Liberty Insider

The Reichstag Warning

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Greg Hamilton


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000364B

00:05 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:07 Before the break with Greg Hamilton,
00:09 we were rowing through history
00:11 and drawing some parallels, not direct parallels,
00:15 but some intimations of
00:17 where our present troubles might be
00:20 eerily like what happened in Weimar Germany
00:22 which led up to the Nazi takeover.
00:26 And of course, the parallels are legitimate I think
00:28 because there was a dysfunctional society
00:30 under great stress,
00:32 and it could have gone several ways,
00:33 but it went the Nazi way.
00:35 There's no question that we're living under a society
00:38 that's feel stressed,
00:40 not to stress the Syrians and all the rest
00:42 but this is not business as usual.
00:45 Right.
00:46 Well, it seems like the people
00:48 are afraid to speak up for some reason.
00:50 Yeah, you see protests
00:52 in different places and everything
00:53 but in the end, you know, that's all going to calm down
00:56 and we'll get back to some normalcy.
00:58 Will consider what's going on right now
01:02 is just part of the fabric of what we've always been,
01:05 and Donald Trump will probably
01:07 settle into the presidency
01:09 like other presidents before him or will he?
01:11 I mean, it's like the dilemma that much of the media has had,
01:15 even Fox News says,
01:17 "Well, is he going to be a different person
01:19 than when he was in the campaign,
01:20 will he be presidential?"
01:22 Yeah, we conclude he'll be presidential.
01:23 So, I think the whole country and the whole world
01:26 is waiting to see whether that's true or not.
01:29 I'll give you my two predictions
01:31 as to what's likely to happen not so much domestically.
01:36 I think the signs are all there
01:39 and President Trump will probably
01:41 not resist a chance to do something preemptively
01:44 with North Korea,
01:46 and I think the West will miscalculate
01:49 on their personality
01:50 and rather than lose face,
01:52 Korea will lash out at the US,
01:54 and then anyone's guess
01:57 is as good as anyone else.
01:58 Well, that's interesting, for me it's a little different.
02:01 I think Vice President Mike Pence is a factor
02:04 that we don't often consider.
02:06 You know, a lot of people knock his
02:09 Free Exercise of Religion Act
02:10 or his State Religious Freedom Restoration Act in the Indiana,
02:14 was actually started out as a good bill.
02:18 But the same sex marriage community came in
02:21 and got him to back pedal
02:23 and basically turn it into a law that's ineffective.
02:27 That's a good point, but I'm not suggesting
02:29 it's because of the president we actually have.
02:33 This is not an attack on administration,
02:36 you know, it's for them to decide.
02:37 I think events are just moving that way
02:40 and this new administration
02:42 will likely give in to the military
02:45 and the think-tanks
02:46 who are pushing that way
02:47 and I think it's a very dangerous problem.
02:49 Where I was going with this is this, Mike Pence represents,
02:54 the vice president represents
02:55 the wing of the evangelical right,
02:58 essentially he's very much imbed
03:00 with evangelical right,
03:02 he's a convert to Catholicism and...
03:08 Excuse me, he's a Catholic
03:10 who's become more evangelical lately
03:12 so he attends an evangelical church.
03:14 I mean, we have no reason to doubt his personal feelings.
03:16 Exactly.
03:17 He seems someone of spiritual integrity.
03:19 Exactly, exactly.
03:20 And I think he is well meaning and he's sincere.
03:23 But I think that what happens throughout history
03:26 I've seen when strong men,
03:28 strong leaders come into power
03:30 for their moral failings in the past,
03:33 they seek atonement,
03:34 and what better way to find atonement
03:36 than to yield their powers
03:39 that be to religious powers to make them the leaders,
03:46 the guides as to what the president
03:47 should do or not do.
03:49 It's certainly a danger for the US,
03:50 my other prediction.
03:51 That seems to be that what I'm saying is that
03:53 dynamic is at play very strongly right now.
03:55 My other prediction, it's more in line
03:57 with our religious liberty agenda or concerns.
04:02 Well, that might, what I just shared was
04:04 religious liberty concerns.
04:05 I know, but I want to add my second one.
04:07 Okay.
04:08 It's actually fortuitous on one level that,
04:13 was it Jared Kushner, the president's son-in-law.
04:16 Yes
04:17 Has close connections to Israel and the...
04:19 The Jewish fellow.
04:21 Ivanka. Ivanka's husband.
04:23 Husband is converted, that's good,
04:25 but that seems to be emboldening
04:28 this new administration to synthesize
04:33 US interest with Israel in a way that
04:35 we haven't seen before,
04:37 and even the off the cuff declaration
04:40 that the US embassy will be sighted in Jerusalem.
04:44 This has the potential to like throw gasoline
04:48 on an already situation,
04:53 it's already a conflagration.
04:54 Well, it has a potential for a crusade against...
04:56 And so you know that religious right
04:58 for a long time now have the soft spot for Israel
05:02 and the apocalypse that they believe is coming
05:04 and they want to be part of it.
05:06 And it seeds, sows the seeds
05:08 towards the potential of a crusade,
05:10 and to me that mentality is very much alive and well.
05:13 Yeah, so I think one or the other
05:15 is going to overtake us very soon
05:17 and, you know, the world will go on,
05:19 that won't be the end of the world
05:20 but things will follow from that
05:22 and I believe both of those potential crises and others
05:25 we haven't thought of
05:26 have the immediate potential
05:28 to radically change civil liberties and religious,
05:30 and the religious liberty situation
05:33 will harden very quickly
05:35 if either of those gets out of hand
05:37 which is very likely.
05:38 Well, and that brings up an interesting point
05:40 because domestically the United States
05:43 is, is very much tied
05:48 to its civil religious traditions.
05:51 And when you look at the flag, you look at God and country,
05:55 when you look at mom, apple pie and Chevrolet if you will
05:59 and baseball, don't forget baseball,
06:02 don't you ever forget baseball,
06:03 anyway that, that's really what makes...
06:06 It's trouble because I tend to forget baseball.
06:09 You're from Australia.
06:10 And soccer and Aussie rules.
06:11 Yes, yes, yes and cricket, yes.
06:13 Cricket, whoever heard of cricket?
06:15 No, I don't like cricket. Oh, you don't like cricket.
06:16 Cricket can break bones.
06:19 Anyway, the point is that
06:22 with America's civil religious traditions
06:24 that are so strong
06:26 we embedded that this notion of American exceptionalism,
06:29 this notion that our country
06:35 is at stake here
06:37 and we're the indispensable nation
06:39 which I would agree
06:41 we are the indispensable nation throughout the world,
06:44 but I think that this tendency towards populism,
06:47 this tendency towards isolationism
06:50 to make America great again is,
06:52 is maybe not equivalent to
06:55 what happened in Nazi Germany obviously,
06:57 but who knows maybe it is.
07:00 My point is that when we turn on ourselves
07:04 the country when,
07:06 when leaders turn the country in and of itself,
07:08 the country will turn in on itself.
07:11 And when that happens that's, that's the seeds of
07:14 potential civil war and revolution...
07:16 And paranoia...
07:17 Yes, yes.
07:19 And it could be a constitutional revolution,
07:21 which to me is again very prophetic
07:24 and we as Seventh-day Adventists
07:26 of all people should be awake to this,
07:28 if we're not I wonder what Kool-Aid we're drinking.
07:32 And there's not much that we can do individually
07:35 or even as a church to stop it,
07:37 but our response should be to be more heavenly minded,
07:40 to be more prophetically aware.
07:42 Yes.
07:44 And as far as civil and religious liberties
07:45 speak out on this, we have an obligations on that.
07:48 Our loyalties are be, to be to God first
07:50 and country second.
07:51 Yes. Yeah.
07:53 But that's not to diminish country loyalty...
07:54 Right.
07:55 As any true patriot, we need to speak up.
07:57 We're not called to be revolutionaries,
07:59 but I think we're all called as the Bible says
08:01 to proclaim liberty throughout the land.
08:03 I'm proud of my heritage
08:05 being directly related to Ulysses S. Grant
08:09 and also to Alexander Hamilton
08:11 so, you know, I mean, I'm very proud of my heritage.
08:13 I'm proud to be an American,
08:15 but ultimately my loyalty has to be to Jesus Christ
08:18 and the Three Angels' Messages of Revelation 14.
08:20 Absolutely.
08:22 And that's really where we need to be
08:23 both as a church as a people
08:25 and as people who are looking forward
08:27 to the soon coming of Christ.
08:28 Yeah.
08:30 And the fire that we should be worried about
08:33 is not the Reichstag or the capital.
08:35 The fire that we should be worried about
08:37 it's the fire of the end times that destroys evil.
08:39 We don't want to be part of that, do we?
08:41 No, and we don't want...
08:42 We're preparing for a better new world.
08:44 And we don't want to receive a counterfeit spirit,
08:48 a counterfeit religion that causes us to be deceived.
08:51 When we look at the Reichstag fire,
08:53 we must be careful of propaganda
08:55 and to be quite frank fake news
08:58 which we've heard a lot about lately.
08:59 But as we head down this path
09:02 of these last days we call them,
09:04 what we have called it that for a long time.
09:07 We need to be careful that we put God first
09:09 and country second.
09:11 Our loyalty must be to Jesus Christ and Him alone,
09:13 not through any manmade schemes
09:16 to save ourselves or our nation.
09:19 At the end of his ministry, Jesus warned
09:21 that at the end of time
09:22 there would be wars and rumors of wars.
09:25 There's no question that the United States in particular
09:27 is going through a tumultuous period.
09:30 In this program we invoked the Reichstag fire of Germany
09:34 which was a major event
09:37 that catapulted Germany into Nazism
09:39 and of course, Europe into the horrors of World War II.
09:43 I don't know that the US is quite at that stage,
09:46 but there are some uncanny parallels.
09:48 Where as the Nazis consolidated power
09:51 with the Night of the Long Knives
09:53 about the worst you could say of the US at the moment
09:55 is that we're into the day of the long tithes
09:59 but underneath all of this, there is a troubling change,
10:05 a forgetfulness of the constitution
10:07 of a Protestant heritage
10:09 and the reliance on God not to guide the country,
10:14 but to guide each person in their individual
10:17 spiritual journey.
10:20 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2017-05-04