Liberty Insider

The Last Trump

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed. (Host), Greg Hamilton


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000359B

00:05 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:06 Before the break with guest Greg Hamilton,
00:09 we were going great guns,
00:11 setting everything right after the turmoil
00:14 of the election of 2016
00:17 with the new administration in '17.
00:21 There is so much to talk about.
00:22 You know, everything's...
00:24 well, politically charged but underneath it all
00:26 is the subtext of where we go religiously
00:29 as a nation.
00:31 You know, I think there's just a lot of fear
00:34 and paranoia out there
00:35 built up on conspiracy theories,
00:37 whether we're talking about Breitbart or Alt-Right
00:41 or whatever, the Christian right, you know,
00:44 the Tea Party etcetera,
00:46 there has been this sense of paranoia since 2010
00:50 that has been building up for seven years.
00:53 This idea that all the presidents
00:56 come to have military exercises in Texas,
00:59 they come to take away all of our guns.
01:01 Alex Jones and his radio program.
01:02 I forget Alex Jones, the Governor of Texas.
01:05 Who will say...
01:08 Donald trump's favorite radio program is Alex Jones.
01:11 You remember the Governor of Texas
01:13 felt threatened by that whole exercise...
01:14 Yeah, yeah.
01:16 He said that is an imminent takeover.
01:17 Which was nonsense, I mean, proven to be nonsense
01:19 and it was nonsense,
01:21 and so you have this sense of paranoia
01:23 and people feeding on conspiracy theories
01:26 that are baseless,
01:28 and so
01:29 it's like the government's coming to get you,
01:31 the government's coming to get you.
01:34 And I fear that's taking over mainstream Christianity.
01:39 And it's...
01:42 unfortunately, it has transformed
01:45 the religious landscape to where we're living
01:49 almost in a state of paranoia similar to before I was,
01:52 just before I was born,
01:54 the McCarthy era, which, you know...
01:56 You're on my wavelength.
01:58 Yeah, so...
01:59 It almost doesn't matter what some of these tumults are
02:04 taken together they show the system in freefall,
02:07 and in public trust, and what the term I use
02:10 is the social contract.
02:11 We're in great danger
02:13 of the social contract breaking down.
02:15 Now the biggest one is working out right now
02:18 is you and I made.
02:20 There was a charge made from the highest levels.
02:23 The security forces were surveilling
02:27 presidential candidates...
02:29 One in particular. Right.
02:30 Denied, but it's come out through WikiLeaks
02:34 in great detail that this is so.
02:36 Now what does that mean?
02:38 I didn't read it that way. Yes.
02:40 I didn't read it that way.
02:41 It's certain,
02:43 people should've realized that it's so anyhow,
02:45 because even in the Bush administration
02:47 it turned out even though they denied it,
02:49 they were sweeping up all conversation.
02:51 Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina,
02:53 just this morning,
02:55 put out a statement saying that,
02:58 "We're going to subpoena Donald Trump
03:00 in the White House for the proof and evidence
03:03 that he was wiretapped, and so right now
03:07 the White House is starting to back pedal vigorously,
03:10 because they have no evidence.
03:11 And number two,
03:13 President Obama, former president,
03:15 just vigorously denied along with all of his employees
03:20 that they did any such thing.
03:21 But you and I are observers on that but the...
03:23 And the FBI is denying that this ever happened...
03:24 This is another WikiLeaks release,
03:26 where they actually mails and so on.
03:28 The point I want to make is,
03:30 we know, if you read
03:33 and that's not a conspiracy theory,
03:35 the government, since they have the electronic capability
03:38 are collecting everything, everything.
03:41 And it's going into digital vaults.
03:43 The WikiLeaks thing did not specifically bring up
03:47 the question about the president being tapped,
03:50 all right, before he became president.
03:51 But the point I want to make on this...
03:53 What it's talking about is surveillance of US citizens
03:57 and not necessarily the president elect,
03:59 although that can obviously be a natural leap
04:02 in conclusion.
04:03 There is no evidence based at them.
04:05 I will bring it back to religious point.
04:09 It was restated a few years ago.
04:14 In parallel to what had happened
04:15 under the Bush administration,
04:16 and as I remember back in the Vietnam War,
04:20 where religious groups were being surveilled.
04:24 And not all religious groups
04:25 and we don't want to get too deep into that.
04:27 Well, those viewed as extremists.
04:29 Right.
04:31 So the government is showing an interest
04:33 and not necessarily telling us what they're doing.
04:35 You know, you can say that's fine.
04:37 My point is, we're at a moment
04:39 when at the highest levels
04:40 that surveillance is being challenged
04:43 and even discredited.
04:45 Well, I don't care for a semi police state,
04:48 but still when you pull the teeth on it
04:52 as happened in East Germany and in the Soviet Union,
04:55 the system collapses,
04:57 because you've got to have a system,
04:59 good or bad or indifferent.
05:01 If it's not respected, if it's not competent,
05:04 if it's not allowed to do what it's doing,
05:06 and you don't replace it with something else,
05:07 it goes into freefall.
05:09 To back up what you're saying,
05:10 I attend the annual religion and foreign policy workshop,
05:13 summer workshop, at the Council on Foreign Relations,
05:16 world headquarters at Madison Avenue,
05:18 New York City,
05:19 and I'm going again May 23-24 of this year,
05:22 and the emphasis is always on how do we, and by the way,
05:26 it's co-sponsored by the US State Department,
05:28 but it's...
05:30 As prejudice being kept radically.
05:31 Yes, in fact, they're not even flying everybody out anymore,
05:34 because the US State Department
05:36 has not refunded their contract,
05:38 or renewed their contract with the Council for Relations,
05:40 but let me finish my point.
05:42 My point is that when I go to these conferences
05:45 almost invariably the number one theme
05:48 that overrides everything else is how do we,
05:52 how do 300 religious leaders
05:54 that they pull in from the United States
05:56 just grassroots, nobody is like me.
05:58 Okay, how do we...
06:00 That they want to consult with us is the reason
06:02 for the workshop as well as having dignitaries,
06:04 and speakers, and foreign policy experts,
06:07 and State Department officials,
06:08 even secretaries of state,
06:10 speak to us as we have these outbreak sessions,
06:13 and they want to know from us,
06:16 how do we moderate extremists,
06:18 how do we get the moderate religious world
06:21 to give us answers on
06:24 how to deal with the world's problems
06:25 so that our foreign policy as the United States
06:29 uses religion to solve the world's problems
06:32 and bring about world peace,
06:33 that's by the way been a strategy
06:34 since the George W. Bush administration.
06:36 It was actually started under Colin Powell's leadership,
06:39 later Condoleezza Rice, and then Barack Obama,
06:42 and Hillary Clinton, and that to me is fascinating.
06:46 This idea that we can use religion
06:49 to moderate extremists, and if they don't moderate,
06:54 then what do we do next.
06:55 So it's a foreign policy
06:57 based upon moderation and extinction so to speak.
07:02 I'm glad you added that, because I was about to tell you
07:04 this whole extremism thing is extremely dangerous
07:08 because at root it has the idea
07:10 there is something inherently dangerous
07:12 about this religious viewpoint
07:15 and as long as we can keep it contained, we're safe.
07:18 Right.
07:20 And religious liberty should allow everyone
07:23 to believe what they want, but sooner or later,
07:25 any government that sees an extremist version
07:28 of any political activity
07:30 or any religious affiliation is dangerous.
07:33 Sooner or later, it will come to the nub and say that,
07:37 you know, we can't just deal
07:38 with its extreme manifestation at root.
07:41 It's problematic. We won't allow it in the state.
07:43 You know, it's interesting...
07:44 And people haven't followed the logic,
07:46 but at some point that is going to come about,
07:48 I'm certain of it, with this talk of extremism.
07:51 It's very interesting.
07:52 Revelation 13 points out
07:54 a threefold union of the United States of America,
07:57 our Protestant America
07:59 aligning itself with a healed Roman power,
08:03 the Holy Roman Empire power, or the Vatican OEC, okay,
08:07 aligned with this fire that supposedly come straight
08:11 from the throne room of God
08:12 from heaven itself to full view,
08:15 in the full view of men.
08:16 What is this fire, that Greek word...
08:17 What does it say?
08:19 It says this lamb-like beast brings fire down from heaven
08:21 in the sight of men.
08:22 Yes.
08:24 Really say where it's from or what it is,
08:25 whether it's literal, figurative, spiritual.
08:28 The word fire in the Greek is Pura or Pur, okay.
08:32 P-U-R, and it's the same word
08:34 at the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2,
08:36 "The cloven tongues of fire."
08:38 That was the true outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
08:40 In Revelation 13-13, this fire is a false spirit
08:45 that takes the world by storm.
08:47 I see it as a kin to the charismatic movement and...
08:50 Well, it could be except that, why does it say,
08:52 fire down from heaven in the sight of men.
08:54 Well, the Pentecost was rather a close thing,
08:57 not the whole country saw it.
08:59 It suggests that it's worldwide and that it's sweeping,
09:02 and that suggest that religious leaders
09:06 are looked to by the people,
09:07 the masses for solving the world's problems,
09:10 and they've given up on the political leaders,
09:11 they've given up on world leaders.
09:13 They're turning to religious leaders
09:14 to instruct political leaders
09:16 and world leaders to solve the world's problems.
09:18 So it goes back to my conversation
09:20 about the Council on Foreign Relations
09:22 in our annual Religion and Foreign Policy workshop
09:24 which is, you know, works out right before my eyes
09:26 in terms of what I see here in this threefold union.
09:30 To me, the charismatic movement has yet to really kick in,
09:33 in terms of a major force or power,
09:36 but we see it coming
09:37 with the emergence of Pope Francis,
09:39 with the emergence of this interfaith movement worldwide,
09:43 and combine that with the Christian
09:46 right here in the United States,
09:47 and the ecumenical forces that are coming align together.
09:51 We can see how prophecy is lining up.
09:54 Yeah.
09:55 Well, you know, we use the term charismatic
09:56 and it has a lot of baggage,
09:58 but what I think, you're saying is,
10:00 it's sort of a generalized spirituality
10:03 that has its common denominator,
10:05 a political center, a political agenda.
10:09 What I'm saying is... It's not doctrinal.
10:11 Donald Trump has seized upon that and he's...
10:15 I really believe his presidency
10:17 seeks to harness the religious powers
10:20 here in the United States to fulfill his dream
10:22 and his vision and theirs in turn.
10:25 And this is good a way to get to the end as I can imagine.
10:30 What we see happening here is a United States of America
10:34 in which the religious powers here in the United States
10:37 are really seeking to control our country.
10:42 This is a television program,
10:44 but I also edit Liberty Magazine,
10:45 and recently in an editorial, I began by,
10:47 there shall be weeping and lamentation in the streets.
10:51 Unfortunately, that characterized
10:52 many of the sore losers
10:54 in the last US presidential election.
10:57 That's not really a good way to react,
11:00 but it's understandable because some people do lose,
11:04 but what we need to remind our leaders,
11:06 don't hold it against people that have that attitude
11:11 because there's always naysayers.
11:13 Make sure that you act morally and honestly
11:16 toward the majority.
11:18 One of my heroes in history is Oliver Cromwell,
11:21 who headed up by religious state
11:23 after England's civil war.
11:25 He's gone down badly in history, especially,
11:27 from a Catholic point of view,
11:29 but one thing that I admired in him
11:31 to read that during his rule,
11:33 he allowed the publication of a book
11:35 that actually outlined
11:37 how to assassinate Oliver Cromwell himself.
11:40 Toleration should have reasonable limits.
11:44 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2017-04-20