Liberty Insider

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000343A

00:02 ¤ ¤
00:27 Welcome to The Liberty Insider. This is the program based on
00:31 religious liberty news developments, late-breaking
00:35 issues that you need to know. This discussion here is
00:40 something that I think will give some power to this topic.
00:43 My guest, Dr. Stephen Mansfield, best-selling author, lecturer,
00:48 and the manly man idea, maybe we can mention that a little
00:57 later in the program. I didn't say that lightly because the
01:00 the topic I want to discuss is the reformation. 2017 is a the
01:06 500th anniversary. You know when I think of the reformation, I
01:10 think of Martin Luther, the manly man.
01:12 Yeah, that's right.
01:14 It took a lot of moxie for him although he started somewhat
01:18 inadvertently. But to stand before the Holy Roman Emperor
01:23 with all the German princes around and, more dangerous for
01:26 him, the papal legate, determined to send him
01:29 to the stake. So, you know, this is what I believe. Here I stand,
01:32 I can do nothing else. That's right. And that isn't the
01:35 reformation in toto but he's become the lightening rod, or
01:40 quickly became the lightening rod and pretty much the
01:43 towering figure of the reformation. How do you see the
01:49 the reformation playing into our present reality? Is it worth
01:51 celebrating or is it just things of bygone ages?
01:54 No, it's absolutely worth celebrating. I'm going to be
01:57 actually in Germany for that 500th anniversary. Oh great!
01:59 It's also the 500th anniversary of Berlin where I grew up as a
02:03 boy. So I think it's important that we celebrate it because it
02:07 really gave birth to the western world, I mean, in a very serious
02:11 sense. The reformation, Protestantism that came out of
02:14 the reformation, the issues of the reformation, feeds into our
02:17 politics. It was Lord Leopold von Ranke who said that John
02:20 Calvin was the virtual founder of America and he was making a
02:25 connection between the reformation thinking and the
02:26 founding of this country and really the birth of the west in
02:29 it's modern sense. So it's essential that we remember that
02:32 time. Tell me more. How did he
02:34 connect Calvin? I wouldn't have chose him. I mean, I'm not
02:38 saying it couldn't be him.
02:39 Sure. Well many of the ways that people thought politically came
02:44 out of Calvin's governorship of Geneva, his thinking about
02:49 church and state. You know Calvin taught that church and
02:52 state are alike in faith, separate in function.
02:56 This could... This could join governance to
02:59 theology. Right, not so much the T.U.L.I.P. acrostic or the
03:02 salvation doctrine, soteriology, but certainly politically
03:07 basically one other historian said that America at it's
03:10 founding was political Calvinism.
03:12 Yeah, I tend in my mind to link America more to John Wycliffe
03:17 and the Lollards and the English reformation which through
03:22 Puritanism lead directly to a religious governance after the
03:27 Civil War with Oliver Cromwell. Then all of the disaffected or
03:35 the disillusioned, revolutionaries
03:45 flooding into the U.S. I truly believe that that's set, you
03:47 know the city set on a hill, even though that terminology
03:48 was early. But the city set on a hill and the American
03:51 exceptionalism, I trace it straight back to Cromwell and
03:55 his era. Well and even more broadly than
03:58 what we're discussing right now, the fact is that the protestant
04:02 break from the Roman Catholic church, the protestant embracing
04:06 of the nation state in a sense. Again, this is how Protestantism
04:11 worked. It gave birth to Scotland, it gave birth to
04:14 modern Germany. It gave birth... So, so many political ideas came
04:18 out of the reformation even apart from its more theological
04:21 and ecclesiastical reforms.
04:23 But can it be removed from its theology?
04:25 Yeah, I think it can. I mean, not legitimately, but I mean I
04:29 think there can be a secularizing of almost any
04:32 theology and still for that theology in some form to have
04:35 impact. In fact, that's probably what's happened.
04:37 Let me just ask the question. Martin Luther is a great hero,
04:40 but I think even his greatest supporters now sort of wince
04:45 when they read some of his diatribes against Rome.
04:49 They might have been theologically correct but they
04:51 they were very immoderate. Even in the United States, even the
04:56 Klu Klux Klan, people just think of it as racists, but it was
05:00 white, protestant America which meant often killing Catholics. No
05:07 human being with any decency would endorse that today. But
05:11 all of that said there were very real, palpable differences that
05:18 led between the dominant church of Rome and the reformers, which
05:23 led to Protestantism. While the protestants may have forgotten
05:27 them those are still significant issues. So how do we recover
05:31 them? Well you know I think one of the
05:33 things we have to do is remember we have to see a
05:36 person in context with their times. There's not any figure
05:39 in history who doesn't look a little foolish judged by
05:43 modernism, judged by our modern standards. I mean, Lincoln who
05:48 we revere in this country was, had...
05:50 If we'd written a book on his religious journey...
05:53 He had racist attitudes, he tried to commit suicide twice.
05:56 I mean, if we're going to start going down that path we can
05:59 dismiss everybody in history. Yeah, Martin Luther used
06:02 language that was vile and he may have been slightly drunk
06:05 when he wrote some of his sermons. He wrote them in pubs
06:07 you know. His wife was a brew mistress and if you're anti
06:09 alcohol well then of course that becomes evidence. We can
06:12 just start adding to the list. But I think the important thing
06:15 for us to remember is that had there not been the protestant
06:19 break from the Roman Catholic church and had there not been...
06:21 We'd still be in the dark ages. Exactly, exactly.
06:26 Or maybe a slightly more enlightened version of them.
06:29 Or this would be a Christian version of the Keller faith.
06:32 There's no other way to say it.
06:35 And so many concepts of freedom, many concepts of federalism, the
06:40 very idea of the separation of church and state while still
06:43 being like a sort of a philosophical foundation, all of
06:47 these are protestant ideas. None of these came from the middle
06:50 ages or from early Christianity.
06:53 Yeah, so this is what I think is the challenge for protestants
06:57 and the protestant-based society of the U.S. in 2017. Have it
07:03 celebrated, reinvigorates without acting unchristian or
07:09 belligerently toward Roman Catholics. We're a more global
07:14 community and America wants to be a civil society. They're our
07:19 brothers on a human level but we've really got to just ideally
07:25 stand on our theological guns.
07:27 Absolutely. At the same time we have to realize that Roman
07:30 Catholicism has changed. Much of what Luther was contending for
07:33 the Roman Catholic church has absorbed, they have repented
07:37 for certain actions. They no longer teach certain things.
07:40 You know, I do a lot of pro- life work and therefore work
07:44 with Catholics and priests and what have you and we have long
07:46 discussions about theology in our spare time and the fact is
07:50 half to three-quarters of what Martin Luther was contending as
07:53 as a reform for the Roman Catholic church has actually
07:55 become Roman Catholic doctrine. So, again, I'm not Roman
07:59 Catholic myself but I'm just saying it shouldn't be too hard
08:02 for us to celebrate the reformation without necessarily
08:06 condemning the Catholic Church because this is almost the Roman
08:09 Catholic church the protestant reformation helped produce.
08:11 Well I notice that Pope Francis is going to be celebrating the
08:18 reformation at a church in Scandinavia, I'm trying to
08:23 remember. A very significant part of there, it's a protestant
08:27 church. Well, you know, that's find. I wouldn't say he couldn't
08:30 but it does trouble me a little bit when they're taking full
08:34 ownership because it's not done yet. It's not the same church.
08:38 None of us, the pope included, lived back them so we can't be
08:42 as their document Memory and Reconciliation said you can't
08:46 easily ascribe today's sins to people of another era or guilt
08:50 for people today for what was done yesterday.
08:53 We should also keep in mind that had we been living at the time
08:58 of let's say 50 years after Luther, you and I would have
09:01 been put to death. Absolutely. Well John Paul II called us his
09:07 departed brethren. That's a radical transformation, a
09:10 radical change. So there's far more unites us than divides us,
09:15 I believe, especially when it comes to facing society.
09:18 As long as we can accept that in the familial sense of creatures
09:22 of a Creator God but not drop our theology.
09:27 Not our theological distinctives, no. I don't think they're asking
09:29 that and we're certainly not.
09:30 It's a very interesting _ And of course I need to
09:32 reiterate for our viewers the principle of religious liberty
09:36 as I see it is very close to the constitution. In fact, it's
09:41 essentially the same though because we're all created by
09:43 God, we have dignity and rights, we should be free to choose or
09:49 reject anything on this nature, worship any God or profane any
09:54 God even if there might be a consequence later. And I have to
09:57 respect your right to hold whatever you have. In fact,
10:00 more than that, defend your right to believe what I hate
10:05 with my life if it comes to it. Exactly. If we carry that
10:09 forward we couldn't have anything like the inquisitions
10:13 and all the rest of the past.
10:16 Right, well in sort of a secular way that comes from the
10:19 reformation document, the priesthood of all believers
10:21 In other words, you're a priest unto God. We have a certain
10:27 amount of autonomy in these matters and you don't rule over
10:28 my conscience and I don't rule over yours. That comes from
10:31 the reformation, that leads us to this condition where I'm
10:34 fighting to defend in a civil sense what I don't agree within
10:39 I can throw a very strange wrench into this discussion
10:43 philosophically. I didn't see the full movie but there's a
10:46 movie, Inception. It seems to me as a society with the
10:50 technological tools, we're moving closer to thought control
10:54 to even the genesis of a thought that's unacceptable.
10:59 If the state has some control of that it's very unlikely that the
11:04 divergent religious views will escape oversight. So this high
11:08 ideal that you and I share, we talked about, really in our
11:11 technological society is becoming more religiously
11:15 charged, really under some threat. There's a plan on the
11:20 horizon. Yeah. I till you too, it was
11:22 very interesting, I wrote a book called The Faith of the American
11:25 Soldier and I was embedded with U.S. troops in Iraq during the
11:27 time. I was interviewing the soldiers asking them about what
11:29 they believed and so on. One of the issues at the time was that
11:32 there was precisely this issue of technology you raised and
11:35 that is chaplains aren't really allowed to speak about the
11:38 justification for the war and framing the war in religious
11:41 terms, so the soldiers were getting that, those who wanted
11:44 that kind of framing. They were getting that from pastors back
11:46 home. They were getting that from various prominent speakers.
11:49 So you'd have views of Islam believed by soldiers who are
11:53 fighting a Muslim army and they're getting their views of
11:57 Islam from pastors back home on pod cast. This was contrary to
12:01 military doctrine, contrary to the U.S. position, but this was
12:04 how they were feeling because it's become so individualized.
12:07 I think that's the direction our society is going.
12:09 Yes. The genie's out of the bottle. I'm giving the danger.
12:15 I don't really know the answer of course but I see the
12:18 tool is being supplied that's very liberal and threatening to
12:27 this exalted nature of the individual prerogative and the
12:31 sanctity of your own inner thoughts. As you know even in
12:35 the Soviet Union in its hay day allowed religious freedom, they
12:41 said. They didn't allow religious practice but you were
12:44 allowed to believe what you want. But we're approaching the
12:47 point with some justification because we know with the
12:50 terrorists you don't see it until they blow themselves and
12:53 you up. So you get to ask what is their thinking that might
12:56 give rise to that. So we're very close to thought _ in my
13:00 view. Right. Well and our Catholic
13:01 friends would say, speaking of Catholicism, they've got this
13:05 magisterium, they've got this body of teaching and they are
13:08 trying to preserve it. Protestantism, not having that,
13:11 has allowed hyper individualization
13:15 that has just allowed the fundamentals of the faith, I
13:18 don't mean in the fundamentalism sense, but the foundations of
13:20 the faith coming out of the reformation to be discarded.
13:22 The majority of protestants in America don't believe anything
13:25 like reformation faith. And that's part of the contention
13:29 we're having in our society for how do you have any standards
13:32 about belief. Very good summation.
13:35 Good point to take a break. Stay with us viewers. We'll be back
13:39 after a short break to continue this discussion of the
13:42 reformation and it's ramifications for today.


Revised 2017-01-18