Liberty Insider

The Story of My Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Dr. John Graz


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000296B

00:05 Welcome back to "The Liberty Insider."
00:07 Before the break
00:09 I was grilling Dr. John Graz about his early life
00:13 and you know, from my side, thinking about this
00:17 and remembering my father,
00:19 I know he did many things in his life
00:22 started off in publishing ended in-
00:24 and you shifted ending up in Religious Liberty.
00:27 But I know my father was inspired
00:29 through it all by the text from Peter.
00:32 I think it's 2 Peter,
00:34 "Casting all your cares upon Him,
00:35 for he cares upon you, cares for you."
00:38 You know, what's inspired you?
00:40 You mentioned that you were studying the Bible
00:42 as a young man and that moved you into faith.
00:45 Had there been any thoughts
00:47 or Bible texts that have really been
00:49 your guiding light?
00:50 As I said you know, when I became an Adventist
00:54 or a Christian really, the text that you know,
00:57 "Seek first the kingdom of God"
00:59 was very impressive for me and I took that really.
01:04 And but after when I became
01:06 an Adventist and that changed my life.
01:08 I had to face many challenges, you know, to study again
01:11 and so on and so on.
01:13 And normally I should have said that's not possible.
01:15 But another text came to my mind
01:17 was the word of Jesus,
01:19 "Everything is possible for the one,
01:21 for he who believes, everything is possible."
01:25 And I said, "with God everything is possible."
01:27 It means it was like an explosion in my life.
01:31 I had a lot of limitations in my mind.
01:33 You know, many, most of the time,
01:35 the limitations are not physical limitations
01:38 but it's in your mind.
01:40 I thought that I will never able to study
01:43 after the secondary school.
01:45 I thought many things like that.
01:47 I thought that I will never,
01:48 never be able to go to the university.
01:51 Never be able to speak in public
01:54 and to speak another language and so on and so on.
01:57 But you know, the moment
01:58 the way I became Christian, if Jesus in my life,
02:03 everything became possible and I said,
02:05 "With God everything is possible."
02:07 Then after when I had all these challenges
02:11 and I see all of these challenges
02:13 and how God helped me.
02:16 And another verse, that was in 2006,
02:19 I remember well,
02:20 after ten years at the General Conference
02:22 as a director of Religious Freedom,
02:25 I thought that I was re-elected
02:27 and I thought that you know, I have to do something new
02:30 because you know, I don't want just to
02:33 do a regular thing that we have to continue
02:36 the regular thing like the congresses,
02:38 the simple doing...
02:40 but there is something else to do
02:41 and I dreamt about this big,
02:43 you know, festival of Religious Freedom.
02:45 It means big celebration but how to do that.
02:49 how to do that?
02:51 And you know, at this time
02:52 a verse in the Bible, a verse came to me to my mind,
02:56 that was in Deuteronomy, yeah, I read and read again,
03:00 "The Lord will make you the head and not the tail."
03:03 And I think that could be also for my ministry
03:06 not for me personally but for my ministry.
03:08 Well, Adventist pioneer, Ellen White,
03:10 applied that to the Adventist movement, didn't she?
03:13 We ought to be the head and not the tail.
03:15 Yeah, exactly.
03:16 Exactly that applies to Religious Liberty.
03:18 Yeah, this is what I thought
03:19 you know, it has to be applied to every ministry,
03:22 every school, every institution,
03:23 everything which gives to God as you know, as an offering.
03:28 And I said to God, "That's not my problem
03:32 how many people will come, I know that you can do that."
03:35 And I saw the answer, you know,
03:38 that a lot, that's a really miracle
03:40 at the very time, you know,
03:42 someone where in this department
03:44 for a short period of time.
03:47 But the guy who was there, he was able to put
03:50 15,000 people in a stadium at the beginning.
03:53 And it shows to the other
03:56 but 20 people outside, it shows to the other
04:00 that we can do that.
04:01 And after we had a peak with 40, 50,000 people.
04:05 And where was the first program again?
04:06 The first mass festival was in Sao Paulo.
04:09 Yeah, I knew it was in Latin America.
04:10 And Williams Costa, you know, was the organizer.
04:13 And that was fabulous and afterwards in Lima,
04:15 fabulous program, 45,000 people.
04:18 And from the beginning the plan involved
04:20 young people and music, didn't it?
04:22 Young people and music and so on and that was,
04:25 you know, I thought it will happen in 2009
04:27 and it was in 2006.
04:30 It means that when you really
04:33 want to dedicate your life to God,
04:35 don't think that it's not possible.
04:37 Everything is possible for God and God will do it.
04:41 It means you have to say to the Lord,
04:43 "I am here, I do my best but you will do the rest."
04:49 And the last verse, you know,
04:51 because after when things are going well,
04:53 you may forget that you are just...
04:54 You think you are doing it.
04:56 Well, Peter found that out, didn't he?
04:59 Stepped out to meet the Lord on the water
05:01 and then, oh, down you go.
05:02 But in my case, which was interesting
05:05 is that big things were not organized by me.
05:08 It was, I just, you know, brought the seeds
05:11 and people say, "Uh, we can do that."
05:14 But that's more vindicating of our shared goal
05:17 of Seventh Day Adventist that shows that there are
05:19 others who were willing to do this too
05:20 and together right things happen.
05:22 And that was really, you know,
05:24 people realize that that's a good idea
05:26 like the festival of Religious Freedom.
05:28 You know, the idea is to say, thank you God, publicly
05:32 and thank you to my country for Religious freedom
05:35 and the message is
05:36 "we love Religious Freedom and we want to keep it."
05:38 You know people can get that and say,
05:40 "We can do that."
05:41 You have to find but everywhere you have people
05:43 that are able to do that.
05:45 And it's not necessary, this is a rhetorical question,
05:48 that the country that you're doing it
05:50 in is circumspect in every regard
05:53 on Religious Liberty
05:55 because you are granting them the benefit of the doubt.
05:56 Exactly.
05:58 That this is the country, that is in their interest.
05:59 You don't say that they are perfect.
06:01 But you say,
06:02 "Hey, religious freedom is important for us,
06:04 we may not have the total."
06:05 And thank you for what you've done to facilitate that.
06:07 But still thank you because you know,
06:10 we have meeting, we have church,
06:12 we have hospital, we have institution and so on,
06:15 thank you for that.
06:16 There are so many places around the world
06:18 where people cannot have.
06:19 And the last one was, be humble yourself,
06:24 humble yourself on the mighty hand of God
06:27 and I like it very much because it said, the text said,
06:30 "He may you know, rise up in the due time."
06:37 I don't know what you've learned
06:38 but I've learned that life tends to be humbling anyway.
06:41 Better to give it to God and recognize
06:44 that you have to be humble before him
06:45 than to find out the hard way
06:48 before life, it beats you down.
06:49 Absolutely true.
06:51 This is why, you know,
06:52 sometime when something good happened,
06:54 well, you can say, "Oh, I did very well."
06:56 Very often just after something comes and hits.
06:59 What is that, "Pride goes before the fall?"
07:02 But I know you've done some wonderful things
07:05 you've been the lead person
07:07 to facilitate some very inspiring things
07:10 on Religious Liberty
07:11 and that might be forgotten easily,
07:13 more than forgotten, that won't be let go of.
07:15 Others are going to follow through
07:17 and carry this on and...
07:18 We have already planned for the future
07:20 and I hope that...
07:22 And you'll be there in some of them. I'm sure.
07:23 You're not going to be, they are not taking away
07:26 your frequent flying experience.
07:29 We have a World Congress, we have a World Festival
07:32 and now we are trying to develop
07:34 Continental congresses and Continental festivals.
07:37 And where is the next World Congress?
07:38 That's down in US I think.
07:40 It will be in US, it will be in 2017
07:44 and next World Festival, we are talking about
07:48 maybe in the US or maybe in Peru again,
07:50 in Lima and some places
07:52 where we can bring people really.
07:54 In Peru, you can get the huge crowd there.
07:58 Almost every year we will have an international,
08:00 a big international event.
08:02 It means that you maintain or you develop the, what is it?
08:06 Infrastructure.
08:08 The infrastructure you develop,
08:09 people are able to promote Religious Freedom,
08:12 the awareness of the authorities,
08:14 of the government and after, of course what is happening now
08:18 it's, you know, people ask us to do
08:19 more and more things.
08:21 Even government ask us.
08:22 Even organization, powerful organization ask us
08:25 to be a part of their programs and we have more and more...
08:30 I mean, this aspect of it is a very positive PR aspect.
08:34 I can't imagine any public entity
08:37 or a government being opposed to it.
08:39 They just need to see the model
08:41 and then they'll want it, like you're finding out.
08:42 Yes and sometimes, you know, people don't see,
08:44 "Yeah, you know, you organize a big meeting
08:46 but doesn't help really those who are persecuted."
08:49 Yes, because it opens many doors.
08:53 You know, when you have to deal with a government,
08:56 if you know people from another country, it helps.
08:59 They can introduce you. Absolutely.
09:01 And when you have people visiting the countries,
09:04 from government where you have Christians persecuted,
09:07 all the believers persecuted and you want to deal with that.
09:11 You can be invited and talk...
09:15 I just you know, was invited for a meeting
09:19 with Prime Minister for a country
09:21 where people are really under a lot of restriction.
09:27 It could be an opportunity to talk with him
09:29 and to defend Religious Freedom.
09:31 And do you know the line of causality,
09:33 what made him aware of Religious Liberty
09:37 and the need to talk to you?
09:38 Do you know? Who the-
09:40 The invitation from the Prime Minister?
09:43 Yeah, yeah, of course I know, you know, it's very easy.
09:46 It comes from a friend who is impressed,
09:48 who has been impressed by our work.
09:50 Seeing one of these conferences?
09:52 Yeah, exactly, and it's happened like that.
09:55 You invite people to speak, they say that,
09:58 "Man, that's incredible.
10:00 I would like you to come to come to our own congress."
10:03 Then you meet official there. They introduce you.
10:06 Networking. That's the networking.
10:07 That is, in our work,
10:10 the Ministry of Religious Freedom,
10:12 the networks is really the key.
10:15 You need a large network of friends.
10:17 This is what our President, Ted Wilson,
10:20 always said you know, he said, we have to,
10:23 we need to have a good network of friends.
10:25 Make friends.
10:27 And he's been very supportive
10:28 for the Religious Liberty program, I know.
10:29 He has been very supportive--
10:31 It's not so much to diminish any other President,
10:32 but there's no question that in his last five years,
10:36 Ted had been very close to get identified
10:37 with Religious Freedom.
10:39 Yeah, exactly and also,
10:40 he is the one who encouraged
10:41 our new program on church ambassador,
10:43 you know, this program say that in every church
10:46 you need to have an ambassador
10:47 to represent the church in the community.
10:49 And I should get an ad in for Liberty Magazine
10:52 like in our current issue
10:54 or the upcoming issue in July 2015.
10:57 There's an interview that you conducted with Ted Wilson,
11:00 where he lays out his strategic vision
11:02 for Religious Liberty.
11:04 So you know, I think it's great. Wonderful.
11:07 Great interview, yes, as a President,
11:10 he said to- I don't frankly speaking
11:13 I don't remember having heard another religious leader,
11:16 top religious leader speaking like him
11:19 about Religious Freedom.
11:20 Yeah, that's good and we hope
11:22 that it continues, pray that it continues.
11:23 Yeah, pray.
11:24 So that could be your farewell gift
11:27 to have one last indoctrination session
11:31 with our church leader.
11:32 But I'm sure that this is going to continue.
11:35 There are just so many imperatives to that,
11:39 no leader, no church can ignore this anymore.
11:41 As we said in another program,
11:43 Religious Liberty in the negative
11:45 is seen by an unprecedented persecution of Christians
11:48 and others minorities around the world.
11:51 Yeah, and you know,
11:52 what I would say Lincoln is...
11:54 It has been a great adventure we've got
11:57 and defending Religious Freedom for me.
11:59 It's a really a ministry and I am serving,
12:02 I am serving God in doing it.
12:05 Listening to Dr. John Graz
12:07 give some reminiscences of his service
12:10 for the church and for Religious Liberty
12:13 and thinking of what that really means
12:15 for those of us that remain behind,
12:17 I can't help but thinking
12:19 in the Bible of the story of Elijah,
12:22 preparing on instructions, I'm sure to meet the Lord
12:27 and go to heaven and his disciple, Elisha,
12:31 saying, "You don't leave now,
12:32 I'm not going to let you out of my sight."
12:35 We need to realize that there's a continuum in service
12:39 and that the Elijahs might
12:41 move on to another phase of work
12:43 but there are Elishas that remain behind
12:47 and with this great cloud of witnesses
12:49 as the Bible says, those that have gone before us,
12:51 we need to realize that the challenge remains
12:54 and that Religious Liberty
12:56 is such an important component of the gospel commission
13:00 that many others would be following in, behind Dr. Graz
13:05 and that the great work will be done
13:07 and the challenging times now up and standing,
13:09 a great message and a proclamation
13:11 for Religious Liberty will be given.
13:15 For Liberty Insider, I'm Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2015-08-20