Liberty Insider

Practicing SDA Chaplain in Real-world Service

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Paul Anderson


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000310B

00:05 Welcome back to the "Liberty Insider."
00:07 Before the break with Paul Anderson
00:09 we were deconstructing Adventist chaplaincy work
00:13 which as I had to reminded
00:16 as more than just military chaplaincy,
00:18 it's the hospital chaplains and airport chaplains.
00:22 And in fact-- Community, police.
00:25 Community, in disaster situations and so on
00:29 and of course you are intersecting
00:30 with other departments
00:32 within the Seventh-day Adventist church
00:33 because we have a department that deals with disaster relief
00:37 and providing food and other things like that.
00:41 Right.
00:42 So the chaplains would be integral with that?
00:44 The community service chaplains have specific training
00:49 that helps them prepare for responses,
00:53 disaster responses or other kids of things
00:56 and we would work hand and glove with ADRA
00:58 or some of the other community service interjected.
01:00 Yeah.
01:05 I think at another program I asked you for some stories
01:07 but tell me some stories you can remember
01:10 of some of the chaplains in our systems.
01:13 What are some interesting situations
01:15 that they found themselves in army or military
01:17 or in some disaster?
01:20 We have, my latest and best story
01:23 I wish had the graphic for it.
01:26 We have a chaplain, he is a brand new navy chaplain
01:30 down on the Island of Diego Garcia
01:32 out in the Indian Ocean.
01:34 It is Indian ocean territory.
01:36 He got there and he was eight weeks
01:39 in chaplain corps,
01:41 his senior chaplain was relieved.
01:43 And there were about 2,500 people on the--
01:46 That naval support activity down there.
01:49 So he was left as a brand new navy chaplain
01:51 and lieutenant to run the command religious program.
01:56 He has done a great job but the thing
01:59 that I admire most this Lieutenant Zachary Juniper
02:04 there was reported at General Conference
02:06 that there were no Adventists there they were actually two
02:10 and he baptized another one in the lagoon
02:13 at Diego Garcia so now there are three.
02:18 That's an interesting point. Let me ask you, what did the--
02:21 He's the only chaplain on that base, right?
02:23 Correct.
02:24 But often there are more chaplains,
02:27 how is that seen by the chaplaincy fraternity
02:31 if one chaplain baptizes
02:34 someone to his particular persuasion?
02:36 We don't proselytize so--
02:38 That's what I thought not so ever.
02:40 I just wondered to have word.
02:41 Over an evangelism is not preferred
02:44 however lifestyle is and when the chaplain
02:50 is reflecting the character of Christ
02:53 and Christ is lifted up through his ministry
02:56 or hers people are drawn to them
02:58 and they will say, "Well, what's it makes you different?
03:01 Why do you have that glove?"
03:03 Well, it might be because of health emphasis,
03:05 it might be because of a that vibrant spiritual life.
03:09 And when we are asked to share our distinctives
03:14 we are free to do that.
03:15 And if a person says, "Well, I believe
03:18 in these 28 fundamentals that you've taught me
03:21 and I want to be baptized
03:22 into the Seventh-day Adventist church.
03:25 I would be a little upset with the chaplain
03:27 who wouldn't baptize that person.
03:29 That's good, and it doesn't ruffle any feathers
03:32 or anything wouldn't that up?
03:33 No, not if we were holding a six week evangelist campaign
03:39 on the base I would probably get a call
03:41 from the chief of chaplain saying,
03:44 "You might want to call that guy
03:46 but we teach them pretty well
03:49 how to be team players and community ministry.
03:52 Let's discuss a case-- I'm not trying to ambush you
03:55 but this is a squarely one
03:57 and you probably got an answer to it.
03:59 Hope I got. So you have an answer.
04:01 There was a case quite some years ago on a major US base
04:06 where there were several chaplain
04:09 may be not at the same time
04:10 but obviously they had to run different programs
04:14 and the wiccans had--
04:17 Fort Worth, Texas. Yeah.
04:19 You know the whole story and a number of the chaplains
04:23 when faced with that resigned or asked for a transfer
04:26 or whatever but they what moved on,
04:28 wouldn't deal with it.
04:31 It turned out that one of our Adventist chaplains
04:33 was assigned there and he authorized--
04:38 Well, it's the wrong word,
04:39 he was the authorizing authority for this meetings.
04:42 There was misreporting because in that case
04:45 did the Adventist or the others preside
04:47 over a wiccan meeting.
04:49 Correct.
04:50 But what-- just explain that more.
04:52 I've skipped over so you might want to--
04:53 Curiously the chaplain who was involved
04:57 in that was my predecessor is the director
04:59 of Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries,
05:01 Colonel Gary Councell. And--
05:03 Oh, was that, Gary? It was Gary.
05:05 Oh, I know but I never asked him about the case.
05:07 He took the dynamic position that everyone has a right
05:14 to worship in their own way
05:17 and if we don't defend someone else's right to worship
05:22 we may not be able to command our own.
05:26 So he as part of the role of chaplains
05:30 is first to provide
05:31 to facilitating care and advise.
05:35 So he did all of those things.
05:37 Obviously you can't provide
05:39 service in ministry for a wiccan
05:41 but he advocated that their right be facilitated
05:46 and he demonstrated care for those individuals
05:50 and their human right to worship.
05:53 You know, I couldn't say that he did the wrong thing at all
05:55 but it becomes a little ambiguous
05:58 on the religious liberty principle
06:00 I agree absolutely.
06:02 We have to defend the right for everybody to believe
06:05 or disbelieve as they moved in themselves
06:08 and not just defend the right it's such an important right
06:13 that we need to give our all to defend it
06:15 because we are defending everybody
06:16 not just that person with an unpopular belief.
06:18 Correct.
06:19 But it's there as a dynamic in the Old Testament
06:22 that gives me a little pause.
06:23 It says, we are not to facilitate witchcraft
06:27 and where I get out of it on this event,
06:30 I think there is a misunderstanding on wiccans
06:33 it's really more folk religion
06:40 of the elemental spirits and so on
06:43 but not in a spiritualistic sense.
06:44 I mean, I don't think it's a good religion
06:46 but it's I wouldn't myself call it--
06:49 It's certainly not like LaVey and his Church of Satan.
06:52 It's true. I would be very--
06:54 Wouldn't you as a chaplain very conflicted
06:58 at the very least
07:00 if I was having to authorize little on run for someone,
07:06 now the worship of Satan.
07:08 Yet that individual has the right.
07:11 Oh, the individual does.
07:12 So the chaplain's role
07:14 will not be facilitating providing the sacraments.
07:20 They just basically sign--
07:22 I mean, it might be a simplest singing off on an authority.
07:25 Exactly, saying to ideally and in fact,
07:28 when I was at Andrews Air Force base
07:30 I had a similar experience and I--
07:35 It was my job to do a needs assessment for that faith group
07:42 and having completed the needs assessment
07:46 to forward the request up to the commanding officer
07:51 and advocate that individual's right to worship.
07:55 Don't agree with it.
07:57 Wouldn't go to it but it's the provision of care.
08:03 We care about everyone of the individuals
08:06 under our ministry of sorts
08:11 and so in caring about their spiritual development
08:15 and their First Amendment right to do so we provide care.
08:20 Yeah, and principles plan like I say on religious liberty
08:24 it's just on the margins
08:26 and individual mind need to think,
08:29 you know, I'm going beyond allowing
08:31 or creating the climate
08:33 where they can make a choice for the church
08:36 or as they have that choice on this
08:38 or am I actually making it easier for them to--
08:42 But again it comes down to a purely personal thing
08:45 and I could see why in a given situation
08:48 one individual might say I can't
08:50 but conscience do that in other upfront.
08:53 You know, I had those young man on my ship
08:56 when I was a chaplain aboard the USS Monterey`
08:58 who was wiccan.
09:00 And we had an interesting experience.
09:04 Every night the chaplain at sea offers
09:06 and evening prayer.
09:08 And after that we would stand out
09:10 on the bridge wing and talk.
09:12 And it was good opportunity.
09:15 He had grown up southern Baptist
09:17 but because of he thought their restrictive nature
09:22 he went a different route.
09:24 But in reality he was living in rebellion
09:28 but he was growing back toward faith.
09:32 And he actually identified me as his chaplain
09:37 knowing I was Seventh-day Adventist but--
09:39 So you are encouraging him back to more God based faith?
09:45 Absolutely.
09:46 Because I mean, I'm not an expert on wiccans,
09:48 but I think it's sort of an amorphous worship of the--
09:52 Well, as Paul says, the elemental spirits.
09:54 Elemental spirits.
09:56 So it could be someone that wandering.
09:58 It has a need for spirituality
10:00 that doesn't hasn't figured out where to find God.
10:03 Let me say something about
10:04 how a person becomes a chaplain.
10:07 Yes.
10:08 That would obviously someone who has grown up
10:12 or become a Seventh-day Adventist church member
10:16 who feels called into ministry, pastoral ministry,
10:21 ideally they would have some experience
10:23 in that either as a an ordained local elder
10:26 and of course pursuing a master of divinity degree
10:29 and after that they would go online
10:33 to
10:36 and build a profile and a request for endorsement.
10:40 And we have assistant directors who would mentor them
10:44 in that application process.
10:46 Once that's done we have an ACM committee meeting
10:49 that reviews the application and the interviews
10:54 and decides whether to recommend them
10:57 as Seventh-day Adventist chaplains.
11:00 Now it's not impossible
11:01 for a Seventh-day Adventist pastor
11:03 who is not working for the church
11:05 to enter the chaplaincy program
11:07 under some other endorsement isn't it?
11:09 No.
11:11 A Seventh-day Adventist chaplain
11:13 will be endorsed by the Seventh-day Adventist church.
11:16 Now there are some people who carry the title chaplain,
11:20 who have not been endorsed
11:22 some of the campuses hired chaplains who--
11:26 And there are several levels.
11:28 So we have an associate endorsement
11:30 that requires lesser degree of training
11:33 than the full endorsement.
11:35 But we are working on that, when I get to be--
11:37 Now I just thought I met a chaplain
11:40 who was a Seventh-day Adventist
11:42 but he didn't go through right track
11:44 and was in the military.
11:46 Could he go and be endorsed by some other church thought?
11:50 Usually the endorsement by another church
11:53 requires an affirmation to their doctrine.
11:57 And in that case they would not be Seventh-day Adventist.
12:01 Let me ask you one last question very quickly.
12:04 Is the chaplaincy proportional to the church membership
12:07 and the community or in the military?
12:09 There used to be a proportional need
12:12 where they would say,
12:13 "Well, there are this many Adventist
12:14 so we can only have this many Adventist chaplains."
12:17 That doesn't stand anymore in the military
12:20 so if you are qualified you can get in.
12:27 A few years ago before I was editing Liberty Magazine
12:31 I interviewed General Barry McCaffrey,
12:34 then the drugs are but only months
12:37 before I interviewed him
12:39 the hero was the second in command of desert war
12:43 or Gulf war one.
12:45 I introduced myself as a Seventh-day Adventist
12:47 and he said "Seventh-day Adventist"
12:49 he said, "I own my life to a Seventh-day Adventist
12:53 medical corpsman in Vietnam."
12:57 Made me feel good to think that a young man
13:00 back in that earlier era
13:02 had so practically witnessed to his faith.
13:05 Through the chaplaincy program also men and women
13:10 are able to administer the love of Christ
13:13 to soldiers in harm's way physically and morally.
13:19 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2015-12-24