Liberty Insider

Fundamental My Dear Watson

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Paul Anderson


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000313A

00:22 Welcome to the "Liberty Insider."
00:24 This is a program that's designed to bring you
00:26 discussion, updates, news, views,
00:30 and all around information on religious liberty
00:34 an important topic
00:36 and we will discuss it from a world view
00:38 and from North American view.
00:39 My name is Lincoln Steed, Editor of Liberty Magazine.
00:42 And my guest on the program Paul Anderson,
00:46 a chaplain and head of the chaplaincy program
00:49 for the North American Division
00:50 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:51 and a man of great experience including
00:54 commander in chaplaincy in the military.
00:56 Thank you.
00:58 I want to discuss terms,
01:01 you invoked George Orwell in another program.
01:05 I seem to remember George Orwell did a lot about
01:07 how what language in his novel particularly 1984
01:11 was used to sort of subvert reality.
01:14 In fact, say the opposite and I believe that, you know,
01:17 we've been long in that sort of dynamic
01:20 in our society.
01:21 Even in the military, you know,
01:23 it was one of the missiles the Peacemaker.
01:27 Curiously.
01:29 I guess the peace of the dead is peace.
01:31 But it's more than that.
01:33 I mean, that's sort of a cheap shot.
01:35 But where it troubles me
01:38 is in terms relating to religion
01:41 and I can remember as a kid
01:43 to be called a fundamentalist wasn't the bad thing.
01:47 It was sort of the southern Baptist sort of religion
01:50 someone that that's pretty, pretty sure their faith
01:54 and they took the Bible as red
01:57 and it was pretty non negotiable
02:00 but they were reasonable person.
02:03 But when I say fundamentalists what do you think now?
02:07 Well, I think that back, I think that term harkens back
02:11 to the southern Baptist in the mid,
02:16 in the '60s I believe it was where they were
02:20 trying to determine orthodoxy and decided okay,
02:24 these are the fundamental things
02:26 that define who we are.
02:29 As Seventh-day Adventist we've got 28,
02:33 that a lot of fundamentals.
02:35 But we know they are meant to the degree
02:38 that we are congruent with them
02:41 and the scribe wholeheartedly to them.
02:43 We be fundamentalist.
02:46 Right.
02:47 But if you read a daily newspaper
02:49 fundamentalist is--
02:51 I mean, there's just no upside
02:53 to that term nowadays that I can see.
02:55 Yeah, I think it's become pejorative
02:57 because perhaps the fundamentalists
03:01 were less loving in their assertion
03:07 that this is the way to go walk in it.
03:10 Yeah. Yeah.
03:11 I mean, there's no question on that
03:13 where the fix is really in as we're dealing with
03:17 so called fundamentalist of Islam
03:21 that have taken to some terrorist acts
03:24 and, you know,
03:25 that's a big another big discussion
03:26 of how truly they represent their faith and so on.
03:30 But we all agree even the Islamic world
03:34 in relating to the west
03:35 that these fundamentalists are dangerous.
03:37 So that term has become totally pejorative, isn't it?
03:41 So how when we are talking about
03:43 our personal faith,
03:45 the Seventh-day Adventist Christians
03:46 or indeed any other,
03:48 how can we say that, you know,
03:49 this is what I believe, it's important to me,
03:52 I'm truly convinced of it
03:55 and you this is the bottom line for me
03:57 and I'm gonna live it
03:58 and, you know, don't take it from me.
04:01 You know, when I was in the military
04:04 when an Adventist or a Muslim or someone
04:08 in a nontraditional faith practice
04:12 asked for a reasonable accommodation
04:15 for to practice their faith or for dietary accommodations.
04:21 One of the things that was done was an assessment
04:24 of their long held and deeply felt beliefs
04:29 so perhaps rather than these are the fundamentals upon
04:34 which I plant my faith.
04:35 We could use a different term.
04:38 I have held these views for a long time
04:43 and they are deeply felt.
04:46 Long held and deeply felt beliefs.
04:48 Well, that's a very satisfactory explanation
04:52 but a term is sort of a shorthand way
04:53 of getting it something.
04:54 True.
04:56 So what term can we-- I haven't found one.
04:59 But I think something analogies in the general world
05:04 and certainly in the political climate
05:06 that we live in there has happened,
05:08 what happened within our own church on--
05:13 wasn't the change in the term
05:14 but pejorative use of a legalist.
05:18 Anybody that was trying to live
05:21 an exemplary Christian life from a biblical ways basis
05:24 and then our church stand up
05:26 for the distinctives of our church,
05:29 an internal dispute, they were sort of put under a shadow
05:32 as though thereby they were legalists
05:34 and of course a Christian legalist thinking
05:36 that their actions saved them.
05:37 Right. That's pointless.
05:39 But it created a climate
05:41 where nobody wanted to be called a legalist
05:43 and standing for their faith
05:45 and it became very counterproductive.
05:47 So I see the same happening now
05:49 and it's tending to cower people
05:53 of a number of other faiths
05:56 than the radical fundamentalist terrorist types.
06:00 They don't want to-- you know,
06:01 the guilt by association charges are great
06:04 that they are now becoming sort of generic in their faith.
06:09 You know, I think that goes back
06:11 to the historicity of nomianism
06:16 and antinomianism that law, anti-law thing
06:20 and the idea that some people want
06:23 heavy restrictions to guide them,
06:25 others want no restrictions.
06:27 And when you come into that clash it,
06:34 it becomes a matter sometimes of might makes right.
06:37 Let me tell you something and please interject
06:40 because I don't want to just lecture to my guest
06:43 but I don't know that I've shared on this program.
06:45 I've been worried for a number of years
06:48 since the previous Pope Benedict
06:52 took a sermon in Regensburg, Germany,
06:56 that fired up the whole Muslim world.
06:58 Remember there were riots in his first sermon.
07:02 I think ill-advised and not warranted
07:04 but anyhow that really wasn't his sermon,
07:07 that was just the opening illustration.
07:09 I've read his sermon
07:10 and I'm troubled by what he was really saying.
07:12 Because he threw out an example of violence
07:15 in Islam of the time that he quoted
07:18 when they were besieging Constantinople.
07:21 And then the pope, he just took that as granted
07:24 and it totally--
07:26 because it was only an anecdote
07:27 to set him up for his point, anyhow it is what it is.
07:30 But then he said,
07:31 Christianity too was once violent.
07:35 Now, I don't agree with that
07:36 because my understanding of Christian history
07:40 is shortly after Christ's death
07:42 and until Constantine took Christianity
07:45 under the imperial wing,
07:48 Christians were persecuted pretty freely
07:51 and the Romans were bemused
07:53 that they seemed gladly to go to the lions.
07:56 So they weren't violent but--
07:58 Was he referring to the crusades?
08:01 No, I don't think so.
08:02 I think it was just wrong because he says,
08:05 listen to what he says there.
08:06 He says, Christians in the early days--
08:09 He might have been, it's true they were violent.
08:13 But he said, "What took away the violent tendency
08:16 was the adoption of Hellenistic rationality."
08:21 So that would precede the crusades.
08:23 That's true.
08:24 You know, what I think he might mean
08:26 by that Hellenistic is that this was the insertion
08:29 of a philosophical concept from the Greeks
08:32 which I can see in the New Testament myself.
08:34 Not necessarily the same as, as heresy or doctrinal change.
08:39 Perhaps in the church he is describing
08:41 that might have been true.
08:43 But what really troubled me is what he says next.
08:46 He says, "The reformers by their insistence
08:51 on sola scriptura
08:54 exposed the church again to violence."
09:00 Interesting.
09:01 But fundamentalism, the idea that the Bible
09:05 is the only thing and you will live or die by it
09:08 and it's non-negotiable, that's fundamentalism violent.
09:13 But the follow-through on that was not that the believers
09:18 in sola scriptura were violent.
09:21 Violence was perpetrated against them because of that.
09:24 What, you and I know that, but in his logic
09:26 he set up his own logical progression,
09:29 it's based on syllogism basically--
09:32 They based on the history perhaps.
09:33 Yeah.
09:35 But I thought that was not fair
09:37 and if anyone should have been rioting in the streets
09:40 it should have been Protestants, not Muslims.
09:45 I don't think the intent of that speech
09:46 was to have a shot at Muslims.
09:48 It could have been a flat-footed use of an example
09:51 which showed he didn't understand them.
09:53 They could have been upset about that
09:54 but he was not targeting Muslim.
09:55 True.
09:57 He was targeting
09:58 what he was trying to portray fundamentalist
10:01 Protestants who are as dangerous
10:04 as what we are now seeing with religious violence.
10:09 And that's kind of an amazing statement
10:14 that you made because it then pulls
10:17 the shroud away from what fundamentalist
10:22 in any belief system will do
10:25 if you are so fundamentally persuaded
10:30 that your right is ascendant
10:34 then it can dehumanize someone who doesn't see things
10:40 the way you see it.
10:42 And once that happens--
10:43 If it's projected aggressively you are right.
10:45 And this is what the beginning--
10:47 I haven't said it for a long time
10:48 but it struck me as important after 9/11.
10:51 We should be condemned everywhere
10:55 people that are willing to kill for their faith, to project it.
10:58 But we should be and we should admire people
11:01 who are willing to die for their faith.
11:02 There's a difference. True.
11:05 We don't want people who want to die for their faith,
11:07 that's sort of sick.
11:11 Kind of the impetus to--
11:13 Like the Heaven's Gate and so on and all those people, no.
11:16 I mean, and certainly true
11:19 Christian faith is a life giving faith.
11:21 It's positive. It wouldn't throw things away.
11:24 Right.
11:25 But if push comes to shove and you are restricted,
11:29 you would remain faithful as the Bible says,
11:32 even unto death.
11:33 But that's not the same
11:34 and it could never be acceptable.
11:36 Don't you agree, in religious circles,
11:39 that I use force to compel you to believe what I believe?
11:42 That's just--
11:43 That kind of works against the idea
11:47 that God creates individuals as free moral agents.
11:50 Right.
11:52 Yet there is that sense among fundamentalists
11:57 to compel especially youngers to walk in this way
12:02 and then the condemnation of those who don't
12:08 is a kind of violence
12:10 that that we some tension about
12:15 and if we didn't operate that way
12:20 there would be no reason or value to evangelism.
12:24 But we have to evangelize
12:26 because we do see that there are some--
12:29 some things that are ascendantly right.
12:32 Well, you know, evangelism
12:33 you are getting onto a topic
12:35 we could have a whole program on.
12:37 Evangelism and liberty.
12:39 Well, well, proselytization.
12:42 The tendency all around the world
12:45 and at the United Nations in particular
12:47 is to restrict your ability
12:49 to project your faith to other people.
12:52 More and more there are some allowance
12:56 of religious freedom within a certain construct
12:58 but you stay that way.
13:01 And in my view it's--
13:03 derives a little bit from religious nationalism.
13:05 You know, you are a Russian
13:09 therefore you're an eastern orthodox.
13:11 We need to take a break.
13:13 Let's pursue this very interesting topic
13:15 after a short break.
13:17 So stay with us we will be right back.


Revised 2016-01-01