Liberty Insider

Moral Power

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), John Nay


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000301B

00:05 Welcome back, before the break, with Ambassador John Nay,
00:09 we were talking about moral power.
00:11 Self power and how the U.S. can project that
00:16 but how the principle of religious liberty
00:18 can be communicated internationally
00:21 and I think the United States
00:23 or its different invoice ambassadors and so on.
00:26 I think it's done certainly an admirable job,
00:28 not a perfect job
00:29 but an admirable job with doing that.
00:31 More than most of the countries.
00:32 Ah, we're not prefect, we are human
00:34 and so certainly we make mistakes
00:37 but it was an issue and outreached
00:39 to other religious communities was an issue
00:41 that I certainly was happy to engage in.
00:46 In Toronto when I was there, I was active
00:49 in reaching out to the Muslim community.
00:52 In Suriname, where there is a significant Muslim community
00:55 and the Hindu community and so on.
00:58 I found it a real privilege to have meetings with them
01:02 to visit their places of worship,
01:05 talk to them, learn more about them.
01:07 Uh, at the end of Ramadan,
01:09 going to the mosque with Muslims
01:13 to two or three different mosques.
01:16 Did you find Muslims, individual Muslims
01:20 in your different postings, did you find them anymore
01:24 informed about their faith than the average Christian is?
01:28 Well, of course... I that on a non-confrontational way.
01:30 Yeah, I was gonna say, how does that implies
01:32 that the average Christian is
01:34 or is not knowledgeable about Christianity?
01:36 It's a loaded question that want you have picked up
01:38 at it instantly but-- I think that, uh..--
01:41 I don't think that the average Christian anymore in the west
01:43 is very informed, uh on basic talk shows
01:46 I see the questions, you know,
01:47 who was that swallowed by a whale?
01:49 You know, this sort of question, uh--
01:50 Yeah, but they, they may not really be
01:52 active Christians, so--
01:54 Well, but I... There are active Christians
01:56 but our culture is becoming not very knowledgeable
02:01 on the basics of the faith that we,
02:04 as the Muslims will says
02:05 that "this is the Christian west."
02:07 Mm, mm.
02:08 But, perhaps that's just nominal
02:09 and not born out of any practice.
02:11 So my question is, did you find that
02:13 that's the same as we really...
02:14 I think with most Muslims that I knew,
02:18 they really are focused on the five basic rulers,
02:24 the pillars.
02:25 Do I have the number wrong? That's what I'm thinking.
02:27 But, you know, Mohammed was the last...
02:28 I'm scared of getting a mixed up with the uh--
02:31 Six? No, Lawrence of Arabia's books.
02:34 Isn't that the five pillars of wisdom?
02:36 I-- okay but... He caught a--
02:39 Uh, anyway you know, Mohammed is the last prophet,
02:42 prayed five times a day, avoid pork and alcohol
02:47 and so on and that's really their focus was
02:52 live according to what Allah wanted or wants
02:56 and you know, follows the rules
03:01 and be respectful of God.
03:04 So I wouldn't say
03:06 that we talked deep theological issues,
03:09 what we were talking about really was
03:12 people in human relationships and in that respect,
03:17 I found that whether I was speaking with Turks
03:21 in Toronto where we had friends
03:23 with people from South-Asia, South-Asian background,
03:29 people from the Middle-East, Syrians and so on.
03:32 That I was speaking with other people
03:35 who had as I said in another program
03:38 the same family aspirations,
03:40 the same love for their children,
03:42 the same desire
03:43 for a good relationship with God.
03:45 And that, that's worth remembering
03:47 because, human beings
03:48 regardless of what they profess spiritually
03:50 or even if nothing, we cut from the same flesh.
03:54 And God made us all of us of a muchness
03:57 and it's only when something's really aberrant
04:01 in someone's life experience
04:02 that they deviate from that, so yeah.
04:05 I could imagine that you'd find that
04:07 but I just wanted to get your take on that
04:10 but we do need to.
04:12 I mean, that religious liberty
04:14 and may be I haven't discussed that much on this program,
04:16 our church, the Seventh Day Adventist church...
04:19 You're a member too,
04:20 as I think had a very good track record
04:22 on promoting religious liberty
04:23 But there's really two aspects on them,
04:25 was actually more than two, but as our own department is,
04:30 it's the department of public affairs,
04:35 I was really going to say to the wrong order.
04:37 Public affairs and religious liberty.
04:39 Yes.
04:40 Religious liberty is arguing for the rights
04:43 and freedom of all people to believe and practice
04:46 or disbelieve anything they want.
04:49 I mean, it's the total liberal concept,
04:51 in the best sense.
04:53 Uh, but public affairs,
04:56 is closely allied I think to mission.
05:00 It's projecting our particular identity
05:05 and our mission to other people.
05:07 And seeking to explain it.
05:08 Yeah, often it's very protocol oriented
05:10 but it goes beyond that.
05:12 You know, protocol just dignitary
05:13 dealing with dignitaries and so
05:15 but I think public affairs really covers
05:17 all of our evangelization on our viewpoint
05:21 because at the end of the day,
05:23 you know, Adventist believe
05:24 we have a special charter, don't we?
05:26 For these times
05:29 but you know, we have to follow through on that
05:32 and that we recognize Muslims or any ones.
05:34 They have their agenda, it's not improper
05:37 but it's not our agenda, so ours needs to be promoted.
05:41 Well, and that's what the Adventist church does
05:43 and active outreaching Adventist
05:49 but I absolutely agree and I also think
05:51 the Adventist church has done an excellent job
05:53 of promoting religious liberty,
05:55 now and that it is not just a self serving agenda.
06:00 No!
06:01 Because as a small, smaller church,
06:05 especially originally at the beginnings,
06:08 there was a real concern about being--
06:11 There was a concern about but as I read the history
06:12 and you're an historian too, maybe more than me,
06:16 I will give you the credit.
06:18 But it seems to me,
06:19 while there was this low level persecution
06:23 in the United States
06:24 that the real origin of religious liberty concern
06:29 was more tied up to prophecy and then the expectation
06:31 of what would happen as we moved into the end times.
06:34 So it's always been tied up to, you know the larger context,
06:38 not immediately solving our problem.
06:41 In fact, even to this day, the some of our members
06:44 that I think have a similar view than back then
06:47 whether this was sort of a necessary conflict
06:50 and you grin and bear it and thank the lord.
06:53 So our proclamation of religious liberty
06:56 is more tied up to proclaiming a great truth
07:00 as creatures of a Creator God that we all have the dignity
07:04 and the rights to chose our way, to chose God,
07:07 or chose whatever. You know.
07:09 And that's what I was also agreeing with--
07:12 It wasn't just so that Adventist
07:14 could avoid getting fired
07:16 for not wanting to work on Sabbath or something.
07:18 Now that's a very important function of that church--
07:21 But I don't see that and I must admit that
07:22 I'm set sound as a variance
07:24 with other religions liberty people on that,
07:26 not that I differ but my focus,
07:29 I don't see that as the main thing we do
07:31 or the most important thing.
07:33 Day to day it might be a very practical thing
07:36 but we would be negligent
07:38 if we didn't pay attention to it
07:40 but it's not our main religious liberty message.
07:43 But we do want to help all,
07:45 including our own members who have difficulties
07:48 but you know you've lived in some countries.
07:51 Even some nominally free ones.
07:55 Singapore, which is a great country
07:56 but there was at least under previous administration,
08:00 it was pretty inflexible on certain things
08:02 I have imagined you could easily get fined
08:05 there for certain Christian activity.
08:08 Well, proselytisation is allowed
08:12 but they also are very aware
08:16 of the importance of civil order
08:18 and they are very aware of past times when they were
08:22 what they've called 'communal riots'
08:25 including when they were part of Malaysia
08:28 and then since they got independence.
08:31 They're very aware that Malaysia and Indonesia
08:33 on either side of them are far-far larger
08:37 and that their population, Muslim population in Singapore
08:42 is 15-20%.
08:44 So although proselytisation is allowed,
08:46 they want you to do it in a very careful way--
08:49 That's right, so you could easily--
08:52 And you might not tread on-- some of the regulations there,
08:54 even though it's not a repressive state
08:56 and in any classic sense...
08:57 But you may not get your visa renewed
08:59 if you upset the social order.
09:02 Yeah, Yeah.
09:03 But that the way obvious that it is Singapore
09:05 many times that I love it.
09:07 It's amazing to me,
09:09 you'd probably know the statistics
09:10 but you know, the population density, very high.
09:13 For that little island nation state.
09:16 But yet you could go out of the city
09:18 and you are like in the open country.
09:19 Like the zoo... Yes.
09:21 For example, it's like the middle of,
09:23 like it could be anywhere but like Borneo jungles.
09:27 Well, our daughter was born there
09:28 and then when we went back some years later
09:31 we were happy to take her to the zoo
09:32 and have a chance to actually
09:35 have a breakfast with the orangutan with a--
09:37 And this is an ad for the zoo almost
09:40 because I've been to a lot of zoos
09:42 but that one is quite unique
09:43 because there's no real sense of fences.
09:46 Remember, there's a ditch in front of the animal
09:48 but you look them in the eye often.
09:50 Yeah, they were very nice.
09:52 Beautiful zoo but yeah,
09:57 as we were agreeing you know it's interesting
09:59 sociological and cultural challenge is to projecting,
10:03 not just Adventist beliefs
10:04 but religious liberty in general
10:06 and yet it must be done.
10:08 It is being done,
10:09 the United States is doing a good job of it
10:11 and our church is trying consistently
10:15 and we congratulate ourselves a lot,
10:17 we are not as often as well known as we could be
10:20 but I think like the United States,
10:22 the Seventh Day Adventist church has a long track record
10:25 and it's generally, it's in the right direction.
10:28 I agree, I think that we are doing a good work,
10:32 we are working with other churches
10:34 and we are doing it in a way that is advancing
10:38 the cause of religious liberty and I think that as we do that
10:42 we are uh, contributing to a cause
10:46 greater than ourselves
10:48 and it's an issue that will continue
10:51 and that as we continue to work through issues
10:54 in our society I'm sure, we'll stay active.
11:00 When I was quite a bit younger,
11:01 I remember staying up late to watch on television,
11:05 the fuzzy black and white image of the lunar landing.
11:09 The U.S. exercising its...
11:12 very obvious technological prowess
11:15 and quite power and putting a man on the moon
11:20 but in reality the power of the United States
11:23 is not primarily technological, certainly not military power,
11:28 even thought that is unquestioned
11:31 in the modern world.
11:32 The real power of any country
11:34 and I think the real power of the United States
11:36 is its moral persuasion
11:39 and it is a rather unique thing that in the modern world,
11:42 the United States acting on its constitutional principles
11:46 and in particular the principle of religious liberty
11:49 has been able to, often very effectively project
11:53 that to a world that at times is ready to kill and restrict
11:59 in the name of their own principles
12:02 but not religious liberty.
12:04 Moral Power, it's important for countries,
12:08 it's vital for individual human beings,
12:11 for individual Christians as the witness for their Lord.
12:16 For Liberty Insider
12:17 this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2015-09-10