Liberty Insider

The Seat of Power

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Dr. John Graz


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000295B

00:03 Welcome back to the "Liberty Insider."
00:04 Before the break, with Dr. John Graz
00:08 we were talking a bit about a historical moment
00:12 soon to come with the pope of Rome, Francis,
00:15 he's going to address the joint session of congress
00:20 and I don't think I'd said that but I'm suggesting
00:25 that he probably will float before congress
00:29 the family rest day and we had been discussing
00:33 that Its been discussed widely in Europe
00:38 its origins are not real clear but once it appeared
00:42 all of the churches
00:44 and the dominant catholic church in Europe
00:46 has been very aggressive in promoting this,
00:52 but it has social advantages, it has economic advantages,
00:56 energy saving, regenerate society and so on.
00:59 There's really no logical thing against it.
01:03 It put a kind of protection from the economic--
01:06 economy and those who say that,
01:08 you know, the most important is to get more money,
01:12 to have more people working
01:14 and that's about quality of life of course.
01:16 It emphasizes the spirit of the times
01:18 post 2008 collapse in particular
01:23 but from a prophetic point of view
01:25 and what we have seen dominant churches
01:30 and in particularly the dominant church Rome
01:33 during the middle ages do it,
01:35 you know there's some reason to take pause.
01:37 I think he will mention it because I've noticed not only
01:40 is he talking little up lately in Europe
01:42 well everywhere but in particular in Europe
01:45 but the day before he address this Congress
01:48 he is meeting with the world federation
01:52 or whatever of family.
01:54 So I know the day before he'll be talking about it
01:57 and I would think fresh with that he's gonna float it.
02:01 Yeah, this is right and its not a you know talking
02:04 to some of your Adventist
02:05 he was that no are our expectation based on prophecy
02:08 that at some point there'll be again a very avert
02:11 Sunday law this is not it.
02:14 But it could be a sort of a light slope into it.
02:18 Exactly, everything which is connected with Sunday
02:20 or Sunday law its important for us to know.
02:23 But I have to say that in Europe, you know,
02:25 it-- the Sunday law was almost applied in almost
02:30 all of the country in Europe.
02:32 You go to England, you go to many-- even in Switzerland
02:34 I remember Sunday you don't have the right
02:36 to do a lot of things.
02:38 If you do that you could be fined.
02:40 Well, there's sun-- yeah, there's Sunday laws some what
02:43 like the blue laws that America used to have.
02:45 Yeah, yeah and it means you know that you are
02:47 but the problem-- the question is,
02:50 "You have the right to go to church on Saturday
02:52 and you have to-- the right not to work on Saturday."
02:55 It means that Sunday alone as it is now
02:58 in most of the country of Europe
03:01 doesn't create a problem for those who don't observe
03:05 Sunday as a day of rest, religious day of rest.
03:08 But you know that's interesting its coming back--
03:11 Seems to be coming back and--
03:12 And its coming back first against you know the--
03:15 those who want to put the economy in the first.
03:19 And also its coming back as in the battle between,
03:24 you know, extreme liberal and you know conservative
03:29 and in some way Christians.
03:32 Who Christian has almost nothing to say it in Europe.
03:35 But with this issue they will come back and say,
03:38 "Hey, we defend people, we defend human right,
03:43 we defend the family, we defend and so on.
03:46 You don't care about the family.
03:47 You want all people work on even on Sunday.
03:49 We say, no, family are more important than business."
03:54 And I wouldn't equate it but I'll still mention this
03:57 by way of parallel.
03:59 The Nazi regime in Germany had some rather
04:03 sinister aspects to their agenda.
04:05 But they came to power on same thing,
04:06 appealing the family values, lowering crime
04:10 against immorality and so on.
04:11 And this is why--
04:13 So while these are valid,
04:14 very valid in the family rest day.
04:17 I don't think it's just a PR point.
04:19 It will do this.
04:20 It will shift the focus from big business
04:24 and economic growth
04:26 that overcast back to family values,
04:28 community values, energy saving and so on.
04:31 But I believe that it's just
04:34 a first step on a larger agenda.
04:37 No, I don't have to know what's said behind closed doors.
04:40 I just know that it's the nature of all religions
04:42 in power to want to as a paper document
04:47 said the India's dominant.
04:49 They should work to have civil legislations to support
04:52 the day of worship.
04:53 That will be the go of something like this
04:56 I think to enforce it by law
04:58 that you go to church on a certain day.
05:01 And of course for those who don't share this point of view
05:04 like Adventist, Jews and some other--
05:07 There have been some exemptions initially.
05:09 We had some proposals in this discussion.
05:11 And I always said that you know
05:12 we understand that was our position.
05:14 We understand that we need a day of rest.
05:17 There is no problem and the tradition in Europe
05:19 has always been the Sunday the day of rest.
05:22 But now you have to think about those who don't have
05:26 the same day of rest according to what they believe.
05:29 It means if you make a proposal mention that the freedom
05:35 should be given to those
05:37 who don't have the same day of rest.
05:40 It means okay the majority will have this Sunday
05:43 as a day of rest.
05:44 But those who don't have should be respected
05:47 and if they don't want to work
05:49 because they have religious conviction on Saturday
05:53 they should be protected.
05:54 That would be our suggestion
05:57 and I'm not sure that it will work.
05:58 Well, I'm thinking the time of liberal openness
06:01 that would be accepted.
06:03 But the nature of things is things toughen up
06:06 and perhaps some stress has come along
06:08 like continued terrorism and so on.
06:10 We might find that there's not so--
06:12 And of course after you have adjusted minorities, you know,
06:15 and the minority are not really
06:17 very strong to face a kind of movement.
06:21 It means we have to follow that very carefully.
06:24 It's interesting because Sunday is coming back and we have to
06:28 make sure that religious freedom
06:31 will be protected at least.
06:34 You know every time, every time you have a problem or an attack
06:37 on religious freedom at the same time it gives you
06:41 the possibility to do something--
06:44 And to talk positively. And to talk positively about.
06:46 This is-- I see that as an opportunity.
06:48 Absolutely.
06:50 I have said it on this program before and I need to go
06:51 and check whether this is so well.
06:53 I didn't check but it's a powerful
06:55 but this supposedly an oriental saying
06:58 that a crisis is dangerous opportunity.
07:00 Yeah, exactly.
07:02 And so yeah, with the test comes a wonderful chance
07:06 to explain religious liberty and why we object to it.
07:10 And sometime we miss that.
07:11 And you know even talking about
07:13 this national or this family rest day,
07:17 I don't think in itself is anything wrong with it.
07:19 I just see it is part of a larger move
07:22 and the real issue at play
07:24 is separation of church and state.
07:26 If we maintain that principle it will tend to self correct.
07:29 And when some thing like this comes forward
07:31 because it would only be allowed
07:33 if it had a secular purpose and religion.
07:35 But you know this little thing is slipped in.
07:38 This is the day you are encouraged to worship.
07:40 And that's just a little bit dangerous at that point.
07:43 But if it goes to the next step it crossed
07:44 the line of separation of church and state.
07:47 You know, Lincoln, I think that some time we miss
07:49 the opportunity to react when religious freedom was attacked.
07:54 I remember when you had in France
07:56 and in some part of Europe
07:57 you know this big discussion about the headscarf
08:00 of young girl going to school.
08:03 And you know, I remember talking about people
08:06 and many Christians said that's not our problem you know.
08:10 Yes, the state should impose why we have religious symbol.
08:13 And they did not see that
08:14 as you mention that was the first step.
08:17 At the end you know Adventists were concerned
08:20 because people said that with the same principle
08:25 not going to school on Saturday for religious reason
08:28 is like a religious symbol.
08:30 You impose your religion in a system
08:33 and we cannot accept that.
08:34 But if at the beginning we had said, "Okay,
08:38 we see that this is something which attacked
08:41 religious freedom of these young Muslims.
08:44 We should defend them."
08:46 What is the problem to have
08:47 just a headscarf going to school?
08:49 What is the problem?
08:50 You know and on behalf of religious freedom
08:54 we could have been on the frontline.
08:56 Yeah, I think it's a good point
08:58 because you'd know at the same time
08:59 that France was and still is in a process of secularization.
09:05 What's the term you used? Laicite.
09:08 Laicite so that that religion is not, you know,
09:12 there's civil things and there is religion
09:15 For that definite laicite is another ideology.
09:19 You know its-- And it was used aggressively.
09:20 At the beginning you know people believed that
09:22 its neutrality but, you know, that's more than that.
09:25 It's just another ideology.
09:27 And when I was in Chile you know they asked me
09:29 a group of Christians they are who have connection.
09:33 They organize and they work at the Congress in Chile.
09:37 They asked me to speak to the human rights commission.
09:41 And to speak about you know laicite because--
09:44 they are following the French model.
09:46 And I explained that, you know, if you defend human right
09:50 don't forget that religious freedom
09:52 is one of the basic human rights.
09:55 It's not something that's against human right
09:57 its one of the basic human right.
09:59 And I think its been said accurately that you can gauge
10:03 all civil liberties
10:04 by the stage of religious liberty.
10:06 Yeah, exactly. It's impossible--
10:08 The freedom of expression, the freedom of association.
10:10 It's impossible to diminish religious liberty
10:12 without affecting all civil liberty.
10:14 Yeah, absolutely.
10:16 And one person I heard say that with some conviction
10:19 was Hillary Clinton which I thought was admirable of her
10:23 to say it that way.
10:24 And I hope that she is elected president
10:26 but she will put that into action.
10:28 But unfortunately even in this president administration
10:32 there was one period that they elevated gay rights
10:34 above religious rights.
10:36 Do you remember that?
10:37 It was stated as a policy of the state department
10:41 that they would demand that any country agree
10:44 with gay rights in the way it was stated
10:48 you could see that religious liberty was not
10:51 on the back bone but it had lost place to that thing.
10:55 Which will offend ironically the gay rights thing will
10:58 actually offend religious sensibilities
10:59 in many countries.
11:01 Yeah.
11:02 That is one of the challenge
11:03 today in some democratic countries
11:05 and its almost all democratic countries.
11:08 You know the individual rights
11:10 averse the religious freedom rights
11:13 and some times you have to choose
11:15 and its not easy but you know--
11:16 You're right there is a-- there's a little tension
11:18 at the best of times before in competing rights
11:20 or aspects of rights.
11:23 You know, religious freedom is-- it doesn't mean that
11:26 everything is easier and you solve all the problems.
11:30 Religious freedom like all other freedom
11:32 open the field of tension but it also give us
11:36 and give to the citizen of the country
11:39 the possibility to find a solution
11:42 which is acceptable by people.
11:45 And that is the best way.
11:47 You know first you have to talk with people you have to see
11:50 how we can deal but wave out forgetting
11:53 that religious freedom is a basic human right.
11:59 Whenever we talk about power in our modern age we are inclined
12:03 to think of military force, political power,
12:08 police section all of the civil determinants of power.
12:12 But of course the Bible says the true power comes from God.
12:17 But as God's representatives
12:19 we must deal with these civil powers.
12:24 And it's been the privilege of many of us working
12:26 for religious liberty to interact with the leaders
12:30 and the responsible officials
12:31 in charge of any number of countries.
12:34 We need to realize that in witnessing true power
12:38 speaking about religious freedom
12:40 that we are communicating
12:42 the very principles of the gospel.
12:45 And while they may have the power over us in this world.
12:50 As Paul says, "They exercise the sword not in vain."
12:54 We hope the sword is not directed against us
12:56 but there is a civil power that they exercise.
12:59 But ultimately even these powers must recognize
13:03 the ultimate power and the power
13:05 that is most responsible
13:08 for things in this world is from God
13:10 and it's the principle of His kingdom.
13:14 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2015-08-20