Liberty Insider

World of Hurt

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Melissa Reid


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000316B

00:05 Welcome back to the discussion.
00:07 We were solving the world's problem,
00:09 particularly as it relates to religion.
00:12 And goodness knows the world as, you know,
00:15 I'm not God in space
00:17 but from space this must look like...
00:19 A mess?
00:20 A mess, and you know,
00:22 and there's prayers, and crosses,
00:25 and Quranic exaltations all of the religious garble
00:29 coming up must be not mystifying
00:33 but attention getting for the God in heaven.
00:37 And how do we solve it because, you know,
00:39 religion is needed.
00:40 Faith is needed, because I'm giving my answer,
00:43 I make a distinction between religion and spirituality.
00:47 But you know, we got too much religion and it's violent.
00:51 Not always, but the violent elements
00:52 seems to be coming to the fore.
00:54 Yeah, well, I mean, I think you,
00:56 I think you answered it within the question
00:58 as far as you know, focusing on our individual faith in God,
01:02 in our individual relationships with God
01:03 and rather than a religion or a doct, you know,
01:07 sort of doctrine and allegiance
01:11 to a human made sort of organization.
01:15 Particularly, I mean we all think
01:17 that our faith and our belief system
01:18 is the correct one.
01:20 But you know, so many of these faith systems, you know,
01:23 they seem inconsistent with, you know,
01:25 a God of love in some of the practices that we see.
01:29 And you know whether that's incorrect interpretations,
01:32 or you know, that it's, you know,
01:34 a power hungry individual who has sort of, you know,
01:37 created these or whatever but
01:40 it's just you know some of
01:42 the activities and beliefs, you know,
01:44 that inspire them is just so troubling.
01:49 Let me take another tech.
01:51 I think part of what's not causing the problem
01:54 but exacerbating the problem
01:56 is dishonesty in religious dialogue.
02:01 I know Christians, and Christianity is not in a--
02:06 I mean it's not a violent religion inherently,
02:08 but in the Middle Ages, under the medieval church,
02:11 it had very violent tendencies.
02:14 Christianity at the moment is not.
02:17 But I think to protect itself, it doesn't,
02:20 it's sort of backing off.
02:23 And thus it's not aggressive about any faith proclamation.
02:27 Whereas Islam at the moment is in the,
02:30 not necessarily the ascendancy,
02:32 but it's an ascendant aggressive stage.
02:36 But Christians and others
02:38 are not willing to call it for what it is.
02:41 Even the president continuing to say,
02:43 "Islam is a religion of peace."
02:44 It doesn't even mean peace, it means submission.
02:48 And, Islam has with a vengeance what even Christianity has,
02:53 the idea that everybody should be a Muslim.
02:55 Their goal is total worldwide conversion.
02:58 And until that's accomplished, persuasion is good,
03:02 violence might be necessary.
03:05 Well, you know, not all,
03:06 by any means of adherence
03:08 of any religion would be inclined to be violent.
03:11 But if it's inherent in you, in your faith, talk about it.
03:14 Don't dodge it.
03:16 You know, even as people are being bombed
03:18 and destroyed around the world and we say,
03:20 "This is not the religion."
03:22 It's sort of like the argument with the-- Now,
03:24 I'll get into trouble with our viewers the,
03:26 the gun argument.
03:28 You know, guns don't kill people.
03:30 People kill people.
03:31 Right. Yes.
03:33 Well, you can say, "No, Islam never hurt anybody.
03:34 But this person, well I say, they're Islamic,
03:36 they did this."
03:38 Not really Islam.
03:39 After a while, it's the elephant in the room,
03:42 of course, it's Islam.
03:43 Right.
03:45 And I've already said in other programs,
03:47 I'm committed to protecting Islam
03:50 or heaven's gate for that matter to exist.
03:55 When they harm other people, that's a question,
03:56 but people can believe what they want.
03:58 That's religious freedom. Right.
04:00 But I don't think it furthers religious freedom
04:02 to deny aspects of a given faith.
04:05 We need to really discuss them openly.
04:08 And I agree with you too with what you were saying as far as.
04:12 We need to be upfront about our own belief system.
04:16 And maybe even proud of our own belief system,
04:19 and rather than sort of white washing it, so that it's,
04:22 you know, we all have this universal faith,
04:24 or belief in this higher power and they're not...
04:26 Right and that's where we are going,
04:28 I believe that there's going to be an attempt with globalism
04:31 to morph globalism with a safe religious center.
04:37 It could be a coalition of religious beliefs
04:39 that have muted their distinctive aspects,
04:43 sort of a defense compact.
04:45 Yeah.
04:46 And they will easily turn on the others
04:48 that are not in there.
04:49 Right.
04:50 No, you know, I think that,
04:53 that our faith has been inspired,
04:55 you know, we have inspired works,
04:57 we have the Bible, we have so many different things that,
04:59 that show us very, you know, purposeful,
05:02 distinctive ways to live our life and,
05:05 and I think that we should be proud of that,
05:07 and we should stand, you know, behind them.
05:10 And, yes. Not, not.
05:13 I mean religion shouldn't be radically different
05:16 from all human interchange.
05:17 I mean you don't, you don't come up to someone
05:21 and tell all the truths
05:22 about your observation of them right upfront.
05:25 You get to know them,
05:27 and then if you want to persuade them of something,
05:29 you suggest it carefully.
05:32 You know, with the dynamic, religion is the same.
05:33 Of course, religion can have a clear agenda,
05:36 but you don't hit people between the eyes with it.
05:39 But in this larger dialogue, we need to be upfront about
05:42 what we really believe, what our agenda is even if,
05:46 you know, that the other group may not accept it.
05:49 But they should accept that you hold that view.
05:51 Right.
05:53 That's sort of what's missing.
05:54 Yes. And, and...
05:56 And that you're allowed to hold that view.
05:58 Right.
05:59 You know, when we talked about before, you know,
06:02 immigration issues, and you know, we've,
06:04 we've heard individuals running for president talk
06:07 about excluding individuals from immigrating
06:11 because of their particular, you know, belief system.
06:14 I mean, I'd like to think that if that nameless individual
06:19 were elected in the real world,
06:20 it probably would translate into something close
06:24 to what we already have, where there's certain watch,
06:26 watch list countries, and anybody from that area
06:29 might have deeper scrutiny.
06:31 I mean the U.S., I've been through the system,
06:33 the U.S. doesn't just, has never had a total open door.
06:36 Right. Never has.
06:38 And there's quite, isn't there quite
06:40 a comprehensive process now for individuals who immigrate.
06:43 There's always a checking process.
06:46 Paranoia is driving, if not his statement,
06:49 the reaction to it.
06:51 And it doesn't bode well for religion generally,
06:53 if you can just sort of
06:55 box someone and categorize them.
06:56 @You know, I might have strong views on Islam,
06:58 but by no means do I think that every Muslim will act
07:02 on those, sort of worst tendencies of their faith,
07:06 and I hope they have the same for me.
07:07 Right, right.
07:09 And we're certainly not suggesting
07:10 that anyone's civil liberties should be removed
07:12 because of their, you know, the way that they believe
07:15 they're religious, you know, how they are.
07:16 No, but the way they act, yes. Absolutely.
07:18 And, and I don't even have a challenge.
07:20 If...
07:25 Let's just call the country Oceana.
07:28 If I am a citizen of Oceana and they make it illegal
07:33 to, to witness to my faith to my neighbor,
07:38 I don't have a problem with how I act with that.
07:41 I will disobey the law and take the penalty.
07:44 There's a penalty for it.
07:45 Right, I think I like that point, go ahead.
07:48 And, and there's many people living in the United States,
07:50 where they make an assumption that automatically
07:53 the law is going to guarantee
07:55 everything they do with their faith
07:56 just because it's guarantee religious liberty.
07:59 Well, that's a fortuitous situation.
08:01 But you don't act in the way you do as a person of faith
08:04 because the law allows or disallows it.
08:07 You do because you're motivated by your conscience.
08:09 I like that point a lot.
08:10 But you should understand, you cross the civil law,
08:12 then you're going to pay a penalty.
08:13 Right, I agree with that.
08:15 You know, we've had conversations on here before
08:17 about, you know, with the discrimination
08:19 in the workplace in the United States,
08:22 and talked about, you know, individuals are standing up
08:25 for their conscience.
08:26 They know the situation in that workplace,
08:28 they know that they will likely, you know,
08:30 they hope that there will be one outcome
08:32 that they'll be accommodated.
08:33 But they know that there is the possibility
08:35 that they will lose their job for God.
08:36 Even though as we're currently standing,
08:39 the law is on their side that, you know, that's just the way.
08:41 Now, this is a little bit of the obvious
08:42 of what I was explaining.
08:43 This is where the law supports you.
08:45 Yes. But there's a social penalty.
08:47 There's a social penalty.
08:48 And this is their irony in America
08:50 that needs to be spoken aloud.
08:51 There's a lot of lip service to the First Amendment.
08:55 And then its application in the workplace
08:58 through Title VII of the civil rights legislation.
09:01 But there is a huge amount of prejudice
09:03 by employers and fellow employees
09:06 that gets in the way all the time.
09:07 It's not prejudice against religious liberty.
09:10 It's prejudice against your particular
09:12 form of religious expression.
09:13 Right, right.
09:15 There is often well, why can't you just do this
09:16 or why can't you do that or this person is into that and...
09:19 But to the broader question as far as, you know,
09:22 I absolutely agree with you that people should recognize
09:25 there are consequences to, you know,
09:28 being a person of faith and we certainly, you know,
09:32 don't think that there should be unfair consequences,
09:35 but if you are in a situation where, you know,
09:38 X is not allowable but your conscience, you know,
09:42 requires you to do it then, you know...
09:45 Follow your conscience. Follow your conscience.
09:47 I have seen too many cases of people
09:49 that have had a problem and they've given in.
09:54 And then, you know, it's between them and God
09:56 in the end.
09:57 But I've hit this table, well, you know,
09:59 they wouldn't let me, or they wouldn't allow me.
10:01 That's not really an excuse,
10:04 and we're happy to use the Lord
10:06 to help someone who follows their conviction.
10:09 But you have to follow your conviction.
10:11 What does Shakespeare say,
10:12 "To thine own self, self be true."
10:14 Right.
10:16 Well, and the thing is to us
10:17 as we have seen over and over again.
10:19 Following your conviction will lead you
10:21 to a closer relationship with God.
10:23 It's going to be a witness to individuals around you,
10:27 whether it's your friends, or your family,
10:28 or your colleagues, or your countrymen.
10:31 You know, it's, it's, it's not an easy thing to do.
10:34 You know, we're saying it sort of just like,
10:36 well, of course, this is the way you should do.
10:37 There will be consequences and they will be, you know,
10:41 likely they will be unpleasant whether it's you know,
10:43 losing your employment, or your citizenship,
10:45 or something you know.
10:47 Well, sometimes they are pleasant too.
10:48 Of course.
10:50 But you don't go to--
10:51 The point is, Christianity I understand,
10:53 but it seems to me any faith, you don't go into it
10:55 because it's going to be pleasant or unpleasant,
10:57 you go to it under conviction.
10:59 You don't go for the prizes.
11:00 And let the chips fall where they may.
11:03 And then you praise God, Allah, whoever dear to you,
11:08 you are inclined to, but you praise them
11:10 that it turns out so well.
11:12 Right, and we know that, you know,
11:14 that there is ultimately a wonderful, you know,
11:18 price sort of waiting for us at the end of time
11:21 as far as, you know, a life in heaven with,
11:23 with Christ and His believers in.
11:25 And so, we know that to be true but, you know,
11:28 just as we're going along here,
11:30 and looking at the world around us
11:33 really, it's just such a dire situation, and unfortunately,
11:37 it's because of a lot of times
11:39 the situations that are occurring
11:41 are religiously motivated.
11:42 Whether it's conflict between the own religion,
11:44 or, you know, with other religions.
11:47 And so, I'm just really so grateful
11:49 when we take the time and the opportunity
11:52 to look to Christ as our ultimate,
11:57 you know, situation of how to behave and...
12:03 How to, you know what to emulate
12:05 as far as how we deal with our relationships
12:07 with other people.
12:09 Just the other day in the car, I was playing a selection
12:11 from Handel's wonderful musical, the Messiah.
12:15 And I listened to the one of the deeper voices
12:19 singing in "Why do the nations so furiously rage together?"
12:24 The nations are raging at the moment,
12:26 and one of the reasons for that rage,
12:28 one of the expressions of that rage
12:30 is religious intolerance, religious difference.
12:34 And indeed, a murderous religious aggression at times.
12:39 We need to be aware of this and fight it on every level.
12:44 Not with swords loud clashing,
12:46 but with deeds of love and mercy,
12:48 with an exemplification of what true religion is,
12:53 whether it's Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity,
12:57 they are very disparate in the way that they approach
13:00 different gods.
13:02 But the way that they practice their faith
13:04 should be dignified by a common humanity.
13:08 For Liberty insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2016-04-04