministerial exemption
04:47 and said it applied to her.
04:48 Now I agree with the court on the fact
04:51 that there should be a ministerial exemption
04:53 that should give churches freedom
04:56 in their employment relationship with pastors
04:58 because pastors preach the doctrine of the church
05:00 and they must have a free hand to choose
05:03 who will represent them.
05:04 But where I think the court may have gone wrong
05:08 is in applying that to an elementary school teacher.
05:11 By the way I agree with you generally
05:13 but you need to read Nathaniel Hawthorne,
05:14 you might not give the ministers quite that.
05:20 A minister can abuse his role just as well as anyone else.
05:24 Well, no, he can and what's protected there
05:28 isn't ministers abusing other people.
05:30 What's protected there is the church
05:32 choosing to hire or fire the minister.
05:34 Yeah.
05:35 And again like you say there's competing interests
05:38 in some that overlap.
05:40 And why I think Hosanna Tabor,
05:42 I mean, I think it was very good
05:44 but where I think it might be too good
05:46 is that it sort of leaves the church open to charges
05:49 that it's using this to act
05:51 in personally abusive ways toward people.
05:53 Well, and I think that...
05:55 It's got an exemption from General...
05:57 General Laws.
05:59 And pastors are generally of the status
06:02 and credibility maybe that's not the right word,
06:07 but they're usually in positions of authority
06:09 in a church structure.
06:11 You know, we're talking about the Reformation,
06:12 the big issue in England with Henry VIII
06:15 was which law the minister is under,
06:18 the church law or civil law?
06:19 Civil law.
06:21 But they can protect themselves, in other words,
06:23 largely from abuse they're often male,
06:25 they're the chairmen's of the board,
06:26 they're the heads of the churches
06:28 but an elementary school teacher
06:29 I would say is in a much weaker position
06:32 in social status and standing and protection.
06:36 And I think to remove
06:38 the protections of the civil laws
06:40 and the employment laws
06:42 open up these other church employees
06:46 to the possibilities of greater abuse.
06:48 And I think it's a trend in the court
06:50 to protect institutions and institutional interest...
06:53 Yeah, there's no question.
06:54 At the expense of individual rights.
06:56 And I think that's something
06:57 that needs to be watched closely
06:59 in the months and years to come.
07:01 And you know, when you talk religious liberty
07:05 all churches and all religions and all ill religion
07:08 needs to be protected at least the right
07:09 for people to hold those views.
07:12 But I do see a looming problem
07:14 with the rise of the Roman Catholic Church
07:15 because it's somewhat automatically
07:18 looks at things corporately.
07:20 Well, it's a return to a medieval view of things
07:23 where in...
07:25 Well, it is a medieval structure,
07:26 you can't help much.
07:27 Well, I'm not just talking about the Catholic Church,
07:29 I'm talking about the court decisions
07:31 that protect institutions.
07:33 There was a religious freedom in the Middle Ages,
07:35 but it was generally the freedom of the church
07:38 to be free from civil laws and civil oversight.
07:41 Well, that was good for the church
07:43 but it wasn't good for the individuals
07:44 within the church.
07:46 In this case in Hosanna Tabor
07:48 smacks of that direction back to a more medieval conception.
07:51 Yeah, you're right, I didn't realize your objection.
07:53 No, there's no question
07:54 the corporate thinkers had work there too.
07:57 So we come to, well, the 21st century
08:01 where during the Obama years
08:03 we had the rise of a secularist left
08:05 especially LGBT secular sexual agenda
08:10 which came into direct conflict with religious freedom...
08:12 It's unfortunate.
08:14 I don't think it needed to be,
08:15 both parties were somewhat guilty.
08:17 I think that's right.
08:18 I think Christians that tried to give them pariah status
08:21 and you know, I have no obligation to deal with you
08:25 go to them and I think
08:27 some of the LGBT community federal
08:31 were sort to have anonymous against religious faith.
08:34 Well, so florists, bakers, cake makers,
08:40 photographers have been taken to court,
08:43 have been fined thousands, tens of thousands
08:46 in one instance more than a hundred thousand dollars
08:48 for refusing to become involved in a same sex wedding.
08:53 And see I believe the...
08:54 that they've risen to the bait
08:56 because in the real world
08:58 when you're running a business...
09:00 If I'm a gay couple, a part of a gay couple
09:04 I go where there's sympathetical.
09:06 Right.
09:07 So it will naturally sort itself out
09:09 if people didn't sort of buttheads
09:12 and try to prove a point at the other's expense.
09:14 But that's what's been happening.
09:16 And in all of the cases I know of,
09:18 it's not that these business owners
09:20 were discriminating against gays per se,
09:23 many of these were customers.
09:26 It was when they were asked to do something
09:28 especially for a same sex wedding
09:31 when these services were
09:32 widely available in other venues,
09:35 I think to force these business owners
09:37 to support a moral decision
09:39 that they don't agree
09:41 with that goes against their conscience
09:42 is to request a complicity from them
09:46 that it is that should be protected
09:48 under the free exercise clause.
09:51 And I think we're going to see
09:52 more and more of this competition
09:56 between rights when the reality is...
09:57 Sure of that.
09:59 In the state of Utah they passed a law
10:02 which protected both religious freedom
10:04 and LGBT rights in housing and employment,
10:07 and I think at the national level,
10:09 we could do the same thing
10:11 where we recognize human rights,
10:14 both the rights of LGBT individuals
10:17 to make their moral choices
10:19 and the rights of religious freedom
10:20 of religious individuals.
10:21 You can read more about it in our book here,
10:24 500 Years of Protest and Liberty.
10:28 We are now living in the era of making America great again.
10:33 That's not a bad sentiment but what does it mean?
10:37 When we're talking about religious liberty,
10:40 I think that's a very good goal
10:43 because to make religious liberty great again
10:45 is to reemphasize the principles,
10:48 and of course go back to God Himself
10:50 but that, as we've said on this program
10:53 can be directly seen in the Protestant Reformation.
10:57 We need to reinstitute
11:00 the separation of church and state.
11:02 Sure, it's in the Constitution
11:03 but it's a biblical, spiritual principle.
11:06 It's time I believe in the very truest sense
11:11 to absolutely make sure
11:14 that religious liberty is great again,
11:17 that freedom is great again,
11:19 and all of the promises of the past are fulfilled.
11:24 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2017-07-24