Liberty Insider

Who’s Entitled

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Andy Im


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000338B

00:05 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:07 Before the break, we were doing what we often do,
00:12 analyzing religious liberty
00:15 and people's attitudes toward it with guest Andy.
00:22 Maybe you don't like the analytical approach here,
00:25 but, you know, how do we get to the root of it.
00:28 Off camera we were talking about
00:30 how even some of our own
00:31 church members, without thinking
00:34 sort of have a reflexly right-wing viewpoint, well,
00:38 right and left wing have every right to exist,
00:41 but if someone without even thinking it through
00:44 just sort of has
00:47 a bias one way and then an axe on that bias,
00:50 that's quite dangerous.
00:53 In fact,
00:55 I've studied US history and it seems to me,
00:57 back in the '30s, there was the Know-Nothing Party,
01:01 aptly named.
01:03 Yes.
01:04 And if coming up to a presidential election,
01:07 and maybe as harmless as shown,
01:09 but you know if someone votes
01:12 Republican just because
01:14 they are Republican, regardless of
01:16 what the candidate says or the party stands for.
01:19 I mean, there's the way to tyranny,
01:20 there's the way to all sorts of abuses.
01:24 You want thinking men and women.
01:26 And if thinking men and women vote in a government
01:30 that's not to my liking, well, it's fine,
01:33 but I can't structurally object to the system.
01:39 But I don't even have to think long to know that
01:43 we have a huge problem with people blindly,
01:46 because of an inbuilt bias,
01:48 go for this movement or that movement,
01:50 you know, we're headed for great trouble.
01:52 And religious liberty shouldn't be the play thing
01:55 of this sort of bias.
01:56 Absolutely, I do believe that
01:59 there is the possibility of a healthy patriotism
02:02 where you appreciate the values of a nation.
02:06 I do believe that in our country,
02:09 the United States, we are seeing a shift
02:12 from healthy patriotism to nationalistic tendencies
02:19 that is also coupled with Christianity.
02:23 And so what it means to be American today,
02:26 used to be, they have this expression WASP,
02:29 you know White Anglo-Saxon Protestant
02:31 American kind of thing.
02:33 And now it's, you're only American
02:36 if you believe this way about,
02:38 for example, gun rights.
02:39 You're only American if you,
02:42 you know, have a flag
02:45 outside your house, that kind of thing.
02:48 And I think it gets very dangerous
02:50 when we start mixing Christianity,
02:54 the pure form of Christianity
02:56 and making it a political slogan.
03:00 Well, we've been there before...
03:01 Yes.
03:02 This might be one area that
03:04 I have a few extra years over you...
03:06 Yes.
03:08 Informs me a bit more,
03:09 but during the Cold War at its height,
03:15 the US exemplified all that you said
03:17 we might become...
03:18 we were.
03:19 And I do believe that a candidate,
03:22 one of the candidates' slogans,
03:24 "Make America great again."
03:25 Is sort of code for "Take us back to those days."
03:30 And even in religious liberty,
03:33 we're still fighting one battle that dates from then
03:36 when in an effort to portray this as a Christian nation,
03:40 structurally, governmentally, societaly and every front,
03:45 we counter pointed that against godless communism.
03:50 And during that period,
03:51 the Ten Commandments were placed
03:52 in all sorts of public buildings
03:55 and memorials and so on.
03:57 Ten Commandments are great.
03:58 You know, I wish more people lived them.
04:01 But for the government to be doing that was just so wrong.
04:04 But it was all done with the flag waving patriotism,
04:06 "This is God's country,"
04:08 you know, "We're a sacred nation,"
04:10 left overs of that now are
04:12 what you do read in the media.
04:14 You know, "We never apologize for America."
04:16 Why is that?
04:18 It's because
04:20 we all know that human beings are fallible
04:22 but when you have, "This is God's country,"
04:24 God doesn't make mistakes.
04:28 By definition, we're the agents of God.
04:30 So you don't apologize for America.
04:32 But I was very gratified
04:34 just a few hours ago now to hear
04:39 President Obama in Laos.
04:42 Not in a groveling sense but acknowledging
04:46 the horrors of war that the US visited on Laos
04:51 during the Vietnam War.
04:53 That's right.
04:54 I'm sure, he'll get into trouble for it,
04:56 but he's a lone duck, so...
04:57 Yes.
04:58 You know, nothing to pay.
05:00 Well, I think it's always dangerous when we,
05:02 on the basis of a nation,
05:04 we have feelings of superiority
05:06 over other countries and nations.
05:09 I think of the example of Paul in Philippians 3,
05:13 where he said, he lists all the things
05:15 that he should be proud about, national heritage,
05:20 the religious sect he belonged to,
05:22 etcetera, etcetera.
05:23 And he goes on to conclude that he counts those things as dung
05:28 so that he may win Christ.
05:30 And what the Bible teaches is
05:35 a servant based leadership,
05:39 not a dictatorial authoritarian type of leadership.
05:42 Yes.
05:44 This is a good time, since we're talking publicly,
05:46 many people are listening on this conversation.
05:50 You know, a Christian and indeed
05:53 anyone of any other faith should follow this model,
05:55 but I can only speak authoritatively
05:58 from my faith, and its holy books,
06:01 and the relationship to God,
06:02 but a Christian is never called
06:04 to be disloyal to the country.
06:06 A Christian should be exemplary citizen.
06:10 Exactly.
06:11 But our highest loyalty is to God.
06:13 That's right.
06:15 But that doesn't mean that that pulls us away from the state.
06:18 If a state is pulled against it,
06:21 is wielding the sword, which just means power.
06:24 Yeah.
06:26 Correctly.
06:27 Then it's worthy of full support
06:29 and loyalty and we will be unwavering in that regard.
06:33 But if the state moves against
06:37 our faith, integrity, in that regard,
06:41 we'll challenge it, but that's no secret.
06:44 That's right.
06:45 I mean and we're loyal to the state
06:47 on the basis of scripture itself.
06:49 And you alluded to the passage that Paul refers to.
06:54 But I believe that patriotism,
06:57 which is a fairly modern invention
07:01 in some ways
07:04 either has religion mixed with it
07:07 or has tried to create its own sort of religion.
07:10 We've got an article coming up in Liberty
07:16 that analyzes North Korea
07:21 in your ancestral neighborhood...
07:24 Yes, yes.
07:25 And I think the word is Juche, isn't it?
07:29 They have a state religion
07:30 where they've structured the worshippers' estate,
07:34 self-consciously as a religious model.
07:39 And so I think the US patriotism
07:42 always had that element
07:43 that it was statism, but with religiosity.
07:48 But when you go further back,
07:50 the patriotism, as we know it, didn't exist.
07:53 It was loyalty to the clan or the people.
07:55 And then as time went on, to their religion
07:59 and that's why you get how Russia,
08:01 the Rus, when they converted to Christianity,
08:04 Vladimir converted.
08:05 They were all Christian
08:07 because that was the unified people group on religion.
08:11 But patriotism now, what is it?
08:15 You know I used to hear the songs,
08:17 America's the beautiful, you know,
08:19 fruited plains and all the rest.
08:21 Is it just love of country?
08:25 I don't think it's that simple.
08:28 The best of times patriotism plays footsie with religion...
08:32 I think and that can be dangerous.
08:35 But loyalty to those who are acting in God's stead
08:40 in positions of authority, that should come with being
08:43 an observant Christian or a person of deep faith.
08:47 You respect authority, you respect law and order,
08:50 you respect the public trust that's placed in those people.
08:55 So it doesn't take away from your citizenship
08:58 obligations at all, it adds to them.
09:00 That's right.
09:02 And I do believe that now
09:05 more than ever before, we need to,
09:08 for example, in the book of Hebrews,
09:10 it describes Christians as pilgrims
09:13 and strangers on this earth.
09:16 Our truth in ultimate citizenship
09:19 is not one of any nation,
09:22 but it's the heavenly citizenship.
09:24 Absolutely.
09:26 And our passport is stamped with the blood of Jesus.
09:28 Very good.
09:30 Yeah, your pastoral background is shining through.
09:33 That's right. But it's true.
09:35 And the time is running away
09:37 but, you know, I could wax eloquent
09:40 one of my favorite books, Pilgrim's Progress.
09:42 It picked up of course in the British Puritan context.
09:47 There's this wonderful imagery that Paul started.
09:50 We're all pilgrims, living here in this earth,
09:54 leaving the city of destruction,
09:55 and on our way to a grand and wonderful place.
09:59 But we have to live here now
10:01 and reflect that celestial city
10:05 even in whatever city we live in.
10:08 That's right.
10:09 I believe that now,
10:12 perhaps even more than ever before,
10:15 we need to identify ourselves
10:18 increasingly more with the heavenly kingdom.
10:22 Jesus is soon to return.
10:26 And I believe it does us hurt,
10:30 it hurts our cause,
10:31 the cause of Christianity in spreading the Gospel
10:34 when we identify it with any nation or country.
10:39 I think we need to detach it from all
10:42 social or political constructs
10:45 and really promulgate the Gospel of Jesus Christ
10:50 to every nation, kindred tongue, and people
10:54 so that people can accept the message
10:57 without any obstacles that would hinder it
11:00 from going out.
11:03 France was once known for religious tolerance.
11:07 They had a law of tolerance.
11:11 Unfortunately, it came to an end
11:13 with the Saint Bartholomew's Day massacre.
11:17 Because in reality, tolerance is nothing
11:20 but an allowance of what I strongly dislike
11:23 until I've decided that I've had enough.
11:27 That's the worst way to describe religious liberty.
11:31 And yet so often, it's what passes for religious liberty.
11:36 We must allow people to have
11:41 religious viewpoints and religious practice
11:43 that we might find personally abhorrent,
11:47 but we allow it not because
11:49 we're going to be kind and charitable,
11:51 but because the principle of religious freedom,
11:54 the principle of us all being common
11:57 creatures of a Creator God, means that we must allow them
12:02 what we ourselves want and not do it under duress
12:06 but do it gladly because this is our place under
12:11 heaven and under God.
12:13 Tolerance cannot be religious liberty
12:16 and if I've become more
12:19 relevant to what's happening in the United States now,
12:22 religious entitlement a narrow entitlement,
12:26 while it might help me and my group
12:29 is not also anything to do
12:32 with religious liberty, it's anti-religious.
12:38 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2016-10-31