Liberty Insider

Vote or Not to Vote Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Greg Hamilton


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000323A

00:31 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:33 This is a program bringing you news,
00:35 views and discussion and a lot of insights
00:38 into religious liberty events around the world
00:41 and in particular in the United States.
00:43 My name is Lincoln Steed, editor of Liberty Magazine
00:47 and my guest on this program is Gregory Greg Hamilton,
00:52 President of the Northwest Religious Liberty Association.
00:55 And you're not a first time guest on Liberty Insider.
00:58 No, many times.
00:59 Thank you for having me again.
01:02 I know you can talk about almost anything on this topic
01:06 without any preparation but there is something
01:08 that I know you just bubbling over about,
01:10 all of us watching the television
01:11 in the last few months
01:13 in the beginning of the US presidential race,
01:18 but watching each party chose their candidate,
01:20 it's been, it's been historic, not good but historic.
01:25 But it raises the question in religious liberty circles
01:30 or religious liberty principles,
01:32 how involved do you think a Christian,
01:34 a Seventh-day Adventist,
01:36 somebody that believes in religious liberty.
01:38 How involved should we be?
01:40 Are we free to become political creatures
01:44 and become part of the presses?
01:47 What's at play here?
01:49 Well, you know, as a Seventh-day Adventist
01:50 Christian growing up in devout Seventh-day Adventist home,
01:56 in Bakersfield, California.
01:58 We would drive up as kids,
01:59 my dad and mom would get in the car
02:01 and they drive up to Fresno, California to see my,
02:05 his folks and my grandparents.
02:07 And invariably after church and after lunch,
02:10 grandpa and my dad and my brother
02:12 and I would go to the living room
02:15 and grandpa would kind of hold forth.
02:17 And he was on politics,
02:20 and it was either theology or politics
02:23 or social issues of the day.
02:26 And he was an FDR or Franklin Delano Roosevelt,
02:30 New Deal Democrat.
02:31 And my dad who was the only child mind you,
02:35 he decided he was Barry Goldwater Republican.
02:38 Okay, so...
02:40 I remember that era, that was very contentious.
02:43 The Goldwater era in my view was the closest
02:46 to what we're going through right now.
02:48 He was portrait as the end of freedom,
02:50 you know, it's going to be the big mushroom cloud
02:52 if Goldwater was elected and in retrospect
02:55 when I read about him, probably not so bad.
02:58 Not so bad in retrospect but still
03:01 at least he was a senator, at least he had common sense...
03:06 And a track record.
03:07 And so I wouldn't exactly compare that to today's brace.
03:09 No, but the panic in the Fuhrer at the time was comparable.
03:13 But I listened to their conversations,
03:16 it was interesting because they just,
03:19 they were quite direct
03:21 and could be quite emotional at times
03:23 and I will never forget, I mean this invariably happened
03:26 almost every time we visited up there,
03:29 that wasn't just over Goldwater,
03:30 that was all elections after that.
03:34 My mom and grandma would come into the room
03:36 where they were washing dishes in the kitchen and they tell,
03:39 "You guys quite arguing and fighting."
03:41 And Grandpa would look up and Dad would look up
03:44 and say almost harmoniously.
03:46 We are having a wonderful discussion,
03:48 Go back and wash dishes
03:50 which was kind of sexist for the day,
03:52 which I'm glad more and more women are actually
03:55 involved in the political scene,
03:56 it's a fantastic thing.
03:58 And one of the things I learned from that
04:02 and specifically from my grandpa later on,
04:05 he shared with me Mark 12, the Christ being,
04:11 His encounter with the Pharisees and Herodians
04:13 who said teacher, we know you are man of integrity,
04:16 you weren't swayed by men,
04:17 you know they were really trying to like good lobbyers
04:20 trying to puff him up.
04:22 And he says, because they say
04:24 because you pay no attention to who they are,
04:26 but you teach the way of God in accordance with a truth.
04:29 Then they ask, is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not?
04:32 Should we pay or shouldn't we?
04:33 And Jesus knowing their hypocrisy said,
04:35 "Why are you trying to trap me?
04:38 Bring me a denarius and let me look at it.
04:39 They brought the coin and he asked him,
04:41 whose portrait is this and whose inscription.
04:43 And of course they said Caesar's,
04:45 and then Jesus said to them,
04:47 give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's.
04:49 Now lot of people say,
04:50 well how can you get anything out of that
04:52 in regard to voting.
04:54 You can't, but would you can get this one thing,
04:57 and this is what my grandfather taught me,
04:59 and that is, you know,
05:01 we have a responsibility for good citizenship
05:04 as Christians on this earth.
05:06 And that's what Jesus is saying here.
05:08 Give in to Caesar what is Caesar's,
05:10 which is our citizenship duty.
05:13 All right, so to speak.
05:14 And then given to God what is God's.
05:16 So we have a role to play.
05:18 So evangelical Christians who assume that we should be
05:21 isolationist and go somewhere is, is not true.
05:27 Second of all, the whole idea
05:30 of not voting is actually an American tradition.
05:34 If you go back to the beginning of elections,
05:40 Protestants would stay home many times
05:43 and not vote as a means of protest.
05:45 And so even Mark Twain has commented about this
05:48 and the idea of staying home
05:50 and protesting by not voting is actually
05:54 a long held American tradition.
06:00 Maybe not a good tradition
06:01 because I'm sure you can argue from history
06:04 some rather abhorrent things have happened
06:07 over the years because only a minority of people voted
06:11 when the people that might have thought otherwise stayed home.
06:13 Well, that was my grandfather's point is that
06:17 we really do have a role as citizens to play
06:19 and we really should exercise that role.
06:22 And I think
06:25 one of the most wonderful opportunities we have,
06:28 privilege that we have, a right if you will,
06:31 is the right to vote.
06:32 And I think we have to exercise it.
06:34 And you know they're better...
06:35 well, not better, that was some good text
06:37 and I've used that mostly to share
06:40 that we should stay out of politics.
06:42 And it is interesting,
06:44 the Pharisees and the Herodians,
06:46 they were a political faction.
06:47 Right, so Jesus did think that they were trying to trick him,
06:52 but remember Jesus Himself said,
06:56 didn't he say Herod that fox.
06:58 So he tilted against
07:02 not a political faction in the modern sense
07:04 but with the political force.
07:06 So he wasn't silent on that.
07:08 But there is no evidence Jesus was occupied
07:10 but to emphasize your point,
07:13 I think if Jesus was giving an example of abstaining
07:20 from the real hurly-burly of the world.
07:22 He'd been like, perhaps John the Baptist type to know,
07:26 but the Assyrians, you know we think that
07:29 John the Baptist part of these things,
07:31 community aside somewhere,
07:32 just studying and contemplating.
07:34 Like the forerunners of the monks.
07:36 Right and we know that Jesus didn't do that
07:39 with His disciples, they traveled around
07:41 and they were part of everything.
07:43 Right.
07:44 And one of the things I've noticed is wherever I go,
07:48 I run into so many Seventh-day Adventists well meaning,
07:50 wonderful Seventh-day Adventist Christians,
07:53 wonderful folks who say especially, you know,
07:57 the little old grannies and the grandfathers,
08:00 well we shouldn't vote
08:01 because Ellen White says we shouldn't vote.
08:03 And I say, well, show me that.
08:04 Invariably they'll come up with this reference,
08:07 from Fundamentals of Christian Education,
08:10 page 475 by Ellen G. White.
08:13 We should spell out a little for our viewers,
08:16 and show regular viewers are familiar
08:18 with this but Ellen G. White was a...
08:23 really a pioneer of Adventism in the most practical form,
08:28 she and her husband James White
08:30 and the few others Loughborough and so on.
08:32 They were the guiding lights in the formation of
08:35 what is now a church.
08:37 But as well as that she was the women that had visions
08:39 who was seen as the visionary prophet,
08:42 so she had a dual role,
08:44 but she was looked up to her a lot,
08:46 not always accepted automatically by the Adventist,
08:48 so they tested the spirits big time,
08:52 but what she said on this carries a lot of weight
08:55 with Seventh-day Adventists.
08:56 Well, and, you know,
08:58 I look at Ellen White's example,
09:00 and if you look at her life I mean,
09:04 she encouraged people to get out and vote on issues,
09:07 we know that.
09:08 She says by voice and pen, we should be against alcohol,
09:12 we should be for prohibition.
09:14 Well, that was her big, big issue.
09:15 It was her big issue, but there was also dress reform,
09:19 there was the biggest issue of our country's history
09:24 the anti-slavery movement.
09:26 The Abolition movement
09:28 which she was a huge advocate for.
09:30 In fact, even had visions saying
09:32 that the angels were on the side of the north
09:34 but the north was culpable and just as guilty
09:37 for holding on to slavery as long as they did
09:39 as the south and so on,
09:41 and that's in the first volume
09:43 of the Testimonies for the Church.
09:45 Fascinating reading.
09:46 Although, I should throw in something
09:48 which I don't think undercuts your view
09:49 on political involvement.
09:51 But she directly said that God's punishment
09:54 rested on the south for their embrace of slavery.
09:56 Yes.
09:57 But she was the leading light among the forming church
10:01 and saying that we shouldn't be involved in military service.
10:04 Yes.
10:05 Even though, it was just war if you'd like.
10:08 This was still not enough
10:09 for Seventh-day Adventist Christians
10:11 to justify their involvement in something
10:13 that overall was not a good process.
10:15 But in reference to voting, this is what's fascinating
10:18 because people will say, well,
10:21 but she didn't believe in voting.
10:22 Well, let me give you an example,
10:23 you can find this in the book of Temperance.
10:26 She had an incident one day where the mayor of Battle Creek
10:30 had a newspaper interview and it was published,
10:33 and Ellen White read it one Sunday morning
10:35 and the mayor said "Well, I'm in easy shoe
10:37 to get related here in Battle Creek
10:39 because Adventists won't come out to vote.
10:42 So it's easy for me.
10:43 Now, this really got Ellen White upset, all right,
10:46 because here this guy was a known womanizer,
10:50 a drunk, a gambler, and as corrupt as all get out.
10:53 All right?
10:54 I mean, she got appointments
10:56 from church to church throughout that town,
10:57 Adventists and non, you know, not sermons
11:02 but just announcement period time,
11:03 hey, you know, get out and vote.
11:06 You know, she didn't say who to vote for
11:08 but get out and vote, this is important
11:11 and I think that that showed that her activism
11:15 took another step, it went to another level.
11:19 And when I look at fundamentals
11:21 of Christian Education, page 475
11:23 it's easy to misinterpret this to say
11:26 that she says that we shouldn't vote.
11:28 It's so easy to misinterpret it.
11:30 Let me read several portions of it
11:33 and we'll dwell on certain aspects of it as we go.
11:37 She says and this is in reference counsel
11:40 to educators in our schools
11:42 especially with our impression with children
11:44 where teachers would be debating about politics
11:47 and who to elect and advocating for certain people,
11:51 which she says we should not do.
11:54 And we as church believe very much in not doing that
11:57 and we should not ever endorse any candidate as a church body.
12:01 Well, she spoke against partisan or party politics.
12:05 We were not to be involved in party political factions.
12:09 Yeah, we will get to that,
12:10 but the context behind this was this background
12:15 regarding school teachers.
12:17 The Lord would have his people bury political questions.
12:21 Now obviously she was involved in the...
12:27 She was a national spokesperson
12:28 for the Women's Christian Temperance Union
12:32 and which later unfortunately was very much involved
12:37 with the National Reform Association
12:38 and Lord's Day Alliance to push for Sunday laws.
12:41 She found herself walking a very fine line,
12:45 a tight rope so to speak
12:46 because she was very much against the Sunday laws
12:48 even commissioned AT Jones, Alonzo T.
12:50 Jones, famous evidence pioneer to on Sunday law issues
12:55 to go and testify before Senator Blair
13:00 in the Senate Labor and Education
13:03 Committee in 1887 and 1888.
13:07 So, you know, she was clearly astute
13:13 and nuanced in her approach to understanding.
13:15 Absolutely, absolutely.
13:16 We will continue this after a short break.
13:18 Stay with us.
13:20 Come back for this interesting discussion of
13:23 whether Christians should vote
13:25 and what are the real issues at hand.


Revised 2016-07-28