Liberty Insider

State of the Nation

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Melissa Reid


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000317B

00:05 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:06 Before the break, we were about to enter into a big discussion
00:10 about the threat to religious liberty
00:12 in the United States from secularism, right?
00:14 Oh, yeah!
00:16 I was curious on your opinion on where it was coming from,
00:18 where you really saw the greatest threat?
00:20 I mean, the cycle of religious right
00:22 though they're politically active...
00:24 uh, religious groups.
00:27 I was hesitating with this, I was gonna say protestants,
00:30 but it's really a coalition of Catholic and Protestant.
00:32 But they are inclined to rail against
00:34 secularism and Pope Benedict,
00:38 in one of his pivotal speeches made secularism
00:41 the epitome of the threat facing.
00:43 I don't think so.
00:44 Secularism has always been there.
00:46 Yeah.
00:47 And actually Christianity found
00:48 that it could defeat secularism.
00:50 You know, the pagan or secularist Roman Empire
00:54 fell to Christianity.
00:56 Truths can overcome it,
00:57 but paganism really is directly antagonistic.
01:03 What, what we have seen in the United States,
01:06 and they are often throwing up a sort of the--
01:09 is the Americans...
01:11 No, not Americans United.
01:12 The...
01:14 What's the group, Freedom from Religion Foundation.
01:16 Yes.
01:19 Which has acted in a spoiling row with the cases
01:22 that brought up to the Supreme Court.
01:23 They have made against the pledge of allegiance.
01:25 Right.
01:27 And probably think of some of the other aspects,
01:29 but thy just don't like any--
01:31 I think like statues and stuff, that amount to images--
01:32 Oh, yeah, they think of Muhammad statues,
01:34 they don't want religion in the public space at all.
01:36 Right.
01:38 The constitution guarantees that,
01:39 so they pretty much gonna fail,
01:41 but they are not a large movement.
01:42 Right.
01:43 It's just a few people
01:45 who are well funded that are pushing.
01:46 Right.
01:48 And secularism in the sense of indifference
01:49 is always the enemy of religion,
01:52 but I don't think that's the enemy of religious liberty.
01:54 Right. The legal structure remains.
01:58 No, I think the enemy of religious liberty
02:00 is what it always has been its religious people.
02:05 The enemy of the Protestantism was radical Catholicism.
02:09 The enemy of the Christians
02:12 in the holy land was radical Islam.
02:14 It could be that in the little Podunk town
02:17 with lot of prejudice.
02:18 The enemy of the Muslim shopkeeper is bigoted...
02:23 Baptist from the, you know, the corner store
02:25 where they get themselves ripped up.
02:27 Certainly there was a Baptist down south
02:28 wanted to burn the Quran just to show that he is free.
02:31 Yes. Well, that's a provocation.
02:32 Yes.
02:33 Ah, so now I don't think
02:35 secularism is the threat at all.
02:36 It's a challenge, but it's not an existential threat.
02:40 Right.
02:41 Its religion run amok with the sense of entitlement
02:43 which we mentioned elsewhere.
02:45 I see in the United States the more and more of the cases
02:49 that are being brought into public sphere
02:50 and even some up to the Supreme Court.
02:53 These are people with the strong religious view point
02:55 that they want to establish a narrow entitlement for it...
02:58 Right.
02:59 And to be empowered to do that
03:01 regardless of the fall out
03:02 not just on society but on other faiths.
03:04 Right.
03:05 I would agree with you on that and then I would add
03:08 a sort of religious indifference
03:10 by believers, "believers".
03:13 And so, you are allowing, you are seeing, you know,
03:15 this one individual that's having the entitlement
03:17 and others who maybe don't have that...
03:20 you know that strong personal relationship with Christ.
03:22 They may identify as religious believers,
03:24 but they don't have that, you know personal commitment
03:27 and so they're sort of indifferent
03:30 to whatever is happening around us.
03:32 Well, I'm back to the model that I have used a lot.
03:33 There's too much religion, and this religion run amok,
03:36 not enough spirituality.
03:37 Exactly.
03:39 Without spirituality, you know
03:41 things are can deteriorate rapidly
03:43 and Jesus wondering out loud
03:46 whether he was prophesying in these man,
03:49 God manifestation, but he wondered out loud
03:52 and He says when the Son of Mancomes,
03:53 will He find faith in the earth.
03:54 Ah, yes.
03:56 But if you can guarantee, you'll find lot of religion.
03:57 Right.
03:59 I mean people are superstitious till the last bit.
04:03 And what's interesting after 9/11
04:05 and so after the '80s
04:07 when the computerization of our society came
04:09 and the discoveries of the outer reaches of space,
04:13 at least we think we're reaching for them,
04:16 but with greater knowledge
04:17 curiously has come greater superstition.
04:21 Yes.
04:22 So at least religion in the general sense
04:25 or the reactionary sense of sort of the mysticism,
04:29 it's on the rise.
04:30 Yeah. But not spirituality.
04:32 But not spirituality.
04:34 And the way a part of spirituality
04:35 that I think is most important for our discussion,
04:38 public discussion is a spirituality
04:41 that moderates my human reaction
04:43 or human interactions
04:44 where I treat someone with dignity.
04:46 Yes.
04:47 And as the US Constitution even alludes to.
04:50 We should treat people as our fellow creatures
04:53 from the Creator God.
04:54 I mean that's automatically, if you think that through,
04:56 that should give great respect for all people.
04:59 Yeah.
05:00 Because I'm not inherently
05:02 of a different order than someone else,
05:03 I came from the same potter.
05:05 Absolutely.
05:07 Same clay, I shouldn't have any more rights
05:10 than anyone else.
05:11 Right. Not less either.
05:12 Not less, not more. So it gives dignity.
05:14 Yeah, and we shouldn't use others
05:16 to advantage ourselves,
05:18 you know, we should feel compassion for individuals
05:21 who haven't had the same opportunities that we have.
05:24 Absolutely. Like...
05:26 In the USA, I'm gonna,
05:28 when we talk about religious liberty
05:29 after we slapped down the US on certain fronts.
05:32 When you make a high stand,
05:34 you're more subject to criticism.
05:35 Yeah.
05:37 So it's not that the US is the worst country by any means,
05:38 but one of the worst things
05:39 that happened in the war on terror after 9/11,
05:43 and it's not really been publicly repudiated
05:47 was in Guantanamo
05:49 and at detention camp in Bagram.
05:53 They were to get at some of the detainees,
05:57 they were ripping up the Qurans,
05:59 flushing them down the toilets, spitting on and kicking it.
06:02 I mean, that is an incredible comment of grose,
06:06 not just inhumanity,
06:07 intolerance of another religious view point.
06:11 You can understand the emotion
06:13 which was perhaps misdirected in
06:14 because they didn't know that the person was guilty.
06:16 But let's just say, they blame that other religion
06:18 for something.
06:20 But then do what you would never want anyone
06:23 to do to your friend.
06:24 I mean, there is a total forgetfulness
06:26 of the religious dynamic.
06:27 Yeah, yeah.
06:29 Now it's a...
06:30 I like your phrase, it's religious entitlement,
06:33 I think that's absolutely important
06:35 because you know we are so,
06:38 it seems like we are holding on it so tight
06:40 and we want our own beliefs to be so protected
06:42 and yet we for some reason
06:45 there is this television that we are not seeing
06:48 or if we are ignoring the rights of other individuals
06:54 and we actually are justifying.
06:57 We're moving the rights from those individuals.
06:59 Well, it easily happens when,
07:01 if people don't have full spirituality
07:03 or true understanding of their faith.
07:05 They believe... and intermittently
07:07 if she is not gonna watch this program,
07:09 my wife invokes this often.
07:11 We have a difference, God's on my side.
07:13 You are damned
07:15 or you will have to answer before the judgment.
07:19 We need to fight that.
07:20 You can believe that in yourself
07:22 but the other person may think that too,
07:24 if they, you know,
07:25 if they have any commitment to their religion
07:28 and we should worry
07:31 that we are doing what God wants,
07:33 but not have the sense of entitlement
07:35 that I am God's instrument of justice, vengeance,
07:40 payback or whatever.
07:41 Yes.
07:42 That's a very dangerous attitude,
07:44 but religion through the ages
07:45 and some of it in the present day
07:48 follows true on that.
07:49 Yeah, I know, we mentioned many times
07:51 this phrase of individual conscience
07:53 and that's exactly what it is.
07:55 How has the spirit motivated you?
07:57 Like I'll share something that, I'm sure you know about.
08:00 But most of our viewers don't.
08:02 Some of the Right Wing religious, political activist,
08:08 long description in the United States,
08:11 have been little frustrated of late,
08:13 getting legislative action
08:15 so they have taken, they're going to Africa
08:16 and feeding philosophies there to the different politicians.
08:19 And few years ago there was a spate
08:22 of newly empowered administrations
08:26 who would have been intuited by these people
08:28 and the track is very plain.
08:31 And so, they immediately enacted legislation
08:33 and in particular death penalty for unrepentant gays.
08:39 No, I am not pro gay by any stretch
08:41 as far as my religious sensibility
08:43 and what the Bible says.
08:45 But I mean what person of faith
08:47 is ever entitled to suggest that is a solution.
08:51 And, you know,
08:55 the track was run right back to the US,
08:57 which tells me that
08:58 if they had a similar track in the United States,
09:02 they would use legislation to--
09:04 maybe not the death penalty
09:05 but to support probably very anti-Christian actions
09:10 toward non-believers
09:12 or people of the different morals.
09:14 Well, we've talked about,
09:15 when we were doing a show
09:17 on international religious freedom,
09:18 we talked about,
09:20 you know, different strains of other faiths
09:22 and within a faith one strain,
09:25 the more dominant and the one in power
09:27 not recognizing the rights of the individuals
09:31 within their own religious beliefs
09:33 and I think that's where we're sort of talking about here is,
09:36 you know, as you said we're all human beings,
09:38 we're all creations of God and yet not recognizing,
09:42 you know, sort of saying that
09:43 this person is a lesser individual
09:45 that they do not have the rights.
09:46 It happens easy, I'll pick on the group
09:51 that are begging to be picked out lately.
09:53 You know, Islam, but I'm making a trivial,
09:55 not a trivial point, but a point on a triviality.
09:57 There is a huge split within the Islamic world,
10:00 not the only one but the big overall split
10:02 is between Shia and Sunni
10:05 and they kill each other
10:06 different times quiet frequently.
10:09 What is the difference. It's not doctrinal.
10:12 It's purely over who was the next Khalif after Muhammad.
10:17 To an outside observer this is almost nothing.
10:20 I mean it's not of no consequence
10:23 but it doesn't seem like killing offense,
10:25 it doesn't seem that it should divide whole communities
10:28 but it just shows in this case of one religion,
10:31 but you can apply to any.
10:32 How very small things when you kick in the attitude of...
10:36 I've got God on my side, you are now an apostate
10:38 and this is what you would do.
10:40 And we need to guard against them
10:42 because it creeps into all faiths
10:44 and at the best of times,
10:46 but it will turn toxic when you allow the state
10:50 to follow through on the inclinations
10:53 of these people of faith.
10:55 Now Islam, it happens quick, more quickly,
10:57 it goes to critical mass more quickly
10:59 because they don't quiet...
11:01 Because of the Quran and Muhammad's injunctions,
11:04 they don't really understand separation of church and state,
11:06 so we have a wonderful protective mechanism
11:09 in the west and back to, you know,
11:11 exhibit A for Liberty Magazine and religious liberty.
11:14 Keep the wall high. Yeah.
11:16 Keep the separation strong.
11:18 Yeah, no, I completely agree with you.
11:19 I think going back to the beginning of our conversation
11:22 and going back to beginning of our country,
11:24 you know, the mechanisms that were put in place
11:28 by our founding fathers here in the United States
11:30 were so incredibly appropriate and something that, you know,
11:36 I'm so glad have state firm, we stay true to
11:39 because I think that those mechanisms,
11:40 those legal mechanisms of separations
11:42 of church in state
11:44 but also the recognition of religious freedom
11:46 for our individual citizens,
11:48 I think that is what is keeping us from,
11:52 you know, when we have these situations,
11:54 these emotional situations of conflict
11:56 between religions or between religion,
11:58 religious people and so I'm incredibly grateful for those.
12:03 When the president gives his state of the nation address,
12:06 of course there is a positive spin on everything
12:09 and we would think no less of him.
12:11 It needs to be as positive and as optimistic as possible.
12:15 And of course religious liberty,
12:17 when we speak of that,
12:18 we can be positive and optimistic
12:20 that in the United States particularly,
12:23 religious freedom is still guaranteed,
12:25 no matter what social dislocations
12:27 or local prejudices may exist.
12:30 But there is another side and I'm reminded
12:32 of what Ellen White once wrote
12:34 to the Seventh-day Adventist membership
12:36 in their early day, she said, you know,
12:39 if we could say it's not as bad as it appears,
12:42 that would be okay.
12:43 But she says, it's much, much worse
12:45 and on one level that is so with religious liberty
12:48 in the United States,
12:49 not because we are restricted
12:51 but because the concept of religious freedom
12:54 is rapidly changing to one of religious entitlement
12:58 and that is being fed by a sense of fear
13:02 at conflicts between religious faiths globally
13:05 that are migrating to the United States.
13:07 We must make sure that we cherish,
13:11 proclaim and advance religious liberty at any cost.
13:17 For liberty insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2016-04-04