Liberty Insider

World of Hurt

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Melissa Reid


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000316A

00:27 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:29 This is a program bringing you
00:30 discussion, analysis, news, views
00:33 and general information on religious liberty.
00:36 My name is Lincoln Steed, Editor of Liberty Magazine
00:39 and my guest on the program is Melissa Reid.
00:43 We worked together on several things
00:45 but the title I want to give you
00:46 is associate director of the North American Public Affairs
00:51 and Religious Liberty Department
00:52 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
00:54 Well, thank you so much for having me here today.
00:56 I appreciate it.
00:57 Yeah, it's good to have you
00:59 and let's get into the big discussion.
01:00 We won't talk about North America
01:01 let's talk about the world.
01:03 Oh, wow.
01:04 The whole world is in affirmant on religious entitlement
01:09 if you like.
01:12 The Bible actually speaks about it.
01:13 You know, the weak will say I'm strong and, you know,
01:15 and everybody wants their thing.
01:19 Since 9/11 the war on terrorist,
01:20 so they focused their view on Islam
01:24 and its radical expression
01:25 but it's a bit wider than that, isn't it?
01:27 Have you seen signs around the world of other religions
01:30 in conflict with either themselves or another group?
01:32 Right.
01:34 Well, unfortunately there is not really an exception.
01:36 Is there? No.
01:38 I mean, anyway we look it's just, you know,
01:43 religiously motivated violence in one way or the other.
01:46 Whether it's, you know, within a faith group
01:49 or whether it's one faith group against another unfortunately
01:53 and it's so countered to, you know,
01:55 to our God of love and our God of peace
01:58 that it's just incredible that the-- that's the,
01:59 you know, the reality we live in.
02:01 I tried to analyze
02:04 and it's possible the modernizing forces,
02:09 the modern culture and technology has brought,
02:12 has put stresses on all faiths, it's possible.
02:14 I tend to think that while that's at work,
02:17 what's really happened is as a general disillusion
02:20 and decaying set in with all the ideologies.
02:22 Remember communism collapsed
02:25 just before the year 2000
02:27 was 92 or something around there.
02:31 Even though China continues it's not really communism.
02:34 You know, its communism discredited, capitalism.
02:37 I know it dies hard with,
02:39 perhaps the Republican Party in the US
02:41 but capitalism is not held in higher statement.
02:45 Even the Pope was bold enough to criticize it
02:48 before Congress recently.
02:51 Imperialism certainly out of vogue.
02:55 And so all the isms
02:57 and all of the old structures are gone.
02:59 Even nationalism not a big thing nowadays.
03:02 Globalism is the thing. It is.
03:04 So what I see happening
03:06 is all of these old structures are fading away,
03:09 economies are collapsing
03:10 and what are people throwing back on.
03:12 They have to have some group identity.
03:14 Yes.
03:15 Sometimes it's tribal
03:16 but more often it's a religious identity.
03:19 Absolutely.
03:20 You know, there is this warning I think,
03:23 I agree with you that there is this sort of dissatisfaction
03:26 and, you know, looking around sort of the state of the world
03:29 its kind of understandable that people are dissatisfied.
03:32 You know, there are such terrible things happening,
03:34 injustice is happening but I think, you know,
03:37 rather than they're reacting, you know, in appropriate way
03:42 and certainly they are just
03:43 sort of adding to the situation.
03:46 And so well, it might be understandable that, you know,
03:50 that this is that they are dissatisfied
03:54 or they are unhappy with circumstances
03:57 this is certainly, you know,
03:58 the wrong way to go about making changes.
04:01 Well, I don't know that people always, I mean,
04:03 maybe some of the thinkers and the leaders
04:05 who could be more comfortable
04:07 but the mass of people
04:08 they don't think, they just respond.
04:10 Absolutely.
04:11 And, you know, the US history there was a great conflict
04:16 precipitated by immigration
04:18 when the Irish in particular came.
04:20 Most of them were Roman Catholics.
04:22 A religious element kicked in but what really started
04:27 it was these were people in competition
04:29 for the jobs of prior Americans
04:33 who were already economically stressed
04:35 so they didn't think it through.
04:37 It's just that I'm threatened, my job may go
04:40 and here a guy that, you know,
04:42 that follows the Pope and all the rest who,
04:44 you know, I've got a deep prejudice against.
04:46 So that's the level that kicked in on.
04:49 Even I think with Al-Qaeda.
04:53 It didn't start off just pure religious malice.
04:56 It started that they were the interference of the west
05:00 in Saudi Arabia garrison troops
05:03 that garrison American troop garrisons in Saudi Arabia
05:08 that offended the religious sensibilities
05:10 and it sort of blossomed, and it's not a question
05:13 that the western world is sort of in your face
05:15 for a lot of the Middle East
05:18 and that had been in rejection anyway.
05:21 Religion makes it, religious always, well,
05:25 you've heard me talking about Christopher Hitchens
05:28 who is dead now, not someone I agree with him on any levels
05:31 but his analysis was correct because he says in his book
05:34 religion spoils everything.
05:35 He didn't like religion.
05:37 But religion, since it's such a powerful force
05:40 can spoil everything because it's so powerful.
05:42 Once it gets involved
05:45 and a person's view of the hereafter,
05:48 you know, absolute good and evil kicks in
05:50 you got a serious conflict in play.
05:53 Right.
05:55 I'm looking, I'm thinking about Europe
05:57 and the refugee or immigration crisis
06:00 that we've seen there, you know,
06:01 individuals from Syria fleeing just these terrible situations
06:06 where they are being persecuted.
06:07 Civil war.
06:08 Civil war happening
06:10 and so your heart goes out to those individuals
06:11 as they are trying to escape this.
06:13 You know, they have been experiencing this for years.
06:17 However, you then can understand why there is,
06:21 you know, in Europe where unemployment,
06:23 in various countries,
06:24 their unemployment rates are very high.
06:26 You know, they are very anxious about all the sudden
06:30 all these individuals now coming
06:32 and, you know, like you said
06:34 making the economic situation vulnerable,
06:36 making their own personal economic situation vulnerable.
06:41 So it's understandable I think in a lot of different ways
06:44 but I think we never want to be motivated by fear.
06:47 No. You know, we always--
06:49 But we need to recognize the historical underpinnings
06:51 as you are explaining about Europe, think about it.
06:54 Genghis Khan and his group got on the move
06:57 and that changed the ancient world.
07:00 The Germanic tribes moved through Europe
07:03 and down into Italy and the Roman Empire fell.
07:07 We know that happened people movements
07:09 that is of the most dramatic
07:11 and confrontational elements of human history.
07:15 There would be genocide, there would be dislocation,
07:18 there would be hatred
07:19 and there was in those incidents before.
07:21 You throw in religious identity then it's much easier
07:25 for people to respond to this underlying threat.
07:28 You can't take million or two people
07:31 from one place to another
07:33 without creating social distress.
07:35 Absolutely. And that's happening now.
07:37 But this religious divider on it.
07:39 Right.
07:40 And it's a very easy
07:41 or a simple divider like, you know,
07:43 even if we move away from Africa and we go, I mean,
07:45 excuse me away from Europe and go to Africa
07:47 we see conflicts there often between
07:49 Christians and Muslim groups and,
07:52 you know, a lot of time, you know,
07:54 it's a very distinct sort of
07:56 easy divider for individual for,
07:58 you know, for groups.
08:00 I'm old enough to remember something
08:01 before I forget them Mau-Mau terror was just Muslim.
08:04 It was the animist religions were against Christianity
08:08 because what it was they saw imperialism
08:12 and I think it was the Belgian Congo
08:13 where they had the trouble.
08:15 Imperialism and other coming in on them
08:18 and so they were reacting, they would have anyway
08:20 but they enlisted their elemental animism
08:25 and it was opposed to Christianity.
08:27 I don't think every conflict between religion
08:30 is doctrinal if you like.
08:32 No.
08:33 I think it's cultural and the religion
08:35 is the identity that kicks in.
08:37 But most people in the massive
08:41 any religion don't adequately understand
08:43 their own religion little than the other one.
08:44 Yes.
08:46 And one way we can minimize this
08:47 is to educate people a little better on religious beliefs.
08:50 Absolutely.
08:51 Well, you are absolutely right.
08:53 I mean, and we can never err in spending more time
08:56 learning about our own faith
08:58 and developing a relationship with our Savior.
09:00 But I think, you are hitting the nail on the head as far as,
09:04 you know, there is a lack of understanding
09:07 and really even just knowledge wise
09:09 but also like relationship wise emotionally,
09:13 you know, and recognizing that this is your brother.
09:15 Whether or not they believe the ways that you do,
09:18 you know, whether or not they are motivated.
09:21 You know, their conscience, it feels the same way you do.
09:24 This is your brother and your sister.
09:25 So you think more brotherhood
09:27 will diminish global religious conflict?
09:30 Well, I mean, that might be a simplistic way to say
09:32 but I think more understanding and more--
09:34 No, there is no question that if the true spirit of Christ
09:40 and you can project that into other religions
09:42 or the true spirit that usually underlies any religion
09:45 were affective, there wouldn't be the conflict.
09:48 Right.
09:49 But it's probably not gonna happen.
09:51 No. No.
09:53 Because like you said before there's other things
09:54 that are motivating this.
09:56 It's not just religious base, it's the culture, it's the,
09:58 you know, that they are in dire economic situations
10:00 that they are vulnerable as far as, you know,
10:02 their livelihood or their, you know their family.
10:05 And so absolutely there are many forces
10:07 that are at work and, you know,
10:09 looking at our prophetic beliefs also
10:12 I think that we are only going to see things increased.
10:14 Yes, on that level I don't have quite hope.
10:17 I know that it's gonna work out but of my view of prophecy is
10:21 it may be predicted but not necessarily now.
10:24 Exactly. Yes.
10:25 So there always can be a saving moment
10:28 where good can come out.
10:31 Right.
10:32 And we certainly, you know, whether it's, you know,
10:34 next week or, you know, 20 years from now
10:36 we also are counseled not to sit quietly by
10:40 and watch people be persecuted
10:41 or peoples' rights being diminished.
10:43 Now I think a lot of it can be minimized
10:45 by explanation of the situation
10:48 by education about other religions.
10:51 It could be minimized on the part of different countries
10:55 not seeking a confrontation or, you know,
10:58 there's lot of demagogues that's just,
11:00 we can let our own country off the hook so.
11:04 And I'm originally from Australia
11:05 I can let them off the hook
11:07 but we know that there are many politicians
11:09 who knowingly will capitalize an underlying tensions
11:12 to increase the situation.
11:14 Absolutely.
11:15 And citizens themselves can cry foul when that happens.
11:19 International bodies can minimize it.
11:21 And then we have the other, you know,
11:22 we have the other situations with the Arabs Spring
11:24 where we've seen, you know, sort of the dictators removed
11:29 and then that almost open the floodgates, you know,
11:31 freedom actually brought...
11:34 Well, that's one development that I count myself among
11:38 one of the prophets of gloom.
11:40 I knew from day one that was gonna end badly.
11:43 Yeah.
11:44 It seems to have escaped a lot of people
11:46 what some of those desperates were up to.
11:48 They were actually holding the religious conflicted bay
11:52 and it wasn't a liberal generally
11:54 there were some little exceptions
11:56 but generally the Arab Spring was not a liberalizing trend.
11:59 No.
12:00 It was actually a follow through
12:02 from the provocation of Iraq that got people angry and well,
12:07 they were rejecting the status quo
12:08 but their agenda was quite radical.
12:11 Yeah.
12:13 But, you know, we can't solve a lot of this
12:15 but it's worth discussing as I said at the beginning
12:18 and you well know and our readers, our listeners,
12:21 readers of Liberty and listeners of this,
12:25 And viewers of this program know
12:27 the religious dynamic is very strong
12:32 and there's some we need to discuss it.
12:34 We can't, we can't dodge it.
12:41 We got a-- I'm hesitating
12:43 because I can be cynical on all this very easily.
12:45 Sure.
12:47 And maybe we will take a break
12:48 and come back after that
12:49 and I'll pick up this thought,
12:51 where do we go from this present world situation?


Revised 2016-04-04