Liberty Insider

Maintaining Liberty

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Paul Anderson


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000312A

00:22 Welcome to the "Liberty Insider."
00:24 This is the program bringing you news, views, discussion,
00:27 up-to-date information, all on religious liberty.
00:30 My name is Lincoln Steed, Editor of Liberty Magazine.
00:34 And my guest on this program is Chaplain Paul Anderson.
00:38 Welcome Paul. Thank you.
00:40 And welcome back again
00:42 because we've done a few programs before.
00:44 Well, it's an honor to be back again with you.
00:46 Well, it's my honor for you to be on the program.
00:49 And I'm captivated by your career
00:53 as well as your responsibilities,
00:55 in charge of chaplaincy
00:56 for the Seventh-day Adventist church.
01:00 I want to discuss religious liberty in a general sense
01:03 but you bring your world experienced to view on this.
01:07 It strikes me that religious liberty has been said before
01:11 as the first freedom,
01:13 since U.S Constitution pretty...
01:17 not a great length but, you know, first amendment
01:19 and then very importantly
01:21 in religious test for public office,
01:25 that the first amendment separates church and state.
01:27 Correct.
01:28 Bit of an argument about that as, you know,
01:31 not what it says, but what it means,
01:33 but we know very well from history.
01:36 Thomas Jefferson, that set up the model for that,
01:40 and he did say, that it made a separation,
01:43 a wall of separation between church and state.
01:45 Right.
01:46 But as I look at some other models and Islam
01:49 where we counterpoints
01:51 with some Islamic countries and activists.
01:55 The Quran doesn't allow for religious freedom
01:58 or it doesn't--
01:59 Well, they say it does but it doesn't allow
02:00 for separation of church and state, not at all.
02:05 I can see many signs
02:07 that we're losing our civil liberties
02:09 and our religious liberty for one reason or another.
02:13 I think a misunderstanding
02:14 about separation of church and state is making it worst.
02:17 What do you think?
02:18 How does this figure into this all?
02:20 What do you see in the many events swirling around us?
02:23 I think some people misunderstand the concept
02:28 of separation of church and state as to mean
02:32 that there should be no religious perspective
02:36 or spiritual perspective in politics.
02:40 Or in society even.
02:42 Or even in society where the constitutional separation
02:48 was to say that the state
02:52 would not establish a state church,
02:55 to which all citizens were responsible,
02:59 so it doesn't say that an American
03:03 can't be spiritual or an American politician
03:07 can't be a religionist of some sort,
03:10 but it does say that the church should not be the arbiter
03:15 of all things political
03:17 and that the political leaders
03:19 should not be the arbiter of all things spiritual.
03:22 I've got a-- I tend to be a contrarian,
03:27 I'd agree with you absolutely,
03:29 but I can think of something interesting
03:31 in the recent speech of the pope to congress,
03:35 which in my view might need
03:37 the separation of church and state considerably.
03:39 Well he clearly is a head of state.
03:42 Right. And a head of the church.
03:44 And so in liberty, I say there, you know,
03:46 he has a right to be Catholic or to be pope
03:48 and to hold whatever Catholics hold,
03:50 but this is sort of the ultimate nemesis
03:54 of the American system.
03:55 You got the two rolled up into one,
03:57 it's the opposite of our system.
03:59 But he made a comment in his speech,
04:03 I heard nobody comment on that, but I noticed that he said,
04:06 there is a need for reciprocal subsidiarity.
04:11 I read an article about that.
04:15 Did you? How did you interpret that?
04:17 Well, I'm mulling over it,
04:19 but I know where the word comes from.
04:21 The Roman Catholic Church has stated that officially
04:24 lately that the separation of church and state,
04:28 ironically they are the only ones, not the only,
04:30 but they're the only major group pushing for it
04:33 where the religious right had become dismissive,
04:35 but the Roman Catholics have very properly said,
04:38 "Yes, there should be
04:39 separation of church and state."
04:41 But they've said that the state is subsidiary to the church.
04:47 Well, in a certain sense I agree with them.
04:49 The spiritual value is of the highest
04:52 and we have to, you know, obey the state,
04:55 unless the higher calling conflicts with that,
04:58 but I think they mean,
05:00 that the power of the church which does not exercises
05:04 separation of church and state,
05:05 sort of sits there really and it has the upper hand,
05:09 that the little troubling in itself.
05:10 But reciprocal subsidiarity,
05:13 I'm not really sure what that means.
05:14 Don't we see the same spiritual social construct
05:20 in place like Iran,
05:24 where they'll elect a president or a prime minister
05:29 but they are subject to the mullahs.
05:32 Yes.
05:33 But that's not ideal, is it?
05:38 It works, it's their way, it's not our way.
05:41 It's true and, and that's probably not an ideal thing
05:47 but if even with that structure,
05:49 if they allowed the citizenry
05:52 to chose their own religious path,
05:55 you could still have practically speaking
05:57 religious freedom for people within that system.
06:00 And it's worth remembering that I think the U.S system
06:02 is well designed and it's worked pretty well,
06:05 but it's not the only way that people can practice
06:09 full religious freedom.
06:11 True.
06:13 But I think in many countries and in particular the U.S
06:18 and in particular since 9/11, we have seen an erosion
06:22 of not just the laws
06:26 that have to do with religious freedom
06:27 but more important to me,
06:29 an erosion of the concept of what it means what.
06:33 Do you have the right to be wrong?
06:35 Do you have the right to belong to a group
06:38 that others find troubling or even perhaps dangerous?
06:44 You know that becomes an issue
06:46 and can even within the structure of a church,
06:52 if a person sees, has a contrarian view,
06:56 or a different perspective,
06:59 then the norm is the person in good and regular standing.
07:06 You're getting perilously close to what-- You know,
07:09 we want to represent our church actively, get not so much,
07:13 not show dirty linen,
07:14 but we don't want to undercut our own position.
07:16 But I have said and I believe this fervently
07:19 to mostly Adventist groups,
07:22 the lifestyle that we're called toward in the Bible.
07:26 If we live that exemplary and aggressive--
07:30 in an exemplary and aggressive manner,
07:32 we would probably get even persecution
07:34 within our own fellowship.
07:36 Probably so.
07:37 And certainly kick back and some ostracization,
07:42 so how do you deal with it?
07:45 There is got to be some balance and interplay
07:48 between the role of individual liberty
07:52 and corporate responsibility and accountability.
07:57 You know, even since 9/11,
08:00 I remember very foolish and panic people
08:03 getting up and say, "I don't care,
08:04 what liberties I give away.
08:06 I don't care if the president knows, you know,
08:09 what I put on in my bathroom and I brush my teeth,
08:13 if I'm protected that's it."
08:15 Well, you know, very foolish statements,
08:17 but we are bearing the fruit of that sort of willingness.
08:21 All sorts of oversight
08:23 has been allowed by the federal government,
08:25 which makes judgments,
08:27 and human being make judgments on many thing
08:29 but religion in particular,
08:32 and it troubles me that bureaucrats
08:36 or somebody in authority
08:39 might be sort of looking through
08:42 the two-way lens of my television,
08:44 making judgments about how I practice my faith.
08:47 George Orwell was a much more than prescient,
08:52 he was prophetic.
08:54 It really happens. Yes.
08:56 I mean, I don't think
08:57 it's worth keep staying up at night over
08:58 but the there is a mechanism
09:00 if you connected the cable, it's a two way lens.
09:03 Yes it is.
09:07 I have old televisions at home for that reason,
09:12 but I don't want to live my life paranoid,
09:16 but that beg the question then of right doing
09:19 and I guess some people were saying you know,
09:22 if I'm doing the right thing,
09:23 it doesn't matter who sees
09:24 or when they see whatever I'm doing,
09:26 as long as they keep me safe.
09:29 That's true but I saw an interview with someone
09:32 from the intelligence community recently,
09:34 and he quoted people saying that
09:36 and we all generally upbraid on that little one as we,
09:39 that's all we can anyhow and that's reasonable,
09:42 but he made a comment that's worth thinking about
09:45 and I'd like to connect it to religious activity,
09:48 because he said, just remember,
09:50 he says, you're not the one
09:52 that gets to determine what's legal or illegal.
09:54 That's true.
09:56 So you could be doing like Daniel,
10:00 you could be praying at your window,
10:03 a very reasonable religious activity,
10:06 but it could be highly illegal or construed in a very bad way
10:11 by someone who doesn't like your religion.
10:13 Right, right and but I guess the,
10:18 the answer to that is to know what's right and best
10:24 and do it though heavens fall.
10:26 Obviously all of us need to do what's right and moral
10:29 and serve before God.
10:31 And if any authority is dually author--
10:35 You know, if it's fulfilling its charter on the garden,
10:39 on the heaven, it won't find that dangerous,
10:43 but I think we're entering a phase,
10:45 where there is so much oversight
10:46 and then we spoke about that in another program,
10:48 the religious baggage of this whole war and terror
10:52 is so heavy,
10:53 that I think more and more,
10:55 there's the likelihood
10:57 that wrong judgments will be made
10:58 about people's religious behavior
11:00 that could have huge ramifications
11:02 for civil liberties.
11:04 I agree and some of the oversight
11:06 that the government is doing
11:08 seems to violate the sense of the right
11:12 not to incriminate yourself.
11:14 On the other hand,
11:15 I was reading an article last night
11:17 about the raids on some of the mosques in France,
11:21 and the cash of weapons
11:24 that were found in these places..
11:27 And I remember back during the Iraqi War,
11:31 there was a mosque in Ramadi
11:33 that had been essentially made into an arsenal,
11:37 but we, the American military refused to attack it
11:42 because of the value that we place on sacred sites.
11:49 Well, yeah, I mean, it's a difficult thing.
11:53 I wonder like I'd say as Jesus said, you know,
11:56 all that take up the sword, die by the sword.
11:59 And any church that becomes, allows itself to be subverted
12:04 into a military operation or operation for violence,
12:09 I think it's kind of bear the fruit of that.
12:11 But it is good that there was that respect.
12:14 Yeah, we executed that level of respect.
12:19 They used that as a weakness it seems,
12:24 but I think in the balance or overtime
12:29 the balance was made clear.
12:31 But, you know, I'll go back to really seminal event,
12:35 the Davidian stand of in Waco, Texas,
12:41 the Davidians are an interesting offshoot group,
12:44 very small, I doubt there's more than tens of them left
12:49 and never more than a few hundred,
12:52 at most a couple of thousand worldwide,
12:54 but Adventists have some knowledge about them
12:57 because many decades ago they spun off from people
13:00 who were Seventh-day Adventists
13:02 and developed to their vanishing points,
13:04 certain apocalyptic prophecies
13:07 and Old Testament exclusionary views.
13:11 But, you know, when I saw that confrontation
13:14 that developed inexorably there in Texas,
13:18 and resulted in many people dying,
13:21 I thinks it's 1890.
13:23 People, many of them young people,
13:25 all of them ex Seventh-day Adventist
13:28 or the children of Adventist I thought that, you know,
13:32 it really became a self-fulfilling tragedy,
13:35 that was fueled by many things,
13:37 but I think primarily misinformation,
13:40 misunderstanding of their religious views
13:43 just because they're doctrinally
13:45 different from our church
13:46 didn't make them deserving of death.
13:48 In that fashion.
13:50 No, so what really happened among other things
13:55 as I think some of their ideas were extrapolated so huge
14:00 that they became offensive and even threatening
14:03 to the larger population.
14:05 And I thought many times how easily that could be done
14:09 in any religious group.
14:11 I think what fascinated the world about that event
14:15 and subsequent more recent ones
14:18 was the rapidity and rapacious nature
14:23 of a militarized police force.
14:28 And we were talking about the erosion of liberty
14:32 and I think we are beginning to see
14:34 how some of our eschatology
14:37 is being previewed by the
14:44 in...
14:45 What's a good word,
14:47 intense capacity of law enforcement
14:50 to enforce perspective not always law.
14:55 Yeah, you're right.
14:57 You know, there are good and bad people in any country
15:00 and in any society,
15:02 and all people with good intention, bad intention
15:04 but so much of what we're living through,
15:06 I think there's a cause and the effect
15:09 is felt by different people,
15:10 and they don't realize they are responding
15:12 to something that they didn't set in emotion and you have,
15:16 can have a policeman,
15:18 he has got a view that was sort of presented to him
15:22 but it's not necessarily right
15:24 and he's gonna act a certain way
15:26 that could result in someone being deprived
15:30 in essence of the benefit of the law.
15:34 They will be perceived just because of their--
15:38 You know, in the past,
15:39 there was plenty in this country
15:41 and because of your race, certain things kick in
15:42 but it could just as easily be and I think it's getting,
15:44 well, I'm of an era,
15:46 when if you had long hair and dress a certain way,
15:49 the police were down on the hippies movement.
15:51 Yeah, we don't have that problem now though.
15:53 Not you and I.
15:57 No, but I think we are rapidly heading toward the point
16:02 where just to call someone a fundamentalist,
16:04 everything kicks in.
16:06 Or to disagree with someone's reasonable belief
16:13 on how they want to live their life.
16:16 It can be a resistant
16:19 to someone's choice of lifestyle
16:22 might be perceived as hate speech.
16:25 Yeah, I agree, that's a very serious point.
16:27 Think about that for a minute while we take a break
16:29 and then come back
16:30 while we continue this discussion.


Revised 2016-01-01