Liberty Insider

Render Unto Cesar

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Dr. John Graz


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000293A

00:22 Welcome to the Liberty Insider, this is the program
00:26 and I hope you have been following it regularly
00:27 that brings in news, views, discussion,
00:29 up-to-date information,
00:31 and analysis of religious liberty events
00:34 in our world today.
00:36 And my name is Lincoln Steed, editor of Liberty Magazine
00:39 and my guest on the program Dr. John Graz.
00:42 Pleasure to be with you.
00:43 Man of many titles and many skills.
00:45 Thank you. I will just pick one.
00:47 You have been head of the Religious Liberty Department
00:49 for the Seventh-day Adventist Church for,
00:50 at the headquarters for 20 years now.
00:52 Yeah.
00:55 When I think back on church's history
00:57 and the principles
00:58 of religious liberty by extension,
01:01 it's significant that
01:03 there was a lot of persecution of early Christians,
01:06 but the turning point, both good and bad,
01:09 was when the government endorsed and supported
01:12 and protected religion by Constantine.
01:16 And yet theologically you can trace
01:18 a lot of the troubles from that point.
01:19 Yeah.
01:20 But it was very important for the early Christians to,
01:25 change from being a persecuted minority to being,
01:29 to having good relations with the government
01:30 where they were supported.
01:32 Is that still important today, you think?
01:34 No, I think you cannot ignore the government.
01:38 You know, you are part of the community
01:40 and the government is part of the community.
01:42 That's not really our philosophy to be isolated.
01:46 We want to be part of the community.
01:48 We want to help the community.
01:50 We want to be a plus for the community.
01:53 You know, and there are so many ways to do that.
01:55 Just when I went to Peru, a few weeks ago.
01:59 I was associate to a big event,
02:01 you know, young people, thousands of young people,
02:04 planted 40,000 tress in the city of Lima,
02:08 and in the city of Salvador.
02:09 Then how are they gonna grow in Lima?
02:11 I have been in Lima.
02:12 They claim, no, yes.
02:15 In Lima they claim that it never rains, never.
02:18 Lima never rain?
02:19 Yeah, that you have to put some water.
02:21 Yeah exactly never.
02:22 So I hope you've got to follow up watering through.
02:24 Yeah. Yeah.
02:25 Exactly, and this is what happened also in Villa,
02:28 as Villa EI Salvador, but that was--
02:31 you know it means that we are part of the community,
02:33 we want to do something...
02:34 Oh, great positives.
02:35 When we organize the meeting on religious freedom,
02:37 it's part of the community,
02:38 we want to involve the community,
02:39 we want to involve those who represent the community
02:43 because, you know, government normally represent people.
02:46 Now I set you up a bit at the beginning
02:48 and you didn't quite answer to the imputation I was making.
02:54 With Constantine, the problem was not
02:56 that he protected and supported Christians,
02:58 the problem was that he entered
03:00 into theological fields
03:01 and dictated what sort of orthodoxy was acceptable.
03:04 Yeah and also it become...
03:06 And we are not encouraging that with leaders.
03:07 You know, I think the problem--
03:09 the problem comes when you have the question of power.
03:13 You know, why politician and government
03:15 are interested in religion.
03:17 It's just a question of power.
03:19 You know, Constantine, it's a very interesting story
03:22 because Constantine, you know, came at the time
03:25 when Christian were persecuted,
03:26 terribly persecuted during 10 years
03:29 and Constantine come and he said that,
03:32 "I want to give freedom to Christian.
03:33 But not only Christian, to all people.
03:36 Stop persecuting people for their religion."
03:39 That was a fabulous thing.
03:41 Can you imagine the story of the Roman Empire,
03:43 if he had stopped there.
03:45 But the problem is, of course when you are in a power,
03:49 you need allies and Christian became his allies.
03:54 And he needed them and they needed him.
03:56 And they've made a kind of deal.
03:58 And he threw in his luck with them.
04:00 And of course the church was divided
04:01 and Constantine said that
04:03 I don't want to have a divided church
04:04 because if you are divided,
04:06 what about my power?
04:07 And people forget.
04:08 In fact, I had a dispute with one of our authors over this
04:12 that people forget that right out of the gate,
04:14 Constantine persecuted at lower level persecution
04:18 than his forbearers
04:19 because once he had given his authority
04:23 to the church leadership
04:24 and then called a council
04:26 where they chose the correct books,
04:28 then he is the power of the state to persecute
04:31 those who were using the wrong books.
04:32 Disagree. Yeah, of course.
04:33 And used the power of the state to destroy the wrong books.
04:37 Yeah, that was, you know,
04:39 you had a moment, a fabulous moment
04:41 and after you had a kind of corruption.
04:44 And also, you know, that's always,
04:46 you need to have
04:47 a good relation with the government,
04:49 but always be careful, the government can corrupt you
04:52 because it's a matter of power.
04:54 You can corrupt the government too
04:56 and the government can corrupt you.
04:57 Because, you know,
04:59 a Constantine gave a lot of privileges to the bishops
05:02 because the bishops were everywhere
05:04 and if you had some one of influence
05:06 in every city of the empire--
05:07 He wanted to use those
05:09 as exhibitories of the government.
05:10 That gives the fabulous power to you.
05:11 Yeah.
05:13 This happened in many places, you know, I think about Russia,
05:16 where the church were persecuted.
05:18 Now, you know, the relation with the church
05:20 and the state are very good.
05:22 It could be good, it could be, we have to be very careful.
05:26 And the same, then now you are church
05:28 and you have a good relation with the government,
05:30 but as a church or as a religious organization,
05:33 you have also decadents.
05:35 You have people who disagree with you.
05:36 Yeah.
05:38 And if you have a good connection
05:39 with the government, you know,
05:41 that is very simple, it's natural.
05:42 The government said, "What can you do for us?"
05:45 And you say, "What can you do for us?"
05:47 Now we have a deal.
05:48 I think it is unavoidable
05:50 when it's particularly in a democracy,
05:51 when-- as we do, you make a representation
05:56 to the government from our view, to explain ourselves,
05:59 their interest is heightened as they see
06:02 your numbers representing voters or constituency
06:06 that's unavoidable.
06:07 But I think we need to-- you understand it fully,
06:11 we need to avoid this cross pollination.
06:13 Yeah, we are, you know...
06:15 Where we perhaps might allow the state,
06:18 as Constantine did to act partially towards religion
06:23 and we ourselves shouldn't think
06:25 political powers end in itself,
06:26 the church is never helped by that.
06:28 You know, as Adventists we are in minority everywhere.
06:31 But there are some interesting country.
06:32 We had a festival of religious freedom
06:34 in Jamaica.
06:35 Very well organized by...
06:37 Very high percentage's of
06:38 Seventh-day Adventist in Jamaica.
06:40 Nigel Coke, you know, he did a good work.
06:41 We met the head of state, who is an Adventist,
06:44 the senate president who is an Adventist,
06:46 we had, we met several leaders.
06:47 But that was interesting
06:48 'cause the leader of the opposition
06:50 is also an Adventist or his family are Adventist.
06:55 It means you have-- Adventists are on both sides
06:58 and that is healthy ways,
07:00 you know, the government cannot say,
07:02 "Oh, you are voting in block form."
07:03 I mean for what?
07:05 But I have the example,
07:06 of although some of the churches around the world
07:09 where I saw that,
07:10 where the leader of the church said,
07:13 "We vote for this political party."
07:15 And when the political party get the government,
07:18 they receive a lot of privileges.
07:20 And you can see a lot of building and so on.
07:23 That is not healthy. That is a corruption.
07:26 And I think that we have to be very clear.
07:28 This is why having good relation
07:30 with the government,
07:32 it's something we have to do, you know.
07:34 But be careful, good relation doesn't mean
07:37 that you sell your soul to someone else.
07:40 You keep, you know, the mission you have,
07:43 you have a responsibility,
07:44 you represent the kingdom of God,
07:46 you represent the values of God.
07:48 You don't want to seal it, to sell it.
07:50 And yet I think from the Bible, in one case,
07:52 I think we probably, if the occasion warrants
07:55 we might wonder over each.
07:56 Remember it wasn't the group that said to Paul,
07:58 you know, "You want to make a Christian."
08:01 I think it was Felix or...
08:03 Or Felix, it's either Felix
08:04 or a group of one of his representatives.
08:05 Yeah, yeah.
08:07 I would hope that as we represent religious liberty
08:10 and a Seventh-day Adventist promoting that,
08:14 while we are not seeking favoritism from the government
08:17 but we should be missionary minded about it.
08:19 It's not just an abstract
08:21 civil construct versus religious activity.
08:24 But to come back to the Christian
08:27 after being persecuted during three centuries,
08:30 you know, when you live in the countries
08:32 where people look at you,
08:34 what is your religion and they look down at you
08:37 and you see that because your religion,
08:40 you will be excluded, exterminate--
08:43 not exterminate that would be the worst.
08:45 Sometimes.
08:47 Discriminate-- sometimes it's true.
08:48 But discriminated.
08:50 You have no right, you know, to do any--
08:52 even to think because of your religion.
08:54 And of course and suddenly you have someone
08:56 who came and say,
08:57 I accept the difference, I accept you.
09:01 The temptation to make a deal is very important
09:03 but at least you know,
09:05 I think there are some limit
09:06 where as believer, citizen of the kingdom of the God,
09:11 we say no.
09:13 That's the limit on my values, you know, I cannot--
09:16 This is why Christian
09:17 who are too much involved in politics,
09:19 may lose the vision of the kingdom of God.
09:23 I think so.
09:24 We are first citizen of the kingdom of God,
09:25 and governments needs people like us
09:28 to say this is the correct way,
09:31 we don't want to interfere in the politic business and so on.
09:34 But in term of values, this is the correct way.
09:37 Well, we are witnessing
09:39 the government as well as to the society...
09:41 And...
09:42 Can you explain to me, exactly how it works?
09:47 You had an associate whose primary charter is to be
09:52 a liaison mostly with the US Congress.
09:56 US Congress and the White House and Soviet Union.
09:57 Yeah, how does that function?
10:00 Or how would you discriminate
10:02 or differentiate that from lobbying.
10:06 Yeah, that's-- that's a good question.
10:08 I think that he-- first,
10:10 you know, he has to represent a church.
10:11 Our associate they represent the church.
10:14 It means, he have the feeling
10:16 that he is an ambassador
10:19 or the ambassador of a church.
10:21 And everywhere in every meeting,
10:22 he has to be in harmony with the church.
10:25 He receive the order, I should say the influence
10:28 and the guidance from the church,
10:31 not from the government.
10:33 And of course, if imagine an associate
10:35 is not doing these work correctly,
10:38 we have to say sorry
10:39 but you have to correct your way.
10:42 That's...
10:43 Yeah, well that could be.
10:45 But I don't think we've had
10:46 a charter in over a longer period of time.
10:47 So it's not really
10:50 too depended on the individual
10:52 what is our aim in having somebody there.
10:55 Yeah, our aim, you know, first is to know
10:57 what's going on there and especially in Washington.
11:00 You know, we believed that one day,
11:02 the Sunday law will be imposed, you will have a persecution.
11:05 We believe that America
11:07 will play a very important role in the last days.
11:09 It means we have to be there
11:11 and to give the right information.
11:12 So it's to inform ourselves
11:14 about what's happening with government.
11:15 To inform our self about what's going on
11:16 and not to let rumors spreading every day and so on.
11:21 And secondly also to inform the authority about ourselves.
11:25 The authorities has to know who we hire.
11:28 It's not, you know, people in charge of the power,
11:31 they have decision to take, they are under the pressure,
11:34 they manipulate to,
11:35 they're under the pressure of the media,
11:37 they are under the pressure of people.
11:39 They need to know, who really, what kind of group is it?
11:43 What kind of religion is it?
11:44 If nobody is here,
11:46 this is why we start this campaign of church ambassador.
11:49 If our seat is empty, close to the...
11:52 Someone else will speak for us.
11:54 Someone else will speak and that's the point.
11:57 If they want to persecute people, okay,
12:00 but they have to know really what kind of people are there.
12:03 But a lot of persecution does arise from an ignorance
12:05 or lack of knowledge about what someone stands for.
12:09 Some, it depends...
12:11 At the end of the day, some of the difference are insoluble
12:14 because we do have doctrinal differences
12:16 say with the Roman Catholic Church.
12:19 But you know that might
12:20 create its own complications in certain scenarios.
12:24 But to marginalize or to have some legal penalties
12:28 within even a free country because they think
12:32 that Seventh-day Adventists are a total sect
12:34 to sort of like Jones town group.
12:36 That would be the worst and that could happen.
12:38 Yeah, that could happen
12:39 All it would take would be one advisor of a ruler
12:42 who has a skewed view and in the absence
12:44 of the accurate information that would carry.
12:47 Yeah, may be we could come back on this idea,
12:49 that's a good, you know,
12:51 what is really at the origin of the persecution.
12:53 Yes. Well, we will have to comeback.
12:56 Take a break now.
12:57 So stay with us and we will continue
12:58 this discussion with Dr. John Graz.


Revised 2015-08-13