Liberty Insider

Defining a 'True' Believer in any Sect or Religious Group

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Tim Roosenburg


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000288A

00:21 Welcome to "The Liberty Insider."
00:24 This is the program that brings you news, views,
00:27 discussion, analysis, inside information
00:30 if you like on religious liberty events
00:33 in the United States and around the world.
00:35 My name is Lincoln Steed, Editor of Liberty Magazine
00:39 and my guest on this program is Tim Roosenberg
00:42 and he's been on other programs
00:45 and I've introduced you as an author,
00:47 a prophecy lecturer and,
00:51 I can even say a motivational speaker of sorts but,
00:54 I want to exploit part of your background.
00:56 I know you for many years you've been a church pastor.
00:58 Yes.
01:00 Which given that you're talking about
01:03 religious political events.
01:04 It's probably a good background, you know,
01:06 as I remember Stallone was a seminary student.
01:10 Thank you. What a comparison.
01:12 Yeah, you know, the some of them chase the world
01:14 with bad politic and its an uncanny number
01:18 of public figures if you really look at it
01:20 that were either from the children of ministers
01:26 or one time religious students.
01:28 So it seems to go together, great ideas
01:31 and being a pastor and I'd like to tap
01:34 into you some of your great ideas on pastor--
01:36 We will see if I have great ideas.
01:37 On religious liberty.
01:39 Yeah, you know what, you and I've talked
01:41 and we'll talk more probably about Islam,
01:44 which is your focus at the moment.
01:46 And there's many challenges to religious liberty
01:49 around the world but the greatest challenge
01:51 that I see as I look to my own membership,
01:54 my own church how do you involve the members,
02:00 how do you get a buy in into the concepts
02:03 and the goals and the action of religious liberty?
02:08 But-- we'll start it in another way.
02:09 Do you remember any of you--
02:11 Buying period from the young.
02:12 Yeah, have you--
02:13 have you ever met any of your members?
02:15 Do you remember any of your members
02:16 who were oppose to religious liberty?
02:20 Yes.
02:21 Oh, you have. Okay, tell me.
02:23 I never have.
02:25 Well, they have their viewpoint,
02:26 they don't want anyone else
02:27 to be able to share their viewpoint.
02:28 Oh, yeah, but they're not against religious liberty.
02:30 Well, they say they are for it
02:32 but they're actions are speaking pretty loudly to--
02:34 Yeah, now I agree with that.
02:37 So you agree with me,
02:38 and I will state what I've seen.
02:40 You know I've been in communist countries,
02:41 I've been in some dictatorships,
02:44 different variations on so called open societies
02:48 and the-- the leaders and the people.
02:49 They're all for religious liberty.
02:51 You know, the communist system
02:53 used to have religious liberty in the constitution.
02:55 Yeah, so--
02:56 But what they mean what is very, very different.
02:59 Yes. So your point is correct.
03:00 But I've-- this is not--
03:02 I've yet to come across a person who says,
03:04 I'm not for religious liberty, bad concept.
03:07 I don't want to grant other people anything
03:09 or I don't think we should be free to practice faith.
03:11 Its not gonna happen.
03:13 But yet they define it differently.
03:15 But how do you get them
03:16 even with the wrong idea on religious liberty.
03:18 How do you get them to do something about it?
03:20 How do you get them to, you know,
03:22 from our perspective support the magazine?
03:24 How do you get them to write to their politicians
03:27 to even just speak
03:29 to their fellow members in favor of this?
03:32 We both kind of have an interesting history.
03:36 Take a look at history,
03:38 when did people get involved in situations
03:42 when they feel they are at risk?
03:45 It's the rare exception
03:48 when somebody will go defend somebody else.
03:51 Yeah.
03:52 And so the majority of people aren't gonna do
03:54 anything till they feel threatened.
03:55 It's a--
03:57 And so your challenge and mine is to help them see
03:59 how this threatens them in the long run.
04:01 Well, obviously you're going around talking on this,
04:03 your one aspect motivating people.
04:06 Oh, definitely.
04:07 But I don't know the answer to this.
04:09 There's a lot of complacency that play here.
04:12 There's a lot of narrow sectarian interest
04:15 and not concerned abut someone else's view.
04:17 And Islam, and the fundamentalist Islam
04:21 and terrorism is boarded right in front of people faces
04:24 and that really have to think a bit about it.
04:26 But even then I don't think most people
04:29 are motivated to-- to step out from the norm.
04:33 Well, I found one thing
04:34 that kind of has helped a little bit.
04:36 This is coming from my background
04:38 of what you were just talking about.
04:40 As I start sharing the North South struggle,
04:43 Islam, Christian people and Christianity struggle
04:47 and I just start pointing out that,
04:49 if the military option ends up being upon
04:52 in the hands of these powers and all of a sudden
04:56 you have people start reevaluation their career
04:58 sometimes, young people going out.
05:01 So if I end up military I could end up
05:04 upon in somebody's hands.
05:06 Yeah.
05:07 You know, that's a challenging concept because,
05:10 yeah, militaries are important for nations.
05:13 But what's your risk as a Christian
05:16 and being used as upon in a holy war now.
05:20 Well, more then a risk. It's a strong likelihood.
05:22 It's a strong likelihood. Yeah.
05:24 And all of a sudden young people are go in,
05:26 oh, this is about my choices.
05:29 Because they're uninvolved because they don't think
05:32 it makes a difference to their life.
05:33 Well, I don't know
05:35 what's the answer you are trying to give
05:36 but I guess part of what we're often
05:40 not supplying as a consequence to lack of religious liberty.
05:43 We even need to make that really clear
05:45 what are the consequence.
05:47 Yeah, and they're often stories
05:50 that don't involve the average person.
05:52 We usually shares stories of someone
05:53 who had accommodation in the workplace and so on.
05:58 Likely, I've tried more to show people
06:01 that weren't accommodated.
06:03 People that went to prison for their faith
06:06 not that that's gonna happen to them,
06:07 but that's really where you see religious liberty battled over
06:11 and tested, you know, in a way
06:14 that just a court case never can do.
06:16 Now last summer, I was in Nigeria.
06:18 I flew into Abuja and as we were driving trough the city,
06:24 I see a huge mosque,
06:27 that's the national mosque and a huge church,
06:32 that's the national church.
06:33 They're trying to be even handed with both.
06:37 But at the same time at the streets
06:40 our armed person at the-- entered major intersections,
06:43 armed personal carries with turned machine guns on top
06:47 and snowplows to push cars out of the way in--
06:50 because, you know, car bomb
06:52 or something you've to get through the crowd of cars
06:56 and that's all holy war stuff going on.
06:58 You could drive through the same city in--
07:02 on a Sunday, the streets are blocked
07:05 because they parked the cars everywhere on the major streets
07:08 so a car bomb can't get to a church.
07:10 Now here's an interesting thing.
07:12 Christianity and Islam in this conflict
07:15 neither have gone underground.
07:18 They are both coming out in the open
07:20 at the risk of being killed by the other side.
07:23 In that culture its not,
07:28 some non-definite they idea,
07:32 its real and they come out in the open
07:34 and until Christians see a conflict as real
07:37 or Muslims they just go along with a secular Christian,
07:42 whatever mix and somehow we got to let them see
07:45 it is real, not to become militaristic.
07:48 I think the reason that's so open in those countries
07:52 is that's impossible to go underground, because in--
07:54 in traditional cultures and societies everybody knows
07:58 what everyone else is doing.
07:59 I mean, not each person knows what every other person
08:02 but they community--
08:04 Oh, but -- but they've got signs
08:05 everywhere painted on their walls.
08:07 Well, yeah, but I mean they've gone that way
08:09 because there is no alternative.
08:10 You can't be invisible in your neighborhood,
08:12 which you can in the west.
08:14 You some of us even do it in that place.
08:16 You come and go and do you thing
08:18 and you just open the door and go in but you don't--
08:21 your neighbor doesn't know what you're doing.
08:22 You don't know what your neighbor thinks a lot.
08:24 We're-- we're more insulated.
08:26 But certainly--
08:27 But back to your question young people
08:29 if its not life and death issue they tend to ignore it.
08:33 And that's human nature
08:34 but I know that-- but it does trouble me.
08:36 I wish there was a way and we're trying certainly
08:39 within our church with an organization called
08:42 the North American Religious Liberty Association.
08:44 We're trying to turn it
08:45 in to an activist member driven thing.
08:48 Where we've got a car drive of true believe
08:51 that can do things.
08:53 Its proving hard.
08:55 And something just hit me.
08:57 I've gone in and testified it
08:59 on the state house level for religious liberty issues.
09:03 Questions of conscience cases and things like that,
09:06 when different bills were being discussed.
09:08 We should've been taking young people with us
09:11 to listen in and to realize it
09:13 it's really happening in our world.
09:16 We've done this a few times and just a few days ago
09:19 some of these NARLA people
09:20 we took them down to Washington
09:24 and visited in the offices of different senators
09:27 and Congressmen and they love it.
09:29 So we need to do more about that.
09:31 What about having them write up their experiences
09:37 in some of the magazines for their peers?
09:41 I've tried a little bit but we need more of its.
09:43 Its very hard to get stories from young people well,
09:46 we need to, we need to.
09:47 One of the things I used to do as a pastor
09:49 and I've often been involved with the young people
09:54 and one of my favorite things to do
09:56 is to get purposefully in an argument
10:00 with the young people.
10:01 There was a advocate kind of thing,
10:03 I'll go after and prove their spiritual viewpoint wrong
10:07 by taking somebody else's viewpoint
10:10 and just go after them and get them irritated
10:15 so that they start grabbing for their Bibles
10:17 to prove me wrong and at that's when I knew I made it.
10:20 When I can get them go into the Bible to prove
10:24 and then I'll eventually help them out,
10:28 You've given me a good idea.
10:29 Get thinking about that, when find--
10:31 We need to sponsor religious liberty debates
10:35 with young people.
10:36 Oh, that would work.
10:38 Very much like debating societies
10:40 where you have teams and you gave them a premise
10:44 and or two sides of a premise.
10:47 Just assigned, because very good.
10:49 I found it very good sometimes, if you would--
10:52 I think you know me well enough already
10:54 that I sometimes counter view, just you--
10:56 Sure, I do too.
10:57 Just to draw at what the other person
11:00 can say to defend the view that I might have.
11:02 But think as a Seventh-day Adventist.
11:04 Yes.
11:05 We're not always-- like any church
11:07 you get people that have a viewpoint
11:09 and they're not willing to allow somebody else
11:11 have another viewpoint, may be a part of this discussion
11:14 and everything would be to learn.
11:16 Hey, we could actually love each other
11:19 and believe we're both going to heaven
11:20 even if we have a different viewpoint on some things
11:24 if we're both in love with Jesus.
11:25 Yeah.
11:26 Now anyhow this-- this is the moment.
11:29 Viewers, when the debating society for religious liberty
11:33 and I think I'm gonna push that,
11:35 but in a good suggestion.
11:37 But I know, you know, as much of the posters
11:41 and of many of the churches I'm sure to,
11:43 it's very hard to get members
11:46 and particularly young people to do things.
11:48 They will sit and listen if they come in the door,
11:51 but beyond that unless it's, you know--
11:54 That we've got it.
11:55 Camping out or something that's just a regular activity,
11:57 they may not respond to involvement.
12:00 Yeah, I've-- wherever
12:01 I've been I try to get kids involved
12:03 in worship services and all kinds of things
12:05 because if they're not involved it's not theirs.
12:08 Yeah, you've got to by in at some point.
12:10 You get a young person involved
12:11 and the other kids are paying attention while they're there.
12:13 Absolutely, and I'm not young anymore or I feel that old.
12:17 But I'm-- the candles
12:19 are getting quite hot to me, you know that,
12:22 but I could remember
12:24 what its like to be young person
12:25 and I do believe young people are inherently idealistic
12:31 and that needs to be honest.
12:35 You might find some of those young people really good
12:37 what they're doing in those debating
12:39 then consider doing a team sermon
12:41 with one of those good ones.
12:42 Yeah, that's a good idea. Yeah.
12:45 I did that one time and we had a truth split over,
12:49 a youth activities and-- and separating youth
12:52 from the church and a young person and I
12:56 get together and we did a team sermon
12:57 that help pull the church together.
13:01 Yeah it's a double head sword to have a separate service
13:04 for young people and they enjoy it
13:06 but they need to be incorporated
13:07 into the main group
13:09 and for them to lead out is a good thing.
13:12 But yeah, religious liberty can be lost very easily
13:16 in the world at large if its not individual people
13:19 that fight for it and argue for it and live it, advance it.
13:24 You know the -- communism
13:27 is in its twilight days in some ways
13:29 but it advanced by mostly young people.
13:32 But they vision some other more revolutionaries not here.
13:34 Islamic states mostly young people...
13:36 Oh, absolutely, yes, it's a good point.
13:38 Christianity is gonna have
13:39 to become young people pretty soon.
13:41 And the level of their commitment
13:43 of Islamic State is very interesting that,
13:45 a number of the young girls that they picked up
13:48 trying to leave the US.
13:49 They be going over there just to marry a revolution--
13:52 to marry one of the Jihadi's
13:54 which is sort of strange
13:55 because the Jihadi is ready to die
13:58 and act suicidal so the marriage is probably
14:01 in potential not too long live but that's their contribution.
14:05 When unless you have something worth dying for,
14:07 you have anything worth living for.
14:08 Well, that's the statement, isn't it?
14:09 Yeah.
14:10 And you can see it in history that's pretty much true.
14:12 But I do know, again remembering
14:14 what its like as young person
14:16 and I don't know how get through those them.
14:19 It's a great concept to--
14:22 you know, to spend yourself on something
14:25 and for an Islamic young person,
14:27 Islamic fundamentalist to die worth dying for,
14:30 but a young person doesn't understand this,
14:32 it's an abstraction.
14:34 So that they might die
14:37 but they are not really meaning to die.
14:38 Yeah.
14:40 They think they're immortal.
14:41 Right, young people do think. Yeah.
14:43 So, that's not just Islamic State,
14:47 that's why the Marines and all of rest they sign up
14:49 the 18-year-olds get involved.
14:52 Well, they are unaware of their mortality.
14:56 When they can still be taught to a follow orders.
14:58 Right, yeah. Oh, yeah.
15:00 Anyhow, that's another topic.
15:01 Now we need to have, a program on militarism
15:04 and how it affects religion.
15:07 Yes. And freedom issues.
15:09 But, yeah you've come up with some good suggestions.
15:15 May be we should take a break now
15:17 and we'll be back to continue this brainstorming
15:21 for religious liberty.


Revised 2015-07-23