Liberty Insider

Swimming Towards Trouble

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Andy Im


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000337B

00:05 Welcome back to Liberty Insider.
00:07 Before the break,
00:09 you saw a video with an interview,
00:12 an interview with a gentleman
00:13 from the Middle East,
00:18 from Egypt, and my guest,
00:22 you are not from Egypt,
00:24 you are not from the Middle East.
00:25 No.
00:27 Good old USA,
00:28 but you know we see the world wide events
00:30 and, Andy, I'd like to talk a little bit further about
00:35 how we can address
00:37 this as Christians and as westerners
00:40 because I believe that there is a real conflict,
00:43 a clash of civilizations and different religions
00:48 that come with it.
00:49 So you can't just sort of wish
00:50 the thing away or will it away by tolerance.
00:55 There's something heavy going on.
00:58 But as you said about France,
01:01 perhaps they were overzealous in restricting
01:04 something that in itself was pretty harmless.
01:06 But the facts are that they knew
01:08 what it represented,
01:09 this was sort of the camel's nose
01:13 in the tent flap on a larger issue.
01:16 Do you agree with that?
01:18 I would, yes, absolutely.
01:22 I think, of course,
01:24 the issue has to do with one's fundamental right
01:30 or the freedom of one's conscience
01:34 to carry out their conviction
01:36 and I think any laws
01:37 especially that French law in about 30 cities,
01:41 I know it's been overruled in some of them,
01:44 but I do think that,
01:45 that infringes on a person
01:47 to carry out their religious conviction
01:49 and I would oppose that.
01:51 Yes, and this is the catch.
01:53 You have to have neutrality
01:58 toward religious practices.
02:01 Religious Liberty works for all or it works for none.
02:03 Once you start carving off and in the United States
02:07 ironically with the President Bush's
02:09 faith based initiative,
02:11 they were very quickly on the way to doing that.
02:13 I remember talking to one of their representatives
02:16 for the faith based initiative in the Justice Department
02:19 and I said, "You're funneling all this money,
02:21 government money through to the churches."
02:23 You clearly have a process of vetting
02:25 who gets the money or not.
02:27 So after while you have a list of churches
02:29 you trust and churches you don't,
02:31 and that's a very bad way for the government to act.
02:36 They should be out of the church business
02:37 and allow all churches to operate.
02:40 And if any church
02:41 or Christian or any faith person
02:45 in practicing their faith
02:47 does something that harms the fellow citizens
02:50 or something dangerous,
02:52 illegal, violent or whatever,
02:54 they should be punished under the law like anyone else.
02:56 No hesitation,
02:58 but don't mess with their religious practice per se,
03:01 and this is the danger
03:03 of the French thing I agree with you.
03:04 Yeah.
03:06 It's not good that they have chosen
03:07 to restrict this particular religious practice.
03:10 They're doing in the name of secularity,
03:11 but they could just as easily say,
03:13 you're not allowed to pray in public.
03:15 That's right.
03:17 We don't want that.
03:18 You see someone bowing their head, fine.
03:20 Yes.
03:21 I mean they're not about to do that
03:23 but in theory they could
03:24 or if there was a change of administration.
03:27 Yeah.
03:28 You know what we are seeing in society is a conflict
03:32 of competing worldviews
03:34 whether it be Islam,
03:36 whether it be Christianity, whether it be secularism,
03:39 and I sincerely believe
03:43 that we're reaching
03:45 a stage in this earth's history
03:47 where there really is no solution
03:49 and the anti is being pushed toward,
03:52 the envelop is being pushed further and further
03:56 to a point where these,
03:58 where these conflicts
03:59 are going to be increasingly more.
04:02 We're going to see them on wider scale more frequently
04:06 and that, that's troubling and having said that,
04:13 ultimately the ultimate solution
04:15 will be the second coming of Jesus
04:18 and it behoove us as Christians
04:22 to really work that much harder
04:24 not in political or social activism,
04:27 but in again taking the gospel message
04:33 to the world.
04:34 As far as religious liberty,
04:36 way too many of my fellows
04:38 Seventh-day Adventist Christian say,
04:41 exciting what you just said, well listen,
04:43 we know it's not going to end.
04:44 We know that Jesus coming is the only solution.
04:48 And we know that there will even be harassment,
04:50 persecution of certain religious groups
04:53 so let it come.
04:55 Let's have it.
04:56 Why fight it, let's just go through.
04:59 And I think that is misunderstanding
05:01 the whole dynamic and you're not saying
05:03 that we should just fold our hands and say let it come.
05:07 Absolutely not because that would be irresponsible
05:11 for me as a Christian to just say,
05:13 you know what, Jesus is going to come anyway,
05:16 so let things roll as they are.
05:18 No, Jesus gave us the responsibility
05:22 to stand up for the poor,
05:25 the afflicted, and the abused,
05:28 and the victims of society.
05:30 And so I think we need to play an active role
05:34 in terms of helping and assisting those in need.
05:38 Whenever we can,
05:40 at the same time our eye should be set
05:45 plainly toward that second coming
05:48 and gathering other people to be with us.
05:51 That's right.
05:52 And of course,
05:53 along with that we have to deal with the religions,
05:56 we have to be charitable toward other people.
05:58 We would defend religious liberty because it enables
06:03 what we're doing as well as protects
06:06 the inherent God given rights of other people, right?
06:09 That's right.
06:12 But this thing in France
06:14 and France is not the only country.
06:16 I think it's important because I don't think in the US
06:20 they quite understand
06:21 what's happened to France and Germany.
06:24 There have been so many migrant workers come in
06:27 and so many immigrates
06:31 from the once colonial outposts
06:35 in parts of Paris.
06:37 I remember a few years ago,
06:38 I drove from one side of Paris to the other,
06:40 it was a mistake of the GPS.
06:42 Rather than specifying shortest
06:45 I specified most direct
06:46 so I drove from one side of Paris
06:48 to the other, street by street.
06:51 And I can tell you there are whole stretches
06:53 of miles upon mile.
06:55 You think you're in central Africa
06:59 and not a nice part of Central Africa,
07:01 they're burned and abandoned cars everywhere.
07:06 Gutted buildings,
07:10 decrepit buildings
07:11 with people milling around them.
07:14 They have...
07:16 They were on the verge of losing
07:18 social control over parts of their own country.
07:22 That would be bad period but then when you throw in
07:25 an intractable religious element
07:29 that refuses to not only to assimilate,
07:33 but is an antagonistic toward
07:37 both the secularism and the religion of the France.
07:41 They've got a problem
07:43 that I'm sure the secular leaders
07:45 are just wringing their hands,
07:47 they don't know the answer to it.
07:49 Their very identity as a country is at stake.
07:53 And you can say the same for Germany.
07:55 And I understand a lot of this from seeing
07:57 it but the only thing I freely admit
07:59 I don't understand is who opened the gates
08:02 last year and let those
08:05 hundreds of thousands of people flood into Europe.
08:08 There's a plan somewhere
08:10 and I don't even know what the end point is,
08:12 but it's easy to see what it's creating,
08:15 it's social conflict and religious conflict
08:18 on an unimaginable scale.
08:21 And I do believe these issues are too complex
08:25 for you and I to even attempt to solve them...
08:28 No, but we need to discuss that
08:30 because this is very important.
08:32 These are acting as trigger environments
08:35 for some very untoward religious liberty situations.
08:39 That's right and ultimately they're going,
08:43 I mean it's being discussed in our country.
08:45 What to do with the refugees in Syria
08:49 and other countries and certain,
08:50 and some of our presidential candidate,
08:54 candidates have very specific views on that
08:57 but, you know, for me as a Christian
09:02 I don't believe it's my responsibility
09:04 to engage that debate in terms of policy
09:08 and the politics of it
09:09 but, what I do believe
09:13 is a theological biblical matter
09:15 is how I am to treat and perceive
09:20 those of faith communities that differ from my own,
09:23 and I don't,
09:25 I don't believe we should be branding them
09:29 or articulating how they are enemies
09:32 and using pejorative language
09:35 to describe any group of people,
09:37 because ultimately we want to win them to Christianity.
09:41 Well, and this is the reality
09:45 anyhow in France and in the US.
09:50 It's unlikely that enough buses could be,
09:54 got to get at the ship all of these people somewhere else.
09:57 When you're dealing
09:58 with tens of millions of people,
10:01 it's the reality says somehow
10:04 society is short of the second coming of Christ
10:07 needs to minimize these conflicts
10:10 and you're right.
10:12 The principles of Christian charity,
10:15 the overarching principle of religious liberty
10:19 and the right of all people to believe
10:21 as they believe and not to compel
10:24 me to believe as they believe which is part of us.
10:27 No compulsion in religion,
10:29 that principle needs to be applied
10:31 and it's the only way
10:35 toward semi-peaceful
10:39 or a peaceful society.
10:43 Absolutely.
10:44 We are, you know I love history
10:47 and there's no question
10:49 we were at a break point of history
10:51 with even the nation states
10:53 that date back to just after Martin Luther
10:55 and the 30 years war in Europe,
10:59 states are breaking down, societies are breaking down,
11:02 religion is erupting in violent ways
11:04 and something needs to be done.
11:07 Absolutely.
11:08 And one thing that I want to highlight
11:11 as we close is that we need to be very careful
11:14 that we as Christians
11:17 do not take on the viewpoints of news commentators,
11:22 of social media in terms of how we,
11:24 how we view others
11:26 but we need to have the Bible inform
11:28 how we view others in other faiths.
11:33 Modesty obviously has its limits.
11:36 And certain religious dress
11:38 such as the full burka may have revealed them.
11:42 But it's worth remembering
11:44 that in the Victorian era
11:46 and other times in western society,
11:50 poems were written.
11:52 Many men were driven to distraction by the sight
11:55 of a few inches of ankle.
11:58 We should be of course understanding
12:02 of religious sensibilities
12:04 that after all are aiming at the same respect
12:08 and honor toward God
12:11 that Christians and others would want in their behavior
12:14 that we see in this case Muslim dress.
12:19 The Seventh-day Adventist Church
12:21 as religious liberty department has been careful
12:27 to help this concern.
12:28 I know in Oregon,
12:31 we were one of the main proponents
12:34 of a religious dress bill that definitely advance
12:37 the principle of freedom
12:39 for religious dress of all faiths.
12:42 But we must never think
12:44 that this is something that we can dismiss out of hand
12:48 just because the social norm flies against it.
12:52 Religion is not to be equated with social norms.
12:58 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2016-10-31