Liberty Insider

On Who's Authority?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Tim Roosenburg


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000290A

00:22 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:24 This is a program that'll bring you discussion,
00:28 watch it closely, you'll hear opinions,
00:30 information and insights
00:33 into religious liberty developments around the world
00:36 and in the United States, particularly.
00:37 My name is Lincoln Steed, editor of Liberty Magazine.
00:41 And my guest on the program is Tim Roosenberg.
00:45 Interesting background, at the moment
00:46 you're traveling around pretty much full time
00:49 on prophecy seminars featuring Islam.
00:52 You've been a church pastor and an Adventist
00:56 nearly all your life, right?
00:57 How old were you, when you
00:59 joined the Seventh-day Adventist church?
01:02 About 13. Yeah, I thought teenager, yeah.
01:06 So I'm gonna raise a question, authority.
01:10 You know, some one says,
01:11 on whose authority do you say that?
01:14 That's easily handled in the Seven--
01:17 not the Seventh-day Adventist church,
01:18 but in the Roman Catholic church,
01:21 it's the magisterium of the church,
01:24 which is sort of the accumulated
01:26 authority of the church leadership
01:28 that derives from what they say was the keys of heaven and hell
01:32 that granted to Peter and you know,
01:34 passed on through the patriarchs.
01:37 In some other churches it can be their lack of
01:40 or their insights into Bible principles.
01:43 But you have to speak authoritatively
01:45 and in any organization, certainly if a church
01:49 there's a point that legitimacy derives from,
01:53 but it seems to me in some areas
01:55 this falls down badly.
01:59 Much of the Christian church in the United States
02:01 is not yet through this before.
02:03 But at the moment our own church is dealing with
02:06 an issue, for example of woman's ordination.
02:11 Have your ever thought of that with lot of discussion,
02:14 but is there a need for some alternative authority on this
02:18 or is it just a group of people who love God
02:21 that hope for another world and we do what--
02:24 as the pope said in one of his documents
02:26 about changing the Saturday Sabbath to Sunday.
02:28 Whatever seems right to you.
02:32 I know for me, my authority is scripture.
02:37 Everything that I'm doing in my ministry currently
02:40 is based on my own study of scripture
02:42 and its corresponding parallels in history.
02:48 When scripture and history are lining up,
02:51 it's telling me I'm on a good path.
02:54 If I am trying to twist scripture
02:56 that take it contrary this history,
02:59 there's probably a twist to my understanding.
03:01 I agree with your point.
03:03 They're the weak, weakened belly of that line
03:06 of course is expressed thorough
03:08 the historical critical approach,
03:11 where you actually can discount some things
03:13 that are in the Bible saying, well, that was just history
03:16 that was just society--
03:18 I don't much like that, even though
03:20 there's a kernel of truth in that.
03:21 When I'm saying history, I'm not talking about
03:24 the historical critical method as such.
03:26 What I'm talking about is, I'm dealing in Bible prophecy
03:30 and if-- if you can take this prophecy,
03:35 and this one is 2,500 years in the making.
03:38 If it is the same rules of interpretation
03:42 are being applied all the way through
03:44 and it's matching history on those parts
03:46 that are already passed or fulfilled.
03:49 If you keep on the same patterns
03:51 and the same rules of interpretation,
03:53 it should match going on into the future.
03:58 So I'm very careful
03:59 about the study of history and scripture together
04:02 and that's how I can demonstrate to an audience
04:05 that this prophecy that I focus on--
04:07 That works.
04:08 Has it worked for 2,500 years?
04:10 That works particularly well for the prophecy.
04:11 Now, for the rest of it-- How about the principles?
04:14 Now, for principles on this one,
04:17 you talked about woman's ordination.
04:20 There's other ones that I might unleash on you.
04:22 Okay.
04:25 I've been rather disturbed on this whole discussion.
04:30 In that we have lots of folks on either side
04:35 who has spent a couple of years
04:38 lining up ammunition to throw at the other side.
04:42 And as a result, my question to them is,
04:46 how many people of you've
04:47 lead the Jesus Christ during that time?
04:49 Right.
04:50 Because the greatest commission
04:52 of the scripture for a Christian,
04:54 is to lead people to Jesus Christ.
04:56 Anything else that gets in the way of that
04:59 is a challenge.
05:00 Now, that doesn't mean
05:01 you should just ignore everything.
05:03 No, you can't run from every fight,
05:04 but even as you're saying that I'm thinking about Paul,
05:07 he made some very disparaging
05:09 comments about the other preachers,
05:11 not so much about their doctrine,
05:12 but how they lived.
05:13 Well, this sounds sexism,
05:15 foolish women astray and dissentions and strives,
05:20 these things in themselves are cautionary in a matter
05:24 what you're trying to push, if that's what comes of it.
05:26 Now, about leadership,
05:30 I'm gonna choose not to come down on a side
05:32 at this issue in this discussion,
05:34 because--
05:35 Oh, I'm not willing that because--
05:37 Because I've a great--
05:38 I actually think, the argument is greater
05:40 than the two opinions.
05:42 What I mean is this broad stake than the outcome of it.
05:46 That's why I wrote it on the issue of authority,
05:48 not-- we're not discussing woman's ordination per say.
05:51 I'm going back-- let me say this.
05:56 Our discussion is not so much now a,
05:59 what does the Bible say as much as what is the policy.
06:04 It might be better
06:05 if it was on what scripture says,
06:07 because we might get to more biblical solution.
06:12 That said, I can go back in scripture in history
06:16 to the time of Samuel and the nation of Israel,
06:21 God's people are asking for a king.
06:25 Is a king what God told them to do?
06:28 No, they were supposed to have God as their king
06:31 and they go after-- asking for a king,
06:34 and Samuel gets upset.
06:37 And God tells Samuel to back-off.
06:41 God was kind to Samuel.
06:43 You've read in that story, we all know.
06:44 God was kind to Samuel.
06:46 God says, they haven't rejected you,
06:48 they've rejected Me.
06:49 Which was at least what was going on.
06:51 But they had rejected Samuel;
06:53 remember why they wanted a king?
06:55 It's because of Samuel sons.
06:56 Samuel sons, it made--
06:58 Okay.
06:59 The whole priestly function in the--
07:01 But get this.
07:03 Judgeship, just to stink to them.
07:05 So they wanted a legitimate rule.
07:07 So the nation of Israel,
07:08 Gods' people were going contrary to Gods' plan.
07:12 But God was asking not only telling Samuel that it was God,
07:17 not Samuel that is being rejected.
07:19 God turned around and asked Samuel
07:21 to anoint the first two kings.
07:24 The guy that was opposed to a king,
07:25 God went and asked to do it.
07:29 How do I bring this down the women's ordination?
07:32 I may have a side, and I actually have a meaning,
07:36 but I'm really not telling anybody what it is.
07:39 Because I believe, we have a greater issue here--
07:42 What you're saying I think is God can work through
07:44 whichever way this particular dispute goes.
07:46 He can work through whichever one
07:47 based on the model of Samuel.
07:48 Yes, it's not a total either all.
07:50 I'm going back to scripture,
07:53 I have a story, an illustration in scripture
07:55 that I'm taking as my authority
07:57 of how they handle this situation.
07:59 And what did god asked Samuel to do?
08:01 Go do what I've asked You to do and I'm encouraging people,
08:05 go do what God ask us to do, share the gospel.
08:07 Yeah
08:08 So that's my takes on this
08:10 and based on my authority, which is scripture.
08:13 One of my text lie of the multifaceted approach
08:17 is to think back.
08:19 You mentioned history,
08:20 I think my history when I was a little kid.
08:23 I grew up in Australia and my father,
08:26 almost from my earliest years was already at the division,
08:29 which was the national leadership level,
08:31 for Australia of that church
08:34 and I would trail along with him
08:35 as a little kid, especially in summer camp meeting time.
08:39 When in Australia, they typically ordained
08:42 the ministers to the gospel of ministry.
08:46 And I could remember my father telling me
08:48 over and over again and he didn't--
08:50 I don't think it was his burden,
08:52 but I would ask questions, you know, what's going on?
08:54 Well, he would say, anybody
08:56 that demanding to be ordained is not suitable to be ordained.
09:02 And that just struck me and my mind,
09:04 so much that for decades
09:06 I didn't even raise the topic in my work to my determent.
09:09 But I just-- my father just sort of impressed on me
09:14 and I do believe that principle,
09:15 not just for women's ordination,
09:17 for really everything that's to do with God.
09:20 You know, whether be servants of God
09:22 and respond to His leading and to His spirit,
09:24 not run ahead of Him.
09:27 And certainly not think as an infamous
09:33 compromise for any Adventist church,
09:35 Ken Wright an associate to Ellen White who--
09:38 he said to an associate, you know, it's very nice,
09:40 you know, I could have been a great man,
09:42 if I haven't been in this church,
09:44 and he was pretty great in the church,
09:45 was one of the leading elites.
09:47 But his friend, turned to be,
09:49 himself to be a true friend saying,
09:50 you're only great because of this word,
09:52 not because you're great.
09:54 And if someone's doing a powerful work
09:57 for the Lord in bringing insults,
09:58 their reward is with God, to God to stop with--
10:00 That's right.
10:01 To waste the energy, you know, demanding,
10:05 have you acknowledged?
10:06 I mean, that doesn't work that way.
10:08 We could wish that natural heart does,
10:10 but that's not the way it goes.
10:11 Sooner or later we're gonna move or die
10:13 and the world will go on without us, it's not about us.
10:17 And there is a dynamic that I think it works,
10:20 certainly in our church,
10:22 but I've seen it in other churches.
10:23 This way too many male ministers
10:26 who haven't really done the best by their calling
10:31 and there's a crying need
10:33 for more and more dedicated ministers.
10:37 And I think some women are moved
10:38 to move into the bridge.
10:40 That'll happen naturally, if it's really needed.
10:43 But to force it,
10:44 because you have an agenda for it,
10:46 is again running ahead of the Lord.
10:48 I truly believe that.
10:49 But on this issue,
10:51 I'm less and less interested on the theology of it.
10:53 There is a biblical model, as you say.
10:56 But what're really apply, is our attitude toward God
11:00 and I see in this, and other arguments
11:02 that I've seen, in my church and other churches,
11:05 is often a spirit of rebellion, a spirit of selfishness--
11:08 Self-advancement and I'm not comfortable with it.
11:11 I'm not comfortable with it at the world at large,
11:13 but I'm embarrassed by it in the church.
11:17 You know-- you and I,
11:19 I'm sure have many short fallings
11:20 as individual Christians
11:21 that we need to look at ourselves first,
11:23 but still we're entitled to look at the church body
11:26 and see, this is just not right,
11:28 it doesn't comport, with what's god called us all.
11:31 You know squabbling, you know--
11:33 Yeah, yeah.
11:34 The Peter and the Sons of Thunders
11:38 that were wanting to be the greatest in the kingdom.
11:41 You know what did Jesus tell,
11:42 you'll have a place at My right hand,
11:45 you know, you'll go through the trials with Me.
11:48 That's puts ahead of us, not great honor and glory.
11:51 If you're in the church for that
11:53 you're in the wrong place.
11:54 And I say go somewhere else.
11:56 I mean it's a hard thing, but you're not going to be a hero
12:00 to anyone with a heaven and God.
12:02 That's right.
12:04 Any kind of honor's gonna come much later.
12:07 And even if there are some accolades now,
12:11 be a little suspicious of it.
12:12 You can, because if that's coming behind--
12:14 Well, no, but most--
12:17 I'm thinking something.
12:18 Human beings don't judge correctly any how
12:19 and they're often applauding for the wrong reason.
12:21 Right.
12:22 But you know, there's many arguments,
12:25 this is just the latest.
12:29 And this isn't people oriented but, you know,
12:30 this big argument about what version of the Bible,
12:33 I mean, there was more on that,
12:36 these are not to be acquainted with the real arguments
12:39 that our church also went through.
12:40 An interpretation of the pivotal
12:42 prophetic lynchpin of our movement.
12:45 Yes, there's a lot at stake, there.
12:47 Fight spiritually, on this, as much as you can.
12:50 But over organizational changes and you know,
12:55 we haven't mentioned Ellen White,
12:56 in any of our programs till now.
12:59 But may be I'll wait till the break.
13:01 We'll take a break now, we'll be right back
13:03 to continue this interesting discussion.
13:05 I'm trying to make it leading edge.
13:07 So stay with us.


Revised 2015-07-23