Liberty Insider

None Given

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Andy Im


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000340A

00:28 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:30 This is the program bringing you analysis,
00:32 up-to-date news, and principles
00:35 so that you can judge
00:36 religious liberty developments in the US and around the world.
00:40 My name is Lincoln Steed and my guest is Andy Im.
00:46 I do a double take on your last name
00:48 because I have another contact
00:51 with the very similar last name,
00:52 but nobody quite like you and your job is very important
00:56 as communication director
00:58 for the Michigan Seventh-day Adventist church division.
01:02 And as I've said a number of times
01:04 before working with campus crusade for young people,
01:07 very significant with religious liberty.
01:11 And dealing with the young people, I know...
01:13 Well, I know you not only know how they operate,
01:16 you operate like them, 'cause you're still young.
01:18 I am.
01:20 And a characteristic of the younger generation
01:22 is to be very computer literate, isn't it?
01:25 Yes.
01:27 And I, myself use the computer from time to time,
01:31 and I realize that the world is at your fingertips.
01:33 Yeah, you just punch a couple of buttons
01:35 and it's like you're in the public library
01:37 or better videos, and blogs,
01:41 and music whatever you want.
01:45 Is this information conduit to the younger generation?
01:51 Is it working to their advantage or ours?
01:54 What's your judgment on this?
01:56 I think the access to the information
01:59 can be both good and bad.
02:01 I think it's bad in the sense that people
02:06 or young people now can just pick and choose
02:08 what they want to hear.
02:10 And that's not good in the objective sense
02:12 because you're not getting a wide variety of use.
02:15 Now you can just pick and choose
02:17 what you want to hear.
02:19 And so that's not necessarily positive.
02:24 Another thing for example,
02:26 to give a specific example with YouTube,
02:29 you know, it's really clips, little sound bytes,
02:33 one minute clips of things
02:36 that various popular figures are saying
02:40 and, you know, they get millions of millions of hits.
02:43 And so that shift begins to shape
02:46 their views on a whole wide range of things
02:49 from politics to social norms and so forth and so there's...
02:55 I'd say a lot of dangerous or negative components to that.
03:01 Yup, I agree with your point.
03:03 Well, I'm a YouTube user as I drive to work.
03:05 I am too. Yes.
03:07 And I watch a...
03:08 Actually yesterday I watched a three hour documentary
03:11 on YouTube, they're not little clips...
03:13 It was a history of the czars in Russia.
03:18 I don't think it's the length so much,
03:20 I think it's what often is missing is context,
03:23 and it seems to me education is not just absorbing facts.
03:29 If that were the case then people
03:30 with photographic memories would rule the world.
03:33 But they don't because they don't necessarily
03:36 synthesize it correctly.
03:38 And a lot of the input
03:41 or the reaction to their information
03:43 or postings from other people.
03:47 And I think that's positively degrading of
03:51 from what I've seen of real knowledge,
03:54 but perhaps it's what the Bible says,
03:56 forever learning and never arriving at the truth.
04:00 But information, is it more accessible
04:02 than ever before, there's no question about that.
04:05 And I know you have a burden
04:07 as many in our religious liberty fraternity do
04:11 that we need to be careful about conspiracy theories.
04:14 Yes.
04:16 And there's no question, the internet exist
04:18 on conspiracy theories on one level,
04:20 it's not the only thing.
04:22 But if you're a conspiracy theorist,
04:25 that's the happy hunting ground.
04:28 That's right and it really satisfies
04:30 our curiosity for the sensational
04:35 and that kind of thing
04:36 and I think we need to ensure that as Christians
04:40 that doesn't become our message.
04:42 I have been to some gatherings if you're well aware,
04:47 then entire sermon was
04:48 just simply a conspiracy theory.
04:52 And I think that's dangerous.
04:53 You know there's a lot of redirect to today
04:56 of this anti mainstream media movement.
05:01 And I understand that, lot of times
05:03 the parent organizations of these news companies,
05:07 they do have agenda, it's no secret,
05:09 it's not a conspiracy that's widely understood.
05:13 The flip side of that is you also don't want
05:16 some 18 year old, 20 year old
05:19 and I'm not being pejorative to the age
05:23 but some young person sitting in a basement
05:27 and, you know, having millions of followers
05:31 and he's just ranting off his opinions on various events
05:36 whether it involves politics or other social concerns,
05:41 and so I think we need to be balanced...
05:43 Well, tell me... Yes, go ahead, yes.
05:46 I agree with you but it painted the sad picture there.
05:49 Does that differ very much from a frustrated...
05:59 I'm trying to think how to characterize the guy.
06:01 Frustrated revolutionary but it's not the best word
06:04 I was looking for sitting in prison,
06:06 writing a little crazy pamphlet
06:08 that disturbed the whole country.
06:11 Yeah.
06:12 I mean in essence that's what Adolf Hitler did
06:14 with Mein Kampf, same thing but now it's accessible to any,
06:19 not any but selected bloggers
06:21 who could get a big enough following.
06:23 Yeah.
06:25 The idea is probably just as crazy
06:26 but they hunt out there, there are fellows all around.
06:31 It's an interesting dynamic and I...
06:33 It is.
06:34 I don't think anyone quite yet knows what to make of it.
06:37 Yeah.
06:39 But from all that I can observe I don't really think
06:43 societal knowledge is much advance,
06:45 but information is available,
06:47 but understanding is obscure as ever.
06:52 Yeah.
06:53 I think as it with any discipline,
06:56 I believe very strongly that it's important to find out
07:00 who the players are in any given discussion.
07:04 There are editorial list, there are writers
07:08 who are respected within the field of journalism
07:12 that do their best to remain objective.
07:17 And of course there's no, as you and I know
07:18 there's no true objectivity when you're reporting on news,
07:23 people insert their viewpoint
07:25 and we're gonna be able to run away from that.
07:28 Even Christianity is a viewpoint,
07:31 you know, it is a biased viewpoint.
07:34 And so we just need to be responsible is my point.
07:40 And as far as religious liberty in being sensitive
07:43 to what's happening
07:45 in this regard around the world,
07:47 I think to go to many sources is good.
07:50 That's right. I have people that phone me up.
07:52 They are on some right wing religion does source
07:57 and of course they exaggerate everything
07:59 for fundraising if for nothing else.
08:01 Yeah.
08:02 And people can get a very skewed view.
08:04 And I originally came from Australia,
08:06 it was a long, long ago.
08:09 And I've been back many times. Yeah.
08:11 But that sort of gives me a look
08:14 from an outsider's viewpoint and it's very obvious,
08:17 most anyone outside the US knows
08:19 that the news is not very comprehensive
08:23 or balanced in the US.
08:24 And I don't think
08:26 that's particularly from design.
08:28 I think it's from several sources,
08:31 first of all this is a big enough country to be...
08:33 So many things happening, you get self absorbed,
08:36 so it's not very outward looking.
08:39 And then the news that it gets is filtered through
08:42 so many agencies and all,
08:44 and particularly in the US collared by
08:48 a besetting sin of America,
08:51 but it's also tied up to its great strength,
08:54 that we imagine that everybody else
08:56 thinks like us.
08:58 Else where in the world,
08:59 their thought process is a different...
09:01 Yeah.
09:02 Their reality norms are totally different.
09:04 They can say something that
09:06 even if it's translated accurately which is often not.
09:09 Yeah.
09:10 It can still mean something different to them than to us.
09:13 The way we get over it, I see it all the time.
09:15 Oh, he said that for domestic consumption
09:18 but he doesn't mean that.
09:20 Yeah.
09:22 That's not good but I think what's really going on
09:23 and I see this at work
09:25 is that with the computerization
09:29 revolution traditional print media
09:34 and news media is on hard times.
09:36 Yes.
09:38 Remember the Christian signs news service,
09:43 they monitor in that, oh, I had a business
09:44 cut-down to almost nothing.
09:47 And you can see signs of that
09:49 when you go to events in Washington.
09:51 There's not that many reporters,
09:53 they don't have the facility with them
09:56 and they don't have the time
09:58 or the charter to give on investigative journalism.
10:01 So they go to the meeting,
10:02 they come in the door, and there's the handout.
10:05 And I get those handouts and I will see them,
10:08 print it in the newspaper without comment,
10:10 you know, that's not really journalism
10:13 because the people in power
10:15 whether they're government leaders
10:16 or even church leaders, they love to you
10:18 to be promulgators of their viewpoint.
10:21 That's right.
10:23 It's in the questioning that you get to the truth.
10:25 Yeah.
10:26 So we have a lazy, I just put it
10:28 and of course there's no question
10:30 that more and more the universities
10:31 are pouring out people are of a secular mindset.
10:34 So the reporters themselves may have
10:38 somewhat biased against say religion.
10:41 But I don't think that's the main thing.
10:43 I think it's just the superficiality.
10:47 And then as we saw during right after 9/11,
10:52 there was self censorship in the US
10:54 that didn't really serve the US well.
10:57 I want to add to, you know,
10:59 'cause you mentioned the word superficial,
11:02 you know, ultimately the news organizations,
11:05 and bloggers, and so forth.
11:08 Ultimately they have an incentive
11:10 to either make money or to increase their audience.
11:14 And so lot of times, you know, lot of,
11:16 even many of the serious news organizations
11:19 are moving towards more entertainment news
11:22 and that kind of thing...
11:24 Oh, that's corrupting if it's part of their
11:27 'cause much time given to,
11:30 you know, some dog was shot, shot,
11:33 what, a pit-bull was shot in the neighborhood
11:36 because it went run amok.
11:38 than perhaps the genocide in Rwanda or something.
11:41 Exactly, exactly.
11:43 That is more of a phenomenon in the US to other countries.
11:46 I mean that's not unknown in other places
11:48 but there's a huge imbalance
11:50 and it largely is entertainment venue
11:55 but you can get the news if people want to...
11:57 Yeah.
11:59 I don't name newspapers 'cause that will throw biased
12:01 but there's some more serious news papers in the US...
12:04 And you can go online and different news services
12:08 from Holland, and Germany, BBC, even Russian TV.
12:15 Even if you allow it's biased, it's another viewpoint
12:17 then you can synthesize that with that...
12:20 One that's typically my practice
12:22 and I'm not saying people should follow what I do,
12:24 but I tend to read, you know, from organizations that,
12:30 you know, are right leaning or left leaning
12:33 or more moderate.
12:35 And then synthesize the information and data...
12:38 And then if you know how news works,
12:41 you can sort of seek through a lot of it.
12:43 That's right.
12:44 I've been to some demonstrations
12:46 that they might just be 50 people there.
12:47 Yeah.
12:49 And they'll have them cluster together
12:50 or else frame it where they're clustered together,
12:53 and you watch the evening news
12:54 and all you see in front of the camera,
12:56 milling, yelling people.
12:57 May be nothing around it, try if it's going by as normal.
13:00 So it can create huge misperception about
13:05 what's really going on.
13:07 It's not that it's factually wrong
13:08 but it's misrepresenting what went on.
13:10 What's really happening, absolutely.
13:12 But what troubled me more than anything
13:15 and I'm building to a point here.
13:18 After 9/11 and I don't think it would have mattered greatly
13:22 which administration were in charge.
13:26 But I think the one we had at the time,
13:29 had a certain vested interest in encouraging
13:31 some of the worst tendencies.
13:35 Hiding things and encouraging others.
13:37 And the media should have seen it,
13:40 they probably knew it but they didn't call it.
13:44 And some horrific things were not mentioned like one
13:47 that still sticks in my mind, the Washington Post a few days
13:52 after 9/11 ran a picture with a caption
13:57 but no comment of the brother of the then president shaking
14:01 Osama Bin Laden's brother's hand
14:03 just signed a big biz,
14:05 multimillion dollar business deal in Saudi Arabia.
14:09 That was it, no comment.
14:11 Normally that would be subject to a little question,
14:14 you know, how come they're still in business
14:15 with the family.
14:18 And, you know, the Republic didn't rise or fall on it
14:21 but to me it showed that there was reticence
14:24 to deal with real topics, thing,
14:26 some things went hands off.
14:27 Yeah.
14:28 And so we can say proudly we don't have censorship.
14:31 But why censor if you've created
14:34 the same thing through intimidation.
14:38 We'll be back after a short break,
14:40 stay with us.


Revised 2016-11-07