Liberty Insider

The Fellowship of Believers

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Dr. John Graz


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000294A

00:21 Welcome to "The Liberty Insider."
00:24 This is the program bringing you news, views,
00:26 discussions, analysis and up-to-date information
00:29 on religious liberty.
00:31 My name is Lincoln Steed, editor of Liberty Magazine,
00:35 and my guest on the program is Dr. John Graz.
00:37 Welcome, John. Pleasure to meet you, Lincoln.
00:39 You're Secretary General of the IRLA
00:43 of the Christian World Communion
00:45 until just recent election
00:47 and you've been Head of the Religious Liberty Department
00:50 for the Seventh-day Adventist Church World Headquarters
00:52 for 20 years.
00:54 Yeah. That's almost a lifetime in itself.
00:57 But you had a long career before that I know.
01:01 We've already had a few programs.
01:03 This is not your first time even to record on this program.
01:07 But we've spoken about many things,
01:09 including how we relate to the government and so on.
01:11 But let's talk a bit about on religious liberty.
01:14 How do we relate to other believers?
01:18 How do we relate to our own members communicating this
01:21 principal and how de we spread that and interact
01:25 with other churches in communicating
01:27 the principles of religious liberty?
01:29 Is it that easy job?
01:31 Do other churches see it the same way automatically?
01:33 Not really, not always but I think we've,
01:37 what happened today around the world where you have
01:40 so many Christians persecuted or even believers persecuted.
01:45 You know, people realized that, that's not a good way you know.
01:49 The best way to live together is really to
01:52 respect other, to accept the concept
01:55 of religious freedom.
01:56 And now as the people are traveling
01:58 from one country to another,
01:59 you cannot just say that this is a Christian country,
02:03 this is the Muslim countries or you will have to fight,
02:06 you know, to preserve one religion,
02:08 and it makes no sense
02:09 because at the end let people decide.
02:12 So you think this is the common solidarity
02:15 of all believers in response to seeing persecution?
02:18 Yeah, we saw that you know, some churches
02:20 had a really poor histories about religious freedom
02:23 but today most of them believe that, yes, you know,
02:28 our members too are persecuted and if we are not happy
02:32 because our members are persecuted,
02:33 we understand that people should be not happy
02:37 because they are member of other organization
02:39 because their member are persecuted too.
02:41 It means we should find a way where everyone could be
02:46 at the end respected for, about their religion.
02:49 I know there is a little downside to this.
02:54 Some religious practices are seen as aberrant
02:57 or offensive by other faiths so they are not easily going
03:01 to want to defend that other viewpoint even if they have
03:05 a general acceptance of religious liberty.
03:07 But we defend, you know,
03:09 we defend, we explain, we defend the principle.
03:10 We do.
03:11 We defend the right for everyone to believe
03:13 even the craziest stuff.
03:14 Yeah, we defend the principle.
03:15 It means sometime also people say that you know,
03:18 religious freedom, there is no limit.
03:21 No there are limit.
03:22 You don't defend people-- Civil law puts limits.
03:25 You can't harm other people, you can't defraud
03:27 other people, you can't harm children.
03:32 You can't rob money from the poor in the name of religion
03:35 or false charities or something.
03:37 There are many limits but they are limits we accept.
03:39 But they are not philosophical limits.
03:41 There are questions of law and order
03:43 and community responsibility.
03:45 But they are fact also that you know,
03:48 you accept the fact that people have
03:50 the right according to their conscience to be informed
03:55 because of course religious freedom means
03:57 you have the right to be informed.
03:59 If you want to make a choice,
04:00 you should have the freedom to receive different option,
04:03 different traditions and so on,
04:06 to know them and not just have one.
04:09 But we have to accept that, that is the best way
04:13 for a country to live at peace you know, this right,
04:17 and this right is given to you but that's normal
04:20 that it's given to the other too.
04:22 Now if you become dangerous, if you say that people
04:25 should be killed, those who don't believe like me
04:27 should be killed and that's another story you know.
04:30 That's not religious freedom.
04:32 Religious freedom is a human right.
04:34 It means you respect human rights
04:36 if you want people respect religious freedom.
04:39 I believe there is too little balancing
04:40 if the rights--
04:42 There is a balance, you know,
04:43 and also religious freedom means you also have
04:45 to accept tensions.
04:47 It means if you, as you said you know,
04:49 your message is directly opposed
04:52 to the message of another religion,
04:53 which happen all the time,
04:56 you have to create some possibility to avoid,
04:58 to have a war, a religious war.
05:01 It means that except as long as,
05:04 you have the right to think differently,
05:06 you have the right to think that I am wrong,
05:08 you are right, but the limit is you have no right
05:12 to force me to believe what you believe.
05:15 Yeah, there's no question that in religious context
05:19 that sometimes provocations like in Northern Ireland,
05:22 which is highly politically charged.
05:24 It's true.
05:25 But you know the Protestants would make a march
05:27 to the Catholic area.
05:29 They had the right to do that but you know,
05:31 ahead of time you know that religious sensibilities
05:34 are going to be inflamed unnecessarily.
05:36 Exactly, you know, you are right.
05:38 You mentioned that it's the same with the Muslim.
05:41 You know that the Muslim doesn't like you know,
05:44 we, some people mock their tradition
05:47 or the prophet and so on.
05:50 I will defend the right to do it but the question
05:53 I will ask is, is it really necessary?
05:56 Will it help people to live in a better--
05:59 You would have rational civilized caring people
06:03 would be aware of the sensibility
06:06 and refrain from it.
06:07 But if there is the principle at play,
06:10 you have to defend the Charlie Hebdo that's gonna
06:15 run those s objectionable pictures.
06:16 Yeah, we say that, you know, it's an interesting
06:19 phenomenon of work on this,
06:20 with the pictures of Muhammad and so on.
06:23 Yes, they dislike it.
06:25 Unfortunately, they are right in response
06:27 which sort of undercuts their position.
06:29 But Christians just as offended by sacrilegious
06:33 views of Christianity,
06:34 but the response is a little different.
06:36 So maybe there's an educational process
06:39 that should be put to work here.
06:40 But sometime you know, Christian reacted,
06:42 I remember, a long time ago, Christian put bomb
06:46 in a movie theatre or they attack
06:50 the clinics and so on.
06:51 That's a really minority fact,
06:53 that's not like what happened today with Islam.
06:56 But still, you know, you have to ask the question,
07:00 I have the right to do that but now if I do that,
07:03 this is what will happen.
07:05 Is it really necessary to do that?
07:08 What kind of provocation I have to do,
07:12 to help or will it help or not.
07:15 And that is the way that believer have to think.
07:17 You know, you publish your comics--
07:21 Well, didn't Paul speak to this a lot theologically?
07:23 He wasn't talking about this.
07:25 He says, you know, "All things are legal
07:28 but not all things are profitable."
07:30 Yeah, exactly.
07:31 You know, being, I mean, people,
07:33 Christian people killed in some part of Africa
07:37 because in Paris they publish comic about
07:41 prophet of a religion.
07:43 Is it really necessary to do that?
07:45 Unfortunately, yes.
07:48 There's a cause and effect but other times
07:51 things don't actually happen but the story is told,
07:53 a made up story.
07:55 Remember, England nearly lost India ahead of time
07:58 when the rumors spread that there was pig's grease
08:02 in the bullet, the cartridge casings
08:04 but there wasn't.
08:07 As I remember, it was actually a lamb,
08:09 lamb's fat but that false story
08:12 lead to a huge religious backlash.
08:15 And we're back to where we were in other programs.
08:17 Part of what we're doing on religious liberty I think is
08:19 to communicate accurate information about
08:21 our faith and faith practice.
08:23 This is also a point you know,
08:24 you need to have a good information,
08:26 the real information and before you know, reacting,
08:30 you have to be sure that the information
08:32 you've got are correct and also to have relation with people.
08:38 As I mentioned sometime you know, in Norway,
08:42 when this happened you know, in Europe
08:44 with the provocation about the Prophet of Islam you know,
08:47 in Norway, they had a regular meeting with Muslim,
08:52 Jews and other religion and when it happened you know,
08:55 they had a meeting together and they said we should
08:58 do some thing because we don't want to see
09:01 a church burn or mosque burn in our country.
09:03 And they did and they went to the frontline
09:07 and they explained that they live together,
09:09 they live at peace and they don't follow
09:11 the way of other and it worked.
09:13 It worked. It worked.
09:15 It means there are something to do.
09:18 Yeah, um, so where do we go with this topic then?
09:23 What was your suggestion?
09:25 No, what I want also to say that you know,
09:27 don't believe because you have a religion
09:30 or because people are religious leader
09:32 then they will be in favor of religious freedom you know.
09:36 Not all religious leaders
09:39 are in favor of religious freedom.
09:41 There are many ways you know,
09:42 I remember a very nice meeting we had in Middle East
09:46 and we asked the question about
09:48 the conversion to an imam, a very nice man.
09:52 You wouldn't find any imam that's keen on conversion.
09:54 He smiled and said, "But you know these people
09:57 who changed their religion, they are not serious.
10:00 They are not serious."
10:02 Of course for him how you can change the religion
10:05 when you have the true religion.
10:06 It makes no sense.
10:08 And in many religion people think like that.
10:11 You know, they believe that those who change religion
10:13 have another interest.
10:14 They probably receive some money.
10:16 Or the worst they've been deceived.
10:17 Yes, enticed or deceived.
10:19 This is what happened
10:20 in Sri Lanka, in Myanmar, you know, in Sri Lanka,
10:22 they accused Christian to buy you know,
10:26 conversion and that's interesting.
10:28 And these things have happened on occasions.
10:30 They are not without substance
10:32 but they're anymore today, they are not really
10:34 the fuller explanation by any means.
10:36 Yeah, you know a religion can attract people.
10:39 Look at in some part of India where you have
10:42 a lot of poor people and you come
10:44 and you build schools and of course,
10:47 you open the school to the poor and of course
10:49 the poor in their religion are excluded
10:53 from even from the temple.
10:55 You open the school, you open the churches.
10:58 You will say to them you are children of God,
11:01 all of you and of course it attracts.
11:04 But this has been the factor in India
11:06 with the untouchables and Hinduism,
11:11 they were at great disadvantage but joining Christianity,
11:13 it's a social step up the ladder.
11:16 But you know, I think that people don't believe,
11:19 belong to religion.
11:21 No religion can say that these people belong to me
11:24 or these people living in these territories--
11:26 No, no religion should say that.
11:27 Some religions do say that.
11:29 But we should not you know.
11:30 Yeah, you're right.
11:32 And this backs, back to the United Nations document,
11:34 the Declaration.
11:35 Exactly. I mean, that's exactly what it says.
11:36 You are a sovereign individual.
11:38 You have the right to inherent into yourself.
11:40 The community shouldn't determinate it for you.
11:42 You are creation from God.
11:44 God did not create a block of people.
11:47 He created one individual after the other.
11:50 It means it makes a difference but that's a way
11:52 of thinking and I think that when you don't respect
11:56 the fact that individual has a right to choose,
12:00 you don't respect religious freedom,
12:02 you don't respect human right.
12:04 Yeah, and we've made great progress
12:06 in the modern era on that
12:08 but I do believe with the rise of ISLE
12:10 or ISIS and the religious antagonisms,
12:14 particularly in the Middle East,
12:16 that understanding of the individual human integrity
12:20 is drifting away.
12:21 I really do think so.
12:22 Even in the West, as a counterpoint
12:24 to what we see there, we sort of closing ranks
12:27 and becoming more inflexible about religious activity
12:30 that's beyond our norm.
12:32 Yeah.
12:33 So it's going to be a difficult era.
12:36 Uh, let's take a break now.
12:37 I'll come back with Dr. John Graz
12:39 to continue this discussion.


Revised 2015-08-13