Liberty Insider

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000306B

00:04 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider,
00:06 with guest, Ganoune Diop.
00:08 We've been talking about Daniel.
00:10 You've been giving a wonderfully positive outlook
00:14 on a book that covers a period of desperation
00:17 for the nation of Israel.
00:19 Yeah, but the good news as you know,
00:20 as you were mentioning earlier
00:22 is that God gives the good news,
00:25 universal and eternal in the midst of desperation.
00:30 And this is really the comprehensive gospel.
00:35 The Kingdom, you know, Jesus says,
00:38 "Seek ye first God's kingdom."
00:39 Of course the kingdom as Jesus outlined,
00:41 it really had two phases immediately within you
00:45 and finally a re-established new world kingdom
00:51 here on the earth that's remade.
00:53 Yeah. An eternal kingdom.
00:55 Yeah, but clearly the Book of Daniel insists
00:57 on one day there's a kingdom that will coming
00:59 that will not be succeeded by any other.
01:02 So that is our hope.
01:04 You see, and this is why when Jesus came,
01:06 He said, He came to preach the kingdom.
01:08 Interestingly, even the Apostle Paul.
01:11 When you look at the Book of Acts,
01:12 last chapter, 28, at the end
01:14 that he remained two years in Rome.
01:19 The text say, "Preaching about the kingdom of God."
01:21 So this was a very important.
01:23 Then second--
01:25 Rome, of course, was the center of the earthly kingdom,
01:27 the greatest empire in some ways
01:30 that the world has known.
01:32 So this was very bold then really from God to share
01:38 with His people that I have a project, I have a purpose.
01:43 I will establish an everlasting kingdom
01:45 and that will bring you hope.
01:46 Second, there will be an everlasting King.
01:50 You see, when the Bible say
01:51 that "all knee will bow before Christ
01:54 and confess that he is Lord,"
01:56 this is what he's prophesied in Daniel 7.
01:59 And then to know that God has a sanctuary,
02:04 you know, where a high priest is for God's people.
02:08 This in is not just about some theological technicalities.
02:11 No, it is about a person
02:13 who has every human being at heart.
02:16 It was interesting in the Old Testament
02:18 to see the priest had the name of Gods,
02:21 you know, God's people--
02:22 On the breastplate. On the breastplate.
02:24 Now, so Christ, the priest is interceding, intervening,
02:31 encouraging, sustaining those who believe in him.
02:35 So everlasting--
02:37 And Pope repeats that saying we have a High Priest
02:38 who is interceding for us.
02:40 Absolutely.
02:41 Picking up on that Old Testament.
02:43 This is so important, it's vital.
02:44 And by the way, this is part of the Reformation,
02:46 Christ alone, precisely. Absolutely.
02:49 You now, so eternal kingdom, eternal King,
02:54 everlasting priests, sacrifice once and for all,
03:00 this had the good news, the cross we're talking about
03:02 and the resurrection, of course.
03:04 You know emphasize in Daniel.
03:06 And then this wonderful idea of bringing
03:08 everlasting righteousness, meaning that I am not coming,
03:13 I don't deserve heaven, nobody does.
03:17 God gives us His righteousness freely.
03:20 And this is way by the way, is by grace alone.
03:23 Again, another reformation principle.
03:26 And then this wonderful thing to know
03:29 that death doesn't have the last word in spite of our--
03:34 we lose our loved ones, you know.
03:37 There's tragedy, separation, it's not natural.
03:40 But God will put an end to that by saying, Daniel, sleep,
03:44 you will resurrect.
03:45 Since you talking about death
03:47 and of course, the state of the dead
03:49 is an important part of Adventist thinking,
03:53 to see it as the Bible seems to...
03:56 consistently portray it as asleep.
03:59 You're right, other than a few little quirky passages
04:03 like, Jesus and Lazarus and--
04:08 you know, it's a parable any how, just a figure.
04:11 There's no evidence.
04:12 But it seems to me...
04:17 if you have a false idea of the state of the dead,
04:20 the faithfulness of the saints and religious liberty
04:24 put into action changes it's dynamic.
04:27 And yet, we have the encouragement,
04:29 the Bible says that figuratively,
04:32 there's a cry for justice under the altar of God.
04:36 But those that die in the Lord, defending their faith in Him
04:40 and their religious liberty,
04:42 they will be vindicated at the very end.
04:45 But if you just instantly go with God,
04:47 it's almost like the diluted Jihadists
04:50 fly into the buildings.
04:52 You know, get you virgins immediately,
04:54 you know, you get your paradise.
04:56 You got any comment on that?
04:57 Because I--
04:59 it doesn't...
05:01 directly bear on the concept of religious liberty
05:03 but experientially, I think this makes a huge difference
05:06 on practicing the faith before God
05:09 and why you're remaining faithful.
05:11 Well, this is part of the hope and the trust in God.
05:17 There are two views, even within the Christian world
05:20 something of, you know...
05:24 and this tends to comes to even from the Greek philosophy,
05:30 also the same time the immortality of the soul.
05:32 I'm glad you're saying that
05:34 because it's very easy to track, isn't that,
05:35 as a historian not just a the theologian?
05:37 You can see where it came from.
05:39 But at the same time you have,
05:41 yes, Christians are divided in the understanding
05:44 of what is happening after death.
05:47 We believe that you know, with this word
05:52 people are sleeping, now God is powerful enough
05:55 to remember the formula of every person
05:57 he can resurrect, that's not a problem.
05:59 But the way--
06:01 this is part of the good news, the hope,
06:02 the idea of resurrection precisely
06:05 because God has the power to resurrect the dead.
06:08 But if the dead aren't really dead
06:10 and they go into another place,
06:12 that some how challenges
06:14 the view of the resurrection in that sense but...
06:17 It makes it less important, less necessary,
06:20 less meaningful.
06:21 If they're already up in the disembodied,
06:26 glorious state with God.
06:29 This is the reason why this had to be shared with grace
06:33 and with conviction, of course, but with grace
06:36 so that people realize that this is part of the hope
06:40 in the power of God, you know, that God can resurrect people
06:45 as He did resurrect Jesus.
06:47 You know, Jesus did not just go to,
06:52 you know, heaven, he slept and be resurrected as a real--
06:56 So we will be as Christ did.
06:58 That's why when we are baptized,
07:00 we die and we resurrect.
07:02 So all those things, but--
07:03 It's more than just a ritual.
07:05 It's a figurative of a great reality.
07:07 But again, this is part of prophecy
07:09 that they will be a great resurrection.
07:11 Daniel said very clearly and the Book of Revelation
07:14 also expand on that in the sense
07:17 that God, you know, again--
07:20 And remember, Paul says, behold, I show you a mystery.
07:22 We shall not all sleep. No question, no question.
07:25 Some will be translated as he say,
07:27 and that was his hope also that those of us who are alive
07:31 and so forth.
07:32 But again, this is part of the hope. It is beautiful.
07:36 That's part of the good news that God is going to fix it.
07:40 He will come and--
07:43 Look at this wonderful statement from Paul,
07:46 our corruptible bodies will be transformed
07:50 and we will inherit uncorruptible bidies in,
07:54 you know, 1 Corinthian 15.
07:56 Again, this is not just the theological dispute.
07:59 Again, we with grace,
08:02 and we have to share this as part of the good news
08:05 that God is capable of resurrecting
08:08 those who are sleeping, those who died.
08:11 But to come back to our, you know, prophetic scenario...
08:15 Yeah, what is the prophetic underpinning
08:17 to an Adventist view of religious liberty
08:20 and fulfilling events and--
08:22 where is that heading?
08:23 The Bible say that especially in the last days,
08:27 there would be great tribulation, okay.
08:30 Now, the people go on speculating
08:34 on the how this is going to be and so forth and so on so.
08:37 But I think there is a better route,
08:39 because, first of all, this is part of what is called
08:44 The Great Controversy.
08:46 There is a struggle between--
08:48 Well, it's called by--
08:49 Between good and evil.
08:51 The term is not in the Bible,
08:53 all though the dynamic
08:55 is clearly what it's talking about.
08:56 That's a term that the--
08:58 but then Adventism it's being called that.
09:00 And I'd make it a little larger for those at least remember
09:04 the education of SDA, John Milton's Paradise Lost,
09:08 very much dramatically puts it as a controversy.
09:12 A literal war in heaven and between Satan and God,
09:15 and there's a victory to be won.
09:18 And even on Earth, right here,
09:20 when you think about all the martyrs,
09:23 you know, we are talking about serious things here.
09:26 As we speak, you know--
09:28 Well, people are dying right now. That's a good point.
09:30 And not only that--
09:31 In the United States and the West,
09:33 we think of the tribulation in the future,
09:34 Christians often.
09:36 But it's now.
09:37 In the Middle East, right now
09:38 you had this dramatic exodus of Christians persecuted,
09:43 killed, and so forth.
09:44 And not just there but everywhere else also.
09:46 Just in the city of Mosul alone,
09:47 remember, not one Christian left.
09:49 Second largest city in Iraq.
09:51 Yeah, but here's my point,
09:53 when we talk about end time events and all those things,
09:57 this is not just for some time--
10:00 And I tell these people, they smile when I say this,
10:04 but people are more preoccupied by the beast
10:08 and by than following the lamb because the Book of Revelation
10:14 is the revelation of Jesus Christ.
10:16 So first, this is about Jesus.
10:19 How He, His lordship--
10:21 and it is so wonderful
10:23 when you think about, precisely, the martyrs.
10:26 They are in Revelation Chapter 12--
10:32 Chapter 11 already when it is said that,
10:35 they did not love their lives to death.
10:38 Why?
10:39 Because they love God more importantly
10:41 than their own life.
10:42 Now, of course, in a world view
10:44 where everything is anthropocentric meaning,
10:46 centered on human beings we forget--
10:50 And I need to insert something too,
10:51 before you get further.
10:53 This is not to be equated with Osama Bin Laden,
10:55 who I thought in a bizarre twist told the West
10:59 and the Christian West, he says, trouble is,
11:01 he says, "you love life, we love death."
11:04 The martyrs didn't love death, they loved Christ.
11:06 If it meant dying--
11:08 As Paul says, "I count it as gain to lose my life."
11:12 So it is very, very important
11:14 that we realize what is happening in prophecy.
11:17 It's like God's encouragement.
11:20 Prophecy is really got encouragement to His people
11:24 to say, things may seem completely disordered,
11:27 you may be persecuted, you may be discriminated,
11:30 you may be killed, martyred, in other words.
11:34 But I control the destiny of nations,
11:38 I control the destiny of every human being.
11:41 Of course, that doesn't mean you have a choice.
11:45 That doesn't mean you didn't have a choice.
11:47 No, no, no, you have a choice but as we trust God
11:51 who gives this prophecy, these prophecies of Daniel
11:54 and then further on Revelation,
11:56 He encourages us to continue in hope.
12:02 It will not do to describe religious liberty
12:06 without Jesus Christ.
12:09 When Jesus began His earthly ministry,
12:10 it was by no accident
12:12 that when he stood up in Nazareth
12:15 and read from the book, Isaiah,
12:17 that he applied that message of liberation and freedom
12:21 from captivity, captivity to sin.
12:24 He described that in a way that of course, is evocative
12:28 and demonstrative of religious liberty
12:31 because the Gospel is nothing more
12:33 than the proclamation of liberation.
12:37 So in our day, we discuss religious liberty,
12:40 we can of course, invoke constitutions
12:42 and history and social norms.
12:45 But unless we invoke Christ,
12:48 unless we look to His principles,
12:51 look to His kingdom, it's an empty discussion.
12:55 Liberty must have Christ.
12:58 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2015-10-15