Liberty Insider

Martin Luthor to Donald Trump?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Nicolas Miller


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000357A

00:26 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:27 This is the program bringing you
00:29 up-to-date news, and discussion on religious liberty events,
00:33 late breaking events in the US, and around the world.
00:36 My name is Lincoln Steed, editor of Liberty magazine,
00:40 and my guest on the program Dr. Nic Miller.
00:44 Let's really hit the ground running with this.
00:47 In the United States at the moment,
00:48 there's a new administration that, whatever it accomplishes,
00:53 I think is going to be a historic benchmark
00:56 because I've never seen a more activist administration
01:00 and president in my lifetime.
01:01 The first 10 days feels like the first 100 days
01:04 for everyone else in administration.
01:05 Things are happening in a great flurry.
01:06 And I think it's not by accident
01:09 because in the last few years
01:10 there have been some groundswell movements
01:13 in the US.
01:15 People have become disgusted with politics, it's normal.
01:17 They've become afraid of external threats.
01:21 They become, or there's been
01:24 a developing sense of impoverishment,
01:27 that we've lost to rich people elsewhere
01:30 or send our wealth there, our treasures.
01:32 I don't know who started that
01:34 but this idea of American treasure,
01:36 it sounds sort of the pirate-ish to me.
01:38 Yeah, siphoned off overseas. Yeah.
01:39 So, you know, no accident that we've got what we got,
01:42 but we didn't see it coming and now that it's here,
01:45 it's in your face every day.
01:46 What are we to make of this, this new administration?
01:48 Yeah, it's a great question.
01:50 Of course, as a church historian
01:51 from Andrews University,
01:52 you have to try to put it in some historical perspective.
01:55 Now, we could even talk about what's happening in our church,
01:58 it roughly parallels...
01:59 It's all connected, isn't it?
02:02 You know, here we are,
02:03 at the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation
02:07 and so the question is perhaps,
02:09 and in the previous program we talked about the linkage
02:12 between Martin Luther and Martin Luther King Jr.,
02:15 and the rise of democracy
02:16 and human rights and minority rights,
02:18 but somebody, a skeptic could say,
02:21 "Well, what about,
02:23 isn't there a similar story to be told?
02:25 Can you tell the same story
02:27 from Martin Luther to Donald Trump?"
02:30 Right?
02:31 Donald Trump, does he claim to be a Christian?
02:33 I believe that he does.
02:36 If he says he is, he is in his mind.
02:39 He identifies as a Christian, he's a member of...
02:41 I mean it's up to God to decide each of us,
02:43 how good a Christian or a fellow human being...
02:45 Sure, sure.
02:46 But he, in fact during the campaign
02:49 he made a big point of that he was a Presbyterian,
02:52 unlike those Seventh-day Adventists,
02:54 who are they, he was trying to imply that...
02:57 Well, he made a comment about Adventists,
02:59 I didn't hear that it was in that context, was it?
03:01 It was in the context of when Dr. Ben Carson...
03:05 Yeah, he says "I don't know who is he?"
03:06 Was getting ahead of him in the polls
03:08 in some of the Northeastern states
03:09 and he said, "I'm not sure
03:11 about the Seventh-day Adventists
03:12 but the Presbyterians were right down the middle."
03:14 So he claims a strong Protestant heritage.
03:18 So is the, is the eventual rise of Protestantism
03:24 more clearly seen in Martin Luther King
03:26 and the civil rights movement and minority rights,
03:28 or is it more fully seen in Donald Trump
03:32 whose relationship, I'd suggest,
03:33 to civil rights and racial rights
03:36 is complex and contested at best?
03:39 And, you know, he's not known for his strong track record...
03:44 Well, I got to give him a bit of a leg up at the moment.
03:49 President Roosevelt.
03:53 The World War II President Roosevelt,
03:55 we have two of them of course, Theodore Roosevelt.
03:57 You know, he was a patrician of the first order.
04:00 But yet, I think he proved in his presidency
04:03 that he had a concern for the working man,
04:07 even Social Security
04:08 that's become quite dear to my heart
04:10 of recent years in anticipation was his, you know,
04:15 a product of his administration.
04:17 So just because Donald Trump
04:18 is a billionaire with a silver spoon life and...
04:22 No just.
04:23 Not a proven identification with the subcontractors
04:27 that worked on his hotel.
04:28 Intellectually or theoretically, we hope,
04:32 and it's possible that he's able
04:33 to identify with these issues.
04:36 Well, I would hope so,
04:37 but I'm not just judging him
04:39 based on his status or place in society.
04:41 You may remember that in running his campaign,
04:44 he went out of his way to talk about certain immigrant groups
04:48 and not in the most flattering terms.
04:50 He talked about the Mexicans, who are criminals and rapists
04:53 and some of them are good people
04:54 he managed to throw in.
04:56 But the point is,
04:57 a lot of people supported his campaign
04:59 who were overtly racist in ways that he wasn't, I acknowledge,
05:03 but he didn't go out of his way to separate himself from them
05:08 at least initially.
05:10 Who made the comment
05:11 that you get the government you deserve?
05:12 Well, there is something perhaps...
05:16 There's a statement like that.
05:18 And I don't know that it's unique to the US,
05:22 but for years politicians have been playing up
05:24 to the crowd.
05:26 Whatever they thought it took to be elected,
05:28 George Bush Sr., who we wish good health to him now,
05:32 he's old and not in good health.
05:34 But, you know, in his presidency
05:36 or running for election remember,
05:38 they ran the Willie Horton ad.
05:39 Right. So...
05:41 It doesn't come nastier than that.
05:43 But we never saw that
05:46 exemplified in his personal behavior
05:48 and in his governing.
05:49 So this is not new to American politics,
05:51 but you have to say and I'm not just
05:53 we're dwelling here on the race issue
05:54 but what about other minority issues.
05:56 So it's clear...
05:58 Now what is clear, what I think is very clear and shocking,
06:01 is all these tendencies and things that you see now
06:03 and then, they were like on steroids
06:05 in the Trump campaign and you mentioned the...
06:08 Well, reinstitute water boarding and words...
06:10 Yeah, you remember, Ben Carson ran for president,
06:13 was doing quite well early on,
06:14 I think a little better than Trump at one point.
06:17 And Trump unloaded on him and later on they joined forces
06:23 and I can remember on one TV show,
06:24 they said to Carson,
06:26 "How come you can support him,
06:28 he called you a child molester?"
06:30 And he said, "Oh, it's just politics."
06:33 I don't know but I mean that's how bad it got.
06:35 I'm glad brother Carson...
06:36 And he was willing to let bygones be bygones.
06:38 Can be very forgiving.
06:39 But I think we have to acknowledge
06:41 that whatever Donald Trump ran on,
06:42 he didn't run on a robust platform
06:44 of minority rights, right?
06:46 In fact to the contrary, he said, "I'm going to punish,
06:49 I'm gonna kill the wives and children of terrorists,
06:53 I'm going to..."
06:54 Go after their family...
06:55 It was a dismantling of constitutional protection.
06:57 I wish that was an original idea.
06:59 Unfortunately, the state of Israel
07:02 has said similar things recently.
07:04 The question is, is this a return to America's,
07:09 President Trump has talked about make America great again,
07:12 and I think that's all a slogan
07:14 that we could actually get behind.
07:15 Who doesn't want to make America great,
07:17 but the question becomes
07:19 how are we defining what greatness is?
07:21 Absolutely.
07:22 And as someone else I think it was Hillary said,
07:24 "Who says we're not great anymore?"
07:26 you know.
07:27 Well, you know.
07:28 And what occurred to me, no one said it,
07:31 is what defines great?
07:34 What my fear is that this all plays
07:37 on American exceptionalism
07:38 which I have deep troubles with
07:40 because it's a theological misunderstanding.
07:43 Well, it seems to be that he views American greatness
07:46 as financial power, military power,
07:50 probably some sort of social cohesiveness,
07:53 where sort of all together
07:55 thinking in somewhat similar ways
07:57 and he didn't go so far
07:59 as to identify it with a particular race.
08:02 Though there were some of his supporters that did,
08:04 but he distanced himself from that.
08:06 But the question is,
08:07 is that truly what American's greatness lies on?
08:10 Or does it, is it financially,
08:12 and militarily and socially strong
08:15 because of some other things?
08:17 And I think you and I would think
08:18 that there are some other things behind it.
08:19 Well, I think any country can be great
08:22 in the scale of heaven,
08:23 if it has moral sensibility and executes justice
08:29 as it should be executed.
08:30 Well, 19th century historians,
08:33 and this was echoed by Ellen White,
08:35 one of our founders says that,
08:36 America's greatness lay on two pillars
08:39 and they termed these Republicanism.
08:43 It's a government that Lincoln put in.
08:44 And Protestantism. And Protestantism.
08:46 And Republicanism was a government of, by,
08:48 and for the people, a representative government
08:51 that worked with its checks and balances
08:53 with its transparency and its openness.
08:55 And Protestantism was the principle of conscience
09:00 that people should be protected in their freedom of conscience,
09:03 and in their more fundamental rights.
09:04 Religious freedoms
09:06 and separation of church and state.
09:07 Religious freedom, separation of church and state.
09:08 The question is,
09:10 is the American greatness that we're being called back
09:13 to a strengthening of those two principles?
09:17 Doesn't seem to me, does it?
09:19 In fact, it seems to be in some ways
09:21 undermining those two principles.
09:23 And it seems to me,
09:25 even though I've always been very uncomfortable,
09:27 it's comparing the United States
09:29 experiment with Rome.
09:33 In some ways, we're following the patent of the Republic
09:37 and it's...
09:39 Remember that Rome had a senate...
09:40 Yeah.
09:42 Democratic system
09:43 and how it devolved to a strongman
09:46 and then to Caesars...
09:47 Through an empire and to Caesars...
09:49 And then it went pretty bad. Dictators and accusant and...
09:53 Did the Senate go away?
09:55 And the clamor of the people and so on...
09:57 Did the Senate go away? No.
09:58 So the Senate continued to exist.
10:00 Yes.
10:01 But the in form, but the spirit
10:03 and substance of the Senate had long gone.
10:06 You know and this is a political statement,
10:08 but I hope not partisan,
10:10 but it just hurts me
10:12 when I hear the constant discussion
10:15 on the radio or television and so on.
10:17 That at the moment is that fever pitch,
10:19 that whichever party it is 'cause it varies,
10:22 they have to stack the Supreme Court
10:24 to get their view through.
10:26 With the great strength of the system
10:28 that in the United States we've lived under,
10:30 is it's a divided system,
10:33 that there's a check and a balance
10:35 and it's worked wonderfully.
10:37 It's kept the constitution alive.
10:40 And yet some people now think, well,
10:42 we will have the Supreme Court
10:43 to either reinvent the constitution
10:46 or others want it to be
10:49 applied in its narrower sense and,
10:51 you know, I read the constitution.
10:52 The constitution had two-thirds votes
10:54 and a person votes and nothing for women
10:57 and $5 penalty I think for a civil suit
11:01 and all the sort of craziness.
11:02 It's from its time, but, you know,
11:06 the beauty of the system was that it diffused power,
11:10 but yet the ultimate responsibility
11:12 came from the populace.
11:13 From the people. Yeah.
11:14 And we're drifting away from that.
11:17 Dangerously so I think, dangerously so.
11:19 Yeah, we see dangerously but, and we need...
11:23 Who said it, "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."
11:27 We need to...
11:28 Madison or Jefferson or maybe both, yes.
11:30 I'm sure they all thought it.
11:32 Well, you know, the problem with the Republic
11:35 is that it can only flourish
11:37 when they are an educated
11:39 and self-restraint or virtuous people.
11:41 One of the same guys said that.
11:44 Well, and Benjamin Franklin famously
11:47 when he was leaving the Constitutional Convention,
11:49 a woman called out to him,
11:50 you know, "What is it that you've brought us.
11:53 What have we got?"
11:55 And he said, "We've brought you a republic,
11:58 if you can keep it."
11:59 If you can keep it.
12:01 And the reason virtue is needed and education
12:06 is because its self-government,
12:08 and anyone who's raised teenagers
12:11 or children know that,
12:13 children aren't self-governing.
12:14 You have to give them.
12:15 We've seen that, you and I at the moment.
12:17 Guidelines and parameters,
12:19 but the idea is to create self-governing ability in them
12:23 but that requires knowledge, and it requires restraint.
12:27 And when people lose that sense of restraint,
12:29 they have to be governed by others.
12:32 And, yes, and unfortunately
12:34 that's occurred to some civil rules on occasion
12:37 and that leads to dictatorship and the demagoguery.
12:43 But, you know, we'll keep a positive viewpoint,
12:46 as we must at the moment,
12:48 but I think this
12:49 regardless of what this administration are doing,
12:53 there is underlying shifts in society and attitudes,
12:59 that I think are the most dangerous.
13:01 And I, regardless of whether
13:03 it was with either candidate elected this time.
13:06 I'd still be personally is worried about
13:07 what's bubbling up underneath.
13:09 Right.
13:10 We had several years of people maligning their government.
13:13 We've had several years of efforts to remove religion,
13:17 not just from government which I wanted from,
13:20 but remove it from the public sphere.
13:23 We've had outside threats,
13:25 which like Luther and the Reformation
13:27 destabilized the whole population.
13:29 So we're actually in an extremely
13:31 dynamic point of history.
13:33 So how does a Christian relate to all of this,
13:35 we'll talk about that after our break.
13:37 No, no, you jumped on me.


Revised 2017-04-20