Liberty Insider

Helping Society

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Amjad Waryam


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000350A

00:26 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:28 This is a program
00:30 that we've been doing now for several years.
00:33 The topic of this program is Religious Liberty,
00:37 issues, analysis, and discussion
00:41 both from the US and around the world.
00:43 My name is Lincoln Steed, editor of Liberty Magazine.
00:46 And my guest for this program is Amjad Waryam Alam.
00:51 Yeah.
00:53 And even not reading it well.
00:54 I think I'm getting more familiar with your name.
00:55 We've done a couple of previous interviews.
00:57 You're doing well. You're doing well.
00:58 Had some discussions.
01:00 You had a wide experience, you're a literature evangelist,
01:04 sometimes part of the year,
01:06 you're a regular evangelist
01:09 even back in your homeland of Pakistan, other times,
01:12 I guess a vocalist, a singer, and a long time Adventist.
01:18 We're on a program,
01:19 talking about religious liberty.
01:21 How do you see religious liberty?
01:23 What is its importance and how does it work?
01:26 What is it? What is this?
01:27 In United States...
01:28 It's like a song,
01:30 "What is this thing called love?"
01:31 What is this thing called religious liberty?
01:33 I think we have lot of freedom in United States,
01:36 only thing is we are not making use of it, you know.
01:39 And we, whereas we have a good chance of our,
01:43 you know, for our churches to grow, our, our...
01:47 especially evangelism through publication,
01:49 through printed materials.
01:51 For example, I just wanted to share with you.
01:54 Even now, that students
01:56 when they work as colporteur or literature evangelist,
02:01 they are going door-to-door and they get response.
02:05 And in that freedom they have, even people don't buy,
02:10 they leave a sign, a glow, you know, the small,
02:15 you know that...
02:16 A little pamphlet.
02:17 A little pamphlet, you know that.
02:19 And people receive it
02:20 and many lives change even from that too.
02:22 And look at the freedom, they can talk to somebody,
02:26 they can talk about, and they can pray.
02:28 And even they are welcome in their homes,
02:31 but many people do not even respond also.
02:34 But generally, the freedom is there to approach people.
02:37 There is no problem, I don't see any problem.
02:41 But you might not even be aware of this some years ago,
02:46 I guess, I would say about ten years ago,
02:48 there was a strong move in many different communities
02:51 across the US to restrict
02:53 any sort of door-to-door solicitation or selling.
02:57 And there were local ordinances,
03:00 there were people arrested.
03:02 And the challenge
03:05 thankfully went up to the Supreme Court
03:06 was brought by the Jehovah's Witnesses.
03:10 And the Supreme Court endorsed what is in the constitution.
03:14 "Yes, you have a right to go door-to-door and talk to people
03:18 in this case about your faith."
03:20 But for that Supreme Court action,
03:22 what you were saying is, "We have the freedom."
03:23 It would have been gone.
03:25 Yeah, would have been gone.
03:26 And even some places still, there's a...
03:28 Oh, there's difficulties.
03:30 There is a sticker
03:32 or you can say there's written that,
03:35 "No soliciting."
03:36 It mean no approaching.
03:38 Matching the sort of netherworld of their rights
03:40 and their rights and so.
03:41 But we had a case not too long ago,
03:43 where one of these groups of young people
03:46 during the summer selling mega books.
03:48 I know what it is that, magazine books.
03:50 People think mega, they're not mega, they're big.
03:52 But they are about four times thicker than Liberty Magazine
03:55 and the same trim size.
03:57 And they're on health pro topics
03:59 or another one on the life of Christ
04:01 and so on.
04:02 And they sell this, and this group were down south.
04:04 I know the town, but I won't mention it.
04:07 And the local police chief pulls up,
04:09 arrested their leader.
04:10 He was in jail for 24 hours.
04:13 And action was brought against them.
04:14 And in the end, when the laws were made clear to that town,
04:17 they were at least sent on their way.
04:19 But there was an intend to restrict and harass.
04:22 It is also sometimes...
04:23 And that's not totally unusual.
04:25 It can happen. It can happen.
04:26 You know why it happens to us sometime too?
04:29 If somebody complains,
04:30 police even come and talk to you,
04:32 and they give you warning.
04:34 And they, "Okay, you're warned and next time when you go,
04:37 then you're in trouble more."
04:38 It's may be their privacy, you know,
04:41 that they are very careful.
04:44 And if somebody complains,
04:45 you can get in serious troubles, you know.
04:47 Yeah.
04:48 And, you know, I understand that.
04:50 I get nefarious groups and people coming around.
04:55 Sometimes you think that
04:57 they're not really selling anything,
04:58 they're casing out the neighborhood.
05:00 So you get a little suspicious.
05:01 Yeah, little suspicious...
05:02 It's like everything on religious liberty.
05:04 This is a balancing of rights,
05:06 but there should be an overall commitment
05:08 to allowing people to share.
05:10 Share their faith and discuss faith issues with others.
05:14 I think that there is a very good like a way
05:17 to approach is like student wear
05:19 same kind of T-shirts or uniform site
05:22 and even Review and Herald or Pacific Press at the moment,
05:26 they issue ID card.
05:27 These are the two publishing houses that we had
05:29 in the Seventh-day Adventist church here.
05:30 Oh, yeah.
05:32 There are two, Review and Herald or Pacific Press,
05:33 you know, and in that there's a department
05:35 called Home Health Education
05:36 that deals with colporteurs, you know.
05:38 And they issue their ID cards. Book salesman.
05:40 Book salesman.
05:42 Very few Adventists or otherwise will know
05:45 what that term means nowadays, I'm sure.
05:46 Yeah, yeah.
05:48 And now they issue the ID card which is very good to have,
05:50 you know, when people see your badge, your ID card,
05:53 or your uniform,
05:55 then they will see that
05:56 some profession people are going.
05:58 Otherwise, they are very careful, you know.
05:59 So the approach is very important.
06:01 Maybe we need to sell sort of Girl Scout cookies
06:03 with Bible text on them.
06:05 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
06:06 No, because there's certain thing like that
06:08 the people feel are well endorsed
06:10 by a larger group, and there's no resistance.
06:13 And there is a problem I feel like,
06:15 again it's not nice to say, but our church should hold,
06:20 you know, some kind of a program
06:22 or some kind of like promotional time in different,
06:27 in working days,
06:28 especially to inviting people to look at our books, you know,
06:32 our own material, you know.
06:33 Sometimes we are just approaching all other
06:36 and neglecting our own,
06:37 you know that people don't know
06:40 that church here supports or organization support,
06:42 it helps a lot.
06:44 And why not, this...
06:45 I was trying to tell you the freedom we have for like,
06:48 we have churches, colleges, universities, hospitals,
06:52 but this is all is to bring honor and glory
06:55 to Lord Jesus Christ.
06:57 So when we cannot promote Jesus,
07:00 we cannot promote our own, you know, what you say that,
07:06 denominational,
07:08 you know, structure and we cannot explain people.
07:10 So I think we don't have freedom inside,
07:14 we have freedom outside.
07:16 Well, that's a secondary thing. Yeah.
07:18 Within a certain group, and even...
07:21 I have questions on this all the time.
07:23 If there are doctrinal disputes within a church,
07:26 that's very unfortunate
07:28 and it can even bring disrepute
07:29 on what spiritual commitment that church stands for.
07:34 But that's not narrowly speaking
07:36 of religious liberty issue
07:38 because as the lawyers will say,
07:40 "A church within the church is free association.
07:42 You're not compelled to anything."
07:45 But that's very regrettable.
07:46 But what we need to talk about is in the larger...
07:48 But opportunities are there in large overall...
07:51 We're not taking advantage, you are right.
07:53 Yeah, we are not taking advantage.
07:54 But you are the one that is trying to take advantage
07:57 on out and around.
08:00 You see firsthand that the United States
08:04 where you are working does have societal commitment
08:07 to religious liberty.
08:08 You don't have, see gross examples
08:11 of restrictions of your right to witness, right?
08:14 I was at the airport last night.
08:16 And there was a lady, a couple sitting.
08:19 And I just introduced myself.
08:20 I'm a Seventh-day Adventist,
08:22 and I'm a missionary evangelist,
08:24 you know, and I have a ministry called God of Life.
08:28 And I told them, and they were very nice.
08:32 And they were from Missouri and St. Louis.
08:36 And they said, "Oh, yes."
08:38 And I told them about 3ABN and they didn't mind it.
08:41 And I said, "Can I give you my brochure?"
08:43 I was keep further.
08:44 And I took a brochure from my bag
08:46 and give it to them, God of Life.
08:47 And she read it, and she said, "Thank you very much."
08:50 And she kept it.
08:51 So I see that it's...
08:52 there is at the airport even, you don't have resistance,
08:56 you know, you can still talk to people.
08:58 That's a wonderful thing.
08:59 I can't say that's...
09:00 That's a freedom, you know that.
09:02 Yes. Liberty.
09:03 Beyond the law,
09:05 that's a freedom created in the society
09:06 and openness.
09:07 And I don't think
09:09 even in my homeland of Australia
09:10 that quite exists,
09:11 the legal freedoms of religion are equal to the US.
09:16 If people don't like you to talk about religion,
09:18 so they might spit back at you.
09:20 Don't bother me, so and so.
09:22 Get away, you know, they could use their freedom.
09:23 Yeah, there is always a case.
09:25 That happens a bit here,
09:26 but in the US to give it a full due,
09:29 you can talk religion with most people.
09:31 They will not automatically be offended.
09:33 I think general rule,
09:35 I see the freedom of this religious liberty of freedom
09:40 is that I learned that from my friend
09:45 that if we talk something good,
09:48 I think people will not react
09:50 and religious have something good
09:52 to give it to the society.
09:53 Yeah, giving it in the right attitude,
09:55 not forcing religion on someone...
09:56 Yeah, yeah, but not forcing...
09:57 But it's one human being that cares for the other,
09:59 here I'm sharing something with them.
10:01 And there's a way to approach, I said in the beginning also.
10:03 How you approach to people?
10:05 Are you just telling them, "Oh, we are just,
10:09 like a Seventh-day Adventist, or we are religious people,
10:11 you should follow us."
10:12 No, you show Christ like character
10:15 that people are get attracted to you.
10:17 You should have your personality built up enough
10:20 that influence why people should see that.
10:24 And that helps also but the freedom is there.
10:27 We need to take good advantage of that, I would say.
10:30 Yeah.
10:31 What do you think we can do, you know,
10:33 you're in this culture now.
10:35 What can people in western countries
10:38 and in particular the US do to encourage
10:41 and continue a commitment to religious freedom
10:44 and religious openness?
10:47 I feel that evangelism is a one way.
10:50 Any form of evangelism,
10:52 you do it through literature evangelist
10:54 or through the meetings or through the gospel,
10:57 singing, preaching.
10:59 If we do that, you know,
11:00 that I think the work will finish soon.
11:04 And even specially encourage the young people...
11:07 Well, you're using the term maybe regular 3ABN people know,
11:12 but I need to explain that.
11:13 You say the work will finish soon.
11:15 It's an interesting fact of Christianity in general,
11:18 and even when I look to other religions like Islam,
11:21 that there's a sense of the end of the human story
11:25 where it goes to another phase.
11:27 And in the Bible, I read that after things have declined
11:31 and the principles of rebellion to God's system,
11:36 once they've worked through
11:38 that God will come and set things right.
11:40 And so we're working toward that grand point,
11:43 aren't we, when you said the work will finish.
11:45 Seventh-day Adventists, we are waiting
11:47 for second coming of Jesus Christ.
11:49 And we've been given a gospel commission
11:51 to spread the word far and wide.
11:53 And when that's done, Christ will come.
11:55 Yeah, Matthew 24:14 said that,
11:59 "This gospel of kingdom
12:00 shall be preached to the whole world,
12:02 to the all world, then shall end come."
12:04 So that is what I was mean to say that.
12:10 I'm jumping back to your homeland of Pakistan.
12:12 But does that help you in dealing with Muslims,
12:15 because I know Islam has this same concept...
12:17 People read about Bible.
12:18 People...
12:20 But Islam has the same concept of the end of the world,
12:22 and of a setting everything right,
12:24 and Muhammad and Jesus, and the 12th Imam,
12:28 the whole heavenly host come back and settle things.
12:29 Let me just tell you something.
12:31 Muslim people do believe that we have the Holy Book.
12:34 They respect Bible.
12:36 And they believe in the Bible, you know, I feel that,
12:40 because they think and they believe
12:45 that we have the Holy Book.
12:47 And Jesus Christ is a prophet.
12:50 Oh, they accept him as a prophet,
12:51 but not in the same fullness.
12:53 We believe it.
12:54 Let's take a break and come back
12:55 and continue this discussion.
12:57 We'll take a break now and be back shortly.
12:59 Stay with us.


Revised 2017-04-06