Liberty Insider

Taking a Constitution

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), John Nay


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000299B

00:05 Welcome back to "The Liberty Insider."
00:07 Before the break with guest John Nay.
00:10 By the way, John Nay, for our viewers that might have
00:14 just picked up with the program, was--
00:17 before his retirement ambassador to Surinam--
00:20 Yes.
00:21 And served the US in various diplomatic posts,
00:24 through the years.
00:25 But you'd mention that Toronto
00:27 was one of your more pleasant postings.
00:30 Toronto was wonderful.
00:31 Yeah, and there's a comedian
00:34 from Canada, John Pinette, I think.
00:38 Baby-faced guy, talks a lot about food in his humor.
00:41 But his standard line is, "Nay, nay, I say, nay, nay."
00:45 I think of you. Oh, I see.
00:46 John Nay.
00:52 But we've been talking about the United States
00:54 and its model of religious liberty
00:55 from a constitutional base and I'm sure you kept
00:58 that in mind always as you projected US values
01:02 and when we think about it, this is just a read or write;
01:06 it's a wonderful serendipity,
01:09 this outcome from some of effy beginning.
01:12 But as it was established
01:13 in the constitution it's worked well.
01:16 Well, you know, the constitution
01:18 that we have I think is,
01:20 has been so vital to preserving our freedoms
01:24 and so often when I was talking in Surinm
01:29 and elsewhere, I was also highlighting freedom
01:32 of the press and you don't understand
01:35 the value of freedom of the press
01:37 until you live in a place that doesn't have it.
01:40 And when you see the kind of propaganda newspapers
01:44 that can be put out by a government owned facility
01:48 when, and then there's no other alternative
01:51 you realize the value of freedom of the press
01:53 and of ensuring that journalists are able
01:57 to report freely and similarly,
02:00 freedom of assembly, freedom of religion,
02:04 all of them, freedom of speech.
02:06 But you need to--
02:07 I mean, it's true you can't rely
02:09 on every newspaper in the US to be right on.
02:12 But when you have freedom of the press in the mix--
02:14 You're gonna get the truth if you want to.
02:15 But I'm still a little surprised--
02:17 Either you talk about the press and government information.
02:22 You know, we remember, humorously as a very sad
02:25 and dangerous time.
02:26 But remember Baghdad Bob during the US invasion.
02:29 He was-- I remember--
02:30 what I remember watching that is,
02:32 he's giving the government line,
02:33 "We're fighting them back and I'll arrest.
02:35 They're not winning Baghdad."
02:37 And in the background you can see the tanks,
02:38 US tanks buzzing up and down.
02:40 Yeah. Occupy.
02:43 That was humorous but it did show to me
02:45 how totally devoid of reality a controlled--
02:49 a government controlled media can be.
02:51 It can be.
02:53 So it's a privilege that we have to--
02:54 At least have the right to know and to find out
02:57 and discuss and read correct information.
02:59 And I think religion flourishes much more
03:02 with the freedom of the press.
03:03 You know, they are not, by mistake,
03:05 two halves of the same amendment.
03:07 Of course.
03:08 And I think it was Hillary Clinton
03:10 made a very trenching compent--
03:13 comment once that religious liberty
03:16 is sort of litmus test of all the civil liberties.
03:20 Well, I think that's a valid comment.
03:22 Or you really can't have true religious liberty
03:24 without full civil liberty.
03:27 And again, you know, going right along with it,
03:29 freedom of the press, both
03:32 and I think what we've seen over the years too
03:35 is when you do have an official state church
03:38 that is funded by the government,
03:43 even if one can choose to be a member of it or not,
03:47 it isn't actually helpful to that church.
03:49 Oh, weakens the church. Weakens it because--
03:51 It was very plain that it becomes
03:53 very just a passive--
03:58 Members-- Not much initiative.
03:59 Tend to drop away or it feel like
04:01 they don't have to support it
04:02 because it'll get government support.
04:04 Now as in the Middle Ages,
04:06 where it was not just the state church
04:08 but there was no option then the church can be strong.
04:11 Impressive at least as far as strength.
04:13 Yes, yes and of course then you wind up with,
04:17 very quickly can wind up with terrible persecution--
04:20 Of any who differ. Even in extremely minor points.
04:25 And my wife and I spent two weeks
04:27 in northern Italy this summer in June.
04:29 One week of it, with a group up in the area
04:32 where the Waldenses work.
04:34 An inspiring example of people
04:37 who sought to believe in their own way
04:42 and then were repeatedly, brutally persecuted
04:47 and in fact, we spent one day climbing up a very steep hill--
04:52 Torre Pellice, was it?
04:55 Out side of Torre Pellice up to the Castelluzzo,
04:58 where literally hundreds of them were thrown off
05:01 of the off of this precipice.
05:06 So very sad and totally unnecessary
05:11 except that the-- I say unnecessary
05:14 in the sense that they were no threat
05:16 to the governing authorities except that
05:21 the governing authorities sought to ensure
05:24 that there could be no difference in any aspect.
05:28 Well, what was going on then it seems to--
05:30 well, we know that Rome was telling the Duke of Seville.
05:37 I think it was-- Yes.
05:38 That they need to deal with these decidite
05:40 so there was pressure brought to bear on them.
05:41 Absolutely.
05:43 But I think what was going on then
05:44 which way heading toward and it does trouble me.
05:47 That was the area where national identity
05:49 was equated with religious identity.
05:52 So if you were out of the norm, you're not in the heretic
05:56 but you are threatening the whole natural--
05:59 social stability and the identity
06:02 and the very loyalty.
06:03 Now we've been able to, especially in the US
06:06 and Australia, we aren't from
06:07 where we have mixed populations,
06:09 we're able to sort of distill out
06:11 what it is to be loyal to the state
06:13 in spite of your other identities.
06:15 That's right.
06:16 Yeah, you don't have to be of the same religion
06:18 or the same ethnic group or whatever--
06:21 Or even necessarily of the one party.
06:23 Even the multi-party thing is--
06:25 That's a relatively new phenomenon.
06:28 Relatively new. But--
06:29 And I'd listen to some of the talk radio
06:32 and that troubles me in the US, some of the radical talk radio,
06:37 they equate their political opponents
06:39 with the terrorists and enemies and that doesn't go well.
06:43 But at least we're free to say that.
06:46 That's another positive.
06:47 But, yes, the sort of extremist claims
06:50 that you hear on the radio
06:52 I think are some times very sad.
06:54 Well, I wrote in an editorial some thing like
06:56 and I said the difference between the rapid--
07:03 Often right wing radio talk shows language
07:06 and the radio incitements to violence
07:12 that resulted in the genocide in Rwanda
07:15 is differences of degree, not of kind.
07:20 Sadly, I think you're right
07:22 and what puzzles me at times is,
07:26 the kind of harsh rhetoric, racist rhetoric
07:29 that I've heard on some on a couple
07:32 of radio programs particularly, anti-immigrant rhetoric,
07:39 it doesn't seem at all Christian,
07:42 not that they are necessarily claiming to be--
07:44 But its not charitable, is it?
07:46 Not at all.
07:47 What surprises me is when Christians
07:51 begin to listen to these and continue to listen
07:54 and begin to echo some of these few points,
07:56 to me it seems like there's a contradiction in terms.
07:59 Yeah, you're absolutely right.
08:02 Now which party would Jesus speak at if he came?
08:06 I think no party.
08:08 I think no party because you know,
08:11 he had a different mission
08:13 and would not have linked himself,
08:17 I mean, he didn't link himself to the Romans
08:19 or the Pharisees or the Sadducees.
08:23 He had a mission, but I think he would've been
08:27 a part of a party that emphasized
08:30 outreach to people and treating people right.
08:35 I'm not sure if it's the Bible or Ellen White's illumination's
08:38 on that speaking to Seventh-Day Adventist
08:40 but she said that he went around
08:41 someone wishing other people's good
08:44 and I think that should characterize the Christian
08:46 and so even though
08:49 different Christians to have political viewpoints
08:52 I think they should be charitable
08:53 towards other people and it does trouble me
08:55 and in a nominally Christian society
08:57 and I know US is not as Christian as people imagine.
09:01 Its very secular society
09:03 but still it claims a Christian identity
09:07 that this talk about the immigrants
09:09 and so on can veer into very hateful harsh--
09:13 Yes.
09:15 Language that you know, it might affect policy
09:17 but I used to work on construction
09:19 when I was in college,
09:20 actually all through high school at college
09:22 and I know many other people
09:23 that work on those jobs act very reflexly
09:27 and there can be a sort of a debate
09:29 with some extreme statements that the average person
09:33 just translates into how they work
09:35 but those people, they're like the stick of flag
09:38 in the back at the pickup.
09:40 Go up and do something.
09:42 Well, and the thing that we need to keep in mind
09:44 and of course the Bible speaks about
09:46 treating the stranger within your gates kindly
09:50 but the vast majority of immigrants
09:52 and certainly you, yourself are an immigrant
09:57 to the United States,
09:59 I'm descended from immigrants mostly
10:02 and the vast majority including
10:06 those who don't have papers to be authorized to be here
10:09 or hard workers who care about their families,
10:13 who have all of the same aspirations
10:17 for their families that we do
10:20 and I think if we keep that kind of thing in mind--
10:21 Yeah, you know, and I don't think
10:23 you are certainly,
10:24 I'm not suggesting any change in policy.
10:27 What's illegal is illegal
10:28 and there's got to be ways to deal with that
10:30 and the voters and leaders can commit that.
10:33 But the rhetoric at the way
10:34 other human beings are characterized
10:38 I think is very unfortunate, very unfortunate.
10:40 But the United States I-- not just think,
10:43 I know, is a beacon still through its constitution
10:47 and its history and you were privileged
10:49 to be a part of that and project that
10:53 and you mentioned Surinam, were there any other places
10:55 just a little micro-comment of the places
10:58 where you were able to project that?
11:02 Well, as I was serving in Canada
11:07 it was a chance to project US values
11:11 and how we saw things-- so many things the same way,
11:15 but also sometimes saw them differently.
11:17 In India, in South Africa, again it was an opportunity
11:20 to work with many different people
11:22 and find common ground,
11:25 something that I very much enjoyed.
11:31 Chicken and the egg discussions
11:34 can apply to many topics
11:36 but I don't think any more appropriately than discussions
11:39 of the United States' constitution.
11:42 Studying the history of settlement
11:45 and then a final establishment of the United States republic,
11:49 I'm always wondering whether it was formed
11:52 by the agreed upon constitution
11:55 or the agreed upon constitution
11:57 came out of, what was already formed
12:00 in the national consciousness of the citizenry.
12:05 Either way, a constitution must be
12:08 more than just paper under glass
12:12 in a hushed atmosphere of the museum.
12:15 It has to exemplify the shared aspirations
12:19 and agreement of the citizenry.
12:24 In our day, the United States
12:26 has adequately stood for freedom of religion.
12:29 It's a high ideal
12:31 and it should be always kept before
12:33 not only its own citizenry but the world.
12:37 There is no higher value than that of religious freedom.
12:41 There is no greater civil test of true freedom
12:45 than religious liberty.
12:48 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2015-09-17