Liberty Insider

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000307A

00:23 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:25 This is the program that brings you
00:26 news, views, discussion,
00:28 updated information about religious liberty.
00:32 My name is Lincoln Steed, editor of Liberty magazine.
00:36 And my guest on the program is Dr. Ganoune Diop.
00:40 Very interesting name, Ganoune, that reflects you're African
00:43 and I think it hints at the European connection too.
00:48 You lived in France.
00:49 Now you are at the world head quarters
00:51 of The Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:52 in Washington, D.C.
00:54 heading up our religious liberty public affairs
00:57 and religious liberty work.
00:58 Yeah, absolutely.
01:00 They're connected but they are not quite the same.
01:01 Are they? No, actually--
01:03 May you could explain the difference.
01:04 They are intersections but public affair
01:07 is we need the broader umbrella
01:10 that this is the visible face
01:11 of the church, the relationship.
01:14 And projecting the church itself,
01:15 not just our religious liberty message.
01:17 Actually public affairs is like sharing the reputation,
01:23 the good reputation of the church,
01:25 Adventist assets to society.
01:27 Adventists are blessings to society.
01:29 But instead of letting other people define that
01:33 or interpret on their own you know, and so forth so on,
01:36 we also have our voice to share who we are.
01:42 This is about relationships with governments.
01:45 But relationship with civil leaders,
01:48 public officers, just an example,
01:53 every Seventh Adventist church
01:54 had to acquire license to build somewhere.
02:01 But how do you do that?
02:02 How do you introduce this Seventh-day Adventist Church
02:04 to a mayor, to a public official?
02:07 How do you make a case that you are an asset to society
02:12 rather than a nuisance?
02:14 This is not just improvised. True, and we know.
02:16 We believe in experiences showing churches
02:19 are a positive in the community.
02:20 Absolutely.
02:21 This is a very good role of you Diop.
02:23 But you have to make a case. And also there are problems.
02:27 I mean, as you know, we Adventist,
02:29 we celebrate the Sabbath, the seventh's day.
02:35 In many areas there will be problems
02:38 because some people did not recognize that right.
02:41 So we have to be proactive. Explain ourselves.
02:45 Talk to people, explain that yes,
02:48 there are Christians who also are loyal to this,
02:53 to a God through the Sabbath
02:56 and that's not a judgment against.
02:58 You know that's not a judgment
03:00 because people have the right to choose.
03:02 Again, the right to believe whatever they want to believe.
03:05 That's not a judgment into religious liberty sense.
03:07 In a mission sense, we have to project our views.
03:12 No question. Yes.
03:13 Maybe that at times that it could be counted,
03:16 you know, can be put against some other view
03:18 that we could say as wrong.
03:20 But religious liberty is not about condemning
03:22 another person's faith, is it?
03:24 Well. No. It can't be.
03:26 It's the right of everyone to believe everything.
03:27 In fact, I once said, I remembered
03:30 we were lined up for a meeting in Hawaii
03:32 with a number of different church leaders
03:35 and we were talking about this
03:36 and I said, "For me religious liberty means
03:39 that even I find your belief puerile, foolish,
03:43 I will defend your right to believe it do the death."
03:45 Yeah.
03:47 But to be a true religious liberty activist,
03:49 doesn't have to mean.
03:50 in fact, it shouldn't require
03:52 that I have any particular affinity for what you hold.
03:56 I believe in your right as a fellow human being.
03:58 No question and I think this part of the understanding
04:01 religious liberty for all, freedom of conscience for all.
04:05 Again that almost, you know,
04:08 what we have repeated here several times.
04:10 That is because every human person
04:13 has infinite dignity
04:15 and a right to believe or not to believe,
04:18 freedom of thought, of conscience,
04:20 of belief is part of what it means to be human.
04:26 And definitely but, however, there is another aspect.
04:29 Religious liberty means also responsibility.
04:32 It doesn't mean, "Okay, I have the right,
04:34 you know, I can do whatever I want."
04:36 That's not the idea.
04:38 This is the reason
04:40 why in the Seventh-day Adventist tradition,
04:43 it is not just religious liberty,
04:44 it is also truth.
04:46 And that is truth about God, truth about human being.
04:50 Because my respect is not just.
04:53 okay, my respect of any human being
04:55 is not based just on an enlightenment
04:58 humanistic principle which is good
05:02 because I mean, you know, people believe that...
05:04 You are getting at what I specifically said
05:06 at program there is constitutional,
05:08 historic and theological aspects.
05:09 Absolutely, so theological and social
05:12 and you know, the-- and spiritual
05:14 because this is one aspect I did not mention earlier.
05:19 You see, yes, constitutional and so far,
05:23 but the spiritual aspect is there
05:26 because God is a God of freedom.
05:28 And I mentioned Jesus has emphasized freedom.
05:34 I mean, He pressed his disciple,
05:36 "don't you want to go."
05:38 You know, so I mean, you're free to change religion.
05:40 You know. Yeah.
05:41 But furthermore though, furthermore,
05:44 Christianity itself according to Galatians Chapter 5,
05:48 And this is extremely important.
05:52 Galatians 5 begins with
05:55 "Christ has called you to freedom.
05:58 Christ has set you free for freedom."
06:01 But it doesn't stay there.
06:04 Well, Paul calls the gospel itself.
06:06 The gospel of liberty. Of Liberty.
06:08 It's all about freedom.
06:10 But it continues in that same Chapter
06:13 in a magnificent way.
06:15 How do we know a free person
06:17 according to Paul's prospective in Galatians.
06:20 This is the Chapter where he talks about
06:23 the fruit of the spirit.
06:26 So basically that means then. And freedom in not license.
06:29 He says, "Do we do all these things?
06:31 God forbid." Yeah, absolutely.
06:32 So freedom is to position oneself
06:36 actually to receive the fruit of the Holy Spirit,
06:39 the nine fruits and beautifully said.
06:42 Paul talk about love... All the manifestations.
06:43 Love, so freedom to love, joy, freedom to live in joy,
06:49 peace, freedom connected to peace.
06:53 So this is the most comprehensive.
06:55 And then patience with others.
06:58 You know, not this arrogant attitude.
07:00 So this is why when you see a person arrogant
07:03 or you know, like demeaning others,
07:06 that person is in bondage.
07:08 When you have the fruit of the Holy Spirit,
07:10 that is true freedom.
07:12 "Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness."
07:17 Now think about the gentleness,
07:19 I mean treating other people's life.
07:21 "There is no such law." Absolutely, self control.
07:24 Not self gratification by any means necessary
07:27 in subjugating other people.
07:30 You see, the Biblical prospective
07:32 of freedom is much deeper, is more profound than,
07:36 you know, sometime many people even intimate
07:41 but there is more to Biblical freedom.
07:44 So you see through
07:46 the religious liberty department.
07:47 We're promoting-- in promoting this,
07:48 we're promoting the gospel.
07:50 We are promoting deeper values.
07:52 You see, now this is interesting
07:54 because if you take, for example,
07:58 the idea of human dignity and I come back to that
08:02 because Immanuel Kant, philosopher,
08:04 now this he was speaking in secular term,
08:07 even though he was talking about values,
08:09 the foundations for morals and so forth.
08:12 It is interesting that he calls human dignity
08:15 an over lapping principle that could be applied,
08:20 not only in the religious world but in secular society.
08:23 So there are some intersections in terms of values,
08:27 when I mentioned the United Nations earlier.
08:30 It's not because. In another program.
08:33 Yes, it is not because you embrace some value
08:38 that means you embrace the whole institution.
08:41 No, but there are intersections,
08:43 some common values.
08:44 What is good can be shared by several different entities.
08:49 Now so the same thing for religious liberty
08:53 and I think that this is some thing,
08:55 freedom of conscience, freedom of thought,
08:58 human dignity, all those good things.
09:00 So when Christians share an Adventist,
09:03 in particular, these values, of course,
09:07 they are part of Gospel, the fruit of the spirit,
09:10 why am I a peace advocate?
09:12 Why do I subscribe in peace making?
09:16 You know, well because this is a,
09:18 first of all, God is a God of peace.
09:20 Do you believe that, in particular, this church,
09:23 they do, all Christians but in consistent
09:26 with this view of liberty and freedom
09:28 and a broader intersecting view,
09:31 do you think that it is contingent on us
09:33 to speak out against say, human trafficking,
09:36 against obortion, against environmental degradation.
09:41 Do you think we should connect these things?
09:43 Morally they are connected. We are part of the world.
09:46 Right?
09:47 The well being of the world, it should be concern of ours.
09:51 No question about that.
09:53 But does it mean, but again,
09:55 it has to be undergirded by evangelical values.
09:59 Meaning by that, by advocating this or that,
10:04 I am not gonna become a murderer of people
10:06 who hold different values.
10:09 This is where we have to be very careful,
10:10 in how we advocate things.
10:13 I can disagree with a person who ever that person is,
10:17 without crossing the boundary to violate
10:22 the physical integrity of that person.
10:25 This is where I can disagree, morally speaking,
10:29 with this or that position, with out looking that person
10:34 or deserving to be eliminated or something like that.
10:37 You see this is where again, when I said earlier,
10:42 in another program that moral values are also,
10:48 interdependent, integrated into one whole
10:51 and that is God, by the way.
10:53 I agree with you on you know, this is wonderfully expressed.
10:56 It seems to me in the United States
10:58 where the Seventh-day Adventist Church began,
11:00 it's not a, you know,
11:03 it's not the long and the short of it.
11:04 It's a universal call but it began in the US,
11:08 is a happy coincidence that the constitution
11:11 is designed to uphold religious liberty
11:13 and the construct is separation of church and state.
11:18 That provides I think,
11:19 an easier model to define it publically.
11:24 What you are fishing toward
11:27 in these more general statements,
11:29 I think is better or one of better,
11:31 but can be also expressed as no compulsion
11:36 or no aggression toward another person.
11:39 You need to respect them.
11:40 And it seems to me,
11:42 at the moment in the United States,
11:44 we've got the worst of both wills.
11:45 People are against increasingly separation
11:48 of church and state, claiming that it's not
11:50 what the first amendment really is calling for.
11:53 Some people, because that's...
11:55 Yes, there is always exceptions.
11:56 But the body of those
11:59 that are defending religious liberty,
12:00 they are not seperationists anymore.
12:03 And they are also actually creating religious privilege
12:08 which I think there is a thin line
12:09 between religious privilege and religious aggression.
12:13 Don't you think?
12:14 You know, when I demand legally an exception
12:17 from our religion over all others,
12:19 in an other context, when I force that
12:22 or you know, when I emphasize that it could result
12:25 in actual physicality, violence.
12:30 So this is why I think religious liberty
12:33 goes also with other,
12:35 you know, other values like the principle of equality.
12:39 Yeah. Okay.
12:41 And the principal of non discrimination.
12:43 I mean, again... Yes, absolutely.
12:46 The civil rights moving in the US,
12:48 I don't think it was any accident
12:49 that the churches were involved
12:51 because it's the spiritual principle
12:52 of religious liberty.
12:53 But here, of course, because we are in America
12:56 and I am careful in what I am saying.
12:58 Sometime people resist the principle of equality.
13:04 I when I say the principle of equality,
13:06 I'm thinking about a general principle
13:08 of God taking all human beings as equal.
13:11 And that's a central, central understanding.
13:14 We need to interrupt for a moment.
13:16 We will take a quick break, we'll be right back.
13:17 We'll continue this discussion. Stay with us.


Revised 2015-10-15