Liberty Insider

Proclaiming Liberty

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Amjad Waryam


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000351A

00:25 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:27 This is the program with discussion,
00:29 news, updates
00:31 and analysis of religious liberty events
00:34 in the US and around the world.
00:36 My name is Lincoln Steed and I edit Liberty magazine.
00:40 And my guest for this program is Amjad Waryam Alam...
00:47 Thank you.
00:48 From Pakistan originally
00:50 but you're based in the US now as I am.
00:53 I'm originally from Australia.
00:54 That'll explain both of our accents
00:56 for our viewers...
00:57 Yeah.
00:59 It's my privilege to have you back
01:00 and my pleasure to have you back on the program.
01:02 Thank you very much.
01:03 We've gone through quite a discussion
01:05 in previous programs, different aspects
01:07 of what you are doing.
01:08 Let's talk and just bring your opinions
01:12 formed by your life experience.
01:14 The world is heading into an uncertain future
01:16 unless you are a Christian,
01:17 the Seventh-day Adventist, right?
01:19 Yeah, I'm a Christian, Seventh-day Adventist.
01:20 What hope do you have for the future?
01:22 I feel that, like worldly wise or religious wise, especially,
01:29 the Lord is coming soon, you know,
01:31 that as this is our faith and this is our hope too.
01:36 And according to what the world is now going on, you know,
01:42 the way it is going on, I think the work will rapidly,
01:46 you know, that come to the end.
01:50 It's like saying that different things are happening,
01:54 you know, especially,
01:56 we were talking about religious freedom,
01:58 you know, that we have lot of freedom in United States,
02:01 you know, and...
02:03 But even here we see rapid change
02:06 and not all of it for the best.
02:08 Yeah, but...
02:09 It stresses for freedom.
02:12 I don't know, before the program
02:14 we are talking cruising the internet
02:16 and seeing different conspiracy theories,
02:17 but something that's impressed me
02:20 on many sites I see,
02:22 or several sites particularly have the event is coming.
02:25 The event... Yeah, event is...
02:27 I don't know what event they talk about,
02:28 but you and I do believe that there's a big event coming,
02:30 don't we?
02:32 Yeah, the big event is coming for sure, you know...
02:34 It's not so much the end of the world,
02:36 it's the end of the world as people know it,
02:37 but it's the beginning of a great eternity
02:40 and fulfillment of the hopes
02:42 of many people through the ages.
02:43 So it's not a dangerous moment, it's the...
02:47 Redeeming moment. Happy moment.
02:48 It's redeeming and you know...
02:50 But as far as religious liberty on a certain level,
02:54 I think you and I both agree that
02:57 the practice of religious liberty
02:59 is probably not going to continue well
03:02 even in the western countries, is it?
03:04 Yeah, the challenges will grow here too,
03:07 you know, for sure.
03:08 But what should our response be?
03:10 This is, and I'm setting you up in a way.
03:12 Does that mean that we are gonna put up our hands
03:15 and say, "Well, we can't stop it, let it go."
03:18 That is forecast.
03:20 I think the changes as the Bible says, you know,
03:24 that end time comes, you know, that of course,
03:27 this will happen.
03:29 You know, there's the word of Jesus Christ, you know,
03:31 if you see the gospel has to be fulfilled, you know.
03:34 And we see that when we have this freedom now
03:40 that we can reach to many and many are ready, you know,
03:44 receptive to it and especially, you know,
03:47 that we were talking about the colporteur ministry,
03:50 you know, literature evangelism
03:51 and then we have medical mission,
03:53 you know, that...
03:55 Well, you're involved in putting material
03:57 in front of people...
03:58 Yeah.
03:59 Just because you think that Christ is coming soon
04:02 is hardly a reason
04:04 to stop showing it to the visit,
04:06 you are not gonna sit back and say,
04:07 "Well, He's about to come, time to stop."
04:09 No, we always have to say what the Bible says,
04:13 He's coming soon.
04:15 When He said, "I will come soon,"
04:17 and, you know, "Every eye will see me,"
04:20 you know that...
04:21 That's true, that's the promise in the Bible.
04:23 Yeah.
04:24 So it'll be a grand and well noted event,
04:26 not something secret in the chambers as He says...
04:28 Our evangelism simply, you know,
04:30 that if we make it simple,
04:31 it means that we want everybody to be saved
04:34 and everybody will be, will go with the Lord
04:38 when the new earth, new heaven will be formed.
04:40 You know, this what the Bible says.
04:42 And the Lord is coming
04:44 and this is what the great commission
04:45 as we talked about in Matthew 24:14, you know,
04:49 "This gospel of the kingdom
04:51 shall be preached in all the world,
04:52 then shall end come."
04:54 And we see that here that
04:58 if we are taking this great commission
05:00 so why can't we make use of this freedom
05:03 but there, in fact, in spite of with all challenges, you know,
05:07 that there is still time we can witness,
05:10 we can do evangelism, we can preach,
05:13 we can do gospel singing
05:15 and especially the blessing of the ministries
05:19 Lord has given.
05:20 We have God of Life Ministry, we have...
05:22 As I hoped and presumed
05:24 you're playing it to my hand because,
05:26 yes, we know the trouble is coming,
05:28 we know that there's an endpoint
05:29 for at least human activity
05:31 but that's not cause for doing nothing,
05:33 that's cause for doing more, isn't it?
05:35 And when we talk about religious liberty
05:38 that we can see and we are told ahead of time
05:41 that there will be a restriction,
05:43 but that doesn't mean that you accept that,
05:45 you hold it off as long as possible
05:47 because there is something to be done here in now.
05:50 Every day is the day
05:52 to exercise our religious freedom...
05:54 Yeah.
05:55 And talk to people and share whatever faith we have
05:58 and, you know, biblical faith is very inspiring faith.
06:02 So we should never give in,
06:03 never accept that freedom is gone or going,
06:08 even though we might know
06:10 on a certain level of our thinking,
06:11 yes, there will be a closing up here
06:13 or there will be point as Jesus got.
06:14 See, the work is send them all.
06:16 God says, I'll say that, you know,
06:17 let the filthy be filthy still,
06:19 let the righteous be righteous...
06:20 Yeah.
06:22 We don't know that moment,
06:23 until that very instant we should be...
06:24 Continue.
06:26 Enlarging religious liberty...
06:27 Yeah.
06:28 And enlarging our personal witness.
06:30 The work we have done so far is sacrificially done,
06:32 you know, that we see
06:34 that wherever even in Pakistan and here,
06:36 you know, the missionaries has done a lot of work,
06:39 you know, those who have dedicated heart
06:41 and vision especially
06:42 as you mentioned in the other program,
06:44 if there is no vision people perish,
06:46 you know, of course, you know
06:47 and here we have to keep our vision straight, you know,
06:51 and we need to move on according to what we believe,
06:54 you know.
06:56 And we are, I'm so blessed that I got this
07:00 almost 20 years I worked
07:02 within the Seventh-day Adventist Church
07:04 and I worked in the publishing ministry
07:06 more than any other place.
07:07 I trained the colporteurs
07:09 and I have done lot of contribution in this regard,
07:14 in evangelism through literature ministry.
07:18 Now, I'll throw an interesting supposition in on you
07:22 and I'm trying to think of her name.
07:23 What was the Pakistani Prime minister
07:26 that was assassinated not too many years ago?
07:30 I forgot her married name, you know...
07:32 Oh, Benazir Bhutto?
07:34 Bhutto. Yeah...
07:35 I was thinking of...
07:37 She was no connection.
07:38 She was related to her father Bhutto,
07:40 it was, that was a bad story too
07:43 but she seemed to be bringing reforms
07:46 and westernization to Pakistan
07:48 and then she was cut down by assassins.
07:52 Looking at your country
07:53 after that tumultuous political experience,
07:56 how did that affect
07:59 the average person's freedom of operation
08:02 or in particular Christians?
08:05 She was a good leader.
08:07 She was fighting for freedom for everybody
08:10 and she was successful in many ways too, you know,
08:16 that Christians had no trouble, you know, that now also,
08:21 you know, that I see even this time
08:24 when I went to Pakistan last time,
08:26 the situation, things were very, very good,
08:29 better looking than before.
08:31 Good. You know...
08:32 Well, that's really what I was fishing for.
08:34 At least Pakistan is the example.
08:36 In the United States at the moment,
08:39 there's this bigger political tumult
08:41 as I can remember.
08:43 Although there's been some difficult times,
08:45 I think it was 1968... There had...
08:48 There was rioting in Chicago and so on...
08:49 Yeah.
08:50 And you know, things happen in United States here also,
08:53 you know, that they have challenges
08:55 and we have challenges
08:56 and if after all as we talked earlier
08:59 that it's a country, you know,
09:00 the country has some good and bad,
09:03 you know and sometimes things,
09:05 a local person does things
09:08 and always blame comes to the government.
09:12 And anyway, but I'm not here to protect anybody,
09:15 what I'm saying that when I went this time,
09:17 I see people are...
09:18 No, you've given the right answer.
09:20 Yeah.
09:21 I mean, I have personally many fears about the future.
09:23 I get as troubled as anyone
09:25 when the politician says this crazy thing
09:27 or makes this application
09:29 and I don't know short-term anymore than anyone else
09:33 what's going to happen at this time of instability.
09:35 But I do believe that very often,
09:39 even times of great tumult
09:41 like the assassination of Benazir Bhutto,
09:44 that must have been an incredibly traumatic moment
09:47 for anyone living in Pakistan at that time.
09:49 It would have to be.
09:51 We are living in a traumatic challenging moment
09:54 in the US history
09:55 because no one knows what's gonna happen.
09:57 Yeah, now that...
09:58 Really nothing much has happened
10:00 other than it's not following any script
10:01 that was seen before.
10:03 But it may will be that the people
10:07 that are about their business like you,
10:09 selling door-to-door, witnessing,
10:11 that if you stick to your game plan...
10:14 Yeah.
10:15 The world can change and come and go
10:17 but you will still be...
10:19 Moving on with the same. As facilitated as before.
10:20 Yeah, you know...
10:21 We shouldn't lose track of that.
10:23 We are not controlled by externals.
10:25 Yeah.
10:26 They do have the potential to make things difficult
10:29 and I'm sure that some of that will come.
10:31 But we shouldn't sort of not ignore
10:34 but realize that's not the prime determinant
10:37 of how we function and how we fit into society.
10:41 We cannot, you know...
10:43 And religiously liberty
10:44 as is much up to us as the externals.
10:46 Yeah, but we cannot also predict things on existence,
10:49 you know, that what happened in the past
10:51 and it will happen in the future.
10:53 But I think it was Yogi Berra said, the future is very,
10:57 sorry, it's very difficult to know
11:00 to predict particularly the future."
11:02 Yeah, because people in United States knows predicting
11:06 but they never know it can be positive too, you know,
11:08 it can bring lot of good also, you know, that...
11:11 Yeah.
11:12 And, but we'll see how the time goes, you know,
11:15 but one can only according
11:17 to what we have being ministries
11:20 and religious ministry and evangelism,
11:23 we are doing our part, you know,
11:24 that what we have just we are shouting for the end,
11:28 shouting for the Lord's coming,
11:30 shouting for preaching of gospel, you know...
11:31 Right, you know, Jesus gave...
11:32 Sharing the message. Right, good point.
11:34 And remember Jesus gave very good advice, He says,
11:36 "You will hear of wars and rumors of wars..."
11:38 "And rumors of wars and this is all..."
11:40 "See that you don't be dismayed.
11:42 These must take place and end is not yet."
11:45 Yeah.
11:46 And if you don't see this,
11:49 it means the Bible is not fulfilled.
11:51 It means the things happening, the Bible, you know,
11:54 that prophecies are fulfilled, you know.
11:55 I have longed since past the point where I think
11:58 that the Bible's predictions are self-verifying.
12:01 They're coming true very quickly, all that,
12:04 never quite in the same way we may have imagined
12:06 but they fulfilled the letter of the prediction very clearly
12:09 as they happen, you can see
12:11 oh, that's what was being spoken about
12:13 and further traumas are predicted
12:16 but I do believe
12:17 as I was preaching the other night
12:19 about Elisha surrounded by enemies,
12:22 the whole Syrian army... Yeah, yeah...
12:24 They are not necessarily the bad guys now,
12:26 there's something happening in Syria.
12:27 But the Syrian army came up against Elisha personally,
12:31 wanted to capture him and he wasn't worried at all.
12:34 Yeah, he wasn't worried...
12:35 His servant was freaked out of his mind and Elisha prayed,
12:38 opened his eyes
12:39 and then the servant looks around
12:41 and here the hills...
12:42 He see the forces, you know, that protecting.
12:43 There were full of chariots and horsemen...
12:45 Chariots...
12:46 In another words,
12:48 friendly forces were there to protect.
12:49 Yeah.
12:50 So God is much stronger than anything, you know.
12:52 I think people of God have challenges
12:54 but one should not forget God is always,
12:58 you know, greater and powerful than any challenges we have.
13:01 Absolutely, ever a great truth. Amen.
13:02 Let's take a little break and we will be back shortly.
13:05 Stay with us, and I'll continue this discussion
13:07 with Amjad Alam.
13:10 Thank you so much.


Revised 2017-04-06