Liberty Insider

Historical View of Islam along with Christianity

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Tim Roosenburg


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000286B

00:05 Welcome back to "The Liberty Insider."
00:07 Before the break with guest Tim Roosenberg,
00:09 we were hitting the heavy topic
00:12 of prophecy in Islam and last day events
00:16 and so I'd asked you, Tim, just see if you can
00:18 just give a point of reference to our discussion.
00:21 The central thing that you are dealing with us,
00:24 the kings of the North and the South,
00:26 how could you sort of set the scene on that?
00:30 Well, let me just use my hand for the Mediterranean
00:34 and we have Jerusalem right here
00:35 at the east end of the Mediterranean
00:38 and the conflict is king
00:40 and North king and the South in Daniel 11.
00:42 Starting at with Persia, that takes Babylon
00:45 which and then occupies Jerusalem from the North.
00:48 Don't leave your hand over...
00:49 Yeah, comes in from the North.
00:51 Then the Greeks come in from the North.
00:53 Then the Greek empire divides four ways.
00:55 All the invaders into Israel had to come
00:57 from the North even if they started somewhere else.
01:00 That pretty much...
01:01 Unless they came form Egypt, there's a South.
01:04 It's true.
01:06 Because they are wider on one direction...
01:08 They are running really two directions.
01:10 You are right.
01:11 In Egypt though, they are usually didn't
01:12 'cause Egypt was, where they would have refuge.
01:14 It was most times the Federal country.
01:17 So the Greeks the came from the North...
01:18 I'm sorry I took you off this summation.
01:20 But then it spits to a North and the South
01:23 and that you have Sallust to the North,
01:25 the town is to the South, Jerusalem
01:27 gets caught in the middle for couple of centuries.
01:29 Then Rome takes over the whole Mediterranean.
01:33 Then Rome splits and again you have a North and a South.
01:36 You have the Christian North, Islamic South
01:38 and Jerusalem gets caught in the middle again
01:40 and it's still the city caught in the middle.
01:43 Now there are three conflicts: the first one, The Crusades...
01:46 Rome split into two between the eastern and the western.
01:51 Ah, not in Daniel.
01:54 In Daniel 7 and 8, Greek splits four ways.
01:57 And that's your Tolonese and the other.
01:59 But in Daniel 11, it only looks at North and South.
02:02 That's true, Daniel, though.
02:04 In Daniel 7and 8 you have in Daniel 2,
02:07 a ten-part split of Rome.
02:10 But in Daniel 11, only North and South.
02:13 Okay.
02:14 And all the North and South
02:16 previously were related to Jerusalem.
02:18 So if you continue with the same pattern,
02:20 you've got exactly the same thing
02:23 and you're gonna expect three conflicts,
02:26 three rules in Revelation, three conflicts in Daniel 11
02:29 after the fall of Rome and you have the Crusades,
02:32 the Ottomans and The Time of the End.
02:35 In The Time of the End conflict
02:37 you're gonna have the king of the South
02:39 push against the king of the North and attack him,
02:41 get the king of the North angry
02:43 and then it will go like a whirlwind
02:46 and Egypt would be overthrown.
02:49 Libya and Ethiopia will follow the king of the North and,
02:54 Moab, Edom and Ammon will escape
02:57 and that we can go to a further a while too
03:00 and the meaning of all that
03:02 but I have discovered in Daniel 11,
03:05 after the time of Christ,
03:06 everything is geopolitical and spiritual.
03:09 The king of the North runs real armies
03:12 and has real territory but it's also spiritual.
03:14 It attacks God's covenant and His people.
03:17 The king of the South ahs real armies,
03:19 real territory but it's also spiritual.
03:22 God's people Israel,
03:24 there is a real land of Israel or Palestine.
03:27 However, spiritually, God's people of faith,
03:30 anyone except Jesus is Lord and Savior
03:32 called Israelites in the New Testament.
03:34 Every thing is running on two levels in this prophecy
03:37 and has been accurate all the way through.
03:39 Yeah, I think you're accurate on that
03:41 'cause there's a lot of people take things spiritually
03:44 and far too many Christians in America
03:48 I think see the fortunes of the modern state of Israel
03:51 is as the literal fulfillment.
03:53 Oh, yeah, you are right about it.
03:54 But I thing this dual approach is the best way to go.
03:56 Here's the interesting thing.
03:58 Back in Jesus' day, they were looking for a literal
04:02 and they were ignoring spiritual.
04:03 In our time, many Christians are looking at a literal
04:07 and focusing on Jerusalem and they are not looking
04:10 at a world wide spiritual application.
04:12 Daniel 11 is really interesting.
04:14 It is literal but it is only like a parable.
04:17 That's only the surface level.
04:18 The real application is the world wide spiritual.
04:21 Yeah, and it causes the real conflict
04:23 that the New Testament, particularly speaks about
04:28 is the battle between the powers of evil, spiritual,
04:32 what does Paul say?
04:34 You know that we battle not against
04:37 the spiritual wickedness in the high places.
04:39 Of course the high places he means is satanic forces.
04:43 Let me add an interesting level to this.
04:47 During the time of the Crusades,
04:50 where Papacy has Israel, Jerusalem,
04:55 part of it, part of it.
04:57 During that time they also pretty much had control
04:59 of Christianity in the Northern part.
05:02 During the second part, they lost control of Jerusalem.
05:06 The Turks had it.
05:08 They also lost control of the church in the North
05:10 because of the reformation.
05:12 Now notice, whatever is happening literally
05:14 is happening spiritually.
05:16 In the third one, they once again get Jerusalem
05:18 according to the prophecy.
05:20 But in Revelation 13:3, and all the world follows him.
05:25 You have this geopolitical spiritual
05:27 that's going point by point through.
05:30 Do you think that in this contest
05:33 between not so much terrorism but the Muslim world
05:39 and its different political entities,
05:41 do you think that they will antagonize Christian powers
05:45 enough to retake Jerusalem
05:47 for sort of an international religious city?
05:51 It wouldn't surprise me at all.
05:54 I'm sort of leading here
05:55 because I think it's not impossible myself.
05:57 I don't know exactly how they do it.
06:01 But it says the king in the North
06:02 sets up his headquarters, temporary head quarters,
06:04 his tens of his palace in the near Jerusalem.
06:07 Depends on how you read the Hebrew
06:08 if it's in Jerusalem or near it.
06:10 So I had to say in or near Jerusalem
06:11 'cause Hebrew experts can't agree on that one.
06:15 I mean, I actually have read stuff about like
06:17 in Jerusalem sort of an international
06:20 or you know, like a theme park for religious identity.
06:24 And I would really like to know
06:25 what may have been going on in the back sides
06:28 of the recent agreement
06:29 with the Papacy acknowledging this Palestinians Day.
06:35 Well, I don't have message on this program before
06:38 but this is the best context.
06:42 I remember in the twilight days
06:46 of John Paul's Pontificate, he went to the Middle East
06:50 and I remember that before he went to Jerusalem,
06:52 he stopped in Ramallah
06:54 and signed an agreement with Arafat,
06:57 basically a treaty where by they said that
07:01 both of then had to be involved
07:04 with the disposition of the Jerusalem
07:07 and a few years later, few years ago now,
07:12 we had a meeting with one of the PLO leaders.
07:16 Actually they headed the delegation in Washington.
07:20 And I asked him about this
07:22 and I was very surprised at his reaction.
07:25 He got very animated and he says, I remember that,
07:28 he said, I was Arafat's deputy in Ramallah
07:32 when he signed that.
07:33 I was standing next to him when he signed it
07:35 and I said, "Is this the binding document?"
07:37 'Cause I said they both did.
07:38 And he says, "Of course," he says, "I want to assure you,
07:42 he says, "the Holy father is still intimately involved
07:46 with disposition of Jerusalem."
07:48 Sure.
07:49 They've always had an interest in it.
07:50 Yes, you know, in a way.
07:52 It's not an unexpected thing to know
07:55 but to me that was like a little window to see, yes,
07:57 this is ticking on in the backyard.
07:59 And so what city is still caught in the middle?
08:01 Islam has the Temple mount,
08:03 Jews are there at the Wailing Wall,
08:05 Christians want control of it,
08:07 it's still the city in the middle.
08:08 You know, the Islamic claim to Jerusalem
08:11 is not as clear as people imagine.
08:13 Yeah, you know what?
08:15 They have possession as nine tenths
08:16 to the law at the moment.
08:18 Well, it's probably even more than that.
08:20 When I was there when were at sunset Friday
08:24 at the Wailing Wall, or the Western Wall,
08:26 'cause I don't like to call the Wailing wall,
08:28 it struck me as overbearing
08:30 with the Al-Aqsa Mosque sitting on top of it.
08:33 It's like yes, you know, I control this
08:37 even though you think this is a Holy spot.
08:39 And if you visit up at the Mosque
08:42 or the Dome of Iraq and then come down
08:44 along the Western Wall,
08:45 you're not always completely welcomed in either spot.
08:48 It's a Gentile.
08:49 What I was gonna say that
08:51 the Islamic claim is interesting
08:54 because Muhammad was never there.
08:56 He had a dream a night, His Night ride.
08:59 Yes, His Night ride.
09:02 You know, where He...
09:04 But haven't you seen
09:06 the hoof prints of His horse in Iraq?
09:08 Well, legend could become pretty physical people
09:12 at their imagination.
09:14 But that's what it is.
09:15 And even though it was not totally clear
09:18 whether it was Jerusalem but it's identified that
09:23 you know, that sort of gives them claim
09:24 and it does figure in the end time events,
09:28 that when Muhammad and Jesus and the prophets
09:31 and the come back.
09:34 It'll all center around Jerusalem.
09:36 So one way or another, yes, you are right.
09:38 The major faiths have a claim on this
09:41 and on all occasions there have even been fist fights
09:44 and pushing and shoving between the various ministers
09:48 and clerics of the different phase.
09:51 Now we also have this third and final conflict.
09:56 For the first time since the Ottoman Empire
10:00 in June and July of 2014, we now have a effective
10:04 where some might functioning Caliphate
10:07 with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in Islamic State.
10:11 So for the first time since Ottoman Empire
10:13 we have a king of the South.
10:14 He instantly starts pushing against Christianity,
10:17 hard in Iraq and Syria.
10:19 Well, certainly the extirpation of Christians from Muslim.
10:21 It's pretty high.
10:23 I guess Seven, The Pope, the king of the North.
10:26 That's of 2000 and...
10:28 2014, just a month later.
10:30 Oh, last year.
10:32 Just a month and less than a year ago.
10:36 2104, he calls for a military action
10:42 against the Islamic State.
10:44 So that prophecy says the king of the South
10:46 will push against the king of the North.
10:47 The king of the North will come out him like a whirlwind.
10:52 The next day, Obama,
10:54 the President of the United States says,
10:55 the United States is coming to help.
10:57 And about 24 hrs after the Pope's call
10:58 for the military action,
11:00 the United States starts bombing the Islamic State.
11:04 Since then Islamic State has called the United States,
11:09 the Dog of Rome.
11:12 And because Papacy calls for action, Tomasi,
11:16 the Pope's ambassador to the UN within a couple of days
11:19 of the Pope's call made it clear that
11:21 that was military action that was being required
11:24 and just a month or two ago Tomasi came out
11:27 with a joint statement with Russia calling
11:30 for an International Coalition to go after the Islamic State.
11:35 Russia considers themselves the protector of Orthodox,
11:39 the Papacy of the Catholic church,
11:41 together they made a united call
11:44 for a coalition to take on Islamic State.
11:47 So the dynamic of the Crusades is with us still.
11:50 That's what I see at that.
11:53 Exactly, that's it.
11:54 But the prophecy says the king of the South
11:56 pushing it against him gets him mad.
11:59 He responds and you have an overpowering
12:02 military action that follows.
12:05 We're not there yet.
12:06 No, we're in dynamic situation.
12:08 It's you know, we have very little time left
12:10 but I just want to say and I give you a last word.
12:12 There's no question that prophecy is not words
12:15 on an old, in an old book.
12:16 It's playing out.
12:18 It's playing out in front of us right today
12:20 and it's amazing and what we have going now
12:24 is day by day, I keep looking at the news wondering
12:28 what exactly is gonna be happening today.
12:31 It's unfolding rapidly and I'm really excited about
12:34 watching scriptures come to life.
12:38 The Burden of History,
12:39 it's a phrase that resonates far too much today.
12:44 It's impossible to really understand
12:45 what's happening in the Middle East
12:47 and once you understand history
12:49 as far back as World War 1 certainly
12:51 but as far back as Crusades, I'll be oblique.
12:56 I believe a Christian, anyone of faith,
12:59 needs to understand history,
13:02 great woman that lead out in my church said
13:04 we have nothing to fear for the future except
13:06 we forget the way the Lord has lead in the past
13:10 and as we look at these confusing developments
13:13 that involve religion and fanatical religion often,
13:16 we need to realize that
13:17 the Burden of History is not on the past.
13:21 It reaches to the future
13:22 because it explains in God's word
13:26 that history is leading toward a great moment,
13:29 a moment of liberation, not when ISLE
13:32 or some other fanatical group wave their bandits
13:35 and their rifles over defeated fall
13:38 but when the Lord comes to receive His own
13:41 as it says to reward the faithful,
13:45 to bring history to an end and at eternity to a beginning.
13:51 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2015-08-27