Liberty Insider

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000306A

00:23 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:26 This is the program bringing you news, views,
00:28 discussion, up to date information,
00:29 analysis, all of religious liberty.
00:33 My name is Lincoln Steed, editor of Liberty magazine,
00:37 and my guest on the program is Dr. Ganoune Diop.
00:40 Welcome, Ganoune. Thank you, Thank you.
00:43 You're Director of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty
00:46 for the Seventh Day Adventist Church?
00:47 Correct.
00:49 And also a, a close workmate of mine
00:52 because we're just across the hall from each other
00:53 at our world headquarters.
00:57 I want to talk a little bit about Seventh-day Adventism
01:00 and religious liberty.
01:02 The two things are joined at the hip.
01:07 For me when I think of religious liberty in my church,
01:11 I think of prophecy, or prophetic awareness.
01:14 That's true, our religious liberty concern
01:16 has a sociological historic connection as well.
01:19 But what we read, as a people from Revelation and Daniel,
01:25 I think gives compulsion
01:29 to the religious liberty proclamation.
01:33 I know Daniel is every important here.
01:36 How would you link Daniel
01:37 to what we say on religious liberty?
01:39 Well, before may be the name itself, Seventh-day Adventist--
01:45 I was, as I was speaking I thought of the comment--
01:47 You thought about that--
01:49 That their name is a sermon in itself, isn't it?
01:51 Yes, well, yes.
01:53 Actually, every name of--
01:54 even of every denomination is meaningful,
01:56 is connected to something,
01:58 but I think exploring the name Seventh-day Adventist,
02:02 we have two components here, the first one, seventh day,
02:05 of course, referring to the seventh,
02:08 I mean, the seventh day Sabbath of creation.
02:11 Which the Pope Francis acknowledged this
02:15 in his encyclical on the environment.
02:18 He tries to confine it just to the Jews, remember,
02:20 but it's a very Biblical concept.
02:22 But, yeah, so the name Seventh-day Adventist,
02:25 the first part is connected to creation,
02:29 and when I think about creation,
02:32 and this is one aspect
02:33 that people usually don't think about but,
02:37 the reason why Adventists value creation
02:41 is because it affirms several key principles
02:44 about human being, human nature.
02:48 You know, first of all, creation in God's image,
02:50 that human beings are not just the result of a chance,
02:54 that we are willed by God who loves us--
02:58 Created for a purpose. Absolutely.
03:00 And I think that is important to--
03:02 Intentional.
03:03 So, Adventists value life precisely,
03:06 and the sanctity of life and of conscience,
03:09 in that sense, as we were talking
03:11 because our very name says something about that.
03:15 Okay, so creation,
03:17 and also the names Seventh-Day referring to creation,
03:24 it's also a commemoration of other things.
03:27 It is interesting to mention this right away,
03:32 Adventists take the seventh day as important
03:37 because it was not just the commemoration of creation,
03:40 when you read Exodus 20, The Ten Commandments,
03:44 the God says that--
03:47 Deliverance, the Celebration of deliverance.
03:49 Exactly, that He gave Israel, in Deuteronomy 5, for example,
03:53 He gave Israel the Sabbath
03:55 because it was commemoration of liberation.
03:58 So, these two components of the first aspect
04:01 of the Seventh-day Adventist name
04:03 I think is very important--
04:05 But it's worth remembering, that in Genesis when it says
04:09 God sanctified the day and made it holy.
04:11 That predated any Jewish or-- Jewish nation.
04:14 Yeah, but in the context of the teaching
04:17 of the whole Bible though,
04:18 very clearly it is connected to creation and to liberation.
04:22 So, that is the first part of the name.
04:24 And the second part of the name Adventist is,
04:27 is a word of hope
04:29 because Adventists are actively waiting
04:32 for the coming of Jesus Christ.
04:34 The Second Advent because He came once before.
04:36 Yes.
04:38 But, this coming is decisive
04:40 because He's coming to bring justice, harmony,
04:45 peace, and complete freedom,
04:48 and including freedom from death
04:50 which is part of our hope.
04:53 So the name itself actually is a statement creation,
04:58 redemption, and completion of the history of Salvation.
05:00 It does pretty much,
05:03 it's been said by ourselves before.
05:04 It sums up pretty much everything that we hold.
05:06 It is good news, it is good news
05:08 that, Lincoln, you are important to God.
05:11 It is good news that God has set up a plan to liberate you.
05:15 It is good news that God is going to come to liberate
05:18 not only you but the whole universe.
05:20 This is why creation, the nature is awaiting
05:24 for this second coming of Jesus Christ, to come,
05:28 to bring finally what the world is looking for.
05:31 Remember earlier, I mentioned,
05:33 I mean, in another program
05:35 I mentioned what the world wants.
05:38 The UN, you know, they want peace and security,
05:40 while Jesus is going to bring peace and security.
05:42 Yeah, and what it says in Revelation,
05:44 when they say peace and security,
05:45 sudden destruction, so if it's on man's own,
05:48 if it's alone, it's destined to fail.
05:49 Yeah, but God wants not the destruction of people,
05:52 He wants their salvation.
05:55 Well, it says "He's not willing that any should perish."
05:57 "Perish, but that all should have access to salvation."
06:01 You know because, sometimes some people
06:04 may tend to think about God as a sadistic person,
06:08 just waiting to punish everybody,
06:10 whereas He died himself on the Cross
06:14 in order to tell people that He would rather have them leave
06:18 you know, this is, I mean, absolute love also,
06:21 and that is part of God's nature.
06:23 Now when we come, so this is about the name,
06:26 you know, talking about creation,
06:28 liberation, and consummation,
06:31 redemption, complete atonement, complete reconciliation.
06:35 Bring Daniel in. It's beautiful.
06:37 When you come to Book of Daniel,
06:39 like, actually any Biblical book,
06:41 we could take here any, especially the prophetic books.
06:45 They are gospels in prophecy, meaning, okay,
06:50 the Book of Daniel has about,
06:52 well, has actually specifically 12 chapters.
06:55 But every, what is called prophetic chapters,
06:59 is actually aspect of the good news.
07:01 Now imagine, imagine this,
07:06 we are talking about 605 B.C.
07:10 the prophet Daniel was exiled Babylon,
07:15 and while he was there, 586, the temple destroyed.
07:21 Israel has lost several things.
07:22 Really was the end of the true integrated Jewish State
07:29 or beyond then.
07:31 Well, it was a follow on story really.
07:34 It's the dispersion.
07:36 True, but you had a first dispersion earlier,
07:41 there are two tragic dates in the history of Israel,
07:44 722 B.C. and then 586 B.C.
07:49 And in a way there's a third
07:50 when Titus destroyed Jerusalem irrevocably for--
07:53 Absolutely.
07:55 But, I am talking about now, the kingship dynasty.
07:59 The Samaria was taken by the Assyrians in 722.
08:03 That was the end of the northern kingdom,
08:05 the ten tribes,
08:08 and then you have the southern kingdom, 586,
08:11 the temple destroyed.
08:12 But here is my point though,
08:14 the Book of Daniel is a magnificent display
08:17 of the good news, how so?
08:21 Israel has lost several things.
08:23 One, they have lost their kingdom.
08:26 They have lost their king actually, you know,
08:28 and if you read the second book of Chronicles,
08:32 it, you know, Chapter 36, the last verses explains
08:37 that God sent several prophets time and again,
08:40 but Israel did not listen.
08:42 So they lost their kingdom, they lost their king,
08:45 they lost their temple, destroyed
08:47 and if the temple is destroyed
08:49 that means that the priests cannot function,
08:52 the priest cannot function, sacrifice has to stop.
08:55 Really religious life had seized.
08:57 Absolutely. Or an entity.
08:58 So what is the Book of Daniel simply stated?
09:01 The Book of Daniel is God's response.
09:03 In fact, that Psalm, isn't it?
09:06 "By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down and we wept."
09:09 Correct. But--
09:10 There was a desolation that had come up on them.
09:11 Yes, absolutely, and this is,
09:14 as I mentioned a multi faceted desolation.
09:17 However, what could be interesting
09:21 for our viewers here is to realize
09:24 that they had local problems, they had temporal problems.
09:31 One, the temple, I mentioned the kingdom lost,
09:37 the king exiled, the temple destroyed,
09:41 sacrifice, no longer,
09:43 the priest cannot function therefore.
09:45 Okay, the Book of Daniel.
09:47 So imagine Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego asking God,
09:50 God, restore our kingdom.
09:54 And this is where the prophecies
09:55 of the Book of Daniel come into the picture.
09:59 God, so to speak, telling these Hebrew young men,
10:06 I am not interested in a local, in a temporal kingdom.
10:10 Daniel 2, there's an everlasting kingdom.
10:13 Yeah, it's true.
10:14 Universal and everlasting that is coming,
10:16 that is God's answer, good news of the kingdom.
10:19 By the way in the New Testament,
10:21 Jesus preached the kingdom of God,
10:24 that kingdom prophesied in Daniel.
10:26 Second, the next prophetic chapter,
10:29 beside Chapter 2 then is Chapter 7.
10:32 What is in Daniel 7?
10:35 Daniel 7, you have the son of man coming, being enthroned,
10:39 and we are told all people will worship Him.
10:43 So that is the everlasting--
10:44 On a cosmic level, it's not a nation or regional--
10:47 Absolutely, not just national problems.
10:50 Now God's responses are on a cosmic and eternal.
10:54 Okay, then the temple destroyed.
10:58 So what about the temple?
10:59 God said, "I have a temple in heaven."
11:02 Okay. And then how about the priest?
11:05 Again, a priest in heaven this is where?
11:08 And that is Chapter 8, interestingly.
11:11 Okay, so imagine, Shadrach, Meshach,
11:13 Abednego again asking God,
11:14 but what about, what about the sacrifices?
11:19 Daniel 9, come and say that
11:21 He will cause sacrifices to seize,
11:24 one sacrifice, once ends for all.
11:28 So we have-
11:30 It's interesting way of looking at it,
11:31 and in an accurate way, yeah.
11:34 And simple way, you know. And then--
11:37 And of course, this is all against the historic background
11:39 of events through several kingdoms.
11:41 But this is the core Gospel.
11:43 Actually I would even say a comprehensive gospel,
11:46 in a sense that we are told that the Messiah,
11:50 this is the 70 weeks' prophecy.
11:52 The Messiah, you know, at the end of the last week
11:56 will cause the sacrifice to seize,
11:58 and He will bring everlasting righteousness again.
12:01 But then, Chapter 10 to 12,
12:07 the Archangel is sent to tell Daniel
12:12 about is going to happen to his people.
12:14 It's when Daniel was struck.
12:16 And that's wonderful because Chapter 12 begins
12:20 with the Michael standing.
12:23 Why standing?
12:25 The priest standing for God's people to defend them
12:29 the priest protection, and then finally,
12:32 God told Daniel, Daniel, you will sleep.
12:34 Notice, there is no immortality of the soul here.
12:37 You will sleep, there will be a resurrection.
12:39 The book begins with a, I mean, tragedy, you know,
12:45 as you were mentioning earlier, desolation, exile,
12:50 and it ends with life, and resurrection.
12:53 It's a wonderful, wonderful book,
12:54 and of course, Daniel on Revelation
12:56 are essential to an Adventist understanding.
12:58 We'll be back after a short break.
13:00 Stay with us.
13:01 Interesting discussion from the Book of Daniel
13:04 and I think Revelation too, right?


Revised 2015-10-15