Liberty Insider

The Lone Protestant

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Greg Hamilton


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000363A

00:25 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:27 This is a program bringing you up-to-date information
00:30 and analysis on points of history
00:33 that bear on religious liberty.
00:36 My name is Lincoln Steed, I'm editor of Liberty magazine
00:39 and my guest on the program is Greg Hamilton...
00:42 How're you doing?
00:43 President of the Northwest Religious Liberty Association,
00:46 and a great scholar of American history.
00:49 I try.
00:51 Yeah, and you try very well and from time to time
00:54 you've written articles in Liberty magazine
00:56 that continue our emphasis on history
00:59 which is one theme of biblical religious liberty base
01:04 and constitutional.
01:07 Let's talk about recent American history
01:10 and I'm trying to think how to describe it.
01:12 Let's talk about the supremes and not the musical group
01:16 that I remember real well, you know, I hear a symphony,
01:19 but it's not always a symphony
01:20 coming out of the Supreme Court, is it?
01:22 No, there isn't, and with the death of Antonin Scalia
01:26 on the Supreme Court that created this big hole.
01:29 In fact, it was so controversial that
01:32 when President Barack Obama appointed
01:35 or nominated Merrick Garland
01:39 to be the next Justice of the Supreme Court,
01:42 he wasn't even seen by Senate
01:45 and House leaders on the Republican side
01:49 and thus it totally squelched his nomination
01:52 until the emergence of the next president,
01:55 which everybody assumed, a lot of people assumed,
01:59 that it would be Hillary Clinton,
02:00 even Donald Trump was surprised
02:01 that he was elected to be honest.
02:03 I guess the Republicans didn't
02:04 because they wouldn't have blocked it otherwise.
02:07 Well, no they were hopeful.
02:08 They were just being hopeful, they assumed that
02:10 if they did block it for now
02:12 that when if Hillary Clinton emerged
02:15 that they would get Merrick Garland
02:17 and that he was a center-right justice
02:19 and they would get what they wanted anyway,
02:22 and so their gamble was a pretty safe gambit
02:25 for the most part,
02:27 so they were just kind of holding him off
02:29 until the inevitable.
02:31 Well, guess what?
02:32 Everybody was shocked, it was an earthquake
02:34 that Donald Trump got elected as the president
02:36 and so, therefore, when he became president,
02:40 he rolled out his Supreme Court nominee
02:43 which is Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge
02:47 from Colorado, Neal Gorsuch,
02:50 and what's interesting about Neal Gorsuch
02:54 is he is supposedly a protege of Justice Antonin Scalia,
02:59 which I disagree with I'll tell you why.
03:03 This, Neal Gorsuch is actually very good
03:05 for the free exercise of religion,
03:06 and by the way he's a Protestant,
03:08 he's an Episcopalian.
03:09 Oh, that will be a wonderful change.
03:11 Yeah, right now we have...
03:12 What's the break at the moment...
03:14 Well, when Justice Scalia was alive,
03:15 we had six Catholics on the Supreme Court
03:16 and three Jews, no Protestants.
03:18 No Protestant.
03:19 When Justice John Paul Stevens retired from the Supreme Court,
03:22 he was an Episcopalian appointed
03:23 by Gerald Ford back in 1975,
03:27 he became the last Protestant on the Supreme Court.
03:30 Now, you know, the courts, of course,
03:31 would come under the constitutional mandate
03:34 of no religious test for public office,
03:36 but it's a little disconcerting
03:38 when it's so skewed away from any sort of a cross section.
03:42 And Justice Souter was a Congregationalist
03:47 from Massachusetts I believe or New Hampshire, excuse me,
03:51 and Sandra Day O'Connor
03:53 who had no religious affiliation
03:54 even though she was raised in Catholic private schools,
03:58 boarding schools,
04:00 but really had no religious affiliation growing up
04:04 between on the border of Arizona
04:06 and New Mexico on a ranch.
04:09 So you have this interesting dynamic.
04:11 You have five Catholics all appointed by,
04:14 except for Justice Sonia Sotomayor
04:17 who President Barack Obama appointed,
04:20 they're all, except for that one,
04:23 appointed by Republican Presidents,
04:25 and all five of those are...
04:29 I mean, four of the five are conservative jurists
04:34 on the court.
04:35 So what you have is Neal Gorsuch emerges
04:39 as a proponent
04:41 of the free exercise of religion,
04:43 but someone who doesn't take kindly
04:47 to the constitutional separation of the church
04:48 and state which by the way is...
04:51 Which is better than Justice Antonin Scalia
04:54 who during his whole career except for the last decision
04:57 he made on religion, the Abercrombie decision,
05:00 which involved a Muslim woman seeking to wear her scarf
05:06 while serving as a flight attendant
05:08 for a major airline,
05:09 that he ruled in favor of the Muslim woman,
05:13 which was a shock to everybody.
05:15 In fact, in that ruling he said, "Hey, you know,
05:17 when it comes to even hiring practices,
05:19 when you're even in the interview process,
05:22 no one should be discriminated against
05:23 on the basis of their religion, no one."
05:26 What was his take on the case
05:30 that involved the autonomy of the churches,
05:32 the Lutheran teacher case?
05:35 Oh, yes, that was a nigh to nothing decision, yes.
05:37 He was part of that one as well,
05:39 yes, that that was the...
05:42 I've the momentary lapse, I forgot.
05:45 Yeah. Hosanna-Tabor.
05:47 Hosanna-Tabor, yes.
05:50 So at least he was right on that one.
05:52 I thought that was close to a sweep, clean sweep.
05:56 Yes, it was but...
05:58 Yeah, but he wasn't the majority opinion in that,
06:01 was he?
06:02 I don't... That's what I can't remember.
06:03 Yeah, I don't think he was.
06:05 I thought he went along with it
06:06 but I don't remember.
06:08 Yeah, I don't remember him rendering an opinion.
06:09 But, yeah, you're right.
06:10 He was a very polarizing figure,
06:12 deeply held views as a Roman Catholic,
06:16 but he was not really
06:18 the friend of religious liberty.
06:20 With the peyote ruling in 1990, with all establishment clauses,
06:26 he was for joining church and state,
06:28 he was an enemy of religious freedom
06:30 as we know it, okay.
06:31 I would say it.
06:33 As a Jesuit, Jesuit born and raised,
06:35 went to Jesuit high school, Catholic University,
06:38 and later to Harvard University.
06:41 In fact, as I mentioned in another program in 1961,
06:44 when he got out of Harvard Law School,
06:45 went to Cleveland, his first law firm,
06:48 and the head of the law firm invited him over to celebrate
06:52 and welcome him by his colleagues and so on,
06:55 and he pontificated until 3:00 am in the morning
06:58 why Sunday laws were constitutional.
07:00 Yeah. Okay.
07:01 So a very storied career and you can read all about it
07:05 in the biography American Original:
07:07 The Life and Constitution of Supreme Court Justice,
07:10 Antonin Scalia.
07:12 I heard him speak several times
07:13 and one theme that was recurring
07:15 and he would joke about it, but it doesn't seem to me
07:18 that the justice should joke about the law.
07:21 He basically was very enamored with the old days
07:25 when you were innocent.
07:26 You were brought to trial,
07:28 you were declared innocent let go, guilty, kill.
07:30 He didn't seem to have an in-between and he said,
07:33 you know, that was the way it should be, you know,
07:36 heavy penalty or you get let off
07:38 but he didn't like these gradations very much.
07:40 Neil Gorsuch is a friend
07:42 of the free exercise of religious freedom
07:44 as is Samuel Alito, another Catholic Justice,
07:47 as is Chief Justice, John Roberts,
07:49 as is Clarence Thomas, as is Anthony Kennedy.
07:52 So the leading Catholic justices
07:55 are friends of the Catholic redefinition
07:58 of what I call the Catholic Redefinition
08:00 of Religious Freedom
08:01 which includes the support of putting religious images
08:06 like the Ten Commandments in the public square
08:08 or even government funding
08:11 of private religious institutions.
08:13 These are issues in which they see no problem with.
08:16 They don't see where this would take us
08:19 in terms of church and state
08:21 especially even prophetically, I mean, Ellen White says,
08:23 "When you start funding the church,
08:27 you're basically allowing for the control of the church
08:29 over the state,
08:30 not that you can't or church can't receive gifts
08:33 from the government, but one time gift...
08:36 It's an entanglement.
08:37 Is different from ongoing dependent support on Federal
08:44 and State funding.
08:45 That's the problem. Yeah.
08:47 Even as you are outlining that
08:49 and talking about religious symbolism,
08:52 it put a new meaning on what the court has long
08:54 since said that some of these things
08:56 they've said are ceremonial deism,
08:58 but when you got a majority of the court
08:59 Roman Catholic, ceremonial deism
09:02 is what the church is all about,
09:04 ceremony and the symbols
09:06 and, and maybe there is a blind sidedness
09:11 that's coming upon us.
09:13 And Neal Gorsuch, Judge Gorsuch is also very good
09:15 on workplace religious freedom,
09:17 so when it comes to religious discrimination at workplace,
09:20 he very much sides with people and employers
09:25 who are overtly hostile towards people of faith.
09:27 So that's a good thing so he's half better
09:32 than Justice Antonin Scalia,
09:34 so this idea that we must replace someone
09:37 just like Antonin Scalia...
09:38 So we got off light. We got off light.
09:40 Not only that, but he's not a ultimate determiner
09:43 of how the court will go
09:44 because you still have Justice Kennedy
09:46 as the swing vote
09:48 and so the dynamic doesn't change any
09:50 because all you're doing is filling Justice Scalia's seat
09:54 which keeps it as a five-four majority
09:57 one way or the other.
09:59 And for all the heat and light that goes into this topic,
10:02 I haven't seen a very clear correspondence
10:04 between why someone's put their in the factions expectations
10:08 on how they perform.
10:10 No one really knows till these guys sit there
10:13 and there are many cases
10:15 where they seem to take another tack.
10:18 Well, yes and no, it depends.
10:19 With Justice Souter, David Souter,
10:23 there was no opinions out there.
10:24 I mean, he pretty much sat silent on his Federal court
10:28 and basically didn't hardly say anything.
10:30 And so things didn't change very much.
10:32 So they didn't have much of a...
10:34 I was surprised where he...
10:36 what circuit was he on?
10:37 The Tenth Circuit.
10:39 Yeah and he had like 25,000 constituents there.
10:44 It was a little, like a little country side.
10:45 Yeah, well, it's the wild, wild west.
10:48 So the dynamic is going to be much different dealing with...
10:51 Sure, he had Wyoming, Nebraska, the Dakotas, something...
10:54 Yeah, approach it very differently
10:57 as a Supreme Court Justice.
10:59 Right, yes.
11:00 Well maybe, I'm not as hopeful as you are that way.
11:05 But this guy seems pretty tried and true
11:07 to reaffirm his convictions.
11:08 But one thing that I think we need to remind ourselves
11:12 even though some horrible things happened,
11:14 you know, school busing change, it wasn't horrible necessarily
11:19 but I mean it changed the whole country,
11:22 convulse everyone the...
11:24 What's the famous Dred Scott decision, and of course,
11:27 the peyote case, the Supreme Court
11:29 and not to mention the abortion case...
11:35 Roe v Wade. Roe v Wade.
11:37 That said, I don't really buy into the idea
11:40 that the Supreme Court or a legislative body.
11:43 No, I don't either and the reason being...
11:45 In fact, they aren't legislative.
11:46 And then proof of that and I shared this in my sermons
11:49 is you have to understand there's nine individuals
11:52 on the court
11:54 and sure one person
11:55 may have a particular viewpoint,
11:57 but that's not the point.
11:58 There's nine of them
11:59 and they coalesce and come together,
12:01 so it makes up a certain vote, and so when the court speaks,
12:05 it's not just a particular view of one person,
12:08 it's all of their views coming together
12:12 and proof of that is sometimes a majority's decision
12:17 will be rendered
12:18 but it will be, sometimes,
12:20 it won't even receive a plurality of the court,
12:23 or it will be someone writing a concurring opinion,
12:27 separate concurring opinion
12:29 which Sandra Day O'Connor was very famous for.
12:32 I did my 402-page thesis/dissertation
12:36 at the J.M. Dawson Institute of Church-State Studies
12:39 at Baylor University on her judicial philosophy
12:42 on the role of religion in public life,
12:44 and one of the things I discovered about her was
12:47 that she was constantly either
12:51 ruling in favor of the majority opinion
12:53 or concurring with it
12:55 or going ahead ruling in favor of it,
12:57 but in her concurring opinion saying,
13:00 "Okay, I've ruled in favor of because of this
13:03 but here's why I dissent with most of it."
13:06 And she did that a lot and a lot of judges
13:09 have taken up her example that, that was not,
13:13 that was unheard of back in the old days
13:15 but they have followed her example
13:19 and more and more judges are doing just that.
13:22 Let's take a break there for a bit and we'll be back.
13:26 Please come back with us
13:27 and we'll talk a little bit more
13:28 about the Supreme Court:
13:30 Where it's going, where it is now,
13:31 and what you can expect.


Revised 2017-05-01