Liberty Insider

An Environment of Service

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), John Nay


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000297B

00:06 Welcome back to 'The Liberty Insider,'
00:07 before the break with guest Ambassador John Nay,
00:11 we've gone through a little bit of your career
00:13 and philosophy as an ambassador
00:15 and we'd ended up on the environment
00:17 which while there were threats there,
00:19 it was actually very pleasant in Suriname.
00:24 But you said that you made that somewhat of a focus
00:28 or a theme of your tenure there.
00:31 I did.
00:32 You know, ambassadors are able to chose the art
00:36 that goes on the walls in the ambassadorial residence
00:39 and in the public areas
00:40 where you'll be having receptions.
00:42 And so for example, my academy art teacher
00:47 who's now have been teaching art
00:49 at Union College James McClelland.
00:52 We were lucky enough to have
00:54 and he was kind enough
00:56 to loan us two of his paintings.
00:58 We had those on the walls
01:00 and we had others by one of the art teachers
01:04 at Andrews University and a number of others.
01:08 And again, they would often
01:10 would wind up being something of a focus of conversation
01:13 when we were having receptions.
01:14 Now you were telling me what I always understood
01:17 that an ambassador's residence in many ways
01:22 is sort of a little island
01:25 in another place of his own country,
01:26 right, to represent them?
01:28 In a sense, yeah. It would be.
01:30 But I can remember years ago going to an ambassador
01:35 to the Vatican residence.
01:39 And I was startled.
01:41 Everything in the house was to do with the Vatican City.
01:46 I don't think it was forbidden but it was interesting.
01:50 That it turned the things on their side
01:52 because a few others that I've gone to.
01:54 Yeah, they are little island in this case of America.
01:59 I was trying to highlight Michigan artists,
02:01 from Michigan and yeah, very much so.
02:05 I definitely saw myself as a representative
02:08 of the United States and was trying to do
02:11 what I could to represent the U.S. well.
02:14 Yeah, now I'm sure very responsible relationship.
02:18 And I'm sure very rewarding too.
02:20 I'm originally an Australian
02:22 and in a little, little way I understand that
02:25 and in fact, I tried to relate
02:27 that to the Christians role in the world.
02:30 You know, as an Australian, no matter how long
02:32 I stay my accent betrays me
02:34 and people make judgments on my country
02:36 no matter how I behave
02:37 and what I tell them about the country.
02:39 So I'm sort of projecting
02:41 that as Christians our home is heaven
02:44 but that doesn't let us off the hook.
02:46 We have to really let people around us know
02:51 what the citizen of heaven is like
02:53 and how good a citizen of any country that'd be.
02:56 Yeah, well, I mean, the term ambassador
02:58 is actually used in the Bible.
03:00 Yeah, I had forgotten that. Yes.
03:02 You know, when my father died about eight years ago,
03:06 after a very short illness and he actually died
03:09 after final surgery.
03:11 As they wheeled him away to the surgery
03:12 they not even been told a couple of minutes earlier
03:14 that he had to have, we knew this was the end of it.
03:19 But he said to the, he says.
03:21 "Do you know I'm an ambassador?
03:23 He looked at him.
03:25 You know, what he's talking about.
03:26 He says, "I am an ambassador for heaven."
03:27 Okay.
03:29 So that they brought him to me
03:31 that this relationship as a Christian
03:33 and how we represent another world.
03:36 But yeah, they said the environment
03:39 you really saw as an issue.
03:45 Well, when you presenting America it's just a sign that
03:48 this is a responsible nation on the environment.
03:50 It's a common concern of all human kind.
03:53 Exactly and this is something we care about.
03:56 Something that we hope other countries
03:57 will care about and without overdoing it,
04:03 without getting into a bullying mode or anything.
04:05 But simply please keep these concerns in mind
04:08 because they are part of you preserving the beauty
04:13 and resources of your own country.
04:17 So--
04:19 Do you see well, in a way I know the answer to it,
04:25 on the environment there is potential
04:27 for disagreement among nations obviously?
04:29 Of course.
04:31 And so how do you think both as citizens
04:34 and in your case you are representative
04:36 of the government of a particular country
04:39 but as citizens and Christians
04:41 how can we influence mankind to take this seriously
04:44 because I do see it as a matter of stewardship
04:47 of creatures of a Creator God.
04:49 He made this for us as not just a matter of,
04:53 you know, making life better for us here.
04:55 It's got a moral component.
04:56 We owe it to the Creator to minimize pollution
05:03 and some of it comes with just living.
05:05 I would say we owe it to our fellowmen also.
05:07 Right.
05:09 Well, as far as how do you influence,
05:10 I mean, by example is probably the best way
05:15 and of course our example hasn't always been good.
05:18 When we speak to some countries like Brazil and Suriname,
05:22 we can make our best case and they always listened
05:26 I always felt like the Suriname officials listened.
05:30 On the other hand, Brazil
05:33 and some of the other countries will point out that
05:35 our own history isn't exactly perfect on these issues.
05:39 We had forests that covered America
05:42 and they mostly, mostly got cut down.
05:45 It's always been an amazement to me,
05:47 how quickly that was done.
05:48 Yes.
05:50 And even in Australia which is as big as the U.S.
05:51 with only 25 million people today.
05:53 This is just huge, of countryside
05:56 that has been transformed.
05:57 That must've been done within a generation.
05:59 Within a few generations anyway
06:01 and so we have to be a little bit mindful
06:04 that we can make our best case
06:07 and other countries may well, say,
06:09 "But we want to develop
06:12 and make life better for our people."
06:15 So they aren't always going to agree
06:17 and at some point we have to respect their choice.
06:21 And I'm sure that the, not the ambassadors
06:24 but the U.S. Military are thinking about this too
06:27 and I read many articles where they realized
06:29 that famines and other natural calamities
06:33 have military implications for conflict
06:36 and I think the environment
06:38 is bringing us to a flash point between different countries
06:43 and aims and the disruptions that are causing so.
06:46 Well, I mean you look--
06:48 You look how instability within the country.
06:49 Not just against another country.
06:50 Exactly.
06:52 I mean, you can get civil disorder
06:53 when people are starving you can expect that
06:56 they are going to search for a place
06:58 that they can go to that's better.
07:00 You will wind up with refugee flows
07:02 and it has all sorts of implications.
07:05 Now as a Christian, as a Seventh Day Adventist,
07:07 I felt that while the church needs
07:09 to avoid getting into a social gospel
07:12 that substitutes for spirituality
07:14 and in the case of our church
07:17 preparing for the Lord's soon return.
07:19 But I think that we need to embrace
07:21 as an imperative concern for the environment
07:25 just as certain things like the anti-abortion and so on.
07:28 We know why that sort of out of kilter
07:30 perhaps in the U.S.
07:31 But it's still something that should have
07:33 a moral resonance with any follower of the Bible
07:36 and the environment I think, on an individual basis
07:40 or perhaps even as the church entity,
07:42 I think we should speak more strongly
07:44 to this as the Catholic churches done.
07:46 And you know, there're certain things going on there.
07:48 There's a Protestant perhaps not comfortable with.
07:51 But it's not a bad cause to espouse.
07:53 I completely agree.
07:55 I think that, in fact,
07:57 when you used the term social gospel,
07:59 there have been times
08:00 when I've talked to fellow Christians
08:03 and made the case that
08:06 we should be doing more for the poor and every now
08:11 and then unfortunately you'll wind up having
08:13 people be a bit dismissive.
08:15 "Oh, that's the social gospel. We don't do that."
08:18 And you know, it doesn't do much good
08:23 to preach to people if they're hungry.
08:26 And when you look at the kind of good
08:29 that the Salvation Army has done over the years
08:32 and when you go to a Salvation Army
08:35 soup kitchen and volunteer
08:37 and see the people who are getting help there,
08:40 I think it's something where we need
08:42 to keep it very much in mind and that is not to say that
08:45 the Adventist Church doesn't do a lot because it does.
08:49 But I do think it makes me uncomfortable
08:52 when people are dismissive of the term social gospel
08:54 because it sometimes seems like they're making an excuse.
08:59 Yeah, now I think we're in agreement.
09:02 I think it's a matter of balance
09:05 even bit of emphasis.
09:07 That's not why we are here as Christians
09:10 just to fix this world here.
09:12 But as Christians we should be concerned
09:14 to fix whatever we can
09:16 on our way to the heavenly kingdom.
09:19 And I'm certain that the things like
09:21 maybe the environment in particular is going to be
09:24 the central point in the years ahead
09:27 and we can't afford to be
09:28 left out of this discussion or this concern.
09:31 Well, and economically it's got,
09:33 it has huge implications for us too.
09:36 I mean, everything from people's health to--
09:41 Even survival.
09:42 I can remember as a young kid being
09:47 amazed to read that in Japan at that point
09:49 'cause it was rapidly industrialized.
09:51 People can buy a sniff of oxygen on street machine,
09:54 wending machines.
09:56 That's moved to china now. Yes.
09:58 It so immediately hazardous
10:01 to people's lives in these bigger cities
10:03 that they have to have a little uptake
10:05 of real oxygen just to make it through.
10:07 So we're on the edge.
10:09 The environment is just slowly destroying
10:11 what we have.
10:12 It's imminent threat to life in them.
10:14 In some places it certainly is.
10:15 And back to the Seventh-Day Adventist system
10:19 of reaching out to other people unless there's a clear mind
10:23 people can't understand spiritual things.
10:25 I agree.
10:27 So, yeah, I think your environmental
10:31 concern was well placed.
10:34 As both as a representative of the country
10:36 and as a Seventh-Day Adventist Christian.
10:38 Okay.
10:40 So what was your take away though for Suriname
10:42 and the environment and what you are putting
10:45 into this as a responsible steward?
10:49 Well, it was a great opportunity,
10:52 it was a great job and it was a wonderful chance
10:56 to get to know a very diverse community in a country
11:01 that maybe many of us don't know
11:02 but which I think has examples that they can show us.
11:08 So I look forward to going back and seeing them again.
11:14 When you look at recent history
11:15 there are not many examples of leaders
11:19 who put their ambitions aside and stepped aside.
11:26 I remember Nelson Mandela
11:28 who was actually been a revolutionary
11:30 in his pre-imprisonment days
11:32 but after serving only a short time stepped aside
11:36 for the good of his country.
11:38 Of course in the United States
11:39 that's still quite a memory of George Washington,
11:42 the father of the Nation,
11:45 saying farewell to the presidency
11:47 and going back to his farm.
11:49 These examples I think will give a little window
11:53 into the mind set of some one who is not a ruler to rule
11:56 but a leader to lead
11:58 because of an inner moral compass.
12:02 The Christian serving the state, the civil interest,
12:07 I think is a stronger ruler, a stronger steward
12:10 because of this moral compass
12:13 and I do believe that in our world,
12:15 we need more people who can walk away
12:18 if need be, if there's a moral conflict
12:20 within office can exemplify moral power.
12:26 For Liberty Insider this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2015-09-10