Liberty Insider

Dial Out on Religion

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), John Nay


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000298B

00:06 Welcome back to 'The Liberty Insider,'
00:07 with our ambassador from Suriname.
00:12 John, we were solving the world's problems.
00:15 Yeah. Yeah.
00:17 But as an ambassador
00:20 and working in different embassies
00:21 around the world,
00:23 under the auspices of the U.S. government.
00:27 You must have seen and participated in efforts
00:30 that our country has tried to initiate to
00:36 inform young people that there are better ways
00:40 than religious extremism and poverty and so on,
00:44 trying to improve their life
00:45 because the answer lies in the next generation,
00:47 doesn't it?
00:48 Well, the United States
00:49 has a very active public diplomacy program
00:51 and it's an effort to reach out to people
00:54 at all levels, including youth.
00:57 We have youth exchange programs.
01:00 And for example,
01:02 one of the ones that we had in Suriname
01:04 is part of the Yes Program Youth Education.
01:08 I've never heard about that before.
01:09 And we were able to send
01:12 roughly eight students to the United States for a year
01:16 at a US high school for each year
01:18 and then they would come back and another group would go.
01:22 A wonderful program
01:24 and definitely a way of acquainting these kids
01:28 with the United States.
01:29 You would see them come back
01:32 mature, much more outgoing, much more confident
01:37 but of course you can only reach
01:39 a limited number of people that way.
01:41 We had other programs going on
01:43 where we would work with people.
01:46 You and I spoke separately
01:47 about our environmental outreach
01:49 and that was a part of our public diplomacy program too.
01:54 We had Women In Business outreach programs
01:58 to try to help small businesses that were led by women
02:02 and lot of these efforts.
02:04 That's changed whole societies.
02:07 You talk about encouraging very small business loans for--
02:09 Yes. Yeah.
02:11 I followed that for years.
02:13 And it-- it can make a huge difference.
02:15 And in India particularly for one example that I remember
02:18 that's transform village life for many of these people.
02:22 And there is no question that if women get an education,
02:27 it's good for society,
02:29 it's good for children of both genders
02:31 as they grow up.
02:32 Of course something
02:34 that the Taliban and Afghanistan had fought.
02:35 Sadly. Yeah, very sadly.
02:39 But, as far as the answer, one has to keep working,
02:45 you're never going to--
02:48 you're never going to make Utopia on earth,
02:51 but at the same time
02:52 we need to keep doing what we can
02:54 and trying to help not only the people of those societies
02:58 but help their--
03:01 help them avoid some of the extremists.
03:03 Although I do believe that on religion,
03:09 first of all I believe that
03:10 they are inherent with any religious system,
03:14 there are some theological positions
03:17 that sort of follow through on civil life
03:20 and you can't change those root positions
03:22 and they may be more or less benign or troublesome
03:26 depending on the group and yet we can't change that.
03:32 I also think there's a slight fallacy at work
03:35 within the U.S.
03:37 that we extrapolate overseas,
03:39 the idea that if someone is poor,
03:44 this whole basket of problems and conflicts can be taken away
03:48 if you just give them jobs
03:51 and improve their economic outlook.
03:55 I mean, it does tend to improve it
03:56 but is poverty the cause of that?
03:59 Well, again, there's no single cause.
04:03 Poverty is part of the problem.
04:05 Education is part of the problem.
04:08 As you see societies develop economically,
04:13 you also tend to see birth rates go down
04:17 and that has an advantage of improving prosperity.
04:23 But, yeah, there's no single answer.
04:27 And again, we're not going to solve every problem.
04:31 But religion should be part of the solution,
04:33 that's what I'm fishing for.
04:35 And ironically, it's often a big part of the problem,
04:38 but it should, by the claims of all religions,
04:41 not just Christianity.
04:43 Religion claims to be good for people
04:46 to sort their life out, to give them security,
04:48 to give them morality even.
04:50 I mean most religions--
04:51 Well, their morality might differ from another religion,
04:53 they do have a moral construct
04:56 that they're calling people toward for their betterment,
04:59 I suppose.
05:01 And I do believe
05:02 that religion makes a positive contribution
05:04 and too often we ignore the effects of religion
05:08 as we're reviewing a society
05:12 in what direction they're going.
05:14 At the same time so often religion winds up
05:18 being an excuse and as people have other--
05:23 there are political issues, economic issues,
05:26 ethnic conflicts and then one begins to focus on it
05:31 as if it's a religious problem.
05:34 And in fact, at times that gives religion a bad name
05:36 when if you were to go back to the Ireland problem
05:40 between the Protestants and the Catholics,
05:42 was that really a religious problem?
05:44 Well, probably not exactly.
05:48 But it began to be focused on as a religious problem.
05:52 It was on several levels.
05:55 You're getting close to-- In our private discussion,
05:58 I mention that I'm very partial to Oliver Cromwell.
06:01 At least in our lifetime, Ireland was all about religion
06:04 and all about what Cromwell did.
06:06 Remember, in the aftermathof his victory
06:09 in the civil war, he took an army of,
06:11 I think it was 50, 000 men and put Ireland to the sword.
06:15 Killed every Catholic he lays hand on,
06:17 brought in English Protestant aristocracy
06:22 and it was basically
06:23 a sort of a plantation mentality.
06:25 Absolutely.
06:27 And not at all a good thing that he did in that regard.
06:29 No.
06:30 No, he's a great hero in my mind
06:32 but that's the huge blot against Oliver Cromwell that
06:36 you can see it as in the spirit of the times
06:39 but he did it better or worse than anyone at his time.
06:42 I mean, that was a great black act.
06:45 Yeah, absolutely.
06:47 But your point is correct,
06:48 there's more going on than just--
06:49 1960s and 70s problem was
06:53 there were religious aspects
06:56 but as much as anything it was economic and political--
07:00 Well, economic because--
07:01 Nationalistic fight.
07:03 The Catholics thought that the Protestants
07:05 had access to the money and jobs and so on.
07:08 So split along religious lines
07:09 even though religion didn't cause their problems.
07:12 Exactly.
07:13 And that is a point that I want to make is so often
07:17 religion gets the blame when it doesn't deserve it
07:21 but then people, you know,
07:23 that fight would have happened quite possibly, quite likely
07:28 regardless of whether it was Protestants or Catholics,
07:31 there just would have been other flashpoint.
07:32 Is it Nigeria with northern--
07:34 Yeah, the northern are Muslim
07:36 and the southern are more Christian.
07:38 As you were saying that I thought, there were reasons
07:40 that they would have been an antipathy
07:42 between those two halves anyhow.
07:43 But religion made it worse in their cause,
07:45 as in other cases I think.
07:47 It becomes one other way of dividing groups
07:49 and pitting them against each other.
07:51 Now, the world is a complicated place,
07:53 but the faith that we have, we see it as a solution
07:57 very often as part of the problem for people
08:00 and that's very unfortunate.
08:04 What are the areas in the world where you were posted
08:07 did you see a situation where religion was at work
08:12 or perhaps a solution?
08:14 We spent 3 years in India.
08:16 Well, all the gods there, many, many gods.
08:19 A fascinating country, fascinating culture.
08:23 I thought it was a wonderful time,
08:25 very interesting time to be there
08:28 but indeed religion comes up.
08:31 There are Hindus who are wonderful people
08:35 and I had some very good friends
08:37 who were Hindus.
08:38 I enjoyed going to Hindu temples with them
08:41 and seeing that aspect of the culture.
08:46 But there are also those who feel under threat
08:50 because of the expansion of the Christian community
08:52 in parts of the country.
08:56 You're seeing the whole panoply of religions there.
08:58 Again, they have very significant Muslim minority.
09:01 Yeah.
09:02 And then the Jains, the Sikhs,
09:04 all of the rest, so--
09:05 Yeah, not all of the Muslims went to Pakistan.
09:08 No.
09:10 You remember the number,
09:11 there's tens of millions of Muslims in India.
09:14 Oh, absolutely.
09:17 Actually there are probably
09:18 about 200 million Muslims in India.
09:21 I believe it's the second largest
09:23 Muslim country in the world
09:25 in terms of the number of people
09:27 who are Muslims in that country after Indonesian.
09:30 More than are in Pakistan.
09:32 You know that, most people don't know,
09:33 Indonesia is the largest Muslim country.
09:37 That's right.
09:38 And it's about 200 million so.
09:42 Yeah, even a bit more now, 240 or 250 million, I think.
09:46 But there are about 95% Muslim.
09:49 Australia is well aware of that
09:50 it's this dark-- it's not because they're Muslim
09:53 but this dark cloud hanging over the country
09:57 and there's been several 10 stand-offs over the years
10:01 between Indonesia and the British
10:03 when they were moving out of Malaysia
10:05 and then as the Dutch's,
10:07 they're moving out of New Guinea there.
10:09 Yes, well I know--
10:11 I know it's a foreign policy issue for Australia.
10:14 Oh, big time.
10:16 But you know, on the other hand
10:20 Indonesia has its own viewpoint on that.
10:23 Oh, yeah.
10:24 You sound like my wife.
10:26 Whenever we hear some break-up,
10:28 she says it takes two to tango.
10:29 It's always that--
10:30 Yes.
10:32 There's not just one side to an issue.
10:33 But you were asking about religion in other countries,
10:36 and India, I think it's a good example
10:38 of a hugely diverse religious community in a country
10:43 where you see occasional flashpoints
10:47 and you know, so often in fact, the--
10:53 when the Muslim community has had a problem there,
10:56 at times it has been because they are a small minority,
11:00 even though they have many, many people--
11:02 Oh, I know the Hindus
11:03 have attacked Muslims many times.
11:04 It's not a one way street. There have been communal riots.
11:06 And one thing that I like you to comment on,
11:11 one of the flashpoints
11:13 between Hindus and Christians is over the untouchables
11:17 in large numbers joining Christianity.
11:19 Well, that's a real dynamic and a real flashpoint,
11:22 but I see that as a root of sociological shift
11:26 that religion just sort of stepped into.
11:28 Well, I think you're probably right on that.
11:31 In any case the--
11:33 I see religion as something that is a real plus
11:36 and something that as we look at religion,
11:40 we want to keep in mind that it's not the fault,
11:45 it is a benefit.
11:47 But again, we believe in religious liberty
11:50 and as we spread our own view, our own religion
11:56 we want to do it in a way
11:57 that is mindful of other people's sensitivities.
12:02 A few decades ago
12:04 there was much talk of the ecumenical movement.
12:06 My own church,
12:08 the Seventh-day Adventist church
12:09 was not much interested in this
12:11 because we saw by observation that the ecumenical movement
12:15 as then constituted was more about dumbing down
12:20 or diluting the differences between religions.
12:24 And a religion to be important, to be significant
12:27 must stand for something.
12:29 But in the post-ecumenical movement
12:33 what is needed in this modern world
12:35 I think is more communication,
12:38 more explanation between religions.
12:41 In my observation,
12:42 much of the conflict arises from misunderstandings
12:46 about different faiths, their agenda, their doctrines,
12:50 their worldview because like it or not
12:55 globally, religious forces
12:57 are conspiring to destroy the peace and harmony
13:01 that doesn't always exist but that should exist.
13:05 We need to talk to others, of course share our faith
13:09 but in sharing information about our faith
13:12 and listening to others share their information,
13:15 we can have clarity of purpose and understanding
13:18 in all religious activity globally.
13:23 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2015-09-10