Liberty Insider

Global Survival

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Andy Im


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000339A

00:29 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:31 This is the program that brings you news, views,
00:34 discussion, insights,
00:36 and information you need to know on religious liberty.
00:39 My name is Lincoln Steed, editor of Liberty Magazine
00:43 and my guest on the program is Andy Im.
00:48 You're a communications man,
00:52 working with the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Michigan,
00:55 and youth leader with Campus Ministry.
00:57 That's right. Let's talk about our world.
01:01 Yes, let's do it. I originally from Australia.
01:06 Your forebear's from Korea. Mm-hmm.
01:10 You know, this is the world where people move to and fro
01:13 and we more and more see it as a single entity, don't we?
01:16 Mm-hmm.
01:17 And so it wasn't a natural thing recently
01:21 when the pope of Rome, itself a city far away,
01:25 used to be the centre of the world
01:26 once upon a time but not now.
01:28 But the pope of Rome came up
01:30 with an encyclical on the environment.
01:34 It made sense to a lot of people,
01:35 don't you think?
01:36 Because he spoke about something
01:38 that's concerning to all of us.
01:41 We're in a global village,
01:42 a little sphere in the middle of space.
01:45 Mm-hmm.
01:46 And yet it just seems to be running down on us
01:48 pretty quick.
01:50 The Bible says, earth wheeze out like a gum,
01:52 waxes all like a gum, isn't it?
01:55 It does, yes.
01:56 And another text that impresses me, it says,
02:00 God is coming to destroy those that destroy the earth.
02:03 Mm-hmm.
02:05 I don't think that would have been said
02:06 if it wasn't as we've seen now
02:11 that mankind literally is able to destroy the world.
02:14 Mm-hmm.
02:15 And beyond just degradation through bad habits,
02:19 what if we have a nuclear war?
02:21 You know, is what we fear all of our lives,
02:25 would it take place between Russia and the US
02:28 and they shot off,
02:29 let's just say 10 percent of their nuclear arsenal,
02:32 we'll have nuclear winter here.
02:34 The world would effectively be destroyed.
02:36 Yes.
02:37 I do think that the environment, you know,
02:40 it's the political hot topic and so it's very, you know...
02:45 There was no planning there, was it a global warming?
02:48 No, no. I didn't mean it that way.
02:52 But the Bible's very clear that, you know,
02:54 we were created to be stewards of this earth.
02:57 And to dress it, to keep it, to maintain it.
03:02 Like as Adam in the garden,
03:04 it was his job to take care of it.
03:05 That's right, the original plan for this earth
03:09 and so I do think
03:10 that protecting the environment is something that's biblical.
03:14 And we as Christians should do our utmost
03:17 in protecting and so forth.
03:21 I'm also happy, for example,
03:24 and I'm not endorsing any political party here
03:27 but, you know, President Obama
03:28 is expanding the national parks.
03:32 And I'm one that appreciates the parks that we do have.
03:35 I just got back from the Grand Canyon
03:37 not too long ago
03:39 and what a beautiful, beautiful place,
03:41 and certainly I appreciate it because it's God,
03:45 of course that's result of the flood and so forth.
03:48 But at the same time and something so destructive,
03:52 there's also a beauty there.
03:54 You see there, the grandeur, the power of God as well.
03:58 It's almost beyond imagining how big that is.
04:00 It is.
04:02 That like gully to use a little word is through the...
04:05 It is.
04:08 May be it's something I should say,
04:11 for me the Grand Canyon has two moments.
04:14 When we first came from Australia,
04:15 my father board a car
04:17 and we drove across the US from west to east.
04:21 And we stopped at the Grand Canyon.
04:23 It was in November at a motel, we knew it was quite close.
04:30 We didn't realize till the next morning
04:31 when we woke up
04:33 and it has snowed the night before,
04:34 the edge of the Grand Canyon
04:36 was just behind our car we parked there.
04:40 And there's a little fence like 18 inches high back then
04:43 and here it dropped the way straight into the Grand Canyon.
04:45 Ain't that's something?
04:46 But for me the image that I'll never forget
04:49 is before 9/11 flying in a United wide-body plane,
04:55 it was a clear day
04:57 and the president was actually visiting the Grand Canyon.
05:01 And so the pilot told us about it
05:02 and pointed out the lodge on the rim,
05:06 that's in Grand Canyon where the president was.
05:09 And he says we're bit early,
05:10 we'll take a tour around the Grand Canyon.
05:13 And this plane just went on a big circle
05:16 around the Grand Canyon.
05:18 Wow! Nice. Quite low.
05:19 And it was a dream on that crystal clear day
05:22 with the cars there, with the president's entourage,
05:25 then president.
05:27 I forget who was to be honest.
05:31 And is something spectacular, a creation of God
05:37 as part of the punishment I guess of the earth
05:39 but still wonderful landmark that reminds us
05:42 of the grandeur in the size of God's creation.
05:45 That's right.
05:46 And, but yet all of that is at risk,
05:48 even the Grand Canyon.
05:50 You can read some dark articles about the rates of erosion
05:55 and the water changes
05:57 because of dams and all the rest.
05:58 Mm-hmm.
06:00 And of course these plants for mining near the rim
06:04 that could despoil it.
06:05 Mm-hmm.
06:06 So it's not inappropriate for people
06:08 to have an environmental concern, is it?
06:11 No, absolutely not.
06:12 And I think I took you a little bit off track
06:14 so I don't know maybe...
06:17 Well, no, I'm heading for the earth is at threat
06:21 and efforts that have been made to save it
06:26 and in particular in that vein,
06:28 a document the pope of Rome issued last year in 19...
06:34 sorry, 2006,
06:40 no when, no, sorry early in 2016.
06:43 Mm-hmm. Yes. I'm already thinking ahead.
06:45 For 17, Laudato si' it's called,
06:51 they're always in Latin.
06:52 But praise be to thee. I think it means literally.
06:56 But he addresses this issue and, you know,
06:58 I have to commend them on one level.
07:00 Mm-hmm.
07:02 Wonderful. Mm-hmm.
07:03 This is not inappropriate
07:05 for people of faith to speak of things
07:09 that concern the whole of humanity,
07:11 degradation of the earth.
07:13 And he threw in some good practical advice
07:16 as well as theological narrative.
07:19 But you've read the document, what did you see?
07:23 I wouldn't say that I read...
07:24 But you looked at it.
07:25 What jumped out of you from that document?
07:27 Well, it's, what struck out at me...
07:31 It's a long document for our viewers.
07:33 You can get a long one,
07:34 it's about 120 pages about their paging system,
07:38 a little book sized document.
07:40 I only read some sections of it
07:43 and certainly he is making attempt to unify the world.
07:49 It's directed to all people.
07:50 It's not just Catholics, not just Christians,
07:52 all peoples.
07:53 Yes, and I think
07:55 you're gonna have to refresh my memory a little bit
07:56 'cause it was some months ago that I read that document.
08:00 Oh, what caught my attention
08:01 because first of all I'm a Seventh-day Adventist.
08:05 This Seventh-day Sabbath is vital to me.
08:08 When you read the Bible literally,
08:11 and remember the history
08:13 of God's dealings with the Jews,
08:14 the Sabbath was central.
08:16 And the Sabbath as part of the Ten Commandments,
08:19 there's just no textual reason for it to be changed
08:25 even given to the Jews,
08:27 it said, remember, it wasn't, you know,
08:29 the Sabbath day is now a day I give to you.
08:31 It was the day that in the Genesis account,
08:35 God sanctified it.
08:37 They weren't Jewish back in...
08:39 Creation. Adam and Eve were not Jews.
08:42 That's right.
08:43 So it's...
08:45 Even though it's been done,
08:46 and even the pope of Rome has done it recently.
08:49 You say well, it's a Jewish Sabbath,
08:51 it's not really biblically true.
08:53 Mm-hmm.
08:54 It's just become true in these latter days
08:58 where Christians to differentiate
09:00 have gone to Sunday.
09:01 And so in this document
09:04 the pope seizes upon something very apt biblically.
09:09 He said this earth is wearing out,
09:12 we're despoiling this worth.
09:14 He says, it may collapse on us.
09:17 And he says, God, when He created man
09:21 understood that the earth needs to rest,
09:23 animals need to rest,
09:25 there's a rest cycle, and man needs to rest.
09:28 And then he recites the Seventh-day Sabbath
09:32 as part of this rest cycle.
09:33 And he applies it to the animals,
09:36 to the earth.
09:38 And several times in the text
09:39 and these may be had been sections that you saw.
09:42 He come backs to this biblical injunction,
09:45 the principle of rest even the Jew believe rest,
09:48 which just goes multiplying on the seven principle.
09:53 And it's all wonderful
09:54 and as the Seventh-day Adventist I thought great,
09:56 he has put it in there.
09:57 He's picked up the model.
09:59 The unfortunate thing is that then at the end,
10:04 the pope sort of moves that logic
10:07 of the seventh day Old Testament
10:10 quote Jewish Sabbath.
10:11 He moves and applies it to the Eucharistic Sunday.
10:16 Mm-hmm.
10:18 Well, he can do that as the figure of speech
10:20 but it's not really possible as the matter of theology.
10:24 And then, I think to myself this is not good
10:28 because here is a religious leader
10:30 moving into a secular area giving a solution,
10:36 more than a solution and imperative
10:38 that without which we will all die.
10:40 Mm-hmm.
10:41 And he's saying, we need to obey
10:43 the principle of the seventh, but he applies it to Sunday.
10:47 Mm-hmm.
10:49 And in a previous document
10:52 by his predecessor,
10:57 I'm trying to think what it was called,
11:01 that was given, that Benedict gave
11:03 to actually President Obama in 2008.
11:08 It was a document that addressed
11:09 all the world's problems and it said there,
11:12 was problems of economics and of capital,
11:16 labor and of national autonomy and so on.
11:19 And it said there
11:21 that there's a need for a global authority
11:24 with the power to act and to enforce.
11:27 So I don't have to guess up where they're coming from.
11:30 So here on the environment, when they lay it all out
11:34 and it's fulfilled and us obeying the rest cycle
11:39 that ends with Sunday, not the biblical Sabbath.
11:42 That's bad on the religious liberty level.
11:45 He can have whatever theology he likes.
11:47 Yeah.
11:49 On this program we can't restrict the Muslim,
11:51 or Hindu or variations of Christianity
11:55 for the different doctrines.
11:58 They have the right to be wrong
11:59 or I have the right to be wrong depending on your viewpoint.
12:02 That's right.
12:03 But you don't have the right to force it on people
12:06 and this is the grand scheme
12:09 to make it a matter of human survival
12:13 to do what he says.
12:14 So he doesn't need to say the next step
12:17 that if this is adopted and you don't go along with it,
12:20 you're an enemy of mankind.
12:21 Mm-hmm.
12:23 You know... The stakes are very high.
12:24 What's very interesting is that the logic
12:27 that is utilized is our good values
12:30 that the broad Christian community agrees with,
12:33 you know, we do need to rest.
12:35 Another thing that he's stating the pope
12:39 is how we need to move from a materialistic mentality
12:45 that the American dream has caused us
12:47 to focus too much on material wealth
12:51 and that kind of thing.
12:52 And we need to, we need to focus on the spiritual
12:55 and that's something that we as Christians...
12:57 Oh, this was very good.
12:59 He mostly mentioned in that, in his speech...
13:01 It followed from the document which picked up on the things
13:04 but that's when he became very direct in his speech
13:09 to Congress.
13:10 Yeah.
13:11 That did flow out of what he said
13:13 on the environment but he didn't say that much
13:16 on the materialism or he didn't,
13:18 at least didn't take direct swipes
13:20 at capitalism in modern life in the document.
13:27 No, not in that document but I...
13:28 In his speech in to Congress, absolutely.
13:30 And he certainly, you know, and I believe we as Christians,
13:34 you know, I preached a sermon not too long ago
13:37 about the American dream.
13:38 And we've kind of adopted that as a Christian goal
13:43 or end for all of humanity and especially us as Americans,
13:47 but I really think that we need to think hard
13:52 about some f these values
13:53 that are espoused by our culture.
13:58 And the pope is rightly pointing out
14:01 that we all have become too materialistic,
14:03 too, you know, driven by the accumulation of wealth
14:08 and that's the end in all of life.
14:12 And those are not values that the Bible endorses for example,
14:17 and so he is utilizing Christian principles
14:22 using these things
14:25 that we would all agree with for his own end.
14:31 We need to take a break on that, very good point.
14:34 We'll be back after short break.
14:35 Come back and we'll keep discussing
14:37 this view of the environment
14:39 and religious liberty implications.
14:44 Stay with us.


Revised 2016-11-07