Liberty Insider

California Dreaming

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Bruce N. Cameron


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000333B

00:05 Welcome back.
00:07 We had a little time to gather our breathe
00:09 before we get right into this heavy stuff again
00:12 but, Bruce, talking about the culture war
00:17 that this perhaps represented
00:19 very much front and center
00:21 in this pending legislation in California
00:26 that could negatively impact our schools,
00:30 who you would hope would fend off
00:33 if it's to force them into a different moral norm
00:38 that the Bible recommends.
00:40 But do you think that
00:41 there is an element of provocation on this
00:43 that those representing the new found rights
00:47 of the gay and transgender,
00:49 homosexual and lesbian community.
00:53 You know, by the way the description gets
00:55 bigger and bigger, have you noticed?
00:57 Yes.
00:58 Queue is the latest addition
00:59 those who are questioning what's going on.
01:03 But you know, these people in the civil sense.
01:05 Yeah, they have every right
01:07 to seek rights through,
01:12 you know, public forum
01:14 and so and the society is moved that way.
01:17 Even I could see sign of the times,
01:20 but this is the civil right.
01:21 But for them then to take this new found right
01:24 and use this as a cudgel against
01:26 someone of a faith and a moral viewpoint that disagree with,
01:30 I think it's a little...
01:32 Well, it's more than little unfortunate.
01:34 It's a provocation.
01:36 I said before the break
01:38 that they determine to make the church kneel,
01:40 so the question is why is that?
01:42 Why would they use a cudgel?
01:43 Why would they want the church to kneel?
01:46 And I think the answer is very easy
01:49 when you think about this.
01:51 What is the principle opposition
01:54 to homosexual rights,
01:57 homosexual marriage?
01:58 It's probably in Christians.
02:01 I mean there is no sort of other
02:08 organized opposition.
02:09 Well, it's true.
02:11 There is no other sort of more I believe,
02:13 all the opposition is based on church's religious belief,
02:19 just like with the Civil Rights Act,
02:22 the churches were in favor of nondiscrimination
02:27 with regard to raise.
02:28 In this case a large number of churches
02:31 and believers think that this is an immoral activity,
02:35 that's why if they are going to achieve normalcy,
02:41 that they are just like everyone else,
02:43 they've got to eradicate this belief,
02:46 they've got to bury this belief
02:48 that it is immoral and inconsistent
02:50 with biblical principles.
02:52 Well, I would take it even further.
02:53 I've said it on this program before.
02:56 I was like a little spongier when I was a kid,
02:59 and in Australia my father
03:01 often used to take us or me I think,
03:05 I don't remember my mother going or my sister.
03:08 He would take me...
03:09 In fact I know, it was just me
03:11 on the Saturday night.
03:13 He was a temperance leader
03:15 and so we would go downtown Sydney
03:18 and he would go to the different pubs
03:20 and so want to talk to the different drunks
03:21 and so on,
03:23 so he's witnessed to that one, that was an interesting thing.
03:25 But before that Sunday...
03:26 They allow small children to be in bars and...
03:29 Not...
03:31 Well, it was another era.
03:33 I just wanted to know.
03:34 But anyhow he's witnessing,
03:35 but my point is these were two activities
03:37 that I remember clearly and then it was either,
03:39 I think it was this Sunday afternoon,
03:41 go down to Hyde Park in Sydney
03:44 where in the tradition of the Hyde Park in London,
03:48 anybody can stick a soap box and rant everyone,
03:51 talk against the government,
03:53 talk communism, sedition, this was the cold war,
03:56 but you could get up there and no one would bother you,
03:59 well, they could bother you.
04:00 Free speech so they can scream back at the guy and all that.
04:03 And I remember listening to a whole bunch of people,
04:07 I think probably the best connection
04:09 to make as a socialist secular agenda,
04:13 but deep Marxist stuff, right,
04:16 and they were railing against the patristic society,
04:21 the western society,
04:22 they wanted to overturn all the norms.
04:25 And I believe
04:27 and I want to rent this stuff over the years.
04:29 It's not that every gay or transgender person
04:33 had deepen to the philosophy,
04:35 many of them live their lifestyle and they...
04:37 but the philosophical engine driving
04:40 this whole movement is connected with that,
04:43 I think it doesn't just want to empower their lifestyle,
04:46 it wants to breakdown the whole Judeo-Christian
04:50 what they see patristic structure of society,
04:53 destroy the family
04:55 and the whole hierarchical system
04:58 as they see it, it's quiet revolutionary.
05:01 And it's coming out of the educational institutions
05:06 of higher learn.
05:07 Yes, there are lot of those that
05:09 are pushing not the same stuff,
05:10 but the same a grand social agenda
05:14 or at least the principles that are driving this agenda.
05:17 See I might rare bird to be a conservative law professor.
05:22 Yes, I know.
05:24 I just read a survey,
05:25 in fact there are several surveys,
05:27 80 percent of law professors in the country are liberals
05:31 that is to the extent that they express their position,
05:35 only about 11 percent
05:38 of law professors are conservatives,
05:41 and in the colleges there is a very similar mix effect
05:48 that may be more liberals
05:49 and so all these students are coming through,
05:52 and some of them are being taught by actual Marxist,
05:55 I mean, you know, there is...
05:57 I read some survey that was
05:59 discussing a comparison of number of Marxist
06:02 who are teaching in the college system
06:06 as opposed to conservatives,
06:07 it's kind of a frightening thing
06:09 so when you say that
06:11 there is some sort of unifying theory.
06:14 I doubt that the individual students
06:16 have connected all the dots,
06:19 but these instructors are probably
06:21 connected all the dots.
06:23 And it's been trendy for a long, long time.
06:25 Back when I was a kid, it was marginal
06:27 because it was in the beginnings
06:29 of the Cold War and communism was cast
06:31 as the absolutely evil in Australia and America.
06:34 You know, it was a Judeo-Christian castle
06:37 we were defending but those days are gone now.
06:40 The rot is on many, many levels
06:42 and I do believe that there's a bigger agenda
06:44 than just empowering their own lifestyle.
06:48 And the aberrant quirk in this that
06:52 put most people off the trail was the gay community
06:56 seeking to call their relationships marriage.
06:59 I've read this stuff,
07:00 they are not for marriage in any shape,
07:03 form or manner.
07:05 It's basically free love and free association,
07:09 and you know, in communist Russia
07:12 which was not connected in every way
07:14 what they are thinking, but remember,
07:16 children were initially at least pulled away
07:20 from their parents and run in sort of,
07:23 you know, like the sea lion colony,
07:27 because the words of the state,
07:29 it was a new social experiment
07:31 to pull people away from the loyalty
07:34 and the control of the parents.
07:36 And so I don't believe
07:38 that marriage is what this is all about at all.
07:41 It's like the dog that caught the car.
07:44 Once the dog catches the car he's not sure
07:47 what it wants do with it.
07:49 I think you're right, that's been my observation,
07:52 obviously I'm not an expert on this
07:54 but it seems that monogamy...
07:58 Well, I thought this could be.
08:00 I've read and I don't read regularly
08:01 but I've read the Blade, Washington Blade and others,
08:03 and I've seen people writing in there saying, you know,
08:06 how come we're pushing for marriage,
08:08 we're not for this and all of that.
08:10 This is betraying the, you know, the cause.
08:13 I know within the system there's agitate their system,
08:17 there is agitation that even questions they attack,
08:20 but it's worked for them.
08:22 I think it flushed some Christians
08:25 out in the Bush administration
08:27 for pushing for the marriage amendment
08:29 which in my view is an inordinate power
08:33 to try to use the government to legislate your morality.
08:37 I don't want the government to be
08:38 defining what a marriage is,
08:40 the church should define it.
08:41 Well, you know, Lincoln,
08:44 when we talk about these kinds of issues,
08:46 I think it comes back
08:48 to the very important religious liberty issue
08:50 which is the church should be able to say
08:53 what it thinks about morality,
08:55 church should have institutions...
08:57 Not should be able to, it's obligated to.
08:59 Obligated to, right,
09:01 with regard to the external law,
09:03 they should be able to say in our schools
09:06 what we think about this.
09:07 They should be able to hire faculty
09:10 who are consistent with their beliefs,
09:12 and so what's really going on here
09:15 and the real threat
09:16 to religious liberty is a threat
09:18 to religious speech in practice.
09:22 And that's the problem,
09:23 I mean, if homosexuals want to go out
09:26 and have relationships,
09:28 there are all sorts of things that go on in the country
09:30 that I don't approve of...
09:32 This is one among many. Right, I don't believe.
09:34 This is a very unfortunate
09:36 part of this in this particular clash.
09:38 Christians are being cast more and more as,
09:41 you know, fixated on this one issue.
09:43 I don't think that could
09:45 or should be or even is the case.
09:47 Right.
09:48 The fixation particularly
09:50 from a religious liberty point of view
09:52 is forcing the churches speech in practice
09:56 and that is the end goal I believe here.
09:58 Yeah.
10:00 This is the greatest threat to religious liberty
10:02 that I've seen in my life time.
10:04 Yes, and it's not going to ease of any time soon, is it?
10:08 I fear not. I fear not once...
10:11 But we need to keep up the defense.
10:14 Once again as I've been discussing,
10:18 the Supreme Court is on the razor's edge here,
10:22 and who is elected may very well determine,
10:25 or likely determine
10:27 whether or not there will be Supreme Court
10:28 that'd be friendly to gay rights
10:30 as opposed to religious freedom rights.
10:32 Yeah, so there's a lot at stake.
10:34 We're definitely the crest sides of history, aren't we?
10:37 Yes, yes I think so.
10:39 You know, it's important for Christians
10:42 to pay attention what's going on
10:44 and be alert to the protection of their religious liberty.
10:48 These kinds of events that we've been discussing
10:52 in which people talk about homosexual rights,
10:55 abortion rights or what have you,
10:57 generally have an undertone of religious freedom
11:01 being in jeopardy.
11:03 And so I asked the viewers
11:05 when you look at these kinds of situations
11:07 to say is this what appears on the surface,
11:11 or is this ultimately something that will harm the church
11:16 and harm the freedom of believers.
11:20 Reading the Bible,
11:22 I'm struck at the biblical record
11:25 of the schools of the prophets
11:26 that were run in Old Testament times.
11:31 Part of the reason
11:32 I'm struck is that Elisha was mentioned there
11:34 and Elisha looked a little like me.
11:38 But it's worth remembering
11:40 that schooling education has had a close affinity
11:44 with religious instruction for a long time.
11:46 Indeed in early America,
11:48 education was the province of the churches.
11:52 Now in our era with the state so much involved everything,
11:56 what a great irony, if the control of money,
12:00 if the application of civil principles
12:04 some of which are based on moral norms
12:07 that religion and churches don't accept
12:10 if those are used to restrict religious education.
12:16 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2016-09-26