Liberty Insider

The Reichstag Warning

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Greg Hamilton


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000364A

00:26 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:27 This is a program that brings you up-to-date news
00:30 and discussion on religious liberty events
00:33 all around the world
00:35 but particularly in the United States.
00:36 My name is Lincoln Steed, editor of Liberty Magazine,
00:40 and my guest on the program, Greg Hamilton,
00:43 President of the Northwest Religious Liberty Association.
00:47 That's a big mouthful, but you do a lot...
00:48 So there's a long billing.
00:53 You know, these are crazy times
00:55 and I find that apart from prophecy
00:58 and the Bible which is core central
00:59 for any Christian to look at the world,
01:02 but history's a pretty good jumping off point
01:05 to understand the present.
01:06 You look at the past and while it doesn't repeat,
01:08 it sets you up for.
01:10 And I don't know about you,
01:12 but I have thought lately about some of the events,
01:14 turbulent events in Europe that preceded World War II.
01:19 And we've had political chaos of sorts
01:22 in the US of late
01:23 and I thought recently and even as far back as 9/11.
01:28 9/11 was only 16 years ago.
01:30 I know.
01:31 For me it's just yesterday but,
01:33 ask my daughter who was born in 2001.
01:34 Yes. Right, right.
01:37 Late in 2001,
01:40 you know, I thought about the Reichstag fire.
01:42 The Reichstag fire in Germany...
01:44 In Germany... 1933.
01:46 Which really...
01:47 I've read many books, scene many programs,
01:50 no one can say definitively who started it.
01:54 But everybody knows that was the catalyst
01:58 that created an opening for the Nazis
02:00 and for Adolf Hitler to have unquestioned power
02:03 and it just went downhill from there.
02:06 Yeah, and Hitler had just been elected
02:09 as head of government
02:10 and before it was all said and done.
02:12 As a compromise candidate
02:13 with not really overwhelming electoral support.
02:16 Before it was all said and done,
02:18 the parliament passed the enabling act...
02:20 Well, that was after the Reichstag
02:22 that's probably gave it to him.
02:23 Yeah, gave him the enabling act
02:25 that allowed him to rule by decree
02:27 and there began the dictatorship
02:30 and the fall of Weimar Republic in Germany's history.
02:34 And what's interesting the Weimar Republic
02:37 was making huge strides way ahead of its time
02:40 in terms of democratic reforms,
02:42 including civil rights, religious rights everything,
02:46 and Germany, the people for some reason especially
02:49 the Lutheran Church
02:50 which represented sort of the Christian right of the day,
02:53 and even the Catholic Church said,
02:55 you know, this doesn't line up with our sense of woundedness
02:59 and our sense of nationalism.
03:00 We need to make Germany great again.
03:03 And so, the way to do that was to do what?
03:07 Was to bring in the Nazis because and there go,
03:10 if you read this book by Robert Erickson
03:13 from Pacific Lutheran University,
03:15 he's going to be a guest speaker,
03:16 April 10th at Walla Walla University,
03:19 April 9th and 10th.
03:20 In fact, we're co-sponsoring his arrival
03:23 and paying some money and are providing our logo
03:28 for the advertisement everything...
03:30 You should ask him to come on this program.
03:32 That'll be good but he wrote a book called,
03:34 Complicity in the Holocaust:
03:36 Churches and Universities in Nazi Germany.
03:38 They were there's no question.
03:39 Well, the Lutheran Church essentially seized Hitler
03:44 and propped him up
03:45 and made him a national savior.
03:47 It was a Christian right
03:48 who elevated Hitler to his place
03:52 in the eyes of the German people.
03:54 And history is very plain,
03:55 you don't see these quotes anymore,
03:56 but you can go and look them up.
03:59 Hitler made some incredibly positive statements
04:01 about religion.
04:02 He said, The German state in the Nazi regime was founded,
04:06 absolutely founded on the Christian religion.
04:07 Right
04:09 Well, looking back on it, you know,
04:10 it couldn't be further from the truth,
04:11 but they said that and it was accepted.
04:13 And he loved to quote Romans 13:1-3
04:16 that the powers that be the rulers that be the,
04:19 you know, they're for your good and not bad
04:21 and you're told bathed him no matter what...
04:23 And remember fairly early on, he singed a concordat
04:27 with the Roman Catholic Church which was not just a treaty,
04:32 it was a concordat, it means a full agreement,
04:35 you know, so that he had the full backing
04:37 of the Roman Catholic Church, they liked his moral agenda.
04:40 Well, the Reichstag fire was interesting
04:42 because it serves as a warning.
04:44 Basically what Hitler and the Nazis did is, say,
04:47 this was a bunch of leftist terrorists
04:50 who burned down the Reichstag,
04:52 and therefore all you people need to,
04:55 you know, these people are terrorists
04:57 and therefore you need to back us.
04:59 So terrorism you could say
05:01 was the beginning of the downfall
05:03 of the Weimar Republic of the democratic experiment
05:05 in Germany.
05:06 And there's an article in The New York Review of Books
05:09 by Timothy Snyder
05:11 that just came out called the "Reichstag Warning"
05:13 about how that could so easily happen
05:16 with the propaganda and everything else,
05:18 so easily that could happen here,
05:20 right here in the United States of America.
05:22 Yeah.
05:23 I was watching a program
05:25 recently about the Hitler Youth groups
05:27 which were the only game in town
05:30 by the time the war began.
05:34 And they interviewed some of the now old people
05:37 who were young people then,
05:38 and they said that it wasn't obligatory at first,
05:42 but these young people were taken off
05:43 for they were living in the cities
05:45 and here they go camping in the country
05:47 and it was a wonderful outdoor life,
05:49 but from the beginning
05:50 it was a very adversarial relationships.
05:52 The kids were told to fight
05:53 till there was blood drawn and all,
05:55 so they were being trained to soldiers,
05:57 and the social pressure was very strong to join
06:00 the Hitler Youth thing,
06:01 so that increased its popularity,
06:03 but then it reached the point
06:04 when they were quite a major group
06:06 that they would march down the street calling out
06:10 to the other kids in the houses,
06:12 and if they didn't come down,
06:14 they would send a couple of Hitler
06:16 Youth in to drag them down
06:17 and forcibly take them off to the meetings.
06:20 And then further than that,
06:21 he said, it's because this young,
06:22 one of the fellows, who was young at that time,
06:26 he said, that his father didn't agree of the Nazis
06:28 so he didn't join.
06:29 And he said, at school the teacher would punish them
06:32 for not being part of the Hitler Youth,
06:34 so the pressure was incredibly overwhelming socially,
06:38 but then there was curse in the plot
06:39 because you were not a good German
06:41 if you were not part of the Hitler Youth.
06:44 Not only that but after 1933 the Nazi regime made use
06:47 of a supposed threat of terrorism against Germans
06:49 from an imaginary international Jewish conspiracy,
06:52 and so, after five years of repressing Jews in 1938,
06:56 the German state began to deport them.
06:59 It almost sounds like the same dilemma
07:01 we have now or the same propaganda
07:04 that's being used now to deport certain groups of people.
07:08 Whether they be Muslims, Mexican, or whatever.
07:10 By no stretch of the imagination,
07:12 you know, could we compare this administration
07:15 with Hitler's henchmen,
07:17 I mean, they were whole different animal
07:19 but the patterns of human behavior
07:23 and of control are the same.
07:25 Right.
07:27 And we are almost falling haphazardly
07:29 into the same pattern.
07:31 There's a need for moral new world,
07:33 Hitler felt that it had been betrayed
07:35 in the Versailles Treaty
07:37 and their greatness lay behind them
07:38 and there was an appeal to be made great again.
07:42 Even Hitler when he became chancellor,
07:44 he was a minority party.
07:45 Right.
07:47 He didn't win it by an overwhelming mandate,
07:50 but Hindenburg
07:51 and the other power brokers thought that
07:54 they could diffuse this growing agitation
07:57 with a rather aggressive Nazi party
07:59 that was causing some trouble in the streets.
08:01 They could put Hitler and use him as a useful puppet
08:04 and diffuse the social unrest
08:06 and they miscalculated very badly.
08:08 In 1989 right when the Cold War
08:12 basically was being won by the United States,
08:14 thanks to the presidency of Ronald Reagan.
08:18 God bless him and his family, but the president
08:23 or the current president back in 1983 Donald Trump said,
08:27 "Civil liberties end when an attack
08:30 on our safety begins."
08:32 I find it interesting because,
08:34 you know, all it takes
08:36 is another catastrophic terrorist attack
08:38 and what he says is already in his head
08:42 in terms of what he will do.
08:43 It's unfortunate.
08:45 And of course, that's proven by history
08:46 and any number of other people have said similar things
08:48 but that's very ominous that thought crossed his mind.
08:53 Yes, I've sometimes even on this program
08:55 I think suggested that we might just be one cataclysm
08:59 or a major disastrous event away
09:01 from at the very least a sort of a lock,
09:04 a moral or a freedom lockdown.
09:06 Yeah.
09:07 It seems that that's very possible,
09:11 whether that happens or not remains to be seen,
09:13 but to me it's something that
09:15 we have to be ever cognizant of.
09:17 And the only real defense we have is a group defense.
09:21 If a critical mass of the population
09:25 just say no more,
09:26 just like with the...
09:28 You think you invoke McCarthy somewhat earlier.
09:31 You know, McCarthyism was destructive
09:35 for this country many people
09:36 and whole industries were debilitated
09:39 by the charge of communism,
09:40 but all it took in the end was one guy
09:42 that got up and says, "Have you no shame."
09:44 Well, the problem is...
09:46 And then the whole edifice was collapsed.
09:47 When there's the use of real
09:49 or imagined terrorist threats to create
09:51 or consolidate authoritarian regimes.
09:54 I mean to consolidate authority by using such propaganda,
10:00 by using real or imagined terrorist threats
10:04 to consolidate authority
10:06 that is not helpful for our country
10:09 and that seems to be the era
10:12 that we are living in right now.
10:14 And it shows you to me in a way
10:17 how closely our constitution can be abrogated, destroyed,
10:21 Ellen White warns about that
10:23 in the fifth volume of Testimonies
10:24 that, that our constitution,
10:28 when our constitution is destroyed
10:30 it would be because of,
10:32 you know, people thinking in a Sunday law
10:34 and all of this stuff.
10:36 We know that as Seventh-day Adventists.
10:37 But we don't often factor in other things
10:40 that could lead to that
10:41 that could trigger such a dissolution,
10:45 a quick rapid dissolution of our constitution.
10:48 The underlying enabling act
10:50 which is always been my burden
10:52 rather than legal changes is social consciousness
10:56 or the population consciousness.
10:58 If, let's just make it posit, but I think it's fact,
11:02 if you have a population
11:04 that don't know the constitution,
11:06 how can they be true to the constitution.
11:08 The constitution's power was that,
11:10 it was putting on paper what a critical mass
11:14 of the people originally believed.
11:17 We don't even know
11:18 if we believe it now, if that's...
11:20 You know, I've seen any number of programs
11:21 where they ask people about the constitution,
11:22 they don't know.
11:24 And if they know anything,
11:25 it's the Declaration of Independence,
11:27 that shorthand for what they think
11:28 of the constitution.
11:29 So the constitution is unlikely to be consciously abrogated,
11:32 it's just forgotten.
11:34 And we know that people have become
11:37 more and more easily swayed by demagoguery
11:40 or just the emergency of the times after 9/11,
11:43 you know, people would say,
11:44 I don't care if the president knows what I'm doing,
11:46 if they're spying on me as long as I'm protected.
11:47 Right.
11:49 I mean, yeah, you understand emotionally
11:50 why they would say that,
11:52 but the underlying inference of that is,
11:54 I'm willing to live in a police state
11:56 as long as you keep,
11:57 keep the dogs away from me.
11:59 And we're drifting into that sort of
12:01 an enabling dynamic
12:03 and the Catholic Church you mentioned.
12:05 The popes come and go and their attitudes change
12:08 a little bit from time to time,
12:09 but whatever,
12:11 they were never able to do anything
12:12 to Protestant America
12:14 when Protestant sensibilities were intact.
12:16 But when you forget who you are,
12:18 why you are Protestant,
12:20 why individual liberties are so important,
12:23 you're easy pickings for these emergencies.
12:25 And there's that famous quote,
12:27 you know, that is to give away
12:28 civil liberties for an emergency,
12:30 don't deserve liberty or what is that safety.
12:35 I think the argument is strong...
12:37 Benjamin Franklin said that.
12:38 Yeah, that we're actually not so sitting ducks,
12:42 we've moved ourselves as a modern community
12:46 into enchanted ground
12:47 because we think differently than what we claim.
12:51 But there's another attitude that goes with that
12:53 and that is this idea that God is ultimately in control,
12:56 so therefore, this must be God's will
12:59 and, you know, and they cite Daniel 2
13:02 where God sets up kings, takes down Kings,
13:05 but I'm reminded of Hosea 8:4 and it's a most amazing text,
13:11 and I spoke about this with Charles Mills,
13:14 and he wrote an article
13:15 for Liberty Magazine that you have,
13:17 and it's fascinating
13:19 because Hosea 8:4 says the following.
13:23 Some of our viewers may know Charles Mills,
13:25 he's the necessary man
13:30 that we've hired to do the radio program,
13:32 I do...
13:33 And that's called Liberty Quest.
13:34 Yeah.
13:36 He's the moderator for me mostly.
13:37 I did three programs with him on Tuesday.
13:39 Yeah. Did you do three? Yes.
13:41 It was to be two, but I said, needs to be more.
13:43 It was used to be two, but the second one ran over
13:45 and we turned out into a third one.
13:47 Good. Yeah
13:48 So I hope some of our viewers can tune into 3ABN radio
13:52 which rebroadcasts...
13:53 Liberty Quest. Yes. Liberty Quest.
13:55 Hosea 8:4, says,
13:57 "They have set up kings but not by me,
13:59 they have made princes
14:01 and I knew it not of their silver
14:03 and their gold have they made them idols
14:06 that they may be cut off."
14:07 And so, you know,
14:09 that to me says very clearly that,
14:12 you know, yes, God is ultimately in control,
14:14 that's true,
14:15 but He does not interfere with our day to day choices.
14:20 And so we have to remember that.
14:22 We ultimately choose who our president is
14:25 through our Democratic-Republican system
14:28 and, you know, that can have some ill effects.
14:32 I mean, we have to, we cannot forget
14:35 that Adolf Hitler was elected the leader of his nation, okay.
14:41 And we should not forget
14:42 that it wasn't just a single person,
14:45 I mean, he took it in an aberrant direction,
14:46 but he couldn't have done
14:48 what he did without a general enabling attitude
14:51 of the people.
14:52 Anti-semitism was systemic in Germany at that time.
14:58 And attitudes toward foreigners,
15:01 gypsies and others was murderous,
15:04 and he just kept capitalized on it,
15:05 but it existed.
15:07 Yeah, let me...
15:08 The idea that one man hijacked the whole country is nonsense.
15:10 Right, Hosea 8:4, the NIV says it better,
15:14 I read the King James before, but it says,
15:16 "They set up kings without my consent,
15:18 they choose princes without my approval,
15:20 with their gold and silver
15:22 they make idols for themselves
15:24 to their own destruction."
15:25 It's very plain.
15:26 We'll visit that
15:28 when we come back after a short break.
15:29 Stay with us,
15:31 Reichstag fire and old things that pertained to such.


Revised 2017-05-04